The Catholic church has faced its fair share of accusations of misbehavior from its leadership. This situation crosses denominations and race. What impact do you think the charges against Eddie Long will have on the perception of the ministers, pastors and priests?
Courtenay Seay-online
ReplyDeleteSex scandals are not limited to religion. It is just more shocking to the public than when your Uncle Paul does it. A friend of mine once said “It’s simple. Wherever there are people, they will be having sex.”
The public expects it’s leaders, religious and otherwise to be the ones who do not make “mistakes.” They don’t cheat on their spouses. They aren’t alcoholics, or drug abusers. They most certainly aren’t homosexual. I understand the human need to have someone to look up to. Someone ( in the flesh) to model our lives after, but I feel like we put too much pressure on these people. That is not to say that what Mr. Long has been accused of should go unpunished.
To answer the question. What impact do I think this scandal will have on the perception of ministers and priests? I think as a race we are starting to slowly disconnect from organized religion and situations like this are pushing that agenda. In this day and age the words “catholic” , “priest” , and “minister” are often followed by the words “pedophile”, “homosexual” and “scandal”. I don’t think that will change any time soon.
I for one, think the disconnection is a blessing in disguise.
I personally do not feel it will have any impact on people as far as their personal faith. I believe most people know and understand that ministers are human and are going to fail and make bad descions like everyone in life. This does not excuse his behavior. What he did was wrong. For me personally my faith is not put in a human figure, I do not worship the preacher so to speak. This is good that this came out about Long, he does not need to be in the postion he is in or have a job when he cannot be trusted to hold true to the value system he claims and preaches about.
ReplyDeleteDenise M.
The comment above is from Denise M. Online student. :) Sorry I forgot to put online after my name. GEtting the hang of this online learning! Fun!
ReplyDeleteAnna Gerlach-Online
ReplyDeleteHonestly, there shouldn't be any negative feeling towards Priests, Ministers, Christians etc. Yes, what he did was shameful and wrong, but how he behaved should not affect anybody's church or beliefs. If it does affect what they believe or who to believe in, then they obviously are not strong in there religion. It is not about the Minister, the church choir, baptisms, etc. It is about your personal relationship with your God. A Minister teaches you the word, but they themselves are NOT God. We always have to think that we are ALL human and no one is perfect, no one is better than the other. We are all equal. We all know that there's always going to be a bad apple, right?
Amanda Caputo-Online
ReplyDeleteI do not think that people will look at other ministers, pastors and priests in a differant way. I think what he did was very worng and it shouldnt change anyways mind about any other ministers, pastors, and priest if they do think different and judge then they are not living by do not judge anyone else for someones elses actions. He is just a person like any of us and everyone makes mistakes and no other ministers, pastors, and priest should be judge on his behavior. I would not think of any of them any different just because of what he did.
I've been following this story fairly closely (especially once I read excerpts from a book of his), and my personal feeling is that the Christian community is going to have a hard time doing any more damage to itself than it's already done. Between Reverend Terry Jones wanting to publicly burn a Quran, the arguments made recently using God as an excuse for keeping with DADT ("Don't Ask, Don't Tell"), and the social media outcries over placing a mosque on or near Ground Zero, Christians aren't doing so hot.
ReplyDeleteI think the negative impact will be similar to the immediate and then forgotten shock towards the Catholic church when they started publicizing their pedophilia cases. Everyone will say "Oh I can't believe this! What a terrible man! This is why I don't like those Christians." Saturday Night Live will put Keenan Thompson in a skit about it. If it's true, Bishop Eddie Long will hold a press conference and apologize to the public and publicly (and probably insincerely) apologize to God for his transgressions.
Once the initial fallout slows down, my guess is that people will forget about it until there is a trial or some sort of resolution. People have a tendency to forget things once Facebook and television stops talking about it so much.
Ayanda B.- Online
ReplyDeleteThe charges pending against Eddie Long will affect the perception drastically. Individual beliefs is what matter when you look at this situation. People who don't attend mega churches already have a hard time trusting the church. They feel that it's all about money, volume of churchgoers, and that if you become a member you are just a number. Many of us have already seen firsthand scandals in the church and it make you not trust the leaders.
Kaila C. Online
ReplyDeleteI believe that this situation with Bishop Long will not impact the way ministers, pastors, and priests, are view because like Chelsea said it has happened before and people are still going to go to church regardless. Although, it will make people more conscious to the fact that you cannot trust your child with just anyone. We are suppose to be able to trust figures in his position but you can't trust them always because they are human and they can mistakes.
Ayanda B Online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Kaila C. Online
I totally disagree because even though the media sensationalize news and certain events, I do feel that people still want to trust someone who they believe to be in authority. Once that trust has been broken it is hard to come back from that. No one can judge because we all are human and sin.The situation with Eddie Long will be especially damaging to the black community even when it is no longer talked about in the media. His flock of members are so large that people are not going to forgive even if he come back later and apologize and admit his guilt. Right now he is denying the charges so we will let the jurors decide whether or not he is truthful.
Chelsi Kinney-Online
ReplyDeleteI think with any sex scandal or allegations, many people have all sorts of opinions. However, the allegations should not affect the religion or what people believe. In the past, the Catholic religion has seen many allegations and has also overcome it. I think that there will be doubts though for future African American priests but in time, people will soon realize that it’s about the religion.
Daria Glukhikh - Online
ReplyDeleteI've read several news articles and even watched an episode from abc news on-line to get the idea of the problem.
My opinion is the brighter and more successful the leader - the more people evny and try to humiliate him.
When some spiritual, political or educational leader reaches certain level of success and popularity, there is always someone who "knows something bad" about the person.
