Our economic situation including: high unemployment, low consumer confidence and a dismal housing market are statistically worse than the Great Depression. Yet, according to the retail trade group, $212 million shoppers visited stores and websites over the past four-day Black Friday weekend. This year’s numbers are up from $195 million during the same period last year.
There many ways to interpret this situation. What’s your hypothesis?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Famiy Figures
Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving! This distinctly American holiday is known for a time of giving thanks, over-eating and spending time with family.
If you had to create a sticker set describing your family what would they be?
If you had to create a sticker set describing your family what would they be?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Talk or Text?
Personally and professionally e-mail is a primary form of communication for older adults. A new study by Pew Research Center suggests this is not the case for young people. Text messaging has surpassed face-to-face contact, e-mail, phone calls and instant messaging as the primary form of communication. Locally, GA. State University even uses texting as part of class participation in several courses.
Texting appears to be here to stay. In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of texting?
Texting appears to be here to stay. In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of texting?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Color Blind Country
Much has happened to improve black and white race relations in the United States. Since the last election some people suggest that black and white race issues are no longer a concern at all.
What’s your opinion?
What’s your opinion?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween Happenings
Halloween rose from obscurity to become a major cultural celebration in the United States. Numerous customs and practices take place throughout the month of October.
Other than costumes and candy what do you find the most interesting about Halloween?
**I realize we have students in this class who for cultural or religious reasons do not celebrate Halloween. For those of you, all I’m asking is; What do you find interesting?
Other than costumes and candy what do you find the most interesting about Halloween?
**I realize we have students in this class who for cultural or religious reasons do not celebrate Halloween. For those of you, all I’m asking is; What do you find interesting?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Voting for more than governor
We have social Institutions in our course. Government is one of the most powerful institutions in our lives. We have a major election in a week from now.
You’ve heard the candidates for governor battle it out over the airwaves. Next week we have other issues to consider in the election. The 2010 ballot will ends with proposed constitutional amendments and resolutions that require voter approval. These cover a variety of topics and are generally written in almost incomprehensible legal jargon. This section is important because they are proposals to change the highest state law in the land, our state constitution.
Even if you are not a Georgia resident, and subsequently don’t vote in this state, these laws may well affect you just the same as others. Regardless if you vote in this state or note please respond to the questions below.
Are you familiar with the proposed amendments and resolutions?
Which one is of the most interest to you?
You’ve heard the candidates for governor battle it out over the airwaves. Next week we have other issues to consider in the election. The 2010 ballot will ends with proposed constitutional amendments and resolutions that require voter approval. These cover a variety of topics and are generally written in almost incomprehensible legal jargon. This section is important because they are proposals to change the highest state law in the land, our state constitution.
Even if you are not a Georgia resident, and subsequently don’t vote in this state, these laws may well affect you just the same as others. Regardless if you vote in this state or note please respond to the questions below.
Are you familiar with the proposed amendments and resolutions?
Which one is of the most interest to you?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Cash for Gold

Here’s the question, why would anyone buy an Olympic medal he/she did not earn?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Embarrassment as Enforcement
Daniel Mireles, a Harris, TX man, has been convicted of stealing money when he worked for the county. Along with paying back over $200,000, jail time and community service Mireless and his wife, and accomplice Eloise, must stand on a street corner in front of their home holding signs that read , "I am a thief. I stole $250,000 from a Harris County crime victim’s fund.” Each must sign their first and last name to the sign as well.
Do you believe this sort of legal sentence will work as a deterrent for other criminals, or is this cruel and unusual punishment?
To read the full story follow the link below:
Do you believe this sort of legal sentence will work as a deterrent for other criminals, or is this cruel and unusual punishment?
To read the full story follow the link below:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Books, Readers and Electronic Book Readers
A generation or more has no frame of reference for the works of Dante, Shakespeare or even Twain much less Socrates, Plato or Aristotle. In fact, some argue that books will soon become relics only found in museums.
