Friday, May 18, 2012

1st Blog for 2012 Summer Soc 1101

Please read the short article below and state, in your opinion, how the courts should proceed with this man’s case. Make sure to give your reasoning.

You can read the story by following this link.


  1. Because Hatchett is not breaking any laws, according to the court, there is not much the court can do besides ensure that Hatchett pays monthly child support to each of the eleven mothers. Since the article did not mention any of the children living with Hatchett, there are no moves to be made as far as child services are concerned. In my opinion, though it is in no way the court's responsibility, Hatchett should have monthly meetings with a professional just to ensure that he is stable in his personal and work life and that he is paying child support for each and every one of his children.

    1. i agree with you but as long as he is paying his support the court can not step in and order him to do anything until the point that he is not currently paying, it seems like this guy really knows how to work the system.

  2. When you father a child, I think you have a fundamental responsibility to provide for that child with necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. My thoughts when I read about the man was how spectacularly irresponsible and selfish he is. Children are precious gifts from God and are our future. This is sadly a common problem the courts deal with and one they are doing all they legally can to solve. A primary tool a court uses to deal with a father not paying child support and failing to maintain employment is imputing income, meaning the court establishes a child support obligation based on what the judge believes the father potentially can earn rather than what he actually earns and his responsibility does not end because of underemployment or unemployment. Child support is not lessened because of underemployment. Other penalties even include the possibility of incarceration for failing to maintain gainful employment and paying child support. Other sanctions include suspension of a driver's license and a court order requiring the father to pay more in child support to cover the past due balance. These actions and sanctions are designed to protect the best interests of the child. This situation is sad because the father’s earning potential is not enough to support one child never mind all his children. It is sad that this particular father cannot be stopped from further fathering of children by court ordered castration!
    As a society, I think we need to do more in the schools to teach our young children responsibility for their actions and what it means to be a responsible adult. I believe these problems can only be solved through the proper installation of values in children. Our schools put too much emphasis in winning and not enough in becoming a good, caring, and empathetic adult. I think we need to add this training to our curriculum, after all life skills are not always taught at home.

  3. Ken T. 49
    Perhaps Hatchett should consider an overseas job in order to pay for his off-spring. I don't believe that any additional breaks should be given in regards to his current child support. Half his income should continue to be divided between the custodial parents in accordance to the TN laws. Most likely, Hatchett will remain behind in support for the rest of his life. We all make our own choices, he made his choice thirty times (so far).

    1. Erelin R-44 in Responce to Ken T
      There is no need for him to go overseas to get a job. Thats just another way for him to get out of paying child support here in the US. Thats also gonna allow him to father more children in another country that may not obligate him to pay for his offsprings. What good will that do to them.

    2. Jimella B43 in response to Ken T49 there is no need for him to go over seas because as you stated he will remain behind in child support for the rest of his life. His actions and choices got him in this mess so he needs to think of a way to correct it.

    3. Lizzy A.44 Online in response to Ken T49

      The thought of Mr. Hatchett going overseas should not be considered. He got himself into the mess and he most clean it up. He should not be allowed to hide from his responsibilities for these children.

    4. Jalaacya M43 online in response to Ken T49
      If he goes overseas I feel as though he would go in hiding once he gets there. I totally agree that he will always be behind in child support. He clearly has 30 children there is no way an average man like him would be able to pay it off. Hatchett made his bed now he has to lay in it, so his complaining means nothing to me.

  4. I think this is a sad case in that the court really has no course of action to take, he is in fact paying his child support, and is asking for a reduction, it is a shame that a man (or any of the 11 women he has kids with) would want to bring 30 kids into the world when he is so poorly prepared to take care of them, it is even sadder for the kids that they dad thinks that as little as $1.49 a month is too much support. I think the court should not only deny his request but should look into making him obtain another higher paying job.

    1. Michaelia B. 43 in ressponse to Cadler40

      I've read through the comments on this topic and no one else has placed blame on the mothers of these 30 children, as you have, who should also be held responsible. It takes two to tango and Mr. Hatchett did not make 30 children on his own. Mr. Hatchett, in my opinion, does not value his children to send them a mere $1.49 per month even after attending court in 2009 and stating that he was not going to father any more children, but yet and still 9 more came in a matter of 3 years.

  5. Annsley B. 75
    After 30 children with 11 different women, it should be court ordered for this man to have a vasectomy and then be done with him. You can't get blood from a turnip. He can not have much of a relationship with these 30 children, due to the fact he can't even afford them. How can he be asking for a break though, when he only pays $1.49 a month to one of these mothers. The women are just as stupid as Hatchett. I don't feel that the court should help these sorry women and demand Hatchett to pay them. They should have know this man and his past and should walk away and not have any relationship with him. Its all a bunch of crap to me. Its all about the money and I feel these women should work as hard as they can to support their children, if Hatchett does not want to contribute to help raise his children then that shows he is sorry. If a women is smart they wouldn't have a thing to do with Hatchett.

  6. Annsley B. 75 in response to Cadler40
    I agree with you it is sad that they would bring this many children into the world knowing they cannot fully support them all. I do think it is sad that the court is not taking any action. I feel that they should demand something like I said, a vasectomy or like you stated that he gets a higher paying job.