I don't know if the charges are true. I hope they are not, because this will affect all the big church leaders. I think it is always tough to be a leader of a large group, so such priests and pastors face prejudice every day. So this is a shameful and unnecesary scandal for Longs church and for the pastors society.
Courtenay Seay-online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Chelsea-Online
"...the Christian community is going to have a hard time doing any more damage to itself than it's already done"
I agree with this. This quote pretty much sums up how I feel.
"People have a tendency to forget things once Facebook and television stops talking about it so much. "
This is so very true. I would like to add that I think society is quick to forget the situation or the drama, if you will, but we are affected and changed by these things (the it they made us feel, and they opinions we express) and continue to carry them with us on a subconscious level.
Sarah T.-online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Courtenay Seay-online
I completely agree with Courtenay that we put to much pressure and expectations on public "role models". Everyone makes mistakes. I know it is more shocking to most when it is from someone in Long's position. It is sad that this will push people farther from organized religion, but true. Maybe we as a society should stop expecting people in leadership to not make mistakes. We are all human.
Sabrina Mobilio-online
ReplyDeleteAlthough these kinds of allegations aren’t unheard of when it comes to well-known religious figures, it is still disturbing to think that a man of G-d would use his power or authority to take advantage of any sort of situation. It’s true, we are all human, and we all make mistakes; however, when someone such as a pastor makes this kind of error, it is only natural that many people in his congregation would start to doubt his integrity. Since many people view their religious leader as someone who they can put their trust in, it is very unnerving to think that their pastor could have been doing something so terrible right under their noses. A situation like this may stir up some trust issues within the congregation, but overall probably won’t change how people perceive ministers and priests. As it was stated in earlier posts, if people are true to their faith, then an event like this shouldn’t have an impact on their beliefs. This situation is just another bump in the road, and hopefully the community will be able to recover from it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete(Chelsea Johnson)
In response to Ayanda B Online
I agree with your statement that people will still want to trust someone they believe in, but this is going to come after the public apology that I mentioned. This will be followed by his devout followers forgiving him and saying "Well, all men are flawed." It's a classic turn-around for members of the church. They do something, get shunned for one minute, break down in front of the church and then get taken back in, forgiven, and are allowed to act like nothing happened. The beauty of being a leader in such a predominant church is that you can pretty much get people to forget anything.
In response to Sarah T.-online:
We are all human. Everyone makes mistakes. But when you are standing up in front of thousands of people telling them explicitly how to live THEIR lives and what God wants and expects of them, your room for error is drastically reduced. Furthermore, the magnitude of the accusations doesn't really depict a "minor" flaw. If he was a politician, we'd crucify him. If he was a schoolteacher, we'd be after his job. If he was your neighbor, you wouldn't ask him over for your BBQ's anymore. So why would you continue to tithe to his church and support such a strict moral code that the Bishop himself cannot keep?
Lisa W.-Online
ReplyDeleteWell put Sarah T. Everyone does make mistakes, but what Long is being accused of is NOT a mistake! Those are sick allegations for anyone, especially someone young people should look up to. I think it will make people think twice about who they really trust as a religious leader, but one man's misconduct doesn't change my opinion on religious leaders. There are other ministers who are truly out there doing God's work, we can't hold everyone accountable for Long's actions. I believe all of this will die down in time, as everything else has!
Daria Glukhikh Online
ReplyDeletein responce to Courtenay Seay-online
I absolutely agree with the point that people tend to look up to public people as role model, and think they must be perfect.
However, these expextations are understandable, because leaders are leaders for a reason; they should set the example by definition.
LeQuise Cotton-Online
ReplyDeletePersonally I don't think people actually needed a scandal with the church to feel not so good about church and ministers anyway. Christians have never been apart of the most popular group in society from jump. When people find out you are in some way connected to some part of the church, its like you can instantly see the magnifying glass in their hand. Not realizing that its not that you are trying to be perfect, but you are trying to live as close to right as you possibly can. I think Pastors are held to a higher standard because of their role in the ministry, but I also feel that you bare responsibility as well to make sure that you are doing all that you are supposed to be doing. And you also need to make sure that God has placed you in that particular church or synogague to follow that particular Pastor or Priest. As for Eddie Long I think what this experience will teach him is:1. To learn who your real friends and members of your congreation are. 2Its not all the time a Pastor's responsibility to help everybody in the church. There are other people in the church that can help other people as well. Pastor's are not God they're servants.
Nicole L.-Online
ReplyDeleteReligious leaders have more frequently been brought out publicly regarding these same accusations which Bishop Eddie Long is currently facing. These religious scandals have already made it's impact and with them coming to light more often more people may also be able to see through that blindfold they wear. People fail to realize these individuals they hold in such high esteem, ultimately are performing their job. For a priest, pastor or minister it is more often referred to as a calling. These pastors and priests have real life situations to deal with as you and I and they should not be seen as flawless. They have the daily pressure of upholding a honorable stature within their church and within society in general but it boils down to them being human. In my opinion the church is witnessing a downhill spiral. Just as any other product we're provided that has bad reviews, the majority do not utilize that product. I think the same respect holds true for the church. I believe the impact of these allegations are leaving the public with the worst perception any organization could be faced with. These leaders are direct spokesman and living testoments for their product. If those individuals don't utilize their own product to it's full potential but only provide it with bad reviews then the church will see a decline in the use of their product by society.
Nicole L.-Online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Courtenay Seay-online
I completely with your statements:
"I think as a race we are starting to slowly disconnect from organized religion and situations like this are pushing that agenda. In this day and age the words “catholic” , “priest” , and “minister” are often followed by the words “pedophile”, “homosexual” and “scandal”. I don’t think that will change any time soon."