Amid this literary doom and gloom electronic book readers like Nook, Kindle and several cell phone applications for electronic book readers are selling wildly.
The surge of electronic media of providing books, classics and contemporary novels, certainly will have a positive impact on future generations of readers. What do you think will be the implications for libraries, media centers and bookstores?
Amid this literary doom and gloom electronic book readers like Nook, Kindle and several cell phone applications for electronic book readers are selling wildly.
The surge of electronic media of providing books, classics and contemporary novels, certainly will have a positive impact on future generations of readers. What do you think will be the implications for libraries, media centers and bookstores?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Men of God

The Catholic church has faced its fair share of accusations of misbehavior from its leadership. This situation crosses denominations and race. What impact do you think the charges against Eddie Long will have on the perception of the ministers, pastors and priests?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Labor Day
Greetings! This is our final blog for the term.
I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend. The U.S. holiday known as Labor Day has many meanings and cultural practices across the United States. What would make an ideal Labor Day for you?
I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend. The U.S. holiday known as Labor Day has many meanings and cultural practices across the United States. What would make an ideal Labor Day for you?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
You can never have too much money
A current Gallup Poll reports a “majority of U.S. workers are completely satisfied with several aspects of their work environment, including their relations with coworkers, the flexibility of their hours, and the amount of work required of them. Of 13 job characteristics rated, they are the least satisfied with their on-the-job stress, followed by their pay.”
Do you think the dissatisfaction with pay is due to the current economy or a cultural desire to always want more?
The complete article can be read here.
Do you think the dissatisfaction with pay is due to the current economy or a cultural desire to always want more?
The complete article can be read here.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Equal Playing Field?
Women have made tremendous strides in professional sports, particularly in individual events like golf and tennis.
Why do women’s professional team sports (baseball, basketball, soccer) struggle or fail?
Why do women’s professional team sports (baseball, basketball, soccer) struggle or fail?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
America…United or Divided?
It has been suggested that people who use a hyphen to describe themselves (example: Asian-American or Mexican-American) create a divided America AND split loyalties.
Please say if you agree or disagree AND tell why.
Please say if you agree or disagree AND tell why.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Personal Preference
Greetings! Here is a simple question. Please think carefully and respond honestly.
How do you MEASURE Social Class?
How do you MEASURE Social Class?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Deviant Today Tame Tomorrow
Deviance can be defined as violation of cultural norms. However, over time what we define as “normal” changes. American society used to recognize the following behaviors as deviant:
Having visible tattoos
Exposing bra straps or boxer shorts
Interracial relationships
Childbirth out of wedlock
Granted the above examples are not completely socially acceptable by all people or in all places, but the Norm Police will not get a 911 call for these behaviors.
Give at least two (2) examples of behaviors that we currently recognize as deviant you predict will become normal in the next 25 years.
Having visible tattoos
Exposing bra straps or boxer shorts
Interracial relationships
Childbirth out of wedlock
Granted the above examples are not completely socially acceptable by all people or in all places, but the Norm Police will not get a 911 call for these behaviors.
Give at least two (2) examples of behaviors that we currently recognize as deviant you predict will become normal in the next 25 years.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Social Network Sites...Friend or Foe
This week we study Social Groups and Formal Organizations. My Space, Facebook and other online communities have allowed us to connect with friends and family and reconnect with people from the past. Our textbook clearly delineates the difference between intimate groups (Gemeinshaft) and impersonal associations (Gesellschaft). In your opinion are online communities making social progress OR are they creating systemic problems?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Summer Foods
We are in the middle of our Culture Chapter, so I thought it appropriate to discuss food. You don’t have to be a sociologist to know that regardless of culture, life happens around food. We celebrate, we mourn, we bond and we share precious moments around meals. Summer time is no exception. In the United States it seems as though we have foods specifically enjoyed at this time of the year. However, they may differ across regions of the U.S. and among cultural practices within the same state.
In your comment list your favorite summer activity and the food that goes along with it.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Picking a Politician
This time next week Georgia will hold its primary election for Governor, Secretary of State, Congressional seats and a host of other offices. By now you have certainly seen the numerous advertisements on television and received a mountain of political advertisements.