  7. Tracey E. 49
    I definitely don't feel bad for him, he chose to continue having children when he knew he couldn't afford the first 21, in my opinion he should have stopped way before it got to where it is now. It is understandable to have needs but at the same time there are procedures to prevent things like this from happening. If you look at the big picture this is not only a financial issue but also whether or not he has any type of relationship with all of his children, to me that is the most important thing. Clearly he won't be able to support them financially unless he hits the lottery or comes into a good amount of money but I believe that having a great relationship with them is bigger than any check he could ever write.

  8. Tokunbo N 67.
    looking at the Hatchett case from a moral point of view,he is wrong and counld be endangering his life and the women with some STD's.A man should be responsible for his children.
    Hatchett shouldnt take all the blame, it is obvious that he is not a responsible man,the women involved should also be held responsible for their actions.
    But the truth is Hatchett is a lucky man that he is from this party for the world were freedom to do what ever is key.

  9. In my opinion, Hatchett has made his own fate. If you choose to have unprotected sex this many times and as a direct consequence you have 30 kids, your responsible for there well being. If the only way you can provide for them is through child support then that is your duty. I believe all requests Hatchett ask for in regards to getting his child support payments reduced, should be denied. His children should not half to suffer for his poor decision making or his poor actions.

  10. In Response Tokunbo N 67;

    Hatchett should absolutely take all the blame. Your right is is not a responsible adult, however that shouldnt be any excuse as to how he should be treated. He was the one who got 11 different women pregnant, for all we know he could have lied to all of them and said he wasnt a father. The likely hood of that being true is more likely that it is also the women are just as involved and should be held responsible. Technically they are being responsible, if he is paying child support that means he isnt part of his kids lives (as in he doesnt take them to school everyday, make meals everyday, ensures they have clothes to wear) and the mothers are taking care of them. Cause if he did do all those things, he wouldnt be paying child support, in fact he would be collecting.

  11. Tokunbo N 67 In response to Tracey E. 49

    I strongly agree with tracy, he has to win the mega millions to sort the kids out financially.he has to man up and have great relationship with his kids so they dont turn out to be a negative influence to the society.
    personally he should be in jail with all the mothers and the government should put the kids in foaster care where they can get the love the deserve.$1.49 cant even buy a decent candy bar.

  12. Tokunbo N 44.
    looking at the Hatchett case from a moral point of view,he is wrong and counld be endangering his life and the women with some STD's.A man should be responsible for his children.
    Hatchett shouldnt take all the blame, it is obvious that he is not a responsible man,the women involved should also be held responsible for their actions.
    But the truth is Hatchett is a lucky man that he is from this party for the world were freedom to do what ever is key.

    1. Exactly, the women should also be held accountable. Were they not aware that he has other women in his life? am a woman but most times, I don't understand how cheap and careless some women could be.

  13. Tokunbo N 44 In response to Tracey E. 49
    I strongly agree with tracy, he has to win the mega millions to sort the kids out financially.he has to man up and have great relationship with his kids so they dont turn out to be a negative influence to the society.
    personally he should be in jail with all the mothers and the government should put the kids in foaster care where they can get the love the deserve.$1.49 cant even buy a decent candy bar.

  14. Leslie B.40
    Mr. Hatchett is an adult who has made adult decisions. The women that have bore his children are also responsible for their actions. The court could suggest that he get a second, and third job to help support his children. (I know a mother that has 1 full time job and 4 part times just to pay her bills.) Maybe that would keep him busy enough that he would have little time to go on 'dates' with these women. Of course, many non-custodial parents remain underemployed to avoid paying higher child support. I am not sure the court can do much more than suggest since he is paying what is required. I do not believe his support should be reduced because we all have consequences for our actions and if there was a legal way to make the situation more painful for him, as well as the mothers, that would be great. I have a sneaking suspicion that we tax payers are supporting his offspring.

  15. Sopheak49
    Having 30 kids is crazy. The court should put him on some sort of probation with condition that he find a higher paying job or work overtime.

  16. Bernadette M 43 online
    When you father a child, I think you have a fundamental responsibility to provide for that child with necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. My thoughts when I read about the man was how spectacularly irresponsible and selfish he is. Children are precious gifts from God and are our future. This is sadly a common problem the courts deal with and one they are doing all they legally can to solve. A primary tool a court uses to deal with a father not paying child support and failing to maintain employment is imputing income, meaning the court establishes a child support obligation based on what the judge believes the father potentially can earn rather than what he actually earns and his responsibility does not end because of underemployment or unemployment. Child support is not lessened because of underemployment. Other penalties even include the possibility of incarceration for failing to maintain gainful employment and paying child support. Other sanctions include suspension of a driver's license and a court order requiring the father to pay more in child support to cover the past due balance. These actions and sanctions are designed to protect the best interests of the child. This situation is sad because the father’s earning potential is not enough to support one child never mind all his children. It is sad that this particular father cannot be stopped from further fathering of children by court ordered castration!
    As a society, I think we need to do more in the schools to teach our young children responsibility for their actions and what it means to be a responsible adult. I believe these problems can only be solved through the proper installation of values in children. Our schools put too much emphasis in winning and not enough in becoming a good, caring, and empathetic adult. I think we need to add this training to our curriculum, after all life skills are not always taught at home.

  17. JakeC.97
    Sounds like he needs to pick up a few extra shifts or a night job. If he fathers children into the world, he should take some kind of responsibilty for their well being...even it is only $1.25 a month.