Spiritual Leaders are consequently leading their followers out of organized religion. The sexual allegations they face are forcing people to reconsider attending these churches. Perhaps peoples beliefs will not falter but the church will certaining feel it's impact.
The charges against long will not have a lasting impact of people's Faith or their faith in spiritual leaders outside of their respective church. This has been evidenced by the many Catholic priest controversies over the past decade. Catholics would condemn the offending priest while saying that it could not happen at their church because their priest was a good and just man. Then they act surprised when it happens to them, even while the signs that something was wrong the whole time leading up to the accusations. The main people that will be affected by these accusations are the parishioners of the New Birth Church, because their leader is being accused of misuse of church funds, which he was accused of five years ago in a previous lawsuit. This man is not perfect, nor is he without controversy. His flock has forgiven him in the past and once the media circus dies down, most will forgive him again. Its a matter of what people want to believe. If they want to believe that he is a bad man, they will turn their backs on him. If they want to believe he is falsely accused, they will continue to support him.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with this case is the media is making it out to be a scandal involving his sexual lifestyle. The case is a civil one about his misuse of power and church funds. While he may be a hypocrite that lives the "do what I say, not what I do" lifestyle, that is not what the case is about.
I hope i dont offend anyone but truthfully speaking catholics have been dealing with sex sandals in their congregation for YEARS!! Now that it is with a christian church its most suprising to the public(i believe so)and even that Bishop Long is African American the cases stand along among any other. I just hope the religion as an whole dosent take a blow!!
ReplyDeleteCourtney F.
ReplyDeleteBased on other events and materialist things that Long has obtained I would believe that the allegations he is charged with are true. I do believe one is innocent until proven guilty, but let's review.
He owns a Bentley car, has expensive jewelry that he wears, a very nice home, his own bodyguards, need I go on? I believe that if you are a true religious person and are into your faith honestly that you do not spend money on yourself lavishly. That's just selfish. You use the money for the church, helping out your community as in feeding the hungry, helping the homeless, and whatever good causes the church can assist with. He also used his income to lavishly bribe the young boys with gifts so that they would be in more compliance in performing the sexual acts. There were also pictures released of Long where he was in front of a mirror in a tight spandex outfit. To me that just seems itself a little disturbing for a priest to do.
The impact on the church as a whole, the priests, pastors and ministers is definitely be very damaging and may cause people to not be very trusting of the priests, pastors and ministers. Really this is really, really sad.
Jennifer A.- Online
ReplyDeleteThroughout history, religions of all kinds have been attacked by other religions and there have always been scandals within churches, synagogues, mosques etc. This time is different only in that rather than being reported locally within the community, village, town whatever; it is broadcast worldwide. We are hearing of more and more scandals because of advancements in communication. Scandals like these do make us wary of organized religion and we put up guards. The terms 'priest', 'pastor', 'ministers', 'rabbis' etc. lose credibility with every scandal especially now that news is world wide and more people have access to the news.
Even when I falter in my faith, the bottom line is when I am in need I go back to my roots, of how I was raised as far as religion is concerned. I could never leave Christianity. I think this is basically true for all of us; we go back to our roots. So yes the terms suffer, but the religion endures.
Amanda Caputo-Online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Anna Gerlach-Online
I totally agree with you that it shouldn't change anybody’s mind about what they think about their Priests, Ministers, and Christians. If someone does change their mind then they really not a strong believer about what they believe in and believe in their god. You are also right about no one is perfect and that no one is better than anyone. I totally agree about that because we all make mistakes no matter who we are.
Jennifer A.- Online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Daria Glukhikh Online
"However, these expectations are understandable, because leaders are leaders for a reason; they should set the example by definition."
I agree completely with is statement, ; leaders are and should be held to a higher accountability than the rest of us. Thus, his actions hurt the perception of ministers, priests, pastors etc.
(Shame on him if he is guilty!)
Jamie K.- Online
ReplyDeleteThere is always two sides to every story, but it is hard for me to believe that two young boys would go on public television and state the things they did if it were untrue. I believe this has a huge negative impact on Bishop Eddie Long, but it should not affect peoples outlook on other priests, pastors, and bishops. Just because some Bishop might be accused of doing wrong should not change everyones perceptive of other priests. Typically in this society today people use sterotype alot and if he is proven guilty people might have a changed negative perception on other priests, but I don't think that is right or fair. People look up to pastors and admire them, you can't look up to a man if he has been sexually assalting anyone. This story is very disturbing, how could he do this and be a man of Gods word at the same time? That doesn't make any sense.. that would be called a hypocrite.
Courtenay Seay-online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Courtney F
"He owns a Bentley car, has expensive jewelry that he wears, a very nice home, his own bodyguards, need I go on?"
I do not agree with this.
Is this really relevant? I do not suggest he is innocent, and I am personally not a religious but I do not think that owning material things makes you less of a leader. Religious or otherwise. It certainly does not make him a pedophile. Whether he is guilty or not, expensive luxury items do not determine his morals.
In response to Lequise Cotton- Online
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that preachers are held to a more accountable level, they should be becuase they are put in a postion where people trust them. It is disgusting how he has used his postion of authority in a church to abuse sexually other males. And LEquise is also right about preachers are here to be servants, but so many times they are put up on a pedestalbt their own congregations and people look to them as as "god" . This would have to be an uncomfortable place for them, but some of them I am afraid like this position of authority and being worshipped by people.
By: Denise Miller- Online student
Christopher P.
