Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Soc Fest III

Greetings! Namaste! Chao! Saludos! Merhaba! Howdy!

What did you find most interesting about Soc Fest? Was it the display or story of a classmate, or was it information you discovered about yourself and your culture as you worked on the project?


  1. SandraS/69

    I really enjoyed the social fest. It was so interesting to see all the different cultures, traditions and to sample the foods. There were a lot of great displays, information and memorabilia from around the world. There were some that were very similar to my culture and others that made you want to visit and explore those exotic and interesting places.

  2. To Sandra S - I couldn't agree more with your thoughts about wanting to visit and explore other exotic places. I would love to have someone from those particular places go with me to show me all the exciting things to see and do.

    Tracey D (67)

  3. Tracey D (67)
    I enjoyed the fest tremendously, seeing all the other displays. Some were so creative and you could tell the student was very proud of his/her culture. I also enjoyed several of the samples that I tasted, from a fish dish from the Bahamas, to a cow tongue taco. I mean who would have ever thought that I would taste cow tongue, definately not me. I must admit that it looked wonderful and before I read what it was, I stuck it in my mouth. So I may not have tried it knowing that was what it was. Funny how our minds tell us something is yuck before we give our taste buds a chance to see. I experienced many things that I would not have had the priveledge to had it not been for the gathering, so I think you for bringing us together.

  4. Patti S 70
    I really enjoyed the social fest. I met a lot of new and interesting classmates and tried some delicious dishes. I learned a lot about other cultures. I heard stories of family histories and family military stories. I learned a lot about the Jewish culture. I related with the Southern culture which was shared by many students. I was amazed by all the representations from all the different cultures. It really shows how diverse America is becoming.

  5. Patti S 70 in response to Sandra
    I couldn't agree with you more. There are many new places I now want to visit. I was most in awe with the representation from Trinidad. I love the steel pan. It just gives you a relaxing feeling and an island vibe.

  6. What I found interesting about the Sociology Fest was the diversity of students that make up our class. I noticed that there were many students with origins from other countries. Our class in a small example of America -the great melting pot.

  7. Rob T…..The soc fest was great. It was very interesting to see the culture of so many people. The most interesting display was the Jews one. I hope my culture background was a very interesting one the people to understand.

  8. Meghan Williams
    I loved Soc Fest it was really interesting to how diverse everyone was. I was surprised by how many different cultures there was. The most interesting thing to me was the food, I love to eat and try different foods and at soc fest my taste buds got to experience so many foods that i have never had before. One of my favorites was the blue corn muffins from this girls project i cannot remember her name, but her culture was native american and they were great. I also enjoyed the performance by the girl, she had and amazing voice and the song was so lovely it gave me chills it was so beautiful. It was nice to see how many people share the same southern culture like me and to be able to talk to them about there lives growing up in the south.

  9. David Glemann
    There were many things to like about the Soc-Fest. I liked the wide variety of different cultures that were represented there the best. It was surprising to see so many different nations represented there. Not only were people referring to their ancestral/traditional cultures, but many actually grew up in other countries and seemed to have more in-depth or first hand knowledge than I was expecting.

  10. Sparkle R.
    The thing I found most interesting was seeing other people's cultures. Even when I saw some that were similar to mines or had some of the same things. It just shows the variety of people we have in the world and close to us at school.

  11. Lafarah P

    I found soc fest interesting because I found familiarity among the different projects wether religion interest of family habits! It felt like it was a great way to meet new people and learn about new things!

  12. I would say what caught my attention was this girl name Latonya, who was from the Bahama, Jena, who was a mixed breed of Mexican, Creole, and African American, and Tonia, whose parents from Jamaica. Out of all of these amazing project I've seen at the social fest event these three people caught my attention because I was able to relate to them.
    some Haitians are from the Bahamas and I know some of them personally, I myself have a little bit Dominican in my blood, but my ancestors are also from the Dominican Republic, and my son is partial Jamaican; Therefore, that's why i say these three people at the social fest were what i was drawn to.
    Finally, my wonderful food because i cooked with passion and it showed at the social fest because i was delighting that everyone that tasted my food loved it.


