Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December Doings

This time of year many families and groups engage in a variety of cultural traditions. Some examples include hiding elves around the house, driving to view holiday lights, baking, singing Christmas Carols, sending cards, attending parties and spending time with friends and family.

What is your favorite tradition and why?


  1. My favorite part is the first 30 minutes or so of opening presents, when the new 'stuff' is my kids' joy and it is all over their faces. Other than that, I like to eat myself into a food coma and call it a day.......oh yeah, something else that is pretty cool is that Christmas celebrates the entry of God incarnate in to the world of man, as a substitutionary atonement for our sins....yeah, that's kind of neat, too.

  2. Lelia C.

    I started my own neat little tradition after having my kids....every year my kids and I bake a cake and we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas day. I never want them to forget WHY we have Christmas and that it's not all about the toys. I hope they will continue to do it with their kids.

  3. MelanieP.70
    Decorating the tree and listening to Louis Armstrong is the BEST day of the year for me. We also bake cookies and treats to give to the neigbhors. I'm not religious so for me the holidays are really about spending time with my friends and family.

  4. MelanieP.70 In response to marks72...

    I agree I love to watch the little ones open presents and play with their new toys. Then you watch them try to decide what they want to play with first, such a critical decision. Haha.

  5. Jason H-67 responds to Melanie P-70

    Reading Melanie's post reminds me of a tradition that I do with my daughter every year. She and I love baking cookies as well to give to our friend's and neighbors. Really looking forward to that on Dec. 24th!!!!!!

  6. Denell B 70

    The Christmas tradition that my family has, is every Christmas Eve the first one that says "Christmas Eve gift"…gets to open one of their gifts on Christmas Eve instead of waiting until Christmas day! My children would stay up until 12:01 on Christmas Eve morning so that they would be the first. They are all grown now and live away from home but they still will call at 12:01. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  7. Jason H-67

    My favorite tradition during the holiday season is watching my two kids open their gifts. The excitement that the display reminds me so much of when I was a child. They are teenagers now, but to still see their excitement is priceless! Although, they dont need and should not get anything because they have wayyy too much as it is, it still puts a smile seeing how excited they are.

  8. Denell B 70

    In response to Lela C.

    I love the idea of singing Happy Birthday to Jesus…to remind everyone what the day is all about. Happy Birthday!

  9. Rob T said...
    My family tradition is when a family member graduate from “Airborne School”, then they get the wing pinned on their chest instead of putting the backing on they hit the wings (jump wings) hardest they can to put the pins into the body so that it can draw blood from them. Then you are part of the family. This tradition is called blood wings.

  10. Michael S-69
    My favorite tradition is going to my parent’s house on Christmas Eve. Just watching my little girl and her cousin’s get so excited to open there gifts. I just remember how excited I got as a child and it makes me really happy to see them go through it. I also love that all of the adults play bad Santa. Bad Santa is where everyone brings a 25 dollar wrapped gift and we draw numbers to determine the order people will open gifts. You don’t want the number one it is best to have the last number available. The reason is after the first person opens they must keep that gift. However any that opens after that has the choice to steal that gift or keep the one they opened. So if you’re the last one to open you have a choice to keep your gift or steal any other gift. It is a fun a cheap way to enjoy Christmas. Instead of buying everyone in your family a gift, you just purchase one and have a really good time with it. After all Christmas is about the kids so we really try to do as much for them as possible.

  11. Michael S-69 in response to Jason H-67
    I think it is really awesome that you still get excited to watch you teenage kids open gifts. My little girl is two years old and I hope I get just as happy then as I do now. Its a really good feeling to see her get so happy.

  12. I enjoy this time of year, although I do not celebrate Christmas, because it allows for me to spend the extra time away from work with family and friends.

  13. Lafarah P

    My favorite part of the christmas holiday is the lights & the food esp the baked goods. I love driving around seeing the christmas lights because each person's house is uniquely different ! Food I love to eat & as you know I love to bake so that part is one of my favs through every holiday !

  14. Domenic R.70
    My favorite tradition at Christmas time is being with family. It's the one time of the year we can eat, drink, and be merry together.

