Greetings! The device to the right is a breathalyzer. Previously only law enforcement officials used it to test blood alcohol levels of drivers suspected of operating vehicles under the influence. Now, breathalyzers are for sale to the general public. One might think the primary purpose would be to check sobriety levels prior to operating an automobile. To the contrary, the big trend is using the breathalyzer in a variety of drinking games such as: who can get drunk the fastest, who has the highest blood alcohol level and so on.
Please state your position about the breathalyzer and its use as noted above.
I think that the breathalyzer should only be used by the police for the orginal purpose. It should not be used for stupid drinking games, that is not the purpose for it. Once something is misused it is always taken away from everyone even if some people did not misuse it. When I saw that they sold it to the public I thought that parents would be the ones buying it just check up on their teens but not for teens to misuse.
ReplyDelete-Radwa Hassan
I believe that using the breathalyzer for drinking games etc. is def. what people would do but really its intended use should only be for police officers. If they let just anyone have one its going to make the roads alot less safe for stobber people since others might think they are still ok to drive because they tested themselves first. I def. do not think that the public should beable to buy one.
ReplyDeleteI feel that the people purchasing a breathalyzer should be 21 and sign a statement reading something along the lines of "if caught using the breathalyzer other than for the proper use to test sobriety for a safe drive home; then if caught by the police or any other law official you will be held accountable for any harm cause to minors associated with improper use of the breathalyzer." If there is a statement of understanding the consequences then one would think about the possibilities they could incur by encouraging others along with themselves to becoming wasted at a party.
ReplyDeleteJasmine Maxwell
I think the breathalyzer should only be used by police officials who properly use for it's original purpose. If they sell it to the public, it should be regulated and come with some sort of agreement or training with it.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think that Breathalyzers is a smart thing that should be sold to the public. Yes, it was originally only used by police officials to check sobriety levels; however, if a person is going to choose to consume alcohol and then possibly drive whether they are of the legal age or not, they should have access to check before they get behind the wheel. Many people feel as though they are alright to drive when they are over the limit. If they have access to find of what their level of sobriety is the person may be less likely to get behind the wheel if they are above the limit. This would also keep the roads safer because these people wouldn't be on the road.
ReplyDeleteAs for the drinking games, that's just stupid. A person should never purposely see who could get drunk the fastest. That will only lead to alcohol poisoning and very poor decision making.
Kerri Bertram (online)
I think that it is ridiculous that breathalyzers are being used for drinking games. Although, when you look at the addictive and bored society that we have become, it makes perfect sense. People today are bored; they use video to escape reality and the latest cell phone or other electronic gadget to communicate with the outside world. It is a society that has been disconnected from each other with devices that were meant to bring people closer together. So with a bored society that bows at the feet of reality television that sees idiots being rewarded with money and fame, it doesn’t surprise me. In the famous words of Tyler Durden:
ReplyDelete“I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.”
This comment is Kerri Bertram, I have no problem with anything being sold on an open free market, although, if you feel that you have to breathalyzer yourself to find out if your to drunk to drive, guess what, you are, call a taxi or have a non-drinking friend take you home. Best place to drink is at home, I'm paramedic and been with the police administering breathalyzer test, wouldn't believe how many people I've seen go to jail because they "only had one drink" or they thought they were sober. Why risk someone's life so you (not you in general) can go out to a bar, drink and act stupid and drive home?
ReplyDeleteI feel that it is a good idea, but like some others have said, you should know when you cant drive due to alcohol. But def. going to have to try some of these games out and maybe have a Superbad moment.
ReplyDeleteNick H.