  13. RebeccaG69
    Everyone seemed to put into a lot with their heritage. It was interesting to see the variety of foods and drinks from different cultures. I was able to relate to a few that were from the south and the sweet tea we all share.

  14. RebeccaG69
    In response to Lafarah P...

    I agree with the comment about your familiarity with the cultures and religion backgrounds. I did love learning and meeting the different people.

  15. MichaelS-69

    I thought the social fest was very interesting. The displays were very unique, and the different foods were absolutely delicious. The most interesting thing about the social fest had to be the interaction with all the different students about there cultures. Although it was the most interesting I found it to be the most difficult as well. Its been eleven years since I’ve graduated high school and socializing has generally come very easy for me. However it didn’t come as easy as I remember. I think the Social Fest was awesome and I learned something very interesting about my self that other wise I wouldn’t have known. Thanks to all the people that were there and good luck in your class.

  16. MichaelS-69 in response to Megan Williams

    I agree with Megan. It was amazing to see all the different cultures. I would have never guest their were that many different cultures just in those few classes. I was completly blown away. Everyone was really nice as well it make me want to travel the world.

  17. Linuel S67 (Lynn)
    I hate to parrot the rest of the class but the part I liked most was learning about the other cultures and having the people there to elaborate on what they had already put on the storyboards. I'm weird about food and didn't try much but the things I did try, I liked. Dominic's (sp?) cranberry bread was awesome and I've been craving it since Thursday! I learned a little more about the Igbo people from Jason's display, which was neat to me because I've met several Igbo people and their culture is very interesting.

  18. Linuel S67 (Lynn)

    In response to Sparkle R. I also share the Southern culture and enjoyed seeing other southerners displays and the things we had in common.

  19. SandraS/69..In response to Meghan Williams.. I love to eat too and the best part of not only wanting to visit and explore different parts of the world but to also try some of the different cuisines with full of flavor.

  20. Domenic R.70
    Soc. Fest was fun. I really got to know the person sitting next to me and compare notes about our sociology course (she was in a different class). Not only did I enjoy learning about different cultures, but seeing some of my own. I loved the Kool-Aid on one of the displays, it brought back so many memories. I really enjoyed the food.

  21. Denell B-70
    It was great to put a face with a name.I enjoyed meeeting my classmates and instructor:) The most interesting to me was the different meals prepared. I also learned a great deal about myself and how much of my culture that I had forgotten or did not know. Both of my parents and Grandparents have passed away and I found a great deal of information from our "family bible"

  22. Dana M. 70

    To my surprise I enjoyed the Sociology Fest more than I thought I would. My favorite part was seeing all the different projects on other countries. I am from here and have never left the US.(Probably never will) It gave me a glimpse into another way of life. It made me happy so see that some things are that different. Most every project I looked at included a lot about their families. One that sticks out in my mind was on Native Americans. My great-great grandmother was full blooded Cherokee. I do not have any information on her but her Indian Name. It was awesome seeing the pictures of their way of life.

    Overall it was a great experience.

  23. Dana M.70

    I agree with Michael 69. It was great seeing all the people who where basically strangers coming together, and sharing their stories. I thought the food was fantastic too. I sampled so many things that I had never had before.

  24. Kayla W-69

    I was surprised to see how many different cultures were represented. I loved meeting everyone and learning about their cultures.

  25. I had this picture in my head about what I was to expect to look like as a set-up, and when I arrived I was quite close. I enjoyed meeting the people who participated. After struggling with trying to decide what to bring and to "showcase" I wish I would have had a "culture". All I could really think about to discuss was my great-grandfather who had lived a double life.

    I had the opportunity to try some of the foods, which were delicious. I was very impressed with what was going on and how my classmates were representing who they were and where they cam from. Even if something appears to be the same, you can always find something that is different.

