A 2009 survey reports that 67% of commuters who deal with daily traffic noted that to have an easy ride to work they would be willing to give up the following:
1. part of their morning routine
2. television
3. showering
4. time with family
Number one is understandable and most likely a good solution. Number 2 is highly commendable and could well help the situation. Choice 3, a time saver for sure, can lead to a host of other problems, but choice 4-REALLY?
What would you give up to avoid getting stuck in daily traffic?
Part of my morning routine,I could always wake up earlier and be prepared gathering my belongings in advance. Occassionally I can be distracted by the morning news or sending emails. Other options would be taking a shower the night before. Not enhaling extra pollution is a wonderful feeling.
ReplyDeleteErica C.
ReplyDeleteMy problem is that I go to bed too late, and then I wake up late! It never fails, I always say I will go to bed earlier and it never happens. So, that is one thing I would do is get up earlier. Also, it helps to have everything out (clothes etc...) the night before. I think cutting out TV in the mornings is also a good idea. I definitely do not want to give up family time or a shower! :)
What I do is wake up earlier because I don't want to cut out my shower or my breakfast time with my son; it's a precious moment for me, so I guess I'd rather give up 30 mn sleep in order to avoid morning traffic. But let me add that it's an every day struggle to get up @ 5 am !
ReplyDeletePersonally I am not a morning person as a result,waking up is a crisis and would simply avoid the morning ordeal by working nights and sleeping the morning away. Anyway, In an inevitable situation part of the routine like breakfast in the car would be an alternative, have everything ready the night before including laying out the clothes I would wear, Tune in to radio for any urgent news instead of TV. Showering is a big no. I would avoid spending much time with family in the morning especially if they will delay you unless its urgent and spend more time in the evenings.
I could avoid being stuck in traffic by leaving my house at an earlier time. Since I would never cut out my shower, I would shower at night which would also allow me to awaken at a later time. I could also reduce the time I spend on my daily routine. I definitely wouldn't cut out family time, but planning to spend time with family and friends at my convenient times for my schedule would help.
ReplyDelete--Maggie. :)
Deanna P.
ReplyDeleteI would give up part of my morning routine. I usually take my showers every morning before I begin my day so taking my showers the night before would be a sane option. There is no way I would ever give up showering or time with my family just to have an easy ride to work! I would maybe consider giving up television but only after the season finale of 24.
Shana M. (online)
ReplyDeleteI would give up television! If I did not turn on the t.v in the morning, I would definitely get out of the house at a earlier time. I always turn the news on in the mornings while I am getting ready and I get stuck watching it when something interesting comes on. It is valuable time wasted!
Scotty Hendricks
ReplyDeleteI would give up my morning routine! I would pack my bags and get my clothes out the night before so I can save time. That way I can leave the house sooner and beat the traffic.
I would give up my morning routine. I would leave earlier and bring breakfast with me to eat once I arrived to work. This way I don't really have to give anything up, just move things around a little! This is a win-win situation, I avoid traffic and I still get to eat breakfast, just in a different order than normal.
ReplyDeleteKelly Krieg
I gave up living in the city. Traffic in Atlanta is horrible. For about three hours in the evening and three hours in the morning it takes forever to get anywhere. I live in Adairsville now and there is no such thing as rush hour here. It maybe drastic but moving to a less populated area is a definite way to save time.
ReplyDeleteI would give up television in the morning. It is very distraction and not having that half hour of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or Saved By the Bell would definately get me out of the house at an earlier time to avoid getting stuck in traffic. I could not give up my morning shower because that is what wakes me up in the morning and helps me to start my day right.
ReplyDeleteFelicia Cleveland (Online)
ReplyDeleteI give up sleeping in everyday, I work in downtown Atlanta so I have to wake up at 5:30 am and to drive that commute everyday would me make crazy LOL so I travel on the Marta train and to avoid train delay and the rush hour traffic. I leave my house at 6:30 am... Happy travels
Kristen Daivs-Online
ReplyDeleteGetting up in the morining is the biggest problem for me. Once I am actually awake and out of bed I can get what I need to get done in a timely manner and get out of the house. It is just getting up. The obvious solution would be to go to bed earlier, but I'm such a night owl that is very unlikely. For me personally, I would give up part of my morning routine, or television. I like doing laundry in the mornings, I don't know why but I like to do my laundry while I'm getting ready for whatever in the morning. To avoid traffic I could do my laundry at night. I certainly wouldn't want to give up a shower or time with my family. Family time is too scarce as it is these days.
Kristen Davis- Response to Erika C.
ReplyDeleteI always go to bed late too! No matter how many times I tell myself that I'm going to go to sleep at a reasonable hour so that I can actually get up I always end up going to bed just as late as I usually do. Sometimes even later. It's good to know I'm not the only person that does that.
