Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day

Greetings! This is our final blog for the term.

I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend. The U.S. holiday known as Labor Day has many meanings and cultural practices across the United States. What would make an ideal Labor Day for you?


  1. Samantha Morris - Online

    Labor Day became a recognized holiday in 1894 by President Grover Cleveland. This holiday was politically rushed because of the death of labor-workers that died at the hands of U.S. Military during the Pullman Strike.

    In my eyes I know that Labor day is a politically charged day but I didn't know the meaning it was made a holiday.

    I celebrate my labor day with family and friends as a party for the end of summer. My husband always looks forward to Labor Day because football kicks off the same weekend!

  2. Labor Day has always been a day for "chillin'" with the family! Before my retirement, I especially looked forward to having a holiday from work - paid. My children (now my grandchildren) and I would spend time outside, often visiting a craft fair or other celebration, then grill something and all eat together.
    Since I am such a huge football fan (SEC, mostly!), like Samantha's husband, am SO excited that the season has begun! Unfortunately, you can see that I haven't put any emphasis on the actually meaning of "Labor Day".

  3. Labor day has always been for the purpose of cooking out in my family. i'm not sure what the ideal labor day for myself would be. i, personally, am not a fan of Labor Day.

  4. Ashley Logan (online)

    Labor Day for me is either a cookout for the weekend or just going shopping and enjoying the wonderful weather if we have it. I really do not know the meaning behind the whole holiday thing. I think that most people have cookouts or shop, and if your are a man then it it football weekend!!!

  5. In our family labor day marks a couple of occasations like the end of summer , the time closing in fast to start deer season this weekend is always jammed packed with cook out for three days at deer camp riding fourwheelers for the last time because of deer season and the danger of getting shoot, setting up all our stands and the final sighting in of our rifels this has been a tradition as long as i can remember and has become a favorite holiday for my daughters whom enjoy shooting and hunting as much as their grandfather and myself

  6. Laura Mills(online)
    Labor Day? i asked the five people sitting in the room with me what they thought Labor day is? the female 24 said Labor Day is a cookout, drunk people, a breezy kinda day. A guy 26 a day at the lake with beer and b.b.q. Another guy 23 said a day i cannot work because everything is closed.A guy 7 said a day out of school. To me Labor Day is a day to spend with friends and family we have a boat and would go to the lake but on every labor day someone dies out on the lake. It's just not safe. So we grill at home. Share some laughs, pitch shoe and some of the adults have beer and mixed drinks. Not this year though I moved, worked, watched kids and took finals. :) So much for rest. Lol. Hope everyone has a wonderful night and good luck on your finals.

  7. Terri, Labor Day? to me is another family reunion we get together, eat, drink and the kids play ,have fun. then its over. we go home get reay for the next day of work , kids get ready for school.goodby see you next year.

  8. T Lewis;
    Being a huge footbal fan and my love for the cold weather. Labor Day reminds me of the end of summer and the start of some great football games. "How bout them Cowboys"

  9. Peter Nganga (Online)
    Labor Day is time to relax with family and friends, enjoy nice weather and get ready for a football. "Go Falcons."

  10. Jason Mccleary(online)

    I think I had the perfect labor day weekend and day i got to go to UGA football game and got to spend the whole weekend just relaxing not having to rush and do everything before monday comes. I really dont know why it is a holiday, but i think it is a great one because it is one of the few holidays that families still do stuff together. whether it be cookouts or a day at the lake or just sitting at home.

  11. Daisy McMickens (online)September 7, 2010 at 7:40 PM

    An ideal Labor Day would be: having the day off from work,spending time with family and friends, cooking out,playing games, taking a brisk walk and just enjoying the day and giving thanks for seeing another Labor Day. Ideal weather would be another factor for an ideal Labor Day. Each time you can spend quality time with family and friends is precious and makes cherished memories-that would make Labor Day-ideal.

  12. janki patel (online)

    An ideal labor day for me would be spending time with family and friends. This labor day weekend the only thing i did was spended time with family and enjoyed the nice weather.

  13. Molly DePriest OnlineSeptember 8, 2010 at 10:18 AM

    Labor Day is awesome! It's the time when football gets started, the weather is a little nicer, the last weekend for swimming and having some great BBQ! I went to MS for labor day and enjoyed the Mississippi State football game and spent time with my parents and brothers. It was great because the extra day off, gave us more time to be together! I really don't know why we have this day, but I love it!

  14. Judith Miller (online)
    A perfect Labor day for me means taking a break from work and spending time with my family. We always have a family cook-out as kind of an end of the summer type of party. Grilling ribs and corn on the cob, special dessert, and all the kids playing outside. Labor day to me means a day OFF work even though we are celebrating the work force...kinda ironic.