  26. In response to: KeithR67

    I agree with your statement about being a little America in just that one room. There were several cultures represented and brought to life. Everyone coming together, bringing food, telling stories, ...the experience was great.

  27. Jason H-67 response to Keith R-67

    I agree with Keith on the fact that we have a small american melting pot among our classmates. I really felt as if we all were in different parts of america at each station.

  28. Jason H-67

    The most interesting aspect of the fest to me was the mixture of displays and talking to classmates. I really enjoy lerning about other cultures and I was amazed at how I had the opportunity to get to learn about so many in one auditorium. The conversations were right on and the questions that I asked were definatley answered. It was also great meeting new friends!

  29. ALICE-p (70)
    I really love the Soc-Fest and the set up that is wide open to ever one, and variety of different cultures that were represented. Each one did very good. It was surprising to see so many different types of culture and nationality that were represented there. Not only were people referring to their ancestral/traditional cultures, but many actually grew up in other countries and seemed to have more in-depth historical knowledge than I was expecting. So many samples of foods were represented neither culture recipes nor traditional food. There were a lot of great displays, information and memorable from or around the world. Moreover it was so interesting to see all the different cultures, traditions, that were very similar to my culture and others that made you want to visit and explore their cultural places.

  30. Porsha P-69
    I enjoyed the Soc Fest. I loved the unique creativity of all the displays. Everybody had an interesting story to tell. The most interesting was all the cultures that were represented from all over the world. I also enjoyed tasting foods that I never heard of. I now have new foods that I am going to try to replicate a few of the dishes I tasted.

  31. In response to Michael S-69
    I agree the food was delicious. I also agree with you about socialzing being kind of difficult. I was nervous at first but I warmed up. I started talking and expressing myself and I eventually became comfortable. I enjoyed this unique experience!

  32. I enjoyed everything about the Social Fest. There was so much to see, read, and eat. Everything was yummy! However, I got the opportunity to speak to another Sociology student, that was from Puerto Rico (I'm so sorry I cannot recall his name), his family culture and stories he shared with me were awesome and so heartfelt. All the pictures of his family were beautiful and all the information he provided to us was outstanding. He and I, along with his daughter spoke for several minutes about his culture and mine, which I truly enjoyed. If it wasn't for the Social Fest I would have probably never been given the opportunity to speak with him. I also enjoyed the young lady that performed/sang for us - GREAT VOICE!

  33. Lelia C

    What I loved about Social Fest that surprised me the most was that I enjoyed learning about my classmates culture's. You spend time with these people but you never really know them....Social Fest is an oppurtunity to get to know them personally. I found it to be a great way to get to know people better and where they are from. People you have known for years may not know things about you that your classmates now know. It was great way to meet people and I have a new appreciation for my fellow classmate's and I now consider them to be my friend's.

  34. Maria S
    I really enjoy this experience. I feel that it is wonderful to be able to get to know something about one another other then the fact that we are all students. I got to hang out with some very interesting people, and got to try things that I would normally would not choose to have. It was great. But the process of the making of my project was also very enjoyble. I did it with my whole family... my mom, my children and husband, and my best friend... it was very special for me to share this expirience with my children who know very little about where i came from. Thanks.

  35. I was nervous at first, but when I stepped into the room and saw all the different posters and food on the tables I was more comfortable. I loved seeing how others cultures were similar and different.

  36. Denell B-70
    In response to Tracey D
    I did as you did...it looked wonderful and you would have never known that it had cow tongue in it. It looked and tasted like a taco. As as you I probably would have not tried it if I would have known. I liked it! Who would have thought?

  37. Megan C
    It was interesting because there were so many different cultures represented. I enjoyed reading and learning about the other cultures. I did branch out and try some food that was different than I was use to. I was not expecting such in depth history I was impressed.

  38. Tameca T85

    I really enjoyed Social Fest all the different culture and different foods was wonderful. but i really enjoy looking into my own culture. i never really thought about it before. and it was exciting to see how i enjoyed gardening just as my great grandmother, grandmother and mother.