  15. My favorite tradition is going to church every 31st of December for the New Years. The reason why is because it gives me the opportunity to praise, pray and overall getting closer to God the father of Jesus Christ and asking him to forgive me past and give me a fresh new year to better myself as he would want me too.
    Marsha Vernet

  16. Rebecca G69
    My favorite tradition was and still is when my family and I go to our cousins Christmas tree farm and spend time with distant family. Also, when we used to go to my mother's parents house at Christmas Eve and we all have a little Christmas gathering with a lot of family. We would sing carols while my grandmother plays the piano, and open presents we had brought for each other. Then back at home my family and I would wake up early and watch the parade on TV and open the rest of our presents.

  17. Rebecca G69
    In response to Domenic R. 70...
    That is what the holidays are all about...family and spending time together. I think that is what we all deserve after a long stressful semester.

  18. My family & I always pick an Angel from one of the Angel Trees in the stores & shop together to pick out the gift for the child in need. I bake cookies for my son's friends family & go to the cemetery to leave a wreath or flowers for my friends that are no longer with us. We send a yearly family photo to the Grandparents. On Christmas Eve night we open up one gift each and hang out with friends, we have no other family here in Georgia, so if we don't plan on going out of town, we celebrate with friends. I also love to watch the 25 days of Christmas on the Family Channel, How the Grinch that Stole Christmas & A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott are my all time favorites. Merry Christmas to everyone & a very Happy New Year!

  19. Patti S 70
    We do the traditional Christmas events. We ride to look at lights, have present filled Christmas mornings, and dinner with family. My favorite part of Christmas is the prayer at the dinner table. It is the one moment to remember what Christmas is all about!
    In response to Leila... I love the tradition you have started. What a wonderful idea!

  20. Domenic R.70
    In response to Keith R.67
    Everyone can celebrate Christmas. It's a spiritual time, and a time to reflect and be thankful.

  21. Susette R-67

    My favorite tradition is simple and small. I love putting up the tree. But what makes it so special is baking our traditional fruit cake cookies and listening to Bing Crosby. Christmas isn't Christmas without Bing. We also go to see the holiday lights and see Santa but there is something about being together and listening to the sounds of Christmas as we put up the tree.Such a special moment...

  22. Tracey D (67) in response to Michael S -
    Are you sure you aren't a member of my family? We do the exact same things at my mother's house on Christmas Eve. We always have so much fun. First the kids open their gifts and starting playing with new toys and then the adults have fun. One thing that we also do, is another round of "cheap" or used things, sort of gag gifts. We have a smores maker that has been making the rounds for over 10 years and the challenge now is to figure out how to wrap it so you don't know what it is.

  23. Tracey D (67)
    I don't know how to choose just one tradition as my favorite. They all add up to a wonderful holiday for me and my family. We love baking and decorating cookies a few days before Christmas, getting the entire family together and letting the children do most of the decorating. We use these cookies to leave as a treat for Santa on Christmas Eve. Normally during the baking, Santa will stop by to see the children (my stepfather dressed up) and the kids get so excited. Each of my sisters and I contribute small gifts to Santa's bag and each child gets several things. We play Christmas songs and have just a wonderful time. I think just getting together and spending quality time with my family is probably what I would rate as one of my favorite things.

  24. Dana Morgan 70
    My favorite tradition is going to get a real tree. When I was a child we would go as a family to my grandfathers land. He had hundreds of acres. We would walk and walk, looking at the tops of trees. When we found the perfect one my dad would cut down the whole tree then cut the top out of it. After we got it home and it was all decorated I would lay on my back and look up into the tree, watching the blinking lights. I always loved the pine smell in the living room when I would get up in the mornings. The smell of a live tree brings back great childhood memories for me. So we always get a live tree. I think that is the most valued tradition I have. Now that I am an adult with grown children we have stopped traveling on Christmas eve and started a tradition of our own. We have what we call "Cookies and Chaos". We all where our new pj's that my husbands mom gives us every year and we settle in, have hot chocolate, coffee, make cookies and watch Christmas movies. It's all about spending time together, being relaxed and enjoying Christmas Eve.

  25. Dana M.70
    In response to Lelia C.
    All of my siblings and the families still go to my mother's the weekend before Christmas and we always have a Birthday cake for Jesus. We sing Happy Birthday after dinner before any desserts are cut or eaten. I love that tradition too. I hope my kids will continue this tradition with their children some day.

  26. Latanya K-95

    My favorite tradition is decorating for the holidays with mychildren. I give my kids their own personal tree to decorate however they want. We normally hang lights up outside, decorate inside the house and bake gingerbread houses and cookies. My family visits me every year from Florida, so to spend that time with family, is well worth the wait.