Trisha MIller(online)
ReplyDeleteResponse to Aja. I wouldn't go to that much of an extreme on moving away. I think that timing is everything and planning your time around your schedule. Always allow for traffic and for other situations.
I am one of the lucky few who get to go against traffic to and from work. I DO know; however, that the times I have traveled to ATL and been in gridlock traffic have been grueling, so I definitely can sympathize with those who DO commute to the big city to get to work. With the ecnomy in its current messy state right now, it isn't uncommon for some people to commute as much as 2 hours or more one way to get to work a(Yeah, I know people who do)! Anyway, I am "bunny trailing" a bit...
ReplyDeleteI can imagine that if i was in that position, I'd ANYTHING (well almost) in order to have a smoother and happier ride back and forth to and from work.
Sabrina t/th 6 p.m.
I would have to give up sleep, my habit of going to bed late, or my habit of sometimes procrastinating . A combination of the last two is probably the most reasonable. Getting prepared for my day the night (earlier in the night) before would help in not running late the day of. I tend to wait until the last minute to get my things together which also puts me behind on time and therefore, I get stuck in traffic.
ReplyDeleteI would have to give up breakfast and limit my time on grooming because there has been several occasions where i could have actually beat the traffic but i have a tendency of wanting to have a full course breakfast every morning and i take my time while eating as if i do not have a care in the world. I know i sound so fat right now but i am actually skinny. I also like to take really long showers and i take forever on my hair. After I have already stuffed by face i begin to rush to get to school or work and suffer the consequces of having to be stuck in traffic. You would think I would have learned my lesson by now.
ReplyDeleteI would give up the morning routine wich includes showering, television, breakfast, and i have to admit that it takes me a lot of time deciding what to wear. A solution could be getting my clothes ready the night before and try to cut a least half of the time in the shower. Breakfast is something that i cannot skip but what i can do is to make a quick breakfast like a cereal or a yogurt. I think if i dont spend to much time deciding what to wear and in the shower i could save a lot of time and probably skip the traffic.
ReplyDeletethis is to maggie
ReplyDeleteI think that taking a shower at night is not hygenic. Everybody needs a shower in the morning because you sweat a lot in your sleep and also how can you fully wake up if you just crawl out of bed?
Taliesha Latimer-Response to Maggie Shaw
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. I will leave the house earlier than i usually do and reduce the time that i spend on my daily routine. When i think about it my daily routine is what keeps me behind in with my morning schedule eating, grooming etc.
Chienny Chhun (online)- Response to Kristen Daivs
ReplyDeleteDoing laundry is very important but I wouldnt be able to get up early enough in the morning to do it before work. I always do my laundry on the weekends and make sure that I have enough close to get through my week.
Cathryn Long (online)
ReplyDeleteIn response to aja...
I agree with you that moving out of the city was a good move. I did the same thing many years ago. It is a great thing to do as long as you don't have to commute to Atlanta for work. That being said, if I did have to make that commute, I would give up television in the mornings b/c I have a tendency to lose track of time when I am watching T.V.
Jennifer O'Dea (online)
ReplyDeleteI am happy to say that I no longer have to commute south to Atlanta anymore. I thought that traffic in Downtown Buffalo was bad; but Atlanta is a nightmare. It wasn't until I experienced driving in Abu Dhabi that I learned that Atlanta is not that bad either. When I did commute, I got my shower at night and left earlier. I had nothing else to compromise. Aside from waking up and getting ready, I grab my coffee and go. TV, e-mail, etc has never been an option.
Jennifer O'Dea (Online)
ReplyDeleteIn Response To Kelly Krieg
This approach is realistic, common sensual, and is actually do- able. If we have a "simple morning routine", then there is nothing that one can possibly to to further compromise.
Ruth Njunge (Online) Reply to Maggie Shaw
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on not cutting family time, leaving earlier in the morning and spending time with friends at your convenient time. But I disagree with you on not showering in the morning. You need to be fresh in order for you to be productive throughout the day; you will be sleepy all morning and unproductive if you shower at night.
K Manton (online)
ReplyDeleteIn response to aja,
I not only moved further from the heavy city traffic, I quit a very good job in Atlanta 3 years ago because of the commute. On some days I would spend 3 hours in traffic. It just wasn't worth it.
relpy to Aja,
ReplyDeleteMoving to a different area is an idea, people that live closer to their work or school make it more convenient. I work in Atlanta ocassioanlly, and usually when I am down there construction of some sort is usually going on. It can be very frustrating when Atlanta is made up of one way streets downtown, and your not used to the area.
Sarah Crawford
Kasey Waters(online)-
ReplyDeleteI think giving up morning routines is an ok idea. I personally could not. My rountine is always short. I get most of my things together the night before and that just leaves my showering. So the people who give up showering i do not know how they could do that. i could try waking up sooner though. I wake up as late as i can.