  39. Tameca T85

    i agree with Maria S i also enjoyed working with my family on this project. it was really fun.

  40. Latanya K-95

    I want to start off by saying that i had a fabulous time. It was just wonderful to conversate with everyone and to see the faces of my classmates for the first time. The most intresting parts for me, was being able to try all the different foods. I love to eat so that was right up my alley. The presentations all painted a picture of everyone's lives. What made them all intresting is that they all took you to another place without evey taking your feet off the ground.I loved it!

  41. Latanya K-95 in response to Marsha Vernet

    I had a great time meeting everyone. For me i can meet a room full of people and talk for hours, but it's different when your conversating with people who share similar cultures with, so i can totally understand why some of us bonded in different ways. For the first time in my life i ate beet soup, which wasn't bad at all and the gentlemen who made it, had bible and across on his table that i was automatically drawn to. We both grew up Catholic. My daughter really enjoyed herself, she didn't have to eat dinner that night because she ate everyone's food. lol

  42. For me the Soc Fest was like stepping into different worlds all at one time. I really enjoyed finding out about the cultures that were represented there. Each one was unique in its self. Each one of us has an unique culture that is worth learning more about every day.

  43. In response to SandraS/69.....I agree it would be really nice to visit each and every one of the cultures. That would be so awesome!

  44. i believe it was the story and the displays of the classmates that got my attention. The food also helped as well. I liked going around and talking to the different people and to learn a small piece o0f there culture! Everyone that participated seemed really enthuasiatic and was very forthcoming with information a/b there culture.

  45. Andrea B.(67)
    I found the complete diversity of cultures the most interesting thing about the Soc Fest. I was marveled by the different representations of ‘culture’ (the ‘culture’ of one’s ethnic group, race, or family was displayed). I particularly enjoyed learning about the cultures that were different to mine, and seeing how others were similar. I saw that even though some classmates were from geographic locations far away from my country, our cultures were a lot alike. The foods I tasted were delicious, and the ones that were new to me were welcomed treats. All in all, I was very happy to attend the Soc Fest; though I am sure it is very difficult to organize, it was an event/opportunity I was happy to have been a part of.

  46. Andrea B. (67) in response to Michael (69)
    I too felt like it was not my strongest social moment. I was felt a little intimidated, but unique in some way. The entire experience was simply delightful; l and listening to each classmate talk about their presentation made it so, even more. I don’t think it would have been as effective without the interactions. I truly enjoyed meeting my classmates and putting a face to some of the names.

  47. La Tonya C. 67
    The most interesting part of the Social Feast for me was the pride that each individual had for their perspective cultures. It was intriguing to watch how many came to life as they spoke about their lineage and their families’ progression from then until now. The presentation backdrops with added details about their heritage added to the wonderful stories I heard throughout the evening. The way that everyone was engaged with each other listening and learning about the next and even relating to each other. It was a really enjoyable experience.

    La Tonya C. 67 in response to Tameca T85
    I have to agree with you on the part about researching your background. I found it interesting when listening to my parents accounts of being in the military; both had and still have very different perspectives about the government. But witnessing some of the milestones both achieved during their time in the service had me feeling very proud.

  48. Constance C. 67

    To me the most interesting thing about the sociology festival was what people chose. Many people have the same or similar cultures, and yet everyone found something different and unique to themselves to show what their culture meant to them. Every where you looked was a new type of food or beverage, a new style of photos or clothing and even jewelry. Every presentation was unique not just to the culture it represented but to the person who came from that culture.

  49. Constance C 67
    in response to
    Michael S 69

    I agree with Michael that it was interesting to see so many cultures in that room. And talking with some of the other students, through small talk even, helped show you a little more about their culture and how it affects them today. There were two main people i talked to at the Sociology festival. We had similar backgrounds and cultures but we chose different things and it affected us in different ways. Its interesting to see how different you can be with someone who also shares so much history with you.