ReplyDeleteIf Long is found guilty I think it will have a huge impact. I did some research and found that he is not for gay marriage. He actually attempts to help gay people become straight. So why would he have sexual relations with adolescent boys? If these allegations are true he’s going to have a lot of explaining to do. What does that say about his beliefs in Christianity? If he were to do something like that, he would obviously not believe what he preaches because he would be damning himself. How could somebody be such a huge figure in religion and not practice what he preaches? He has been at that church for 23 years. That’s a long time to preach about something you don’t believe in just to have a high spot in society and coerce young boys into sex. Its sounds like he is a very sick man, if all of this is true. This is also not the first time something like this has happened in Christianity. If all of this is true I think Christianity and the people who preach it will lose some of their credibility with people they are trying to “save”.
Jamie L. Online. In response to Christopher P.
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree that he needs to practice what he preaches and it doesn't make sense for him not too. If he is proven guilty for this charge it definitely makes him a very sick man, and he definitely doesn't need to be a preacher at a church! I don't agree that it will make Christianity and the people lose their credibility, I believe it will make EDDIE LONG independently lose his credibility. How can you blame other preachers for the wrong of one preacher? That isn't fair..
Courtney B.- Online
ReplyDeletePeople of the church are already viewed as the people who do no wrong and are held with such high regard. I don't think that its right that he broke the people of his churches' trust like that. Not everyone is perfect and everyone makes mistakes but this kind of activity was not called for. I don't think that the view of ALL ministers and preachers will be changed because of this, however I do think that people will have trust issues.
Tracey B.In response to the Professor question. I believe that situations like this one with Bishop Eddie Long and the other priest whom have come out the closet, makes it harder for the "lost souls" in our world to be saved. For those out there who consider themselves as "True Believer-Christians" know exactly what i am talking about. Even if Bishop Long did not do what he is being accused of , it still puts doubt in the "unbelievers" eye...which makes it very hard for "Believers" to do the job that the Lord sent us to do. I pray for both sides in this and hope that God make the truth to light.
ReplyDeleteCourtney B.-Online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Jamie K.
I completely agree with you, I think that this is a huge negative impact on Eddie Long. But I don't think that the view of other pastors should be changed because of this, not every pastor is like that. Therefore they should not be viewed differently. But you're right, if he is found guilty then peoples views could change of other priests as well.
Kavi G.
ReplyDeleteThe allegations against Eddie Long, although scandalous, will have no great effect on the congregation of his church nor the faithful of other denominations. The media is known to exploit religious persons in all sects and creeds by holding them to a, “more than human” standard. Most church going persons have recognized this trend in the media and ceased to give much notice to such scandals as they are merely displays of human weakness and exist in all walks of life. This being said, little to no effect will be seen due to Eddie long’s short comings as he is just one man; one rock removed doesn’t crumble the foundation.
Chase B.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Kavi.
I agree with you're point there. Pastors, Bishops, or any other high position with in the church are always held up to standard without being recognized that they themselves are still human and will sin in the same way everyone else will. in my own opinion, the media has been known to bend the truth and that could be happening here and could soon turn into a "mob mentality" situation where one "victim" confesses, another person see's the opportunity and joins the newly formed bandwagon to get money from this man. that could be the case or this man is truly a sexual offender. we'll only know when the truth comes out.
Robert P-online
ReplyDeleteNicole L. I agree with you.
For me and a lot of others, these types of scandals add to the distrust. Not with religion but the church. As a member of a church you expect your pastor, priest or minister to set the example. Be it right or wrong. Keep in mind your religious leader was fully aware of his or her responsibilites. They accepted those responsiblities (burdens?) when they took on their role. Will the charges against Eddie Long change the way people feel about ministers, pastors and priests? Maybe for the short term but we will all soon forget.
Many were disturbed by this sex scandal because of what he stood for and against. I believe many did not take the time to trully look at the fact the Mr. Long is a man..in perfect by birth. Born with the capability to lie and decieve therefore cover his lust. I have seen people basically worship Mr. Long removing their eye from his purpose and throw money at him as he preached. All idles fall due to their imperfection, Mr Long did the same. If people remember (no matter what profession) that people make mistakes, regardless how grave, we as a country and as individuals would not be as captivated and devastated by the revelation (taking the revelation so personal).
ReplyDeleteMaureen O.-oline
ReplyDeleteMinisters, priests,and pastors are all human beings just like us, no body is perfect. We have all make bad decissions somtimes in our lives.For people that know what they really belive in,it will not make any impact in their lives or their relationship with God. But for the people that look upon their ministers and priests as God, they will be disappointed and some of those people migth even leave their faith.
People by nature tend to lie, make mistakes, and so on. A Leader committing such a crime is definitely a BIG effect upon many of his followers. With him committing this action he definitely loses witness to EVERYONE who has followed his teachings(or preachings). And with this happening the perception of Christianity, or Christians are being perceived as if everyone is a hypocrite. But not everyone is EXACTLY same. We all have such desires and we as humans it's normal. But it's our job to fight against such desires because that's what the Laws are for. Although Bishop Long isn't so much of a good presentation of Churches right now. Don't just come quickly to judge ALL Churches are the same exact way. We are all different.
ReplyDeleteAndrew G. Online
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the actions of Pastor Eddie Long will have no real effect on the perception of top figures within the Christian faith, simply because this comes as no surprise to anyone anymore. These days it seems it's more of a waiting game as to when the next abuse case will arise than "I can't believe it happened."
It was but a few months ago that Pope Benedict himself mass-apologized for the actions of Catholic officials, it's not like anyone thought that meant it would suddenly stop. So to be frank, I don't think there will be any major perception change, just a reminder that we need to always be aware.
In response to Courtney's post, I do agree that expectations are placed too high on many leading officals, setting them up for disappointment. I also agree that society is moving away from organized religions, though I don't think this particular case is going to have any major effect on that process other than a simple reminder as to why it's happening.
Anna G.- Online
ReplyDeleteResponse to Daria Glukikh...