I would have assumed that parents were buying this and testing their children when they came home from parties. I would have not assumed that people were buying this to play games with. In a way I guess it is ok that this is being sold to the public now. But I don't think it should be used for someone to check their own blood alcohol level prior to driving. If you feel you need to check your own blood alchol level before driving then it is probably a good idea you don't drive and call a taxi or a friend. As a parent I would administer this on my child if I suspected him of drinking while he was living in my home and under the age of 21. I have years to start worrying about that though. Is there an age limit set as to whom can purchase the breathalyzer? If not maybe there should be. I think it would be stupid to purchase this item and use it on yourself prior to driving. I have had a brother die in a DUI related accident and I don't believe in anyone drinking anything and driving.
ReplyDeleteI think that the breathalizer would not be such a bad thing to sell to the public. While there are people who would use it for games to see who has the highest alchohol level, there are people who would use it for good also. One group of such people off the top of my mind would be for parents. If their child has a drinking problem and the child is able to cover it up the breathalizer would give the child away. It would be also helpful in a group home type of situation. When I used to work at a group home there was a kid who came back from a home visit with his parents drunk. We didn't have a breathalizer that showed how high the alchohol content was but we had something that showed that he actually did drink alchohol. That way it wouldn't be a my word against your word situation.
ReplyDeleteRashida Matthias online
In response to Jami Phelps I agree with what you are saying. There should be some rules and regulations as to who can purchase the breathalizer and how it should be used. There should also be consequences for people who buy them that are not supposed to buy them and for those who do not use the breathilizer in accordance with the law.
ReplyDeleteRashida Matthias online
Individuals owning there own breathalizers should only be to check and make sure they are ok to drive, and for the proper authorities. They should not be used for childish and dangerous games. Seeing who has the highest blood alcohol content could cause alcohol poisoning, and things like this get passed on to children who think its cool to get that drunk. For adults i think that its a good idea, especially since a DUI is a felony for your first offense now. It wouldn't be a bad idea for them to check before they got in a car and drove. As for drinking games, absolutely not.
ReplyDeleteCheyenne Meatyard
Kamilla McNac
ReplyDeleteIt is a great idea to make this available to the public. I wonder what drunk drivers would think now about getting behind the wheel of something that wont start if you are over the limit. Yes I have seen a contraption inside of a friends car that would not allow her to start the car until she blew in the breathalyzer. I thought that was the craziest thing until I thought about how many times myfriend had gotten into accidents from drinking and driving.As for using it for games and such >>>If you buy it ,it is yours do as you please just dont try to get me to blow in it when your done!!!HA
I think it is a good idea for breathalyzers to be available to the public to enable someone to be a safer driver. But the truth is I can see it being abused more than people are going to use it for the intended purpose. Too many people think they can drive even when they've had more than what law enforcement considers to be the limit, so I don't think that many people are going to buy this to ensure they will be a safe driver.
ReplyDeleteAshley Lawson
In response to - Joseph GATES
ReplyDeleteJoseph well put! I Totally agree with you. What has are society come to, that people are using devices to see who is the drunkest. Get a taxi,have a designated driver or keep your butt at home!
In response to Joseph Gates:
ReplyDeleteI agree with what you are saying about our society. It has come to a point where we are bored and depend on electronics to keep us occupied.
Kerri Bertram (online)
In response to Joseph Gates post for my post:
ReplyDeleteI was merely referring to a person getting a dui because they are .05 above the legal limit. Wouldn't it be smarter for a person to have a breathlyzer than to get a dui? Yes, calling a taxi or having a DD would be the better option but some people are hard headed and think they have to do everything on their own.
I am all for breathalyzers being sold to the public. If some people want to see who can get drunk the fastest, or have the highest blood alchol level, then let them play their games, even if it sounds ridiculous. For the rest of the people who have a breathalyzer for the purpose to see if it is legal for them to drive, or for seeing if someone has been drinking, mostly parents on their teenagers, then I think that is an honest and positive way to use the machine.
ReplyDelete-Tyler Stevens
Everything should be made availbale for the public to have regardless of what intenbtions they're going to have.As a people wanting a more lenient way of living, we should be able to purchase anything they like outside of "weapons of mass descruction", after all it is a free country. The usage of the breathalyzer should be used responsibly and for it's intended purpose, but if people can't use it as a drinking game they're just going to devise another way to have more fun while drinking.