  50. Tonia D 15

    I actually enjoyed the sociology fest more than I thought I would have. I met new people and tasted many different and interesting foods. The food was the BEST part! Good experience overall.

  51. Tonia D 15

    In response to SandraS/69

    I definitely have to agree. Seeing all the different cultures being displayed and tasting the culture's food definitely made me want to travel to those exotic places.

  52. Frank J 67

    I really liked seeing how just within our class how diverse of backgrounds we come from. Just with the naked eye, you couldn't tell who was German, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Jamaican or of English decent. It was also cool to see the pride that everyone had in the heritage. The thing I also liked were the classmates who were part Native American. The Native Americans have always interested me. I really enjoyed the overall atmosphere.

  53. Sharise H. 70

    It was a pleasure to attend the Soc Fest. What I enjoyed most about the fest was representing my own culture. I am proud to be African American and Puerto Rican and I had a lot of time to reflect upon those wonderful traits that makeup who I am. My family has suffered through many ups and downs and I am very proud of our progress to remain a close knit family. I was also extremely happy to view a fellow classmate whose name I can't recall (sorry) who is also from Puerto Rico and was raised on the island. His photos were heartwarming and I am planning a trip there next winter.

  54. Sharise H. 70 in response to Tonia D. 15

    The food was very pleasing to my palette as well Tonia. I also enjoyed meeting folks and trying to remember your names when it came to writing the blogs. It would have been nice to put a face with a name. Unfortunately, my life is not my own and I am consumed with more than I like to be and it ruins my memory cells. It was a pleasure to see how much pride people had of their heritage and how much we all actually knew about our ancestors. Well done everyone!!! : )

  55. Octavius G
    Social fest was interesting pretty much on everything. For one the set up reminded me on how back in Africa a group of people men and women,do rent a big hall together for exhibition. That is how they make their living. Also, different culture in the soc fest were much more interesting when you learn somethings you even never heard of.But what made me like it most was how a lot of people responded to my presentation. They told how I had a rich culture which attracted many to learn more about it. In the process, when doing the research about my culture, I learnt one or two things about my culture which I never new.It was a great day indeed.

  56. Domenic R.70
    In response to Linuel S.67 (Lynn)
    I completely agree with you on it was more fun to talk to people than to look at their display. I learned so much more about them than their display could tell. The bread came from Douceur De France, in Marietta, GA. I wanted authentic French food, not something from a grocery store. The women that helped me there, had a heavy French accent. It's very authentic and highly recommended.

  57. HERB-67
    So nice to see that everybody enjoyed the food. Now if we can establish greater understanding with regards to spiritual and religious beliefs, we'd be on our way to world peace.

    Something to work for, eh?

    What would it be like to turn on the world news one night and hear the anchor-person say, "Mankind worked together today to develop a cure for cancer, and intelligence quotients soared to an all time high. Back to you, Frank."

    So much for CNN and FoxNEWS. One can hope.

    Enjoyed meeting and socializing with every one of you. The world is still just as cool as I thought it was.

  58. @Jason H.
    I see a journey of international proportions in your future.

  59. Kudi
    I really enjoyed the Soc Feast, everyone’s displays was very nice. I especial love the Brazilian display, it was beautiful.

  60. Elizabeth V.
    I loved Soc fest. The best part to me was seeing how other people lived. The personal stories they shared was a real eye opener. I mean how people were raised greatly contributes to who they are. I loved the one from Germany the lady shared a bed time story that is told and in the end the little boy dies in his fathers arms. Imagine growing up with those stories in your head. Super interesting! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for sharing a little piece of you. Again super interesting!!!

  61. Mary O-70
    I enjoyed Soc Fest very much. I met two fellow students and had a wonderful conversation. We actually discovered I knew one of their mothers....it is a small world! The samplings of various foods was delectable and everyone was very creative in their presentations! It was a great time!