  18. KathrynC.43
    I can hardly fathom that this man is asking for a break and that he has fathered 30 children with 11 different women. The amount of $1.49 is not even enough to buy a meal for one of these children at a restaurant. He obviously was not thinking at the time of conception and neither were the women he was with. I believe that he should be ordered to have a vasectomy because he had already been in financial problems with 21. He is a prime example of someone who expects others to take care of him and his responsibilty. I work hard to take care of my children and have no respect for someone who asks society to help pay for their financial obligations to a child.If you knew you were in trouble at 21 children common sense should make you stop! As a parent of 4 children it also makes me wonder what kind of "quality time" is he spending with his children? I can hardly divide myself between my 4.

    1. Jimella B43 in response to KathrynC 43 I absolutely agree with you. He is not spending quality and doesn't even pay enough child support to buy one pamper and he is asking for a break. There is no level of respect that can be given to him. He is a disgrace.

  19. KathrynC.43 In response to TraceyE.49
    I also agree that a relationship with children is very important. We all look to our parents for guidance and to teach us as children what is right and wrong. What kind of example is this man setting for his sons and daughters? He would need more than the lottery to pay his financial obligation, and I see no way he could ever pay the emotional toll that his actions will cause his children for years to follow.

  20. Frances M. 847

    In my opinion as man he needs to own up to his responsiblity and do not feel he should be cut a break from having to pay child support. He made the decision to lay down with these women and he should own up to whatever responsiblity he has which are the children. In reading this I did not think anything like this was real but this riduculus to think that someone as old as this man is that thinks he can sleep around and have this many children not using any kind of protection let this kind of situation let be.

  21. I don't feel any sympothy for this man, he needs to keep it in his pants, and he wouldnt have to worry about all this child support. They dont need to cut him a break because any other man would have to pay. The mothers cant do it all by themselves either and they shouldnt have to pay for his actions. I believe you sleep in the bed you make and he made this himself so he can sleep in it himself..

  22. Kitrina B49,
    I feel that even though as they say "he is not breaking any laws", he is still in fact hurting people, mainly the children who so desperately need a father and a fathers support. He does not, in my opion, deserve a break from any of his parental duties. It's time for him to man up and take responsibility for his actions. If they keep giving him breaks he will never learn anything except how to shurk his responsibilities. Why should he get away with that when the mothers have no choice? At the very least these children deserve financial support.

  23. He should not get a break. He is responsible for his own actions. In other words he knew what he was doing, so he need to better himself through educations, therfore he won't have to settle for a minimum wage job or better yet he need to go get a second job.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Bernadette M43 online in response to Kitrina B49

    I agree he does not deserve a break and probably needs some time in jail. I know he cannot pay anything while in jail, but let us face it; he really is not paying anything now. I think the main problem here is to stop him from future acts of stupidity. I do agree the women do share some responsibility in this especially if they have more than one by this man or if they knew what they were getting into. However, most of the time these women are charmed by these men and do not see it coming. The mothers are as far as we can tell the ones who are taking the responsibility to take care of their children. It is a shame that these things go on, and that the court does not have more options in these cases.

    1. I agree with you on the mothers of these children should own up as well some responsibility dealing with a low life no good of a man who can't take care of his own offspring. This is a very sad case. The mothers especially having more than one child from Hatchett should know better and should be able to provide as well for the children instead of relying on a no good man. What do these women see in a man like this? How can one be happy?

  26. Erelin R-44
    In my opinion this should have not made the news to begin with. Mr Hachett is looking for the attention of other dead beat dads to try and start some type of revolution against child support. The court should be taking his whole check or leave him with $1.75 for a month. So he understands what its like for the mothers and children. Unfortunately there will be no justice here since the court will not order him to get a better job and better himself for his sake and the childrens sake. The fact of the matter is if he really wanted to he could find 2 better paying jobs and contribute more to his children he has now. Also getting a vasectomy is not a bad idea and he could still sleep around (since apparently thats what he like to do) without fathering more children.

    1. Elizabeth M. 44
      Unfortunately for this situation ordering a vasectomy would be a violation of his rights. I like your idea of leaving him with only $1.75 a month.

  27. Mr. Hatchett needs some counseling on birth control. The courts could advise him to get counseling or birth control device such as condoms from the local health department or Planned Parenthood. He is working for ninimum wage but of course that would not be enough to support his thirty children. Government agencies can help with some of the children's needs especially when they are very young. Women, Infants and children is a program that provides money for food. The courts may be able to provide an advocate or social worker for his children. This does not keep him from fathering mor children however. He needs to accept responsability for his actions and decide to use birth control when he desires sex.

  28. How can a man who continually procreates ask for a break from the court system! Although I believe that the government should stay out of the personal lives of citizens and everyone has personal choice, i also believe that if a man continues to father children but cannot pay for them he shouldn't be allowed to "produce" anymore. Birth control is not just for women to take but also for men, clearly he missed that lecture in school.

  29. I think that he is completely irresponsible. but, i don't believe that the government should have the right to try and regulate his sex life in any way. As far as the child support issue it's ridiculous that he would make the choice to have unprotected sex repeatedly fathering children. A reasonable, responsible person would make a change long before he fathered 33 children. On the other hand he only makes so much money and they can only take what he has, it's not as if he chooses not to pay. I mean to say that he isn't drivin a ferrari and eating filet mignon while his children get $1.50 a month. Although the whole IS his fault.