ReplyDeleteAshton Showalter (ONLINE)
ReplyDeleteAs long as there's alcohol, people will do some crazy things like the example of the breathalyzer "game" above. It is safer to have them for sale to the general public than just in special circumstances like checking the blood/alcohol content of a drunk driver, because alot of people are probably using them for what they are intended for. I mean what if condom manufacturers stopped selling condoms, because they want to stop teens from having sex? Or what if companies stopped selling cleaning products because of people's misuse with them? Guns are still sold even though some people make the decision to kill themselves or others, and they are still sold with the proper credentials. People can make their own decsions, and they will no matter what is on the shelf. With selling the breathalyzer, users have the possiblilty to prevent driving drunk and avoid a ticket. Congestion of the police department would reduce a little more, and more drunk drivers would most likely be off the road. Besides, people can make up a drinking game with almost anything readily avalible.
In response to Brittany Hasty:
ReplyDeleteI do believe that people can, and will, use this device for it's unintended purposes, but I do not agree that it should only be used by police officers. I would rather give people a chance to use their thinking caps and purchase one. That one hour that a person might wait if they used the breathalyzer could save everyone out on the roads and in law enforcement a whole heck of a lot of trouble.
The upper post was Ashton Showalter's (online) response. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteI think the general idea of purchasing a breathalizer is a good idea. It is designed to check sobriety levels and help those who have had a few drinks be accountable. When this is used in drinking games and a way to show how much more you can drink it is ridiculous. I feel that certain places should refuse the sale to certain people. If your not old enough to drink then you have no reason to be purchasing a breathalizer. There is no reason why office max and places like this offer cheap breathalizer to the general public.
ReplyDeleteBrad Henderson
I do like the idea of the public having a choice to own the breathalyzer BUT I strongly believe that the device should only be bought by parents or someone who is 21 or older. Parents do need to have ways to keep their kids in check and owning this device is one way. If a teenager gets a hold of the breathalyzer and uses it for drinking games, it is the parents fault for allowing this to happen but that is not the case. Games and bad things will happen with or without any devices. We as parents just have to teach our kids right and hope that they will make the right choices in their lives.
ReplyDeleteNatalya W.
In response to Joseph Gates. I think what you wrote was well put. I totally agree with you about our society these days. I can only hope my son doesn't fall into participating in games like this. He will be 11 on Sunday and I am just amazed at all the things he sees and hears. Whether it be on TV or in school or in a magazine in the grocery line.
ReplyDeleteI think that the breathalizer is put to good use when in the hands of the law most of the time. When it is open to the public that is fine. What they do with it is up to them. Maybe kids playing games like to see who blows higher might not be the best idea, but they will do what they want to do. I think just leave them alone and let them make their own stupid mistakes.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Smithwick
Well I think that the breathalizer should ony be used by law enforcement. And if people want o use it to check their blood alcohol levels, they should. But to be used to play stupid games to see who can get drunk the fastest is the biggest mistake ever. Everytime there is something that can be used for good, ignorant people turn right around and used it for poor reasons. And in response to Radwa Hassan, thats why things are always taken away from us.
ReplyDeleteI love when the toys of law enforcement officials become accessible to the public!! It shows what the great american people really think of their authority figures and gives them the power to really rub it in their faces. Especially when they get caught using it at personal gatherings that always seem to get busted at just the right time. But anyways, back to what I'm really supposed to be writing. I think that the breathalyzer is a great tool to be open to the public to use in gatherings where alcohol is involved. Usually people are aware of weather or not their friends or themselves are able to operate a vehicle, but if not, it may be a good reminder that maybe you did have too much to drink and you should take up that offer to sleep on someone's comfy sofa until you are sober enough to drive home. Also, a person such as myself, working in a bar shows you a lot about the stupid things that people do while under the influence of alcohol. I'm happy to note that our bar just purchased a personal breathalyzer to be kept at the front door to ensure the safety of all our customers and to make sure that they are capable of driving home safely and will come visit us for many times after that. Yes, in the end there are those that choose to be immature and have fun with things that should be taken seriously, but it also gives establishments access to tools that help save people's lives.