  62. Mary O-70
    In response to Frank J.
    I also thought is was interesting to see how varied our backgrounds and heritages are...when you are taking a class (especially online) you don't get to connect with fellow students and discover such things...our society really is like a quilt of many different fabrics!!

  63. Gina W.62
    The information I found out while talking to my father about my culture was very interesting and always turns into all night stories about my family. Although I could not join my fellow classmates and learn about my peers cultures from what I can read we have such a diverse group of people in our community and is truly amazing to have so many cultures in just one city!

  64. Brisa L.70
    The most interesting concept about the Soc fest was all the wonderful cultures from around the world coming together here in America to show, exhibit, and pride themselves with own heritage.
    I want to share that I had a wonderful time at the soc fest. It was very interesting and exciting to share my Mexican culture with my classmates, and I learned how importance of passing on my Mexican traditions to my son are. During the soc fest I realized that my son needs to know the importance of both American and Mexican cultures,all the traditions, language, food and more, so later in life he can explain his own heritage to anyone.

  65. Brisa L.70 in response to Tonia D 15.
    I completely agree with Tonia, the best part of Soc Fest was to trying the different foods and meet my classmates. Good people, Good food and Good time.

  66. The fest was really enjoyable and turned out to be a better experience that I originally expected. I enjoyed meeting my fellow classmates and being able to attain more knowledge about other cultures. It was also fun to see cultures that were relative to my own and taste all the different variety of foods the cultures had to offer.

  67. Daquan F-70

    The fest was really enjoyable and turned out to be a better experience that I originally expected. I enjoyed meeting my fellow classmates and being able to attain more knowledge about other cultures. It was also fun to see cultures that were relative to my own and taste all the different variety of foods the cultures had to offer.

  68. Octavio P 41
    What my daughter Veronica and I experienced that afternoon at the Sociology Fest around such a fine group of people is priceless to me. The opportunity that we both shared, because the way we all embraced each other, is what I always try to share with her and her sisters. Time, as always, was my worse enemy, and I could not have the pleasure of meeting all of you, or enjoy more of your precious treasures. I know how much more I learned about my island (Puerto Rico) while preparing my project, and how many tears flowed down my face while working on it at home. I hope it was as rewarding and cherished for you, as well. We all have a past that we embrace, or a past that embraces us. We all have a culture, and we all have those little, exceptional traits that distinguish us from one another. As a believer, I must recognize that beyond and behind everything that makes us so unique, there is an element that tie us from the moment we show up on this world; we are all brothers and sisters. Thanks to Professor La Porte’s vision, we all came together again. God bless you all.

  69. Shelicia H.(70)
    What I found interesting was seeing all my classmates and some information about them. I got to know them a little more personally. I see there names and read their blogs but I don't know them. I was able to ask questions without it being interpreted as being nosey. I loved it. I unerdstand that now online classes have to meet but this was such a great way to do it.

  70. shelicia H. (70) in response to frank j(67)
    I agree you wouldn't know anything about your classmates by just coming in and taking a test. since the class is sociology I thought it was a great way to show how diverse we are. Like you said we wouldn't know anything by just looking at each other.

  71. MelanieP.70

    Soc Fest was so much fun! It was so interesting to hear stories and learn about different cultures and backgrounds. I think my favorite part was being able to try so many different types of food, food that I wouldn't normally have an opportunity to try. It was a great event, I wish more of the teachers could be this creative with their proctored events.

  72. MelanieP.70 in response to FrankJ.67...

    I agree, the atmosphere was great and it was so nice to see people proudly tell about where they came from. Who knew we had such a diverse group of people in our class?!

  73. Unquestionably, the best part of Soc Fest was the food that Brisa L.70 brought; it was yuuummmmy...... even though I only got to eat the scraps, as all the other slobs had scarfed the whole pile already! Why, if Brisa could send me the recipe, that would be the most awesomely awesome awesomeness thing that I've experienced in all my time at Chattahoochee Tech & Stuff. There was some other good cookies and what have you, but all paled in comparison to the Mexican Revolution brought by Brisa......yep, that recipe would be great to have!