The primaries offer several candidates for an office within the same political party. So how do you select a candidate? Do you hear/see an advertisement? Do you read web sites or information in the newspaper? Do you rely on the recommendation of someone else? Do you attend rallies, meetings or forums? Do you make your decision based on televised debates?
I am not looking for you to reveal your political affiliation or to name who you will vote for in the primary. The goal is to determine how you gather information before you cast your vote for a person and or a referendum on the ballot.
Even if you are not registered to vote in GA please still respond based on experiences in your home state or country.
The primaries offer several candidates for an office within the same political party. So how do you select a candidate? Do you hear/see an advertisement? Do you read web sites or information in the newspaper? Do you rely on the recommendation of someone else? Do you attend rallies, meetings or forums? Do you make your decision based on televised debates?
I am not looking for you to reveal your political affiliation or to name who you will vote for in the primary. The goal is to determine how you gather information before you cast your vote for a person and or a referendum on the ballot.
Even if you are not registered to vote in GA please still respond based on experiences in your home state or country.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Truth Is Out There
Do you believe? Whether you do or not, many people across the globe believe in UFOs. According a NPR story (link posted below) a member of the European Union is calling for ALL governments to release information related to aliens and unidentified flying object sightings. Interestingly he has only garnered a little support.
Please answer the following two questions.
Do you think the United States government is keeping secrets from its citizens related to life beyond our planet?
Why would the US or any government keep such information hidden from the people?
The full NPR story can be accessed here.
Please answer the following two questions.
Do you think the United States government is keeping secrets from its citizens related to life beyond our planet?
Why would the US or any government keep such information hidden from the people?
The full NPR story can be accessed here.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Everything’s alright with the family
Greetings! The photograph above is a magazine advertisement. Don’t focus on the ad, look at the photo, and write at least three comments that come to mind related to what you have studied in Sociology over the previous nine weeks.
You can click on the picture to make it larger. That may be helpful.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial Day Traditions
A national holiday with roots dating back to the end of the Civil War, Memorial Day celebrations epitomize the diversity of America with a wide array of traditions from somber graveside services, lively cookouts, downtown parades, three day weekend mini-vacations, patriotic flag flying, popular road races, heavy traffic, festive pool parties, major sporting events, huge retail sales on every conceivable item, the commencement of summer, to a nationwide moment of silence, all set forth on a day to commemorate those who lost their lives in military service to the United States.
If you could establish a Memorial Day tradition in your family or community, what would it be?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Gag Gender Gifts
We looked at humor as it relates to racism. The marketplace also pokes fun and takes advantage of female and male stereotypes.
Take a look at these two gag gifts and comment on each one.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Bumper Sticker Status
We covered social class a chapter or so ago. Most of us associated with this class find ourselves somewhere on the middle class pendulum. We use a wide variety of media to convey the message of our class status to whomever will listen. One such method includes Bumper Stickers.
Using bumper stickers that already exist and are displayed on vehicles somewhere across the fruited plain give one (1) examples for each category:
a) Low class
b) Middle class
c) Upper class
Using bumper stickers that already exist and are displayed on vehicles somewhere across the fruited plain give one (1) examples for each category:
a) Low class
b) Middle class
c) Upper class
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Mother's Day
What sociologist would pass on the opportunity to open a discussion on Mother’s Day? I realize that parents are a touchy subject, but do tell us what you did for others or what they did for you on Mother’s Day this year.
You may alternately choose to respond by describing an ideal Mother’s Day. This can of course be from the perspective of a mother, spouse or child.
You may alternately choose to respond by describing an ideal Mother’s Day. This can of course be from the perspective of a mother, spouse or child.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Why Cinco de Mayo?