  27. Latanya K-95 in response to Melissa D

    I think thats very generous of you and your family to help another family out during the holidays and also remembering your friends that have pasted away.

  28. ToniaD15

    My favorite part would have to be the food. I absolutely just LOVE to eat. Just about every year my family would get together, cook, eat, and open presents.

    In Response to Michael S-69...

    That is a good idea, that Bad Santa game. I going to propose that idea to my family and see what they think about it. It seems like it is lots of fun.

  29. Spending time with my family. IT used to be that I would go to Florida with my parents to see my grandparents, but because of having to work I haven't been able to go. So there have been a couple of Christmas' where I was without my own family, but God opened the door for another family to take me in on that day. We had a great time. Then for the past couple of years, my brother and sister had stayed behind so we have celebrated with each other, then we go our separate ways to have Christmas dinner with another family. This year mom and dad are leaving the day after Christmas to go to Florida. So it will be nice to be with my family. Mom will cook; I might bake something, but the most important thing is that we will all be together.

  30. In response to Patti S 70:

    Remembering the real and true meaning of Christmas. Throughout the season, we look at the lights, open presents, eat all day long, but most importantly we celebrate and give thanks for a birth that took place about 2000 years ago. He is truly the reason for the season.

    Luke 2:10-14, "10And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

  31. Maria S

    I love Xmas because everything is more beautiful. People go out of their way to decorate their house with Xmas lights, Xmas trees, pretty red ribbons, and everything tends to smell better. Also, children are specially excited about it... and they know that they got to be nice! MOMS LIKE THAT! But the best of all (I think), Xmas brings the best out of people. People tend to smile more, they tend to be more generous. I am not very religion but I do have a Nativity That i like to put it together with the kids and speak to them about the baby Jesus. To me personally, Xmas is just a good excuse to get together, eat some good food, drink (not too much), listen to music and dance, and obviously, I love to be able to surprise my kids with something new on Xmas day... I love that awesome look of their faces. I am always a little sad when it is all done... But I also take a minute to reflect on the year that is about to end, I think of all the things that happen during it-some happy, some great- and then, I realize that new year is about to begin and that new surprises await all of us!
    I wish you and your family Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo.

  32. My favorite thing about Christmas is going to see holiday lights and just hanging with my friends and family because with my friends it's just a time where we catch up and just talk about the semester and i love going to see the holiday lights because they are just cool to see

  33. Brisa L. 70
    My favorite thing to do is to decorate my house with Christmas items, especially to put up the Christmas tree, this is my son's favorite thing to do and that makes me so happy. I like it because we are preparing our hearts to celebrate another birthday for our savior Jesus.

  34. Brisa L. 70 in response to Patti S. 70
    I completely agree with you Patti, we really need to remember what Christmas is all about putting Christ into Christmas, all the other stuff is fun and exciting, but the most important thing is that we are celebrating the birth of Christ.

  35. Frank J 67

    I agree with all the other "staples" of the Christmas season, but my favorite tradition of the Christmas season, which I see is disappearing more and more....celebrating the birth of the world's savior, Jesus Christ. I love reading the story of his birth to my children. The media makes Christmas more and more about spending and receiving gifts than what the holiday says in its name Christ Mas (in spanish mas means "more") "More Christ" is what this world needs......as well as spending time with family.

  36. George M 67

    My favorite tradition is seeing all my friends and family and attending parties. I feel like the holidays go hand in hand with reconnecting and enjoying the company of loved ones. Tangible things come and go, friendships and relationships are everlasting.

    My favorite tradition during this time of the year is to attend parties with friends or rather invite them for a party. The reason for it is because it makes it easy to meet with your friends whom you haven't met due to tight schedules, distance or just a come together for re-union.This keeps the friendship and family closer as we share gifts and have fun. I love the ending of the year.

  38. Alice P (70)
    My favorite tradition during the holiday season as a child, I love dress, shoe, toys and mostly food, the best food will be prepare that day and invite quest for company which include families and friends, but as an adult I like watching the lighting in my neighboring hood and around the city, it is so pretty, it put you in a Christmas mood. Moreover it is a time of given to the most needed and love ones, especially kids. It used to be a tradition to me, making sure I given gift to all the kids, family and friends, to show a sign of love, now that I am in school and more children I cannot afford for everyone but up to now some of them still look forward for it. Finally my kids expect something under the tree to be open on Christmas day which make them so excitement that the display reminds me so much of when I was a child.