You are completely right about the media humiliating people who are very successful. I personally think that anybody who is very successful AND a Christian, the media will find ANYTHING to turn people against them. Unfortunately, a lot of people can't stand Christians, but it is because of people like Eddie Long, Mel Gibson and others that proclaim to be a Christian and plainly don't "walk the walk". On the flip side, we are ALL human. We ALL make mistakes. From lying to murder, a sin is a sin. Like I said before, it all depends on how strong you are in your religion. Are you going to trust your God no matter what or let someone on earth who is far from perfect turn you away from your religion?
Kourtney C.-ONLINE
ReplyDeleteIN RESPONSE TO Courtney F.....
I was thinking the same thing...He always looks like he has came straight from the gym when he preaches!!!! Not to metion he wears muscle tees and leather vest w/jeans in the pool-pit.I know GOD says "come as you are" but not when you are clearly able to dress appropriately. VERY DISTUBING>i must admit!!!
Rachel H Online
ReplyDeleteEveryone makes wrong decisions. Unfortunately, this will cause the pastors, leadership in the church to look bad. It is not something that you expect to see from them. However, just because someone is a pastor or anything in the church does not mean they are perfect. It is disturbing but not surprising.
Lynn - Online
ReplyDeleteSociety has ideas of proper roles. Ministers, pastors, and priests are a symbol of godliness. They are held to a higher standard, are expected to “practice what they preach,” are presumed to be who they say they are. And when they are not, we are left with a sense of confusion; as with a mother who does not love her child. Those in close relationship (members of his congregation) may feel conflict, as though they have been lied to, and betrayed. It leaves us questioning our own assumptions about life. What we perceived to be - is not real. Many may ask themselves if religion is real; is God real? As hard as we try not to put faith in people, we do. And when they fail us our perception of them changes. Just as you lose respect for a father who beats you; you lose reverence for a minister who lacks godliness. Once faith(trust) is lost in ministers, pastors, and priests then our churches will be empty.
Rahel H Online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Anna Gerlach-Online
I agree with what you are saying. Everyone is human and will fall. just because they are in some type of leadership in the church does not make them any different from someone who is in the body of the chruch. I agree that it is about the personal relationship.
Zach B.
ReplyDeleteIt will of course have an impact on Eddie Longs' career, he will always be remembered for what happened, but it isn't anything new. Leaders in any religious community getting in a mess with a sex scandal has been going on forever. Fact is that no one is going to stop believing what they believe or stop going to church or anything just because this guy did what he did. People may be shaken up, but as soon as this story simmers down everything goes back to what it was until the next scandal hits. The only reason people make such a huge deal when someone from the religious community gets into a sex scandal is because that is so against what they should be, but they are human to and if they are going to do it they would have done it if they were a teacher, or a mailman, or even the president,we all remember old Bill. With the way news changes nowadays this will be forgotten in no time.
Jillian G.
ReplyDeletei agree with Zach B. its not anything new, but people arent going to change there beliefs and stop going to church, this has all happened before and people still go to church. The public and the news like to blow it all out of proportion when in a couple of months there will be something else to talk about constantly like lindsey lohan going to jail for the 6th time... and this will all be forgotten. no one is perfect,not saying that what he did wasnt wrong cause it was, but life goes on..
LuShawna M. Online
ReplyDeleteI feel that the charges against Eddie Long, will not have a impact on anything. From previous allegations of other Ministers, Pastors and Priest, it was the talk during that time but now it is something that you dont even hear about anymore. People have continued on with there lives like it never existed. As we all know from the media, sex scandals within churches is something that has been going on for a very long time. People will continue believing and having faith in what they worship. He will continue to have people to follow him and his word no matter what. That is my personal opionion.
LuShawna G Online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Rahel H Online
I totally agree with you. People think that just because its the minister, pastors or priest that these allegations are against, that they are not suppose to do things of this nature. But like you stated everyone is human and everyone makes mistakes. True enough these are
people that others within the congregation and outside of church look up to, but it happens and its reality.
We shouldn't be so quick to judge. These are allegations and this man is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Thank God! We live in a country where we can get a fair trial. Would you want to live in a place where bias judgment prevailed? Not that I am sympathetic towards Long, but the thought of being wrongfully convicted is horrifying.
ReplyDeleteI am noticing some similarities between former mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, and Bishop Long… Controversy surrounding abuse of money, power, and sex. And some love them in spite of all the this, and others just wanted to hang em' high. Kwame had his day in court and his sins had evidentially found him out. Lets hope justice prevails in this case.
In response to Daria G.,...
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned something about the more successful and brighter a leader, the more they are envied and humiliated… Do you consider him successful because he has a large following? Do people really envy that? He is living large compared to the average Bishop; now that is something to envy. I'd say Swaggart and Bakker might be jealous too.
Ashley F.-- Online
ReplyDeleteI may be going out on a limb here, but yes, I do feel that those who have the status of being a leader of faith will be judged for Long's behavior. It is no different than choices that a Political figure makes, for example we as a society judge if our President cheats on his wife with a white house worker. The truth is, regardless if these men or women work for church or our government, they hold a position of leadership, a position in which a group of people follow them and look up to them. In this case against Bishop Long, he is supposed to be a spiritual leader, a confidant that his church goes to seek guidance and the words of their God. His acts go against his teachings completely. Why would we as a society not judge this act of disgusting behavior?
In response to LuShawna M., I unfortunately have to agree with you. This is a situation that will be forgotten over time. His followers will continue to follow him, because for some he is their connection to their God. I find it sad and tragic at the same time that people don't have the ability to think for themselves. How can any minister be accused/ proven guilty over such horrible crimes and still maintain his status? These are prime reasons why I personally do not follow organized religion of any kind.
