Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gag Gender Gifts

We looked at humor as it relates to racism. The marketplace also pokes fun and takes advantage of female and male stereotypes.

Take a look at these two gag gifts and comment on each one.


  1. Angela Carrozza

    HAHAHA. the emergency chocolate, in my opinion, is for a woman during that time of the month, when she's in dire need of some chocolate! The remote for men is to "point at a women" and tell her what he wants, "beer, sex, and food." I honestly find these items more hilarious than offensive.

  2. Well I think that emergency chocolate is so true! As far as the remote goes, I could not get a good look at the words. I did make out Give Me part. I think that these 2 gender gifts are very funny, as well as being so true!!

  3. Greetings! You can click on the picture and make it larger. This will help with the remote.

  4. bhahahahahah awesome i actually think ive seen that remote somewhere around my house before and as for the chocolate its true but i prefer a york! But these gag gifts are hilarious i personally wish i had one of those remotes!!!!!

  5. Amber Taylor

    Both of those pictures are really funny. I cant lie the one about the chocolate is hilarious and it cannot be any more true. And im sure most guys would love to have one of those remotes!

  6. Liberty (Online)

    Those are both hilarious. I think every woman can agree with the chocolate, sometimes you just need it. As for the remote, they just wish it would work!

  7. I would have to say the chocolate would not be that offensive. I mean, I am a guy and when I am sad and not feeling all that well, I would say chocolate would make me feel a little better. Honestly, I am offended there is not a man version of emergency chocolate. The remote is offensive to me, because it puts off the thought that men in general see women as objects versus human beings with different "equipment" than the males. On top of that, it seems to me that one looking at this would also assume that in general men do not have productive means or abilities. In that, saying all we think about is sex, naked girls, and undeniably boobs!
    But I would argue this in many aspects. And I could also see this being degrading to the proud wife or girlfriend to a man who owns this remote.

    Brent Reese
    Tues/Thurs 8pm

  8. Kasey Waters(online)-
    I think the chocolate is funny. During my tough time in march i was always eating chocolate and other things but it made me feel better lol. As for the remote i find it kinda funny. My boyfriend and i were at books a million not to long ago and he saw this remote. he started pointing at me and it made me mad. But then we saw that there was a girl one to point at boys and so we just laughed. i can see where some might find it offensive.

  9. Kristen Mallard (online)May 26, 2010 at 10:15 AM

    I think these gifts are both hilarious. They represent what American society has come up with as stereotypical things that men and women want. It's definitely exaggerated - not every man always wants beer, sex, and food and not every woman needs chocolate to make her feel better. They could be taken offensively by some. However, I think they are intended to be funny not offensive.

  10. Scotty Hendricks said...

    I think they are both funny gifts I would rather have the remote and just have to click a button to get everything i want. But when you're wanting a snack that emergency chocolate will do the trick lol.

  11. Jennifer O'Dea (Online)

    I don't find either of these gifts to be offensive; they are too dumb to be offensive. I don't think that they even need to be classified as gifts for the "sexes"; although I don't know many men that get excited over chocolate. Anyone, man or woman could get a kick out of it. Anyone who would really feel offended has to much time on their hands.

  12. Deanna P.
    Hahaha these are hilarious! I want to buy that remote for my sister's fiance! Anyways, I dont find either of these gift to be offensive, just really funny! The chocolate bar would be best for a woman during her time of the month. And as for the remote, I think that every guy should own one! Theyre funny gag gifts, not something to get mad over or take offense to.

  13. haha! That's funny! I don't see how it could be offensive, but it definitely fits the stereotypes because we women love our chocolate....especially at certain times. haha

  14. I will have to say that being a women the chocolate just reminds me of that time of the month when all i can think about is chocolate or when im sad and i just want to watch movies and eat chocolate. I do not think a male can relate to that. The remot is a little X rated I'd have to say but still funny hahaha

  15. Alexis Gregory

    I think both of these are great! I think the chocolate one would come in handy for any female during that time of the month. As for the remote I think it is pretty funny. I know my boyfriend would love to have one of those. I don't think either one of these is worth getting upset about, they are gag gifts!

  16. Chienny Chhun (online)May 27, 2010 at 3:15 PM

    The emergency chocolate is actually true in a females point of view. I know that when I get upset or I am on my period, chocolate is a girls bestfriend! And as for the remote...it is basically showing that the male is the superior in the relationship and gets whatever he wants when he wants it, just like the remote shows when using it on a television set. But also people need to keep in mind that these are gag gifts and are meant to be funny.

  17. Lisa W.

    I think they're both funny! Not something worth getting mad over!

  18. Felicia Cleveland - online

    I totally get the emergency chocolate for some women thought of as a stress release. The remote is definitely a man world. There was a movie based upon a remote control where the man control the thing in his life funny movie.

  19. Shana M. (online)

    This is great stuff! The emergency chocolate is a must have for a woman! I am a chocoholic and I always have "emergency" chocolate! The remote is definitely for a man and if every man had that they would never need to speak again! Just hit a button!

  20. I really don't get it what is the chocolate with emergeny note, all I know chocolates is for women; men used that in my country as a gift for the girl they like it. The remote control, I know that's for the men because men always have the remote control in the house, and it means they rule the house.They just hit the button and they will get whatever they want.