  15. Diamond Darden onlineSeptember 8, 2010 at 6:50 PM

    The ideal Labor day for me would be spending time with my friends and family. I appreciate the day off and the sales as well. We usually get together and cookout, play cards, board games and party! Unfortunately this Labor day was very untraditional because I was unable to travel back home. My family is in Ohio so we spent Labor day doing yardwork, playing the Wii and lounging around watching movies.

  16. Yelena Kanayeva, onlineSeptember 8, 2010 at 7:19 PM

    To be honest, for me Labor day is just an extra day off from work and school. I don't really do anything in particular or anything traditional for this day. But it feels good to have a long weekend to hang out with my friends or go shopping.

  17. Nanci Lamborn - online - This year we decided to run away to a quiet cabin in Helen for Labor Day (along with apparently the rest of the people in the entire state). But it was awesome, lots of beer and German food and cooler weather. It most definitely for me seems to mark the transition of seasons from summer to fall, which also means some belated spring cleaning and looking towards colder months. We get firewood ready, plan to put up jars of apple butter or jams/jellies, brew beer and watch football, and sleep VERY late (sleep is such a rare commodity!). We also braved the outlet malls (again along with the rest of the state) but found such huge deals I might make that a new tradition!

  18. lynnette muthoni (online)September 9, 2010 at 6:06 AM

    to me labor day is another day for cook-out and relaxing with family and friends, another off day with pay.how about that!

  19. lamond
    a ideal labor day holiday, is a trip to Saint Marteen, on a private beach lots of food and drink for the whole week

  20. labor day is a day to give the people who work their butts off a day of rest and relaxation. This is a day to just hang out with friends and family and it is a great way to put an end to the summer

    Brad Henderson

  21. Mollian labor day to me is a day to enjoy with my friends and family have a cook out,go shopping and have fun because i believe thats the last day of summer we have to take advantage of it .

  22. Kelley Holt (online)September 9, 2010 at 1:36 PM

    It would be nice to just have off one Labor Day. I can not remember a time that I did not have to work. People always looked surprised when I tell them I have to work on that day. It does not matter to me because I don't celebrate anyway. I always get Labor Day and Memorial Day mixed up.

  23. Labor Day means food, fun, family and FOOTBALL. I love taking the day off and being able relax from work and hang out with family and friends throughout the day. This is usually the last holiday that we have off where I work so it is nice to enjoy it.

  24. Nathan Hornsby (Online)
    Like most others have said I find Labor Day to be truly a time for family time. With life being so busy all the time on rare occasions I drop by my parents a couple minutes after work, so anytime I have to get everyone together and just talk and enjoy good food I capitalize on. Labor day is nice because everyone generally has off making it easy to get family together. Food, Family, and Relaxing sum up a perfect Labor Day for me.

  25. Debbie Pinson (on-line)September 10, 2010 at 2:29 PM

    An ideal Labor Day for me is just relaxing with the family. Labor Day means the end of summer and fall just around the corner. Everyone goes camping and has their last summer picnic. Labor Day is nice because most people get off work for one day through the year without having to take a sick day.

  26. Ashley Hansen (ONLINE)

    I think that Labor Day means giving the hard working Americans a day off, and giving them a day of apperciation for working so hard to try to keep our country strong and going. The ideal Labor Day for me would be to have my husband and daughter at the lake having a good time before it is too cold to enjoy the lake that we love so much. I know that many people still have to work and it is those people that should be appreciated more because they do not get to enjoy the holiday with there families and friends as most of us do.

  27. Motunrayo Akerejola(online)
    Labor day for me is a day i am able to sleep till 7am, no work, and school for me.NO school for the kids,it is just a great feeling when i'm able to sleep in.
    it is also a day to cook, and have some quality family time.

  28. Labor day is one of those holidays that everyone looks forward to. Why? There's the usual family stuff, football and blah blah. I'm not going to lie though; the best part of the Labor Day weekend is simply knowing that you don't have to go to work on Monday. Hanging out with family is nice and all, but not having to go to work is definitely the best part. Can't wait for Columbus Day.

  29. For me, it’s a day to rest. Just to sit on the couch and do nothing. I want to believe Labor Day is a day given to those who have labored. It’s a day off work (Labor). How else would one celebrate it other than just sitting on a couch and do NOTHING. The only work that needs to get done on that day is the making of Kool-Aid. All food is take-out. I love just relaxing at home with my husband and daughter and just doing nothing. Did I mention that I love to do nothing, absolutely nothing? I think for that day, it is o.k. to be a couch potato.