Kasey waters(online): response to sabrina-
ReplyDeleteI have never been in a traffic situation when traveling to work. I guess when put in that sistuation someone whould do just about anything. I do still think that someone should not stop showering. Maybe take the shower the night before.
Liberty - Online
ReplyDeleteI think that I could give up a little bit of sleep to avoid traffic. My family routine already demands things to be laid out the night before workdays. I really do not think that family time is anything that I could handle losing. It would, of course, require moving the alarm up by at least an hour to get me up 30 minutes early, I am addicted to my snooze button.
Liberty (online) to Deanna P.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good plan. Of course, 24 is not going to usually interupt the morning routine unless you record it. Showering at night is a good option if you like strong coffee. My shower wakes me up, but on work days I do mine the night before too.
ReplyDeleteI'd give up sleep I suppose. I could never give up showering. I don't really watch tv so I can't give something up that I don't do to begin with. I think that I would just get up earlier so as to not have to worry about traffic in the mornings. Evening traffic though, I would give up my soul I think to not have to sit in 5 o'clock traffic but thats never gonna happen...so I sit in my manual car, get leg cramps, and jam out to some radio station.
Andrew Salak
ReplyDeleteI'd give up sleep I suppose. I could never give up showering. I don't really watch tv so I can't give something up that I don't do to begin with. I think that I would just get up earlier so as to not have to worry about traffic in the mornings. Evening traffic though, I would give up my soul I think to not have to sit in 5 o'clock traffic but thats never gonna happen...so I sit in my manual car, get leg cramps, and jam out to some radio station.
ReplyDeletewell first off i don't mind traffic it gives me some woo sah time for say time to get my thoughts together, but if i had to give up something i would say showers and just take one at night instead, time with family is out of the question i would never let my personal life become effected because of TRAFFIC and my morning routine is already a mess so nothing to give up there. Also, I do not watch TV so theres no issue there i just listen to the radio.
Kyle G.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Shawna. I think traffic is the perfect time to "woo sah" and get thoughts together. However, I would not give up my showers in the morning. I need that to wake me up. I really dont have much of a routine so that wouldnt bother me much. I am not really bothered with tv time, but the family time is something i could not give up.
I tried to post a comment to this blog the first week of class but it didn't work. I basically said that I had road rage and I leave early so I don't have to deal with traffic. I also said that some people have to sacrifice time with family in order to go to work and pay the bills. Thats just life.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely give up television. Since I watch so little anyway, I doubt I would miss it. I use the morning to exercise and shower so I wouldn't be willing to give that up. Time with my family, well-That stays for sure. I guess I am lucky right now. I work from home and school is not far so I do not have to be on the road at peak hours of traffic. For now!
ReplyDeleteI would give up my breakfast in the morning if it meant I didn't have to sit in traffic. I am a fulltime student now, so I don't have to deal with much traffic anymore thankfully. When I did it was irritating though to say the least. I don't watch TV in the mornings; I just listen to music on the radio as I get ready. I am appalled at choice #4 though, there has got to be something wrong with those people. Like you said…Who does that??
ReplyDeleteI would give up my morning routine to get a easy ride to work if I had to deal with traffic. Typically I don't have a lot of traffic while riding to work so this isn't an issue for me. Although I do refuse to live in a big city for that reason.
ReplyDeleteGiving up an extra hour in the morning would surely be the best alternative for me. I tend to avoid traffic at all costs. Getting to my destination early just leaves more time to sit confortably to read a book, study, or listen to the radio.
ReplyDeleteLisa W.
ReplyDeleteI found the showering thing funny. I could never give up a morning shower, thats what wakes me up in the morning! My town isn't very busy, so I rarely travel through heavy traffic. I would be willing to change my morning routine a bit if I knew I could avoid traffic when necessary.
Living in the middle of nowhere can be nice. Back roads can take you anywhere and get you there 20 minutes quicker. I don't have to deal with traffic much, so when I do, I HATE it! I'm the type of person who sleeps as late as I possibly can. I take showers at night because I don't like to go to bed dirty. I listen to music in the mornings when I'm getting ready so I don't have to worry about TV. Most of the time I spend with my family is in the afternoons. I like to lay my outfits out at night and I don't tend to spend much time on my hair and make up. So the only thing I would have to give up in the mornings is sleep. And that's out of the question!
ReplyDeleteKaren Wiseman-online
ReplyDeleteI am so not a morning person, that's why I do everything the night before. I have to get up early anyway to get my 6 year old on the bus. I then come home and calmy prepare for my day. I only turn the tv on to listen and not really look at it. I live 15 minutes formj my job and it only requires 2 turns. I eat fruit in the car on the way to work, so there's nothing to give up. I think I have it mastered.
ReplyDeleteI would give up my latenight shows so that i can go to bed,then wake up early enough so i can beat the traffic.