  74. In response to Brisa L.70, who said:
    "The most interesting concept about the Soc fest was all the wonderful cultures from around the world coming together here in America to show, exhibit, and pride themselves with own heritage.".....yeah, that's nice and all, but I must disagree and state, again, that whatever that dish was that you brought.....it was by far the best thing in all of Soc Fest history......why, it sure would be super duper to have that recipe! ;)

  75. The soc fest was very interesting! I wasn't expecting it to be so entertaining and informative as it was! I learned how so many cultures are some how similar to one another especially with their food.

    I agree with MelanieP.70 I never would of thought our class was so diverse.

    This project was very healthy and I really think a lot of people should do similar things like this and become more familiar and educated on other cultures besides their own!

  76. Rachael H~69

    I really enjoyed seeing everyone's cultures. Trying all the different food, and reading about so many new things was very interesting for me. I also enjoyed doing research for my culture. I learned a lot about things that I didn't know about music and food in Greece. I think that having the Soc Fest is a great project that should be continued for many years.

  77. Rachael H~69 in response to @Seleena Bacchus said...
    The soc fest was very interesting! I wasn't expecting it to be so entertaining and informative as it was! I learned how so many cultures are some how similar to one another especially with their food.

    I also was surprised at how diverse our class is. It was a very interesting project, that I truly enjoyed doing.

  78. JWilliams 67
    I was surprised at the tremendous amount of pride people had regarding their cultures. Many people did excellent jobs providing much detailed information regarding their heritage, culture and so on. It helped reinforce the realization that diversity is not something that can be simply seen by the eye.

  79. Mary M 82

    I was surprised to see so many different cultures presented! It was interesting to hear everyone's stories and family history. I loved being able to sample homemade dishes as well. I enjoyed getting to meet everyone!

    In response to LaTonya 67

    You are right about people coming to life as they spoke about their culture. It was much more interesting to hear their personal stories than look at their display by itself. I was happy to see how much pride everyone had in their own personal culture.

  80. JWilliams 67
    Reply to MarkS72
    if you get the recipe, forward it to me please.

  81. I really enjoyed hearing various stories from the other students. My family story and history is important to me, but to hear different stories that make others who they are was amazing. I enjoyed sharing mine as well. I felt proud of my history, culture, and family. It made me reflect on the great family that I have and made me appreciate them a little more then I already do. I am truly lucky and this project helped me see that on another level.

    sarah b 16

  82. in response to rachel h 69 i agree this is a project that does need to continue. At first when I read about it I was dreading it, but after I began hearing their stories I really enjoyed myself. The way people light up talking about their family put a smile on my face. A few of the storys even stuck with me past just that day. It makes you appreciate everyones differences, and see that its beautiful.
    sarah b 16

  83. Jasmine Jackson67

    The thing I found most interesting was learning about other people's culture. I felt like a whole new light was shined into my life because there is much more out there. It was great to hear the different music and taste the different foods. Glad I got to participate. I also found one thing that most cultures had in common was FAMILY! Family was a keynote in many cultures.

  84. jasmine jackson67 in response to latonya 67

    I wish i could have stayed and talked to more people and experienced that excitement that they had about their culture. But i was very enthusiastic talking about it to Mr. LaPorte so i have a slight idea of what you are speaking of.

  85. I was a little apprehensive about the sociology fest because this was my first big in person project. I really enjoyed bringing my family in and meeting lots of different people from different cultures. I loved seeing the different lives off each person displayed with their important life artifacts. It was interesting to look at the papers and read their stories. I enjoyed eating and drinking the different things from each culture. It was really nice to see that though we have very different lives that we can come together in one room and enjoy each other and share these things.

  86. Previous Post by BJ C

  87. To Jasmin from BJ C...
    I also wish that I could have stayed and visted with everyone longer. I didn't get to talk to everyone about there different displays like I would have liked to.