  30. Stephanie L (online)

    labor day for me is spending the day with family and grilling out and usually spending the day outdoors! we have lots of fun with each other and the dogs!

  31. Mabel Ibuoffor (online)
    The idea of labor day holiday is to have fun with families and friends around your neighborhood, cooking out and relaxing throughout the day, because any time you spend with your families and friends is always important and those moments are been cherished.

  32. An ideal labor day for me would be one where I don't labor =D.

  33. My ideal Labor Day is just like any other holiday my family and I celebrate. We usually barbeque and socialize with family and friends . Unfortunately my family and I had someone barbeque for us and we played games listened to music an stayed up until around 2:00 am partying and having a good time

  34. Allison Smith (online)
    A perfect Labor day for me consists of being out on the lake with my family cooking out and having a drink. We do the same thing for labor day every year and it never gets old. One of my favorite traditions.

  35. Olabimpe Soyemi (Online)September 12, 2010 at 5:41 PM

    I celeberate labor day with my family. We either visit friends or our extended family members for barbeque or we invite them over for barbeque. Either way, labor day is spent enjoying some grilled foods or we just take time out to relax somewhere or go for movies.

  36. Jenny Denker (Online)September 13, 2010 at 9:45 AM

    I believe that the ideal Labor Day for me would probably be a little different from everyone else. I usually work Labor Day because I am a sales rep at a company that is open on that day, and we make the most money on that day out of the whole year. So, ideally I would like it to be an extremely busy day so that I could make as much money as possible. If I wasn't working though, my ideal Labor Day would probably consist of being with my family and friends and cooking out by the lake. I believe that most of us don't get to see our family and friends as much as we would like too, and holidays are always are great reason for everyone to get together. So, either making money or having fun would make an ideal Labor Day for me.

  37. Tasha Wardrop (online)

    An ideal labor day for me would be to spend it with my family, we usually grill out and have the whole family over. My family is large so we are talking about 30 or more people and that is just immediate family. I love the times when we can all get together and this year has been a great one to spend since my husbands recent return from afghanistan. Hope everyone had a great one as well.

  38. Cassie Williams (Online)September 13, 2010 at 12:02 PM

    The ideal Labor Day is spending time with family. We always get together on holidays and cook out or go out to eat somewhere. Its a big family day since most everyone is off from work, so we savor it by hanging out with eachother. This year, however has been a very different celebration. We spent time with family, but we hardly had any time to realize it was Labor Day. We were moving all weekend, getting ready for my boyfriend to leave for Army Basic Training. So instead of of a carefree day, its been one of unpacking and anxiety. Hopefully next year he will be here to celebrate Labor Day in our old tradition.

  39. Well the perfect Labor Day for me is to be alive and doing well as well as my family. I dont have many expectations because I really dont celebrate it however being alive will be the best thing I can think of as ideal day

  40. Unique Summerour (online)
    My ideal labor day would have to be spending time with love ones, eating some good soul food or cook out. the best part to me is the fact that most of all my friends and family are off of work so we all have that day that we all can get together and enjoy eachothers company with hardly no interuptions. I am sad to say i do not know the true meaning behind labor day So i will have to find out asap.

  41. Melanie Jenkins (online)

    Every year we have a party that falls on Labor Day but we do it in celebration of my friend Tori and my sister’s birthdays. Cookouts and bon fires are also very popular for us around this time. And the neighborhood pool party and concert at the lake also fall around Labor Day.

  42. my ideal labor day would be a very simple day with no worries and to just spend a relaxing time wit friends and family. a big get together and blow put

  43. Madeline Cook

    Labor Day in my family means at the utmost relaxation. The history of labor day stems from celebrating the country's labor work force so in honor of this we opt to really take it easy that day by eating really easy no fuss good food and just hanging out with loved ones without any major plans of doing anything. Just a "no frills" day which is really nice to have every once in a while.

  44. Taneshia C -Online
    An ideal Labor Day for me would be a famliy gathering at our grandmother's house. We would clean up in and around the house, paint, and prune the trees; then we have a big cook out, feed everyone, and play music. We all have a good time hanging out and dancing. In the evening we would gather aroung and listen to our grand mother tell us old stories.

  45. Ashley T.

    An ideal Labor Day for me would be on the lake having a cook out with my family. It was something that we used to do every year, but as all of the kids have grown up we haven't been able to get together. I hope that next year we can get together again because family is very important to me and it is great for everyone to get together and catch up on whats been on going in our lives.