LaVette M.- Online
ReplyDeleteWhat impact do you think the charges against Eddie Long will have on the perception of the ministers, pastors and priests? My answer to this question is that it has brought about the second guessing of some peoples ideas of what a spiritual leader says ot of their mouth. First it was all the spotlight was on the priets and what was being brought up against them in claims of sexual manipulation of the boys within their church. Now it has come down to the Baptist preachers,bishops,etc. I say that it is a battle with reality and the church. These allegations have put out there that it can happen anywhere. I feel that it makes going to church and following a leader, who has been taken that oath to spread God's words and show people the spiritual way of living, and made it a joke in some peoples eyes. I can say I am on the fence about the whole situation, even with seeing the so called sent pictures also. I believe he is innocent until proven guilty, as well as others who have been accused of the same. If these allegations are true, he will have to face the ultimate judge and his life is at Gods mercy and no one else's especially with his status as a bishop. When coming down to it, these accusations do put a bad name on all the churches as a whole. But I also feel that it is an individuals right to have his or her own opinion about religion and how this directs them. I can only pray that all of this makes me stronger, and not put my all into a pastor or head of a church, but on the actual man above all God. No matter what Bishop Long and any other head of a church will still have their followers, I just hope it doesn't turn into another Jim Jones following.
Amanda O. Online
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that the charges against Eddie Long will have a significant impact on peoples' perception of religious leaders. This isn't the first or last time that a religious leader has been accused of something immoral, illegal or unethical. It is hypocritical, of course, for a leader to go against the teachings that he/she admonishes others to follow. If he did in fact do these things, it will be an example of the abuse of his power and standing with the church. These reprehensible acts will be judged ultimately by our heavenly Father. It is our responsibility to follow what the Bible says, pray and find our own way. Putting our stock in imperfect men will never get us the results we want. We must be on guard and place our faith in God not pastors, preachers, popes and other religious leaders. I think we should find people that exemplify biblical teachings and associate with them. In summary, I'm not surprised by these allegations and I don't think they are anything that is new. It is just more of the "do what I say not as I do" thinking of those that are self-serving. It concerns me more that people are surprised by this behavior and don't do more research into who they are following and trusting in.
Amanda O online in response to Chadwick -
ReplyDelete" Its a matter of what people want to believe. If they want to believe that he is a bad man, they will turn their backs on him. If they want to believe he is falsely accused, they will continue to support him."
While what you say is true, in my opinion, I think it is also the fundamental problem. People should look foremost at what the accusation says about their organization. Regardless of wether it is true or false the fact that the accusation was even made would make me not want to be associated with that group. If I had a doubt at all then that means I'm in the wrong place. Yes, people will falter but this is not just faltering this is unacceptable. People will believe what they want but isn't the point of 'religion' to teach others and yourself about God's Word? This just detracts from it. People need to be smarter about whom they trust and allow their kids to be around. Just because someone is a leader of a church doesn't mean you can leave your kid alone with them. Parents still ahve a responsibility to God and their kids to protect them. I think people are complacent and just assume that they can trust anyone in a position of authority. I'm not trying to be cynical just realistic.
Lynn Online – in response to Nicole L
ReplyDeleteI like the metaphor that you use- comparing religion to a product - because that is the whole point. In what way will this impact society’s perception is the question. Society as a whole, are not Christians. And this is who ministers, pastors, and preachers are selling their product of Christianity to. I agree with you that if that product is tainted then no one will want it. Ashley F says: “These are prime reasons why I personally do not follow organized religion of any kind”. And Amanda O. says “Regardless of whether it is true or false the fact that the accusation was even made would make me not want to be associated with that group”… I think those statements answer the question.
Angela A.
ReplyDeleteIts just another confirmation of bad things we know happen, only its happening so much, it's becoming a stereotype, unfortunately for ministers, pastors and priests regardless of the outcome. 'Here we go again'.
Billy Sims Online
ReplyDeleteWhat Bishop Eddie Long has done is not the first time allegations have been made against someone in the spot light. This person knew he was in the public eye and the effect that it will have on religion will be minimal. The reason being is that it want be investigated to the fullest due to past events. Mr. Long has already hired council and is nor denying the allegations he is just looking on how to turn the allegations against his accusers. If not now but at a later time he will not discuss the allegations but race and how he is the victim and how the American public has abused him. He will come out as the victim due to a scares society and a great smoke screen. He will not get nothing but a book deal and some money to disappear without causing a scene. The public will not comment but in private, due to the fear of being called a racist. The children viewing the actions want understand the act or punishment. They will just accept it and gro even further apart from religion and doing the right thing.
JULIAN .E. Online
There has been cases after cases similar to the allegation against Bishop Eddie Long, but the
fact remains that we do not know the truth until Bishop Eddie Long is proven guilty In recent
years, an increasingly amount of attention has been give to the problem of sex abuse
in church communities, most especially when it involves the priest, minister or head of a
religion group. Sex abuse on children and youth are particularly shocking crime if committed by
a clergy person because of the trust involved. The allegation against bishop Eddie Long has
called a nation wide attention and became a topic of discussion. The case of Bishop Eddie Long
is similar to other cases that involves a clergy and member of the church being charge with sex
abuse against children. When the abuser is a clergy, a person who is expected to portal a
spiritual and moral character. The public become disappointed by the act. Such abuse represent
a gross violation of trust and massive misuse of innocent children sexuality by a person who is
expected to be among most trustworthy.
The situation with Eddie Long is not the first situation and not the last. Sex scandals happen all the time, with teachers, cops, ect. but when you see a very popular pastor in the spot light and is being accuased it makes you think. Pastors are held to a higher level because of their responsiblilty and they are looked up to be many. To see a pastor make this kind of mistake and be exposed in the media and public makes you think who you can trust and if they use their power of auhtority to make the victims feel less guilty. What kind of world do we live in, i just pray all evil is exposed.