  21. I'm also not exactly sure what the emergency chocolate is about. I think chocolate is a most women's weakness, so it possible means you can give it to her if she is cranky and need to cheer her up fast. Where can I get one of those remotes? I'd be willing to pay top dollar. I'm just kidding. If a man is willing to take the time to understand "women psychology," then he is more likely to get along with her and be happy together.

  22. The chocolate gift is for a lonely woman craving for something,like love, mate, hating herself and the chocolate can help her overcome her feelings of sadness and loneliness. Everybody knows that chocolate is soothing, it comforts you.
    And as for the remote, it's the fantasy of all men that is materialized: sex, beer, food and a mute woman who doesn't bother them, stays at her place (in the kitchen, and in the bed), says yes to all their fantasies, and get the h... out of their lives once they're done toying with her. Ha, ha, not very funny!

  23. Ruth Njunge ( Online) In responce to Amber Taylor

    Amber! i agree with you both of those pictures are really funny. I am not a chochlate person regardless time of the month or year but the whole chocolate thing is hilarious and it cannot be any more true. And i agree its every guys wish to have one of those remotes!

  24. Kristen Davis-online

    I have actually seen one of those remotes in a gag gift store before, and I find both gifts to be pretty funny. Personally, I know that I sometimes need that emergency chocolate. I wouldn't be offended by either of these gifts as I think they are a cute play on steryotypes.

  25. Cathryn Long (online)

    Too funny! Women can't help it that our bodies experience severe chemical imbalances each month, which would be why we need the "emergency chocolate", and men can't help it that they don't feel "in control" without the remote control in their hand while they sleep! It's a chemical issue for women and a control issue for men...we can't help it--we're wired that way. 8)

  26. Karie Manton - online
    That remote control is hysterical although in my house it could be the cause of great personal injury. As for the emergency chocolate, why wait for an emergency?
    I have a few of my own gender jokes for you all:
    Q: Why does it take 1,000,000 sperm to fertilize a single egg?
    A: Because they wont stop and ask for directions

    Q: Why do men pass more gas than women?
    A: Because we cant keep our mouths shut long enough to build up the pressure.

  27. Andrew Salak

    As far as the chocolate is concerned I'm guessing its for a woman in dire need of chocolate, somewhat of a "fix" to calm her down while she's having her...um...monthly moment. The remote now! I live for remotes! I have a remote in my room that turns on my lights, fan, tv, xbox, stereo, fake fish tank, and budweiser sign, one at a time or all at once! I have a keyless entry remote start for my car so I can start my car from inside my room (not yet installed) (but it does have a mile range on it). How stereotypical do I sound? lol! but its so true...I know nothing of a need for chocolate but a remote in my hand offers me power!!!

  28. Andrew Salak
    To: Karie Manton - Those are funny!

  29. Did anyone else notice the remote doesn't have an "ON" button, but it has an "OFF" button? So when I turn her off she can never be turned back on again? Might as well buy a blow up doll, it'll do the same thing!

  30. Kelly Kreig
    Ha! Those are both funny. I am always happier when i am given a chocolate bar! Who cares if it says emergency? I would like one of those remotes made for women. you know- cuddle, massage, cook, clean... That would be funny. I do thnk i would get mad and want to throw the remote out the window if my husband got a hold of one and tried to use it with me.

  31. Kelly Krieg
    hold on-Andrew Did you say you had a FAKE Fish Tank???? and you turn it on with a remote!?!thats awesome. Oh, and thanks for the good jokes Karie!

  32. Sardia Irvine
    I think the gag gifts are too funny! The remote reminds me of my ex husband. I always need chocolate, that time of the month or not! I love to give and recieve gag gifts. One of my favorite stores in the mall is SPENCERS. If you haven't been there you should check it out. It has a little bit of everything from cards, shirts, games, and shot glasses with messages to brighten your day. If you don't think gag gifts are funny you really need to lighten up!

  33. Trisha Miller OnlineJune 3, 2010 at 12:30 PM

    These gag gifts are funny. Women do tend to need that emergency chocolate around their time of the month and the mens remote is hilarious, just what a man needs! Its got all the buttons necessary.

  34. Alaa Abdul Wahab
    haha Emergency Chocolate is great to have on hand in the emergency time. that remote is so funny to have on our bodies, i sometimes wish to have a relax button on my body that i can click on it to make me sleep , relax and make me more comfortable and other one to help me learn and keep avaluable information in my mind lol

  35. Hannah McAlpine
    I think they're hilarious! I come from a very sarcastic family and I had to learn to not be easily offended. We love to crack jokes and make fun of each other. If someone gave me something like that, I wouldn't mind at all. I'll have a chance to get them back!


    WOW, these two things looks great for me the emergency choclate bar is good for my BIO class, I hope it can help me more, Remort is a fun thing. if it is in your hand , the world is your (TV).For me this remort should be a time machine, like if i forword i can go in future, and reverce go back in the past.

  37. Lamond

    Well in my opinion I think its not racial its just that men and women are wired different and women like things to eat sweet like chocolate to pleasure their inner peace and relax their minds and body as well the man with the remote control give a man a beer and snacks and we are in heaven.

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