  39. MauriceR

    Since my birthday is on December 6th, Christmas decorations traditionally don't go up until after my birthday; and they don't come down until the week after New Years Day.

    BTW, I do not accept combo Christmas/Birthday gifts--from immediate family. While I enjoy the tradition of Christmas, and what it represents, I detest long periods of cold and winter. Therefore, we traditionally find someplace WARM to celebrate Christmas--as a break away from WINTER.

  40. Porsha P 69
    My favorite tradition is spending time with my daughters. I love to seeing my daughters get excited from opening their gifts. I also enjoy giving gifts to family and friends. I love cooking desserts for Christmas. My favorite dessert is redvelvet cake.

  41. Sharise H. 70

    Even though I don't celebrate Christmas anymore I still love the take the time and visit my grandmother who raised me and just kick back. Normally some other family is in town too and we will drink eggnog, spiked and unspiked, and play games and enjoy each other's company. I love aweets and I normally bake some type of goodies twice a month. I like the idea of not waiting until the holidays to do special things. My children enjoy gifts year round.

  42. Sharise H. 70 inresponse to Porsha P. 69

    I LOVE red velvet cake Porsha but my family is not big on making it. :( Can you pass along a recipe? If it's not a family secret that is, is so I'll understand. :) I too love cooking desserts and one of my favorites is banana pudding.

  43. My favorite holiday tradition is celebrating my cousin and mine's birthdays on Christmas day. My birthday is on the 27th, here's is the 25th and we always celebrate together at my grandmothers. It's something I've done every year since I was born.

  44. Elizabeth V.
    The day after Thanksgiving my family and I put up the Christmas tree and decorate it while listening to Alvin and the Chipmunks christmas songs. The next week we make popcorn balls and send them to my nephews in Colorado, and the week of christmas we go and look at Christmas lights then go home drink hot cocoa and watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas. These traditions have been carried onfrom my childhood.

  45. My favorite Christmas tradition has always been spending time with my family. We have a very large family and have always had a reunion in mid December to celebrate. Although I still enjoy the family time it has been bittersweet the past few years as we've lost 3 uncles, an aunt, our grandfather, and a cousin in the past five years. I also enjoy seeing my children open their gifts, finding the elf in the morning, telling stories about Jesus, putting the Griswald's to shame with our house lights, and shopping!

    Linuel S67

  46. Andrea B. (67)

    My family and I are in the process of creating our traditions. So much has changed in the past three years so we are reassessing what works and what doesn’t. Though we do many things each year, we don’t do any of them consistently enough to be called a tradition. Each year we do what is affordable and fun based on available finances and our schedule at the time. Through this system we have been to Canada, Florida, and New Jersey for Christmas in the past. I guess we can say that our tradition is to be spontaneous, but spend the time together. For now, I think we will keep opening one gift each on Christmas Eve night, it's the closest thing to tradition we have.

  47. Sparkle R.
    My favorite tradition is celebrating the holidays with my close friends and family. exchange gifts and share a big meal together with laughter and love.

  48. In response to Frank J67

    I have posted this before so my apologies if it shows up twice somewhere.

    Thanks for posting about the "mas" means more, I had never heard that before. I also like sharing Jesus with my children all the time and moreso at Christmas. We always try to keep Christ in front of the other Christmas traditions. I have a childrens nativity and look forward to getting that out every year and listening to them play with it.

    Linuel S67

  49. Constance Cooper 67

    Growing up my favorite tradition was always Hooters night out. Once a year about a week or so before Christmas my Father, my childhood best friend, her Father and I would all go to Hooters and enjoy of a fun peaceful dinner and then go across the parking lot to bed bath and beyond. Between the two of our mums all of our last minute Christmas shopping could be completed at Hooters (for wine) and bed bath and beyond (for everything else).
    This is/was my favorite tradition because I loved spending time with my best friend, and because I've always cherished having father daughter time with my dad. It was a stress free and fun evening with some people i care about. it was always guaranteed to be a great night.