ReplyDeleteDeborah G. Online
Lesley G. online
ReplyDeleteMy dad has been a pastor for over 20 years. He takes every precaution necessary to even "avoid the APPEARANCE of evil" (which is mentioned in the Bible, 1 Thess. 5:22) He works hard to get and keep peoples trust. It is so hard to trust anyone these days, but a pastor should always be someone you can go to and trust with anything. Before my dad got to the church he is at now, they had a scandal involving the pastor and a church member. That is why my dad works so hard now to keep people's trust, becasue it has been broken by a previosu pastor. With Eddie Long, first,I think ultimately it will affect his congregation's trust in him, but also in any future pastors the people may have for the rest of their lives. Trust for them isn't going to come easy anymore. Then I'd say that this would impact church going people for a short time becasue they have their own pastor that they love and trust and it makes them question their own pastor, even if just for 2 seconds. As soon as it is off the news, people will forget. People who don't go to church don't have a pastor to compare this type of situation to and they will forget as well. Out of everyone who says that this will not impact people's view on pastors and ministers (even a tiny bit), I wonder how many actually go to church and have a pastor that they trust and love. Long term, it will only affect his congregation, short term (VERY short term) I think it affects many.
In response to Zach B. who said, "Fact is that no one is going to stop believing what they believe or stop going to church or anything just because this guy did what he did. People may be shaken up, but as soon as this story simmers down everything goes back to what it was until the next scandal hits." I agree with this statement from a personal level. Just becasue Eddie Long is being accused of this, doesn't make me question my beliefs and it doesn't make me question my trust for any pastors that I know. I'm just not sure that everyone out there feels the same way. Some people are more grounded in their faith and church than others. Some are very easily persuaded and I think this is something that could change some people's thinking.
Deborah G. Online in response to Amanda O.
ReplyDeleteI do think that this will make people cautious about thier pastors. I come from not only one but two churches that have fallen because the pastors were unfaithful. I know i have to be responsible to myself and my own teaching about the bible. I still go to church and i do think that others should too but i do think that we put too much faith in pastors.
Jessica V. Online.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't think what happened to Eddie Long is going to impact ministers, pastors, or priests.People are still going to go to church no matter what. People go to church to hear God's word and praise him. I think the situation is sad because people look up to him. He is supposed to live by the Bible, but instead he chose to sin. On the otherhand, he is a human just like everyone else and he is going to make mistakes. It is not an excuse and he did wrong, but what comes around goes around and he will pay for it in the end.
Jessica V. Online.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Tracey B., I agree 100%!! We are supposed to bring people to God. When "unbeleivers" hear about priests sinning like Eddie Long has done, it makes it hard for them to step up and take that faith. People go to preists, ministers, and pastors for guidance and put their trust in them. They are supposed to set an example. I didn't even think about that...good comment!!
I have been keeping up with this story since was first broadcasted. Eveybody is entilted to thier opinion, But the truth of the matter is would we even be writting this blog if it was an everyday person who has been acused of this matter. People do want something to belive in and help guide them through the everyday descions they have to make in life. Pastor or not the idea of a man being accused of touching children sexually should raise questions on the idea of why he is a leader in church. People go to church to feel safe and worship to have their prayers awnserd not to have to worry about if they let their kids go on church trip will their kids come back with pyscoligical scares, because their pastor is touching them. I feel he should be investigated like any other person who has had sexual accusations brought against him.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Julian E.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you all the way, your right this probally not going to be the last sex scandle in a church. Its getting to the point that people in clergy are going to have start having background checks befor they can preach the word of god.
Lavette McDowell-Online in response to Ashley F.
ReplyDeleteLaVette M.
I totally agree with you on the situation being forgotten over time. Even though it is a very serious accusation being broght against him. Like you said, his followers,his true followers, will contine to follow him. They do feel he is their true connection to God. Failing to realize their connection starts from them and no one else. Like it has been said. "God doesn't put any more on yo than you can handle". So true or not just like past accusations on political, spiritual, and even family leaders, it to shall pass. It is a test of those individuals inner strength, but no matter what it does put a bad name and taste in people mouths about the church.
Blake Chapman-Online
ReplyDeleteI can see how this could affect people on their religious views, by showing someone who is supposed to be a role model and leader and a person of god to be put into this situation and have such serious allegations brought up against him could turn people against having someone be a person to lead them to the "right" passage if they cannot keep on the same track themselves. I think that what has happened with him will make other ministers priests and pastors be held at a higher level of responsability and be more closely watched for any imperfections.
Blake Chapman - online
ReplyDeletein respone to Zach B. i agree with you on the fact that it will be forgotten, and that the only people that this will affect on a religius level may be the people involved , due to him being their religious leader and him being shown as corrupted may affect their thoughts on their religion, but overall there are not any other affects on people's religion , other than i think this is going to lead to trust issues like how Lesley G. posted above , although i don't think people will forget it completely, i think they will always remember this, but not really react on it, for example how Bill Clinton was brought up , we still rememer it although we never react on it, i think that this incident will make the people hold their religious leaders to higher standards than others, as if they are a celebrity in a way on how everyone looks up to them.
Nicholas L - Online
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, this case will lead to results very similar to other times we've heard of a minister or priest being involved in less than reputable activities. What's unfortunate about the situation is that it will probably further the stereotype of Catholic priests being prone to "unholy relationships." This reaction will be shared mainly by people who normally don't go to church or have never had a strong religious inclination. In turn that reaction will strengthen the belief of these people that religion or spirituality is a waste of their time. As for those people that were already regular church-goers, I feel these people will still go to their respective ministries; however, they may cast a more speculative light on the leaders there. Preachers and priests will continue to come under scrutiny for their actions and will have to be just as careful as ever to stay out of troublesome situations.