ReplyDeleteI believe it was probably released to the public with the best intentions, however as history as shown us many many times the things released with the best intentions end up causing the most damage. To make a drinking of who has the higher blood alchohol level is what troubles me the most.. thats like comparing whoes closer to dieing from alchohol poisoning.
ReplyDeleteI think it's smart that they're making them accessible to the public especially if it further promotes safety. As for the breathalysers usage for drinking games i think it's pretty dangerous and foolish because it can lead to blood alcohol poisoning or be fatal.
ReplyDeleteThis is a stupid idea. A person using a breathalyzer as an insturment to play a drinking game is outragous. The fact that someone would want to use this item to see who can get drunkest shows how far society has fallen. Why you would want to play a stupid game like that baffels me. I mean really who gives a crap how fast you can get drunk. Not only that but what is that showing for young people who will be the next generation. One of the dumbest ideas Ive ever heard.
ReplyDeleteI don't like the idea of using a breathalyzer as a toy inorder to have fun while drunk. If you can't find another drinking game without a breathalyzer I suggest you find a new hobby. Although, if the people do use them properly in a decision on whether they call a cab or drive themselves, be my guest. I think that would reduce the amount of drunk drivers in society. Basically, I think police officers are the only ones that should have them. Its not a toy!
ReplyDeleteComment above is Craig Z. forgot name. Sorry
ReplyDeleteFirst of all when did the breathalyzer go on sale to the general public? It is amazing what uses people can come up with for objects that were never intended for that purpose, like people using computer dusters that come in a can to get high. They completely ignore what will be the after effects of their actions. I think that breathalyzers should not be sold to the public because70 it can cause more harm than good. I know that when a person has many dui's, then a breathalyzer can be placed in their car and whennever they get in the car to drive they have to breath in it before they can crank it. If their alchohol content is too high the car will not start. The only problem with this is that the driver can get someone who is sober to do the test for them. So if only officers have the breathalyzers, then it would be a lot better. If people are playing those kinds of games they could get alchohol poisoning and die if they win the game. Is that really worth it???
ReplyDeleteI agree with Christina Denton. I did not think about it like that. If people would use breathalyzers for people drinking at their home, then it would save a lot of lives. That is pretty cool that a bar would come up with a use for a breathalyzer like that.
ReplyDeleteYet another thing that could potentially be used for good is abused by youths. Not to slam the youth, but man do they come up with some interesting alternative methods. Drinking too much leads to death, and I am not sure how many youths are going to have to die to get this point across, but this is one of the stupidest things I have heard of in a long time. It angers me to know that people's lives become endangered over such stupidity. Just because of the fact that kids are using this device because of that game alone, I think these devices should not be made available to the general public. Besides, even adults who drink responsabily shouldn't have to use this to determine if they should drive home. It should be common sense to only limit your drinking to one or two drinks, and if at all possible, have a designated driver, or call a cab to take you home after drinking. Nobody truly needs this device, except the officers needing evidence that someone is driving drunk. If taking off public market means saving some kids lives, one kid's life, it is worth it. That is why I disagree with what Rachael M said about it being available to make things safer, nothing is going to be safer. Only people who are responsible drinkers to begin with will bother buying this product. People who get so drunk they drive the opposite way down the interstate aren't the folks who are gonna pick this device up and actually use it. Just make it for police officers, that's what I think they should do.