  30. I don't believe that Mr. Hatchett should have a break on child support. In the past 14 years he his been very irresponsible and careless. It is not against the law to father 30 children but he should have thought about the consequences behind his actions. I'm pretty sure he knew in 2009 when he had 21 children that he could not afford to take care of them Now in 2012 when he decides he needs a break? He has got to be kidding me.! At some point he just has to man up and say hey I fathered these children now I need take care of them.

  31. Jimella B43
    Mr. Hatchett doesn't need a break from child support he needs a vasectomy. He knew in 2009 when he had 21 children that he was not able to take care of them why father 9 more? He was being careless and selfish by not planning and preparing for these children. The bottom line is he needs to take care of his children and it shouldn't take a court for him to do that.

  32. This may be off subject but I mentioned this article to my husband and he thinks he should just have a reality television show with all the kids. With all the profit made it could go to the children. Sounds like a crazy idea but I think it just might work if he played his cards right. And as for the women they could be on the show and get a cut and everyone would live happily ever after.

  33. Quatis S. online 43
    Whoa this is a tough one. I think that it is sad that this man has fathered so many children and can't care for them. I think that there should be a law set in place for men in his situation. It is true that the courts can't order him to stop having children but I beleive that the courts should order him to get a vasectomy. Their are so many programs to help people better themselves for the sanctity of their children such as food stamps, which I know is a federal program. But what laws are set in place for this type of man in which I'd like to call "spayers". He needs to be nutered and the court should pay for it or their should be some type of website/ registry for woman to veiw to forewarn of men who have too many children the care for like, sex offenders, because for me he is an offender of having to many childern and not enough money to care for them. Sprayer!

  34. Quatis S. online-43 in response to Nilere- Erelin R.- 44

    I agree with you 100 percent with the vasectomy. But in reponse to the courts ordering him the get a better paying job to help support his children more would be, too much like right for him. He is already asking for a break. If he makes more money then more money will go to his child support and he doesn't want that. Can you imagine if he is making minimum wage how much of his money goes to him. The sad part about this whole situation is that someone is probaly supporting him, allowing him to wallow in his own mess. But assure you that he is smarter than he is protraying himself be. Like one of our other peers spouses said "reality show". He is about to turn his shame into fame. It would be great for the children.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Ken T. 49 in response to Erelin R-44 and Jimella B43:
    I mentioned overseas work so that he could afford his child support, not for him to run-off. He could have the potential of making around 84K a year with a contract in Iraq or Afghanistan. He was man enough to "father" 30 kids, maybe he should consider whatever is necessary for these kids.

  37. Marci K. 09

    The saddest part of this story is the fact that we have a man out there who thinks so little of his children that he continues to go and procreate, with only pennies to give to each. There are two fundamental issues here, first, that the family unit has become basically obsolete within our culture and secondly, we have a government that waits for a child to be physically harmed before they step in. Clearly Mr. Hatchett thinks nothing of his family, if he did he would want to provide for his children, not ask for reprieve. However, the most alarming thing to me is that our government does't recognize the crime that Mr. Hatchett is committing. As Americans, we can not drive without car insurance, we can't carry a concealed weapon without a permit nor can we carry a pocket knife into an airport, amongst other things, as a protection to those around us and to ourselves. (I agree with all of these things, just making a point) However, Mr. Hatchett is permitted by law to neglect his children by not providing food, shelter, or clothing. In our country the child has to be physically incapacitated or deceased for the crime of neglect to be acknowledged. This is not a question of whether or not Mr. Hatchett should be given reprieve but a question of how much jail time he will receive for blatant child neglect.

  38. Marci K. 09 in response to Bernadette:

    I agree our school systems could do a better job of incorporating character building within the curriculum. However, children are products of their environment and behaviors are learned. I think in addition to the school systems doing their part, the court should mandate a program that requires repeat offenders to attend character building classes. The end goal, being one of reform and the cycle being broken rather than encouraged. Unfortunately many of our federally funded programs do not encourage people to take responsibility for their own lives but rather place a band-aid on the problem and hope for the best.

  39. I think that they should take more than half of his check and make him responsible to pay a certain amount to each child no matter what type of job he has. If he has to get two or three jobs then that is what he needs to do. I'm sure some of those children mothers are getting assistance from the the state and we (taxpayers)should be the ones on the news making a complaint.Due to that being within his control after the first four he knew he wouldn't be able to take care of those children therefore he should have invested in a snip and clip to prevent himself from having more kids.

  40. I like the idea of giving Mr. Hatchett $1.75 per month. Your view of Mr. Hatchett wanting support from other dead beat dads is interesting. We certainly do not need this kind of revolution. The revolution should be holding parents responsible for their children. I also vote for the vasectomy.

  41. Meredith N. 44 in response to Erelin R. 44
    I like the idea of giving Mr.Hatchett $1.75 per month. Your view of Mr. Hatchett wanting support from other dead beat dads is interesting. We certaintly do not need this kind of revolution. The revolution should be holding parents responsible for their children. I also vote for the vasectomy.

  42. Lizzy A.44
    I think the amount Mr.Hatchett is paying for child support should be increased,may be that would make him use is time to get more job to do and also work harder.He needs to feel more responsible for the children well being,perhaps this would help him stop fathering more children.Also,the women have to be blame.The court should make them to pay for their own stupidity.