Many people incorrectly believe Cinco de Mayo is Mexican Independence Day. It’s not. That day is celebrated September 16. Oddly, Cinco de Mayo receives relatively little attention across Mexico with the exception of one state, Puebla. However, on our side of the border much is made of the 5th of May. Across the fruited plain many women, men and children will enjoy “traditional” Mexican foods, beverages, music and fiestas.
Why is it that this seemingly insignificant Mexican holiday is so widely celebrated in the United States?
Why is it that this seemingly insignificant Mexican holiday is so widely celebrated in the United States?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Viva la fiesta!
Over the last two weekends our area has held a variety of widely acclaimed festivals that drew visitors from near and far. In Atlanta we had the Dogwood, Arab and Big Shanty Festivals. Within a few hours drive South Pittsburg, TN and Vidalia, GA held award winning Cornbread and Vidalia Onion Festivals, respectively. The Georgia Renaissance Festival opened last week and continues until June in Fairburn, GA.
1) Other than pure profit for vendors, why are these events organized and attended?
2) What is your favorite fair or festival?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Roll with the Times
In the Culture chapter we discussed how items and events carry different meanings over time and place. During my youth in City of Atlanta schools, to have your house “rolled” with toilet paper thrown into the trees and shrubs outside indicated your status as a target and had a negative connotation at best. Being rolled meant you had been targeted out of spite, revenge or pure high school meanness.
Fast forward to present day in Roswell, GA, and for some rolling takes on an entirely different meaning. During Roswell High School’s senior wars a colleague of mine had her house rolled. I expressed my condolences and she advised me that it was a great thing in her household. Her son was ecstatic as the rolling was symbolic of his being liked and acknowledged by the “in” crowd. He didn’t even want to clean it up because he was so proud to have been rolled.
How would you feel to wake up and find that your house and property had been rolled?
Fast forward to present day in Roswell, GA, and for some rolling takes on an entirely different meaning. During Roswell High School’s senior wars a colleague of mine had her house rolled. I expressed my condolences and she advised me that it was a great thing in her household. Her son was ecstatic as the rolling was symbolic of his being liked and acknowledged by the “in” crowd. He didn’t even want to clean it up because he was so proud to have been rolled.
How would you feel to wake up and find that your house and property had been rolled?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Is it live or is it Memorex?
A ten year trend indicates real life is more entertaining than sitcoms, dramas and the like. If you were going to be on a reality show; which one would it be and why?
Feel free to invent a new one.
Feel free to invent a new one.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Sprıng Break
Sprıng Break has taken on quıte a bad reputatıon ın some parts of the US.
What are yours plans for Sprıng Break?
What are yours plans for Sprıng Break?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Road Rage?

A 2009 survey reports that 67% of commuters who deal with daily traffic noted that to have an easy ride to work they would be willing to give up the following:
1. part of their morning routine
2. television
3. showering
4. time with family
Number one is understandable and most likely a good solution. Number 2 is highly commendable and could well help the situation. Choice 3, a time saver for sure, can lead to a host of other problems, but choice 4-REALLY?
What would you give up to avoid getting stuck in daily traffic?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Thanks for a great term
Greetings! I want thank you for making this blog a useful tool for our sociology class. I had a vision of how it might come together in this, its maiden run. You guys exceeded my expectations. I appreciate your candor and the respect you showed your classmates.
I will be using the blog again in the spring term. Feel free to check back in on the conversation with the next class. If you chose to enter the discussion, please identify yourself as a former student.
I wish you all the best in all your future academic endeavors.
I will be using the blog again in the spring term. Feel free to check back in on the conversation with the next class. If you chose to enter the discussion, please identify yourself as a former student.
I wish you all the best in all your future academic endeavors.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I cannot tell a lie.
Greetings! Please follow the link below. Once you have read the article feel free to speak freely via this blog.
Tyler S. from the face to face class forwarded this one as a possible discussion starter.
Tyler S. from the face to face class forwarded this one as a possible discussion starter.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Look Who's Coming to Dinner?

Societal norms change at different paces. Some move rapidly like our immersion into the electronic age and others more slowly, such as the gradual and ongoing change in racial, gender and ethnic equality. A current cultural shift in the U.S. has taken place within a generation.