ReplyDeleteCandice A. Online
I think that the breathalyzer being available to the general public is good in theory. It is a useful tool for bars to have on hand so that people can be sure not to drive if they are too intoxicated. It can also be useful if someone has a party at their home. Keys can be put up and before you leave, you agree to take a breathalyzer to be sure that you are able to drive. If not, the homeowner can call you a cab. It is unfortunate that it is used mostly for drinking games, but I’m unsure if that is actually harmful. Drinking games have been around since way before a breathalyzer, and I’m sure will be around long after the novelty of that is gone. In my opinion, in either case, there is really no harm in it being available to the public and the police are still able to have and use it.
ReplyDeleteJacqueline Williams -- Online
In response to Jason Ricker:
ReplyDeleteIf it is being used for drinking games and this is pretty common knowledge, maybe there should be guidelines with it showing what levels are dangerous. Maybe then people would be a little more responsible in their drinking games. I'm unsure that it is causing more damage since people have been playing drinking games for a long time and will continue to do so with or without a breathalyzer.
Jacqueline Williams - Online
Suzie C. (online) I think the Breathalyzer should be used for its originally intended purpose by the police. To use it for drinking games just seems immature and irresponsible to me. I also think that if someone uses this device to measure how much they can drink and still drive they are fooling themselves. Even though the law has set a blood alcohol limit I think you should not drive whenever you have had alcohol. Honestly, if you can afford a drink, use a taxi or a designated driver. The way I look at it is this: if I had only one glass of wine and my blood alcohol was well under the legal limit and I felt like I could drive safely…if I had an accident and killed my child or family member who was in the car with me I know that I would forever feel that the alcohol had caused it. It’s just not worth the guilt or the possibility of hurting someone to drink and drive.
ReplyDeleteSuzie C. (online) in response to Christina Denton: I understand why a bar would want to use the breathalyzer to try and protect themselves from the liability of overserving customers but I think this use of the device still gives a false impression to people that there is a “safe” level of drunk driving. The legal limit is just a number the justice system decided to impose; sort of like, OK, at .08 you’re so drunk it’s illegal to drive. That does not mean that it is safe to drive at limits lower than that, only that it’s illegal. If you drink, you should not drive, period. Life’s too short.
ReplyDeleteWell... along with many other devices, mankind seems to find alternate means of use that deviate far from origian intentions and practicality. Irrationality is the counter-productive bane of civilized society. The brethalyzer's funtionality is genius; in addition, the idea of personal use provides people with the means to check their bac levels before a problematic situation occurs. One may avoid driving while intoxicated, check his/her levels to avoid inebriation and alchohol poisoning, and keep friends from making a foolish mistake; home use can and will save lives as well as avoidance of expensive, court-mandated hassles. The outliers that are the ignorant drunkards will remain constant in that the brethalyzer may offer means of enabling idiocy; however, these people find other ways to competitively drink and still drink till they drop( the winner usually hits the floor or the restroom first). Perhaps with the breathalyzer they would be able to guage the destructiveness of their "activities" and realize that they have had enough as general toxicity of ethyl-alchohol is household common knowledge.
ReplyDeleteKeith Story T/TH class
Antoryeal Nunley "ONLINE".... I so agree with Radwa Hassan comment. I too think that it should be only use for police purpose and not for people/teens to misuse. My question will be who made it legal for this to be sold to the public. Where they not thinking of the people who may misuse this. Like Radwa mention, I can see if this where use for parents to keep a close eye on their teens but anything else is just plain out not caused for. We see to many teen dieing over silly things such as alchol. Why would any one put breathlizer out for sale to intise to teens to use. Someone was not thinking clearly on this one. I also think now you may have teens that think they can out smart the law enforcement by thinking. They no just how much to drink with out going to jail. I really hope parents catch on to this game and see whats going on with their teen and drinking.
ReplyDeleteAntoryeal Nunley "ONLINE"
This is just one of many means for young people to drink wildly. Teens won't drink anymore than have before because of the availability of this device. Taking it away won't curb stop anything. Are we going to take away kegs so kids don't do kegstands? Funnels so no one will funnel beer? Cups? Quarters? Shot glasses? This game will fade away and something else will take its place.