  43. Elizabeth M. 44
    I think the court should have him pay a certain, reasonable amount of child support per child, regardless of his income. If a man with only one child went before the court for child support the court would never issue him to pay $1 and change a month for his child. Why should it be any different for a man with 30 kids. It is his responsibility to contribute to the support of each and every one of his children no matter what it takes. Even if it means working several jobs. I also think the court should make him take parenting classes as well as sex ed classes because obviously he is unclear about how children are made.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Michaelia B. 43
    I believe that Mr. Hatchett is playing the victim in this situation. The real victim here are his 30 children. Although Mr. Hatchett may have not broken any laws, where I reside a female is eligible for sterilization after three children. I don't see any harm in ordering him to be sterilized because at this point he should be considered a habitual offender in child support court. I do not agree with him paying only $1.49 per child. There is no way possible to support a child on that amount of income, so in turn the mother's of these children are essentially provided 100% of the support for them. If he made them, he should be able to take care of them. In other words, why should the child suffer because their father had 29 other children. If anyone should be suffering Mr. Hatchett should be first in line.

  46. Jessica F.44
    I believe the courts should refuse to give Desmond Hatchett and type of break form the child support payment he is currently obligated to for his children. If he is only providing one of the mothers $1.49 to one of the mothers he should be complaining. The women that are receiving the child support should outrage and going to the courts demanding more money. The court should make Desmond Hatchett attend so type of meeting or take classes on the sex education for prevention method that he is fundamentally lacking the knowledge of and needing a refresher course. Also, require to see somebody that can help him improve is employment for a lager income so that he has the ability to actually be able to support his 30 children that do not deserve the inadequate father that they are stuck with.

  47. Paul W-68 the government cannot do anything for this "minimum wage" making father. Actually they could put him in jail, but that wouldn't be a solution it may add to the problem. I agree with a few excellent points such as: 1. A visectomy, 2. A condom, 3. Stay abstinent. It's as simple as that.

  48. Paul W-68 in response to Sophea K-49 Being on probation would be a great idea. What if he has felony charges for not paying child support? Could he really get a higher paying job that would enable him to pay a certain amount to each mother, I highly doubt it.

  49. Mark W. 49
    Why is everyone hatin' on a playa? Just kidding. What this guy needs is a good, old fashioned chastity belt. If the state pays for anything, it should be a vasectomy. The saddest part of this whole situation are these kids that live in poverty becase "Pops" can't keep it in his pants. He probably can't even tell you their names, much less spend a single moment of time with any of them. This time next year, the count will probably be up to 35. I have one son and all I want is for him not to want for anything.

    1. Victoria S. 43. In response to Mark W. 49
      This post made me laugh. I like how you added some very needed humor to this ridiculous article. I like how you addressed the fact that this father probably doesn't even know half his children names..I can't imagine having so many children that it would actually be difficult to keep up with the names that were given to them. Who knows with so many kids he probably didn't even help pick out the names.

    2. Arveolla M. 43 Online

      I agree with you because this man is really making us pay for what he has created. As a tax payer I refuse to help a man who just was being selfish. I cannot take it out on the children because they don't know what is going on they only know that they have a father and he is not there. You are probably right about the names it would be mind blowing if he did know the names of all the kids, but the way he sounds he probably wasn't even at the hospital when the child was born.

  50. Katarzyna C. 33 online
    First and foremost, I think that this man made his bed and should lay in it. The mere fact that he fathered 30 children with 11 different women, to me, is an act of a selfish man. He needs to take responsibility of his actions and support these children to the best of his ability. It’s also very sad to me that he thinks that $1.49 a month per child is too much…A $1.49 can’t even buy the child diapers or wipes. This infuriates me… I just had a child of my own almost 3 months ago and I know how expensive it is to supply all the necessities for them. I feel bad for these women as well as the children. Instead of asking the courts for a break in child support, he should be out there trying to find a better paying job so that he can support all these children that he fathered. According to the courts, he is not breaking any laws and therefore the courts cannot do anything to him, but I think that they should at least mandate that he take educated himself on birth control.

  51. Victoria S. 43

    Mr. Hatchett does NOT deserve nor does he need a break from his child support. If you're capable of having 31 children then you better be capable of supporting them. Not that a $1.49 is beneficial to any parent, but at least it's giving him SOME responsibility over his children. I do believe that the court system needs to step in and try to figure out some kind of payment plan for him. Whether that's government funding or the court system paying? Of course, that will be coming out of our taxes, but no child deserves to be hungry, without shelter, or care because of one man's ignorance.

  52. Katarzyna C. 33 online in response to Mark W. 49
    I can almost bet that you are right about the children living in poverty because they don’t have any financial support from their “Pops”. It’s hard enough raising one child on your own, but if the mothers have multiple children… I can’t even imagine. And to be honest, I’m surprised that he even knows how many children he has…mainly because like you said, I doubt that he spends any time with them at all.

  53. This is real crazy. First of all what kind of women would subject themselves to someone with all those kids. He do not need a break on child support he should have taken a break on sex. He can buy a condom with a month worth of child support. I do not have nothing against people with a lot of kids along as you can take care of them. I blame the women in the situation because they already knew he had a lot of kids and they deiced to sleep with him unprotected.Which cause for their kids to go lacking. This man need to get a least five jobs so he can take care of his kids. When he get off one job he need to be going to the next. He do not need sleep all he need to do is make money. The more times he spend working the less time he have to make another baby.