In many settings as recently as twenty years ago, the family dinner table held a level of sanctity far more hallowed and revered than telephone calls. During dinner, should the phone ring, no one bothered to answer. Evolution moved this along to the status of answering the phone only to request a return call after the shared meal. In time this gave way to answering machines picking up the call, while all the diners paused between words and bites to listen.
In modern day homes, and even more notably in restaurants, phones have established a place on table tops more prominent than napkins or silverware. During meals people openly write and receive e-mails and text messages as well as make and accept phone calls. Without question, this is a cultural shift, but to what end--productivity? Embedded in the action is the notion that whoever is at the other end of the call or electronic message holds more importance and value than the person(s) who share a table and a meal.
Use this blog to (A) note positive or negative implications to this paradigm shift or (B) suggest at least two rules for cell phone etiquette that should be followed in today’s society.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Apology accepted???

As you may know, professional golfer, Tiger Woods, offered a public apology for his recent actions this weekend. A complete transcript of his statement can be found at the link below.
Most people agree Tiger owes an apology to his wife. Some believe he also owes one to fans, the sport and to his sponsors.
Tiger’s statement certainly can have a psychological and emotional impact on his well being. It will no doubt be of use as he re-enters the world of golf and seeks to gain corporate sponsorship in the future.
You and I are among the average citizens, to whom, along with the people in the sports industry, Tiger directed his comments. What’s your take on this situation?
Monday, February 15, 2010
Analyzing Saint Valentine
Greetings! Sociology, like the other social sciences, requires the analysis of theory and practice. So, thinking about the cultural celebration of Saint Valentine’s Day in the United States answer the following two questions.
1- (Theory) What would make an ideal St. Valentine’s Day for you?
2- (Practice) How did you spend this St. Valentine’s Day?
1- (Theory) What would make an ideal St. Valentine’s Day for you?
2- (Practice) How did you spend this St. Valentine’s Day?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
America the Beautiful
Greetings! Candice Ammons in the Online Course sent me the link below with the hopes that we might delve into the numerous issues it conjures up in the realm of sociology. In the next chapter, Race and Ethnicity we surely have plenty of fodder for related discussion. Our chapter on Gender may raise questions and concerns as well.
Mostly I want this one to be a free-for-all. Please follow the link below and read the article and then share your initial thought here on the blog.
Mostly I want this one to be a free-for-all. Please follow the link below and read the article and then share your initial thought here on the blog.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Think of the Super Bowl Sociologically

Along with excitement, the Super Bowl brings with it a host of other sociological concepts. Statisticians report of attendance, ticket prices, player performance, commercial costs, viewer ratings and more. Friends and families gather for food, drink, camaraderie and friendly competition. Gamblers get in on the action. Violence rears its head in the stadium stands, in city streets after the game and in domiciles across the fruited plain. Marketers and media moguls place more hype on this than any other sporting event in the year.
Some watch for the game, some watch for the commercials, some watch for the Half Time show and some don’t watch at all.
Use this blog to give your two cents worth on the Super Bowl be it good, bad or indifferent.
Monday, January 25, 2010

Greetings! The device to the right is a breathalyzer. Previously only law enforcement officials used it to test blood alcohol levels of drivers suspected of operating vehicles under the influence. Now, breathalyzers are for sale to the general public. One might think the primary purpose would be to check sobriety levels prior to operating an automobile. To the contrary, the big trend is using the breathalyzer in a variety of drinking games such as: who can get drunk the fastest, who has the highest blood alcohol level and so on.
Please state your position about the breathalyzer and its use as noted above.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Healthy Meals
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
What's in a name?
In the coming weeks a major motion picture will be released entitled Kick-Ass. As I understand, it’s a theatrical rendition of a “comic book” by the same name. The main character is a high school student.
What is your immediate response?
What do you think this says about our society?
What is your immediate response?
What do you think this says about our society?
Saturday, January 2, 2010
First Family
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