ReplyDeleteKeith Hendershot
Tiffany Jordan-online-
ReplyDeleteWell it's not surprising to see breathalizers for sale. There is now home drug and std testing so you don't have to go anywhere to get a test done, so it was only a matter of time before this was going to be sold to the public. I think that if you are using it as a precaution to make sure you are under the limit than that is smart. I mean at least that way your not taking a risk no matter how close you are to the limit. Also, your not risking anyone elses life trying to drive drunk. However, if people are buying that to play with it and to see how drunk you can get that is just dumb. I mean I'm sure they are not cheap so to buy it just for the purpose of games is a waste of money. I just don't see why that would be entertaining i mean when your drinking you know when your drunk its not like you need a machine to let you know. It is just some stupid thing you can do when your drinking. I do not necessarily think that just because there are breathalizers for sale that it will make people automatically drink more.
tiffany jordan -online -response to keith hendershot---i agree with you...i do not think that just because this is for sale now that people are going to start drinking more. I do believe that if they do drink more it's just as a game, and like you said it will fade and something else will take its place. Just something stupid like a lot of drinking games.
ReplyDeleteIf people playing these drinking games are so willing to risk their lives just to see who is more intoxicated, I wouldn't think the presence of a breathalyzer is going to make much of a difference. I do think that it should be available to the public for those people who aren't sure if they should be on the roads yet. However, I feel that if you're drinking, then you should always have a designated driver. But I know that isn't always possible/how everyone thinks, so I think that the breathalyzer is a good idea.
ReplyDeleteLindsey Bramlett(online)
Dana Cook - Online
ReplyDeleteIt is a shame that this device is being abused. However; this happens with almost everything that is sold to the public.
Unfortunately, the breathalyzer game can become deadly. Playing a game that is composed of seeing who can get the drunkest first or register the highest score on the breathalyzer can kill its participants. Alcohol poisoning occurs when to much alcohol is ingested to fast and the body can not filtrate it causing the alcohol to backload into the blood stream causing organ damage or even death.
As a society, it is our responsiblity to start to educate the public of what is happening with these breathalyzers. Put the information on the news. Start educating people of all ages of the devastation that alcohol can cause. We can educate high school students in health classes and people attending DUI School by showing a film of a patient dying from alcohol poisoning and the effects it has on the deceased family. We also need to make these breathalyzers only available through pharmacies, so that a computerized log can be kept. A person must be over 21 years of age with a valid diver license to purchase one. The Serial Number of the breathalyzer must be recorded to the ID, so the breathalyzer can be traced. If a breathalyzer is found at a party or on a underage person law enforcement can tract the breathalyzer. This would make the adult who purchased it responsible for the breathalyzer and the acts committed with it. With these actions put in place, I bet there would be a lot less brethalyzers being abused by young adults.
Dana Cook - Online
ReplyDeleteIn resonse to Kenneth Smith, I agree with you totally. This game is very stupid. Our yot today think that theare invensible and will not die. If only we could make them realize how stupid this game is.
Dana Cook - Online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Kenneth Smith, I agree with you totally. This game is very stupid. Our youth today, think they are invensible and will not die. If only we could make them realize how stupid this game is.
I think that the breathalyzer should only be available to the police. As you seen, something so simple as the breathalyzer gets into the hands of the public and this is what its used for. I think that the public would have no good use for it and that its crazy to think that its alright to drink and check you're alcohol level before you drive. If you drink and you drink enough to think that you might be over the limit then why risk your chances.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Joseph Gates
ReplyDeleteI partly agree.. I don't think just everything should be sold out in the open market (like everything it should be regulated). But yes.. If you have to do a breathalyzer test on yourself to see if you're okay to drive then why even try.
Hannah McAlpine
ReplyDeleteI think the breathalyzer can definitely come in handy, and if used correctly, save lives. However, when dumb people get drunk, they get dumber. I do believe they should stay available to the public for the responsible people.