    1. Precisely! My point exactly! He NEED to be on his butt workin several hours day to night to support them KIDS! And a valid point about the women. Given the circumstance none of the latter should have slept with him knowing about his little 'situation'. That many kids and he still aint too busy to go sleep around. I know he aint payin the kids the proper fatherly attention they each deserve neither

  54. Carmen G. 87 Online

    Situations such as this one are clearly sad and the only people that end up suffering are the children that are involved. None of those innocent children asked to be here and the fact that they have to suffer because their father is a very selfish and low-life individual to say the least is really upsetting. Another disturbing fact is the women that continued to birth his children after they are clearly aware of what kind of person that he is. Because of his selfishness and pure stupidity, he should have to pay child support for the rest of his natural life, to make up for the lousy dollar and change that he is barely paying now.

  55. Carmen G. 87 Online is response to Chris

    I think that it is a two way street sometimes. I don't think that the government should have a say so in someones sex life; however, in situations such as this one and the case of Octomom, something has to be done. These individuals are bringing an extreme number of children into the world that they cannot care for and its the children that are suffering in the end. There has to be some kind of way to discourage this type of behavior.

  56. Arveolla M. 43
    I think that the judge should not give him a break on child support. The judge should order him to find a second job to help support his children. I don't know why some of these guys think that it is ok to have all these babies and ask for a break in child support. We as women should say NO, but most of the time we think with our hearts and get caught up with DEAD BEAT DAD'S. Personally I know a couple of men who only have one child and have two jobs to make sure their kids have whatever they need no questions asked. He should follow one of them to see what a FATHER is supposed to do.

    1. Kristel B 72 Online in response to Arveolla M. 43

      You brought up a very good point. Yes, we as women should say NO. If these 11 women would have simply said no to this low life and stood their ground for the respect they deserve, they wouldn't be in this mess either. It takes two people to conceive a child. Unless he raped these women, both parties are equally responsible. Surely they have to know what kind of man he is, and if they dont, they definitely do now. The least thing these ladies could have done was to respect themselves and provide themselves with some type of birth control. As much as I hate to distract the attention from Hatchett, these ladies are also responsible for these children. They new full well the possibilities of what could happen that night when they crawled into bed with him. Although, they are not responsible for the dead beat dad that he CONTINUES to be.

  57. Chandis C. 49
    I think the Judge should give him chance to find a way to get the money to support his child. It's too many men getting locked up for child support. They need to take some type of responsibility instead of having to go to jail. Make the man work! There's a child involved!

  58. Bernadette M43 online reply to Chandis C 49
    The problem with that is, that it is obvious this man does not want the chance to work he is looking for a way out! He does not care about getting a job or making money to support his children he has demonstrated that already. He does not care about the welfare of his children or he would not be in this spot. He will not work a second job; he is a selfish man who only cares about himself and his own pleasures. He needs to learn that this behavior is not acceptable and that if he does not do what is required of him there is a price to pay. I agree that jail is not the solution all the time. But with deadbeat dads what choice do we have, you cannot get blood out of a stone. I do not believe even if he spends time in jail the situation will change, this man is so self- absorbed that he cannot see the harm he is doing to his children or the strain it is putting on the mothers. I do think the moms have some responsibility, but do wonder if they are not all really young or in some way dysfunctional. I believe men like this know what kind of women are good targets and what ones are not. As for the mothers if they are doing all they can to raise their children with or without his help, I for one congratulate them. I raise five children without a father with minimum child support and can say it is not easy. I worked every chance I got, but had to balance that with giving my children the time and attention they needed. It is not easy to do, I worked many midnight shifts so I could be home when they left for school and returned. Life is not easy but we do what we must do for our family. This man has played the role of a sperm donor, with extra benefits but none of the long-term responsibility. We need to start with our children to prevent this problem in the future.

  59. Kayla F. 49
    I think that the judge should either make him work harder or put him in jail. There are many other men and women in jail for one or two childrens child support and this man has 30 children that need support. He may not have a great job,but if he had the tenacity to lie down and have these children, then he should be a man and take care of them, in any way that he can.

    1. Jordan P. 43 In response to Kayla F. 49

      I completely agree with you. I don't understand why they don't think there is anything to do. They could easily put him in jail. Paying $1.49 of your child support is the same thing as not paying child support because he is not paying all of it. He needs to be held responsible for his actions because he is a grown man and knows what he is doing.

    2. Maile F. 44

      I am in agreement with Kayla and Jordan. I understand that the judge has his hands tied, but how is this so called "father" getting away with not being jailed for child support. The audacity of this man to ask for a "break." What about those already in jail and drivers licenses being suspended due to not paying their child support? Is it fair to them? Don't get me wrong but they put themselves in that poistion. But with that being said, how is it that this "father" is continually getting away with it? Is it because he pays the $1.49 (or whatever it is) a month? What is to stop the ones currently jailed from doing the same thing to avoid jail time??? Just a thought!!!

  60. Gorana J. 10

    The judge in this case has a difficult decision to make. Its quiet complicated case because Desmond Hatchett is not breaking any laws. He is paying his child support. Now one of the mothers is only recieving $1.49 per month in child support. There is no way that a person can live off $1.49 per month. This means only one thing that Mr. Hatchett's child or childrend will be receiving government support of some sort. Basically, after having all the children it will be up to or government system to support Mr. Hatchett's children.