  50. Octavio P41
    Each year, when the Christmas season comes around, the most memorable tradition in our household is setting up the Christmas tree. While I start to put it in the living room, my spouse puts on some traditional Christmas tunes, or my youngest daughter plays the piano for us. Once the music is playing, I call to my three daughters to join us downstairs in the living room, if they are not there already. They are always eager to come down, and it’s a wonderful sight to see when everyone in the family is gathered around the tree, hanging up ornaments and singing along with the songs playing in the next room.

  51. Octavio P41
    Have a wonderful Christmas season with your loved ones. It was a great opportunity to share with you during this semester. God bless you all.

  52. Megan C.

    I love to decorate for Christmas! I enjoy being able to spend time with friends and family. Our family always spends Christmas eve with my extended family. On Christmas day we all normally get together and during the day we exchange gifts and watch movies. At night we have a huge dinner. I was feel so blessed to be around so loved ones during the Christmas season.

  53. Megan C.

    I come from a huge family. I have two brothers and two sisters so I think my favorite Christmas tradition is when we all get together on Christmas day and exchange gifts. We all just enjoy being together for the day. On Christmas day we normally watch movies and play in the snow... if there is some. Then at night we have a big dinner with family and friends.

  54. Samisha S-67

    I love the holidays. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. Singing Christmas songs come natural to me and my family. Singing "Oh Holy Night" and "Silent Night" are the songs I often sing. Holidays are the times you see family you would normally not see.

  55. Samisha S-67

    in response to Sparkle R....

    I enjoy the exchanging gifts as well. My immediate family is so big, we pull names.

  56. My favorite part is kind of small. My mom bought us pj's one year and gave it to us as the appetizer the night before, because she always allowed us to open one present on the 24th. Ever since then, she has always given us pj's to wear to bed the night before. I'm not sure why but it is one of my favorite tradtions in my household.

    In response to Megan C.,

    I hear you on the snow. I don't remember the last "White Christmas" we had.

  57. Daquan F-70

    I don't celebrate holidays. But the breaks everybody gets on Christmas always gives a good chance to visit my family. Every Christmas I go to D.C. to visit my relatives and we all enjoy each others company.

    In response to Sharise H. 70

    Sounds like a good time to me. I personally prefer my eggnog spiked! I also like the idea of not waiting until the holidays to do special things, it gives it more meaning.

  58. I am Moorish American so I don't celebrate x-mas, but for our holidays we usually have a religious meeting and then eat together and finally open gifts. What I love most is that our holiday, even though it does include gift giving, is a time to be with family.I enjoy the whole day spent with family than anything else.

  59. In response to George M 67 I too love seeing friends and going over to their houses and seeing how they celebrate the holidays.

  60. My favorite Christmas tradition is going to see christmas lights. My family and I ride around and look at all the decorated house and sometimes we'll go to Life College to see the display. Its my favorite becuase our family spends time together.

    In response to Daquan F-70
    I love spending time with my family as well and love seeing and giving my friends and family gifts :)

  61. Gina W.
    My favorite Christmas tradition is going to see christmas lights. My family and I ride around and look at all the decorated house and sometimes we'll go to Life College to see the display. Its my favorite becuase our family spends time together.

    In response to Daquan F-70
    I love spending time with my family as well and love seeing and giving my friends and family gifts :)

  62. sarah b 16
    I have soo many family traditions that i absolutley love. I dont think yall would want to hear me ramble on. christmas is huge in our family. we decorate my nannys tree on thanksgiving night. we set up her manger scene and decorate her house for her. we gather on christmas eve and bring girl and boy gifts (if you are a girl you bring a girl gift) and we play white elephant and proceed to have fun stealing gifts from one another. last year i put a gift card in a book and everyone kept trading the book for other gifts. when the game was over and my 13 year old cousin was trying to act nice about getting a book for her present she was flipping through it and out fell the gift card. ILl have to come up with soemthing a little better this time. it is all good fun, and we just enjoy singing christmas carols eating yummy food and sharing a bunch of laughs. This year will be bitter sweet because its the first year with out my papa. He will be with us in our hearts and in spirit, but we will surely miss him being here.

  63. Kayla W.-69
    Growing up my parents didn't let us believe in Santa, They told us Santa wasn't real and that they put the presents under the tree. They wanted the credit. I have brothers who are 10 years younger then me and when they were growing up my parents allowed them to believe in Santa and so every year since the boys were young we made cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. After we went to the Christmas Eve service at church we would make cookies and then all the kids would sleep in the same room. This is my favorite tradition cause you get to see the excitment on the boys faces as they wait for Santa and its a time for the family to get together.