  88. The Social Fest was wonderful. I learned alot about everyones culture including my own. I realized that the cultures really do have alot in common. Every culture takes pride in there traditions such as the foods, clothing, and music. It was wonderful to see the expressions when people were talking about their projects. The food was delicious and the art displays were wonderful. I wrote down recipes from different cultures that I will be trying and clothing items I will be making. I would like to say to everyone job well done!

  89. Eureka B 76 in response to Jasmine jackson 67October 23, 2011 at 3:21 PM

    Jasmine I agree with you. Family and compassion was the key in every tradition. I now have a better appreciation for my family traditions and for others cultures.

  90. i really enjoyed the socfest i loved seeing all the items that were brought in and the cultral clothing was too cool!
    i learned a good bit about other cultures but i enjoyed going to visit my grandpa to discover all the items history i brought in. i had always thought the items were just folktale but with help from a family tree i discovered they were actually true stories. i couldnt get over my friend Herb's hollywood project it was quite impressive!

    in response to KeithR57

    i love how you compared the diversity of the classes to a little America. i had been trying to come up with something to compare it to.

  91. Samisha S67

    I really enjoyed the Social Fest. I learned alot about myself. Since singing is common in my family, that is all I know. So many came up to me saying, "Only if I had your voice." I know singing is a gift, but I thought most people who grew up church were singers.

  92. Samisha S67
    in response to Jasmine Jackson67

    I agree with you, it opened my eyes to many different things. Some cultures, I didn't even know about.

  93. I really enjoyed soc fest, it was really awesome. I especially loved going around talking to people and learning a little about who they are, where they are from, and how their culture differed from mine.

  94. Michelle J.

    What I enjoyed about the Social Fest was how I connected with others who shared my faith. I met three people who were Jehovah’s Witnesses. Before the Social Fest, I only knew of two others. I appreciated how they shared their space and time with me. In fact that is what Jehovah’s Witnesses are commanded to do in the Bible: to build up one another’s faith. This is why I enjoyed it very much.

  95. George M 67

    Well first off I had a wonderful time at the Socfest, when I walked in I didnt know what to expect, but i felt like i was at a bazaar and everyone was selling their culture. It was great. I was most shocked and impressed by the many people with Southern culture. As a native Atlantan I am an endangered species, most people I meeet thesed days are from the northeast or the west coast. So when I saw the various foods and displays of southern culture I felt at home, and very happy.

  96. I thought soc. fest was a great idea, it was a good way to get acquainted with classmates on a more personal level. Although the time was relatively short for the amount projects you could review, the amount of personal information obtained from talking with my classmates was great. I learned a lot about some folks in my class, as well as a few that I had never even met before. My favorite part of soc. fest was the variety of the presentations. I was able to taste, hear, see, and experience many different cultures and backgrounds.

  97. i found it interesting to know a little more about my classmates and get a sense of who they are better

  98. I thought the displays people in the sociology classes set up were great!. Most of them were very detailed, offering a great insight on others cultures, heritage, and cooking ability. It was a neat event.

  99. MauriceR

    I found Soc Fest a bit more subdued than anticipated. Here was an opportunity for cultures to really shine, intermingle, and be more organic. Overall, it felt like a High School Science Fair. I had fun and most of the participants offered up their culture(s) in a positive, interactive, and relevant light. One suggestion for next year, put names in a hat, randomly selects five – ten names, and allow for a cultural (5-10 minutes) spotlight.

  100. Isabelle44
    The Social fest was a great experience for me , I had the opportunity to taste different foods and learn about so many cultures it was fun and hope to see that again in others occasion thank Mr LaPorte you are so great!!!!!

  101. Megan G-70
    Soc. Fest was great! I really wasnt expecting it to be fun...but it was! It was great putting names with faces and getting to know all about different cultures and where \people come from. I never realized how differnt peoples backgrounds really can be. I found it very interesting, informative and fun! it was by far the most fun I have had at a school function! And I also learned alot about my own culture while doing the project! It was great!