    Now, somebody in this class will probably argue that Mr. Hatchett pays taxes so its okay. The main point is he doesn't make enough money to even support any off his kidds. Which means that he doesn't even contribute enough to the tax system.

    In conclusion I think the judge should order Mr. Hatchett not have any children. However, since Mr. Hatchett did not break any laws I dont think that the judge can order him. I have attached an article were the judge has order a female not have children in criminal case and in the article they also discuss the Supreme Courts decisions and cases on sterilization.

  61. Kristel B, 72 Online

    I believe our society has evolved this sickening mentality that emphasizes pleasure more than basic morals. "Whatever makes me happy, whatever I want, no matter the cost, no matter who is involved. As long as I gain from the situation, I don't care about anything else." How sick has America become? Hatchett proves this by demonstrating these actions. A few moments of pleasure for him results in a lifetime of pain and hurt for many others. Have we forgotten about the children in this situation? How would you like to grow up knowing your father really doesnt care about you, that he used your mother, that he is a selfish, irresponsible, sex crazed man? For them, there is no dad there to take you to your t-ball game, no dad there to stand at the door when you leave for your first date, no dad to set an example of what a man SHOULD be. No, I strongly believe the court SHOULD NOT cut him a break. I think this man is an irresponsible, childish man who needs to finally grow up and accept all the responsibilities he has created for himself. In fact, rather than cut Hatchett a break, I think the court should increase the child support. Every child is worth more than one single dollar and a measly forty-nine cents. This piece of crap man makes me sick and is the reason that the modern male in America is given a poor rep.

    1. Christsandra G. 44 In response to Kristel B. 72

      I agree with Kristel no one is thinking about the kids he is selfish, and very childish and he needs to work and not at a minimum wage paying job neither he needs to get off his butt and work. You have illegal people coming in America working hard then he can do the same there is no excuse. I don't feel sorry for him at all.

    2. I agree with Kristel also. Personally I would suggest the court order him to work community services in the community to cover the expenses which our tax money is surely be used to cover a majority of his children in some way. In the city of Knoxville for this man to father that many children there must have been word of his reputaion, it isn't that large of a city. Which clearly means the mother's of all these children have their own issues.
      Regardless, aside from the child support does TN law not require him to pay a portion of or maintain health insurance on his children? He must be deliquent on at least one, two, three....of the children in that area? Was he never ordered to help with medical co-pays or perscriptions, etc at the least?
      If so and he has (I"m sure) not maintained that financial burden, he most certainly needs to be held responsible and no receive a single break.

  62. Christsandra G. 44

    I feel that Mr. Hatchett and the women he had kids with has serious issues. I am from Knoxville TN and it is a very small town so with someone making those many kids it would have been known after the 4th child.That would let you know to stay far away from this man but you have women still having unprotected sex with him. I do not think that the court system should give a break what I think they should do is order him to get a vasectomy and put him to work because 1.49 can't buy a pack of diapers, and it's obvious he can't afford protection which means 9 more could come into this messed up situation.

  63. Jordan P. 43

    I do not feel that the courts should give him a break on his child support. He knows what it takes to make a child and is responsible for all of the children he is fathering. He obviously sees what a struggle it is to pay for the all of the children he is having, therefore he should take better precautions when with the mothers of the children. Also, if he really did mean to have 30 children, he should have been better prepared and made sure he had a real job that pays more than minimum wage so he can actually provide for his children. He also told the courts last time he was there that he wouldn't have anymore children, which was a lie, so I think that is another reason why they shouldn't give him a break.

  64. Hatchett should not be cut any slack at all. He has the resources available just like everyone else to prevent unwanted pregnancies. If he didn't want to be a father he should wrapped it up. I haven't heard of someone so irresponsible in my life. Sadly the women he has children by won't ever get much help from him except a $1 check in the mail.

  65. See, here's the thing about that. He shouldn't be cut ANY slack at all whatsoever. You can't say, 'but I have a ton of kids' WHO'S FAULT IS THAT, DUDE? If you absolutely HAVE to bang every single person you meet, then at LEAST wear protection or something, man, because this is ridiculous. KIDS AINT CHEAP! It costs money to raise them and he's just leaving all his kids with the individuals while he works some small paying job. "But I tried to get a different job, this is the only one that hired me." THAT'S NOT OKAY IF YOU'RE TRYING TO HAVE KIDS! If you're not going to have the FUNDS... then you need to control yourself in the first place. I mean what the heck was he thinking after he'd already had 22 Kids?? Hey Lets meet somebody else and have EIGHT MORE! He saw this coming and decided to do NOTHING about it. The Government shouldn't have to cover those kinds of losses.

  66. I think it is very sad that this "dad" thinks it is ok for him to father this many children and not have some sort of responsibility for them. What about the women that are having these children with him? Surely they weren't born last night, or where they? It is completely inconcieveable to me to have a child with or any type of relationship with someone whom is unable to care for his own. If you do have a relationship with someone like that, well then that makes you as ignorant as him...ya'll deserve each other then!!!

  67. Maile F. 44
    I think it is very sad that this "dad" thinks it is ok for him to father this many children and not have some sort of responsibility for them. What about the women that are having these children with him? Surely they weren't born last night, or where they? It is completely inconcieveable to me to have a child with or any type of relationship with someone whom is unable to care for his own. If you do have a relationship with someone like that, well then that makes you as ignorant as him...ya'll deserve each other then!!!