  64. andrea i love the tradition of being spontaneous. the only that really matters is that you are with the ones you love and celebrate what christmas mean to you. new traditions can be just as special as old ones :)

    sarah b 16

  65. Kayla W in response to Sara B. 16
    Christmas is huge in my house too, and i am so going to use that white elephant gift idea. Brilliant! I pray that you have a great Christmas and I am sorry you wont be spending it with your Papa.

  66. La Tonya.C 67

    Our tradition is the whole family comes homes and we split into teams or sometimes boy vs girls since its two boys and two girls and our
    "Fairly Odd Parents" and play games. Our time is consumed with spending time with each other. Its funny we seem to revert to children as soon as we're around each other (so says my husband) we still pull pranks on each other, argue and laugh at one another, we're so disfunctionally happy and blessed to have another year, that all the matieral things and a issues in life take a backseat to what matters to us "FAMILY".

  67. La Tonya.C 67 in response to Lafarah P

    I totally agree, my dad would drive us around for hours just looking at the lights on display. We would stop at the gas station get coffee or coco and ride and sing along with all the old school christmas songs on the radio... it was the best.

  68. I think my favorite traditions is putting up decorations. Putting up decorations has always giving me a warm unexplained feeling inside. When we do this .. we all come together more and we try our hardest to make it special. Another Tradition I enjoy is singing Christmas Carols and wrapping gifts. It may seem odd but I love wrapping gifts for Christmas.

  69. HERB-67
    My family gets together on Christmas day to share a meal and exchange gifts.

  70. @ MarkS72 from HERB-67
    Good times.

  71. My favorite hoilday tradition is gathering with family. We gather together and eat lots of good home cooked food. We spend all day together and it is real nice to share that with your family. The best paart is that it is a holiday, therefore everybody has to be happy!

  72. My favorite tradition is letting the children make cookies and open one gift on Christmas Eve. The expressions and excitement is so memorable. After they open a gift they are excited to go to bed early and get rested for Christmas day.

  73. Eureka B76 in response to Dalton Cash70December 11, 2011 at 3:28 PM

    I love your family tradition of new pjs on Christmas Eve. It maybe a new tradition added to my family's Christmas Eve. Wearing new Christmas Eve pjs, baking cookies, and opening one gift.

  74. Ryan H, 69

    Outside of opening gifts, my favorite holiday tradition is getting Chinese food on Christmas day with my wife (much like The Christmas Story). We started this tradition shortly after we met because we generally do not spend Christmas day with family and it was a simple solution enabling us to lazy the day away. My wife’s family lives in New York and we see my family on Christmas Eve, so Christmas day has always been just the two of us doing whatever we want and this just worked its way into being a tradition for us.

  75. Ryan H, 69
    Response to LaTonya C,67

    That reminds me of what my family and I used to do as a holiday tradition growing up. I totally forgot about that until I read your blog. My wife and I do not have children or family members that live near us to continue that tradition, but I will definitely continue it once we decide to add more branches to our family tree.

  76. My favorite christmas tradition is having christmas eve at my Nana house. We always have a great family dinner and then open presents. we also have a competition to find the pickle ornament in the tree and whoever finds it gets nad extra present. Its always one of the best parts of christmas eve. Before everyone goes home we have a family nerf war and run around the house shooting eahc other with nerf guns. i know its weird but we have a good time!

  77. BJ C... My family's favorite traditions are buying and putting up our tree on my birthday and going to our candlelight service at church the day before Christmas eve. It is really important for my children to know that Jesus was born and he died so that we might live for ever in Heaven. I am sure we will have plenty more traditions as the years pass with our three little ones. It is always such a wonderful time of the year!

  78. BJ C... in response to Nerf Guns poster
    HA HA!!! Sounds like a blast. I would love to spend some time shooting at my family with nerf guns! Sounds like a great way to relieve some of the years stress! I may have to steal this tradition!

  79. The holiday season is probably the one time I get to spend time with my entire family. A tradition that my family follows is the decorating of the entire house and Christmas dinner.

  80. Renee A. 67
    I remember as a child how much fun it was to ride around and look at Christmas lights. It doesn't seem as exciting today. It seems like so many people have moved away from the tradition of putting up lights, maybe due to time constraints or money. I still like to share the tradition with my grand-kids and hope that the joy they find in it will some how be close to what I had as a child.