  68. Kiara T. 44

    What he needs is a break from sex. This is just so sad. Let us not forget about the victims in this situation, the 30 children!!!! I can't believe that has he has the nerve to complain about supporting them. All he had to do was wear condoms, now these poor children, who probably dont even get to spend time with him, have to with all this nonsense. They are innocent and had absolutely NO say in who they would be born to. Oh and we also can't forget the 30 or less women involved in making the babies. I need to know what they were thinking also. This was just reckless selfish behavior. I'm just shocked.

  69. Kiara T. 44
    in response to Maile F. 44

    I completely agree. The mothers are just as much to blame. I can't even think about why someone would put themselves in such a position. Are we REALLY supposed to believe that NONE of them were aware that there were others. Like come on! Be adults this just ridiculous!

  70. AnissaG43
    I don't feel sorry for this guy I feel sorry for the children. He can not spread his time around for that many children let alone support them some if not all are going to come up short. Who are these women that allow this to happen continueously and why aren't they using protection or making him?

  71. AnissaG43
    online in response to Tokunbon44
    I agree with you in another country it would not even gotten that far. The mothers should be held just as responsible as the father especially the ones that had multiple kids with him.

  72. Vann H. 88 in response to Christsandra G. 44:
    That is a good point. You would think those women would know to stay away by now. The court should give him an extra job as a janitor there to help pay more child support.

    1. Tammy B.44
      I agree with this why would you want to have a child with someone that already has that many children. I do think giving him an extra job is what he needs and maybe that can keep him busy.

  73. Vann H. 88
    I could lean in either direction for this. On one side he is responsible for supporting his children and should pay child support. On the other hand his money isn't helping at all by paying less than $2 a month. When you know he pays less than $2 a month it seems like more of a punishment than a way to help the mothers. He needs a better job!

  74. Tammy B.44
    I am really bothered by this because there are too many children involved that are probaly not getting what they need. I am sure the mother's are doing the best that they can but sometimes it really goes unseen. I know there is not a law that can stop this from happening, but hopefully there can bee some kind of awareness brought to this issue that can help the children. I don't feel sorry for him but just for the children.

  75. C. Adler 40 in response to Kiara T. 44
    I agree with you 100% the only ones inncent in this situation is the children, these women have to know that this man is a bum who had many many children and has not desire to support them they are as much to blame in this as he is.

  76. Christy W Online 43
    I think it is the courts responsibility to proceed forward with regard to this case with the same due diligence and process as would be given to any case of child support. I would hope no favoritism would be shown based on the number of children involved. My reasoning is "precedence". How should we grant child support based on variables; currently this person is paying a percenage of his paycheck that is then divided among the number of children. Clearly his overall status is in arrears. By current standards of income, within the court system, at no point will he likely ever catch up on all that is past due. Incarceration would only further cost taxpayers, while reducing efforts and resources of this parent. As a society we have established support standards, and while the law states ignorance is no excuse for the law, I think we can and should improve our efforts to educate concerning cause and effect of actions and responsibilities.

  77. Quadarius H 44
    I think this is very sad for the kids that are involved in this situation. I was in a similar situation to this one. My biological father has 12 kids and has not paid any child support for neither. SO despite how he feels i think that at the end of the day the children are the most important factors. I don’t agree with him taking a break from child support, you make your own bed at the end of the day you will have to sleep in it. No one else is accountable for your actions.

  78. Dana Y.43
    I think this a very sad situation that this young man has found himself in. I am a single mother of 2 boys and i don't get any child support. Their father has 3 other children that he also doesn't do anything for. Although the courts can't make this man stop having kids he needs to make a responsible decision and stop because the only ones suffering are his kids.

  79. JeffM-34. The simpliest solution is for the court to order (as in most child support cases) a minimum dollar amount to be paid per child. When Mr. Hatchett, at his minimum wage job fails to pay the amount, he can be arrested, prosecuted, and incarcerated. While his time in jail will not necessarily provide any funds for his unwanted children, he will be prevented from reproducing.

  80. Eric D.49.
    Since I'm new to this blog (and late...), I won't bother reading the above commentary.

    Some people in this world feel empowerment over women when they "provide" them a child. Now, I use the word Provide loosely and only to characterize and humanize their acts of selfishness. They do the deed and then don't show up. They don't care about the psychological pressure they're placing on the mother and the children by committing such acts and then making notches in the bedpost. This man needs to put on a game show where he is tortured/humiliated/beaten and whatever ever inhumane acts you can think of. Nothing lethal though because the proceeds of the show are going to be for his 30 kids to have food, clothes, and eventually a good education. If he wants a break from child support, then maybe he needs to win the lottery or something or sue Wal Mart.

  81. Eric D.49 in response to Cadler B40
    I think that a man like this should be ordered to have a vasectomy and then he should have to sit outside with a sign over his chest that reads: "I have 30 kids with 11 different women and I can't afford to give any of them anywhere close to what they need. Your change will go directly to the government which will be directly dispersed with those eleven women who were naive enough to trust me"

  82. Christy W online 43

    In response to Eric D 49

    Pan handling would further allow this man's problem to become that of the already responsible taxpayers. I do agree with the vasectomy order; however; I would like to know if this man has been found mentally stable and the mental stability of that of those women. The children are the ones who suffer.
    "Sterilization and Population Control"
    By Cheryl Brady
    A great article to read.
    I wonder if a physician offered him a free vasectomy if he would accept. I would hope so.