Nicholas L - Online in response to Jillian G.
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree with what you said. Right now is the time when this story will be most prevalent and newsworthy. The one person who will be most affected by the outcome, of course, will be Bishop Eddie Long. Regularly religious individuals will continue to go to church - although those who attended Long's denomination may choose to attend another church in the future.
Olugbenga A.-Online. In response to Jessica V.I strongly agree with her points.We are all going to churches to worship God not a pastor.Pastors are all humans,even the bible said not all that call me God will enter the kindom of God.Not all pastors are true God's worshipper. It is a lession for people to be caution of fake pastors.This is a shame to Bishop Eddie,his family and christ worshippers.I expect Pastors and church leaders to be a person to be trust and someone to set good example for pagans and unbelivers.
ReplyDeleteSharon E. online
ReplyDeleteYes,sex scandals are not limited to people who say that they are religious. If Eddie Long really did what he is accused of , then he was not a true man of God. He is one of those people who go to church to hide their evil actions. It is sad to say, but people are going to be afraid to trust their minister, pastors and priest. Not to be able to trust ones leader will then be a decline in the church.
Teronzo Helm
ReplyDeleteEddie long as put his career in jeparody. His reputation has went down the drain. He now has falling into the preachers sterotype. This accustion will follow him for the rest of his life.
Kenyetta C-Online
ReplyDeleteI believe this will have a negative perception of ministers, pastors, and priest. I am not saying it “should” but we as human beings judge and form our opinions no matter what. I believe we lose sight that these are men and humans and they as well as any other man fall short. I believe that Christianity will continue but for those who stay away from the Church have more fuel for their views. Why would one go listen to a teacher that hasn’t understood/practice the material? If the allegations are true (and I strongly emphasize if) Bishop Long has an addiction that is uncontrollable. He knows the impact he has on the community and to risk all of this for sexual pleasure is beyond my understanding. For people that go to Church every Sunday (including myself) there is no way for us to know the “secret lives” of the heads of our worship meetings. The only thing left to do is make sure our faith is strong and pray.
Kenyetta C-Online in response to Cristi M.
ReplyDeleteI agree that these are only allegations and he is innocent until proven guilty 100%. I do see validity in your comparison as well however Bishop long is accused of inappropriate acts with minor boys. If settled out of court or in front of 12 jurors his life is forever changed as a Man of God. Accepting the job title as Mayor is a total different title than Man of God.
Atiya D. Online
ReplyDeleteHhhaaaa! I actually attended his church as a visitor when I was 14 for a few months. Though I am muslim, I thought I should learn about the religion of my friends. It was a nice experience, but the feel was not even right to a 14 year old. I told my friend's aunt what I thought, that E. Long was gay, and she chastized me for speaking ill of "a man of God". I hate to say I told you so, but i did. It is hard for people with true or blind faith to step outside themselves and see the truth hidden in plan sight. I don't fault them for it because these people have faith in their god and it has been rocked by an imposter. I feel for all religions, including mine, that have flase prophets and ill ways that create stereotypes within their religious communities. Unfortunately, this being the gay capital of the US, people are starting to expect these things from this area. It's unfortunate.
Atiya D. Online in Response to Blake Chapman
ReplyDeleteI can't agree with you. As long as you have people who hold themselves higher than others and are reveered by the community, they will fall victim to their imporfections and find ways to get around it. You ask someone who has been in the public eye to admit all their follies to the "common" man and show how common they really are. Priests get bowed to, kissed, praised, sainted, how do you take that from someone?
Juliana W.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think this incident will change anyone’s opinion of preachers, except for perhaps the members of Long’s church. Some will just say this is another example of the hypocrisy of religious leaders. The religious will reason that Long isn’t a true Christian anyway, and such a thing would never happen to their pastor. People’s perceptions don’t change easily.
But, if this continues to happen to Baptist preachers, they may get the reputation that the Catholic priests now have.
Brian F. online
ReplyDeleteI for one when I hear someone is a priest or anything of that nature think of "pedophiles" or some sort of scandal relating to inappropriate behavior with either the same sex or a child! It has tainted the view in my eye as well as many others I am sure. It leads one to believe that people are falling into this job for the obvious wrong reasons that lead them to our public eye in the way of alligations. The reasons seem to be that they are attempting to hide behind the priest persona to secretly exploit themselves in their own personal sin thinking, well as it were in the past, knowing the general people trusted them with confessions, their own kids, and many other private matters and taking advantage of it! Scandal by scandal these cases are coming to the light and will forever taint a religion that is primarily what the majority think of as Holy and lean on as a bases for their life!
~ Katie H. (online) ~
ReplyDeleteIf we really thought about half the things people have done and are still doing today, we would never even leave our homes.
The allegations against Bishop Eddie Long seem to be really unreasonable, any man with great power will have great problems. Thats the sad thing about the world today, you never know whose serious and who is just trying to get famous. Theres a possibilty something he said was taken out of context and made whom ever he said it to uncomfortable, we view our pastors, ministers, and priests as these high almighty people and we dont take into consideration they are just normal people with a love for god and teaching the word.
I really dont think his charges will effect anyones view on our denominations today. If anything it makes me want to go out and sit down with my minister and try to get a better understanding of where he comes from, and find out if anything like that has ever happend to him. This isnt the first man of god in history that has been accused of such foul things and i seriously doubt he will be the last. If you're a believer you will be a believer regardless, as simple as that.
~ Katie H. (online) in response to Nicholas L ~
ReplyDeleteYour post opened up my eyes to the outcome for people that were already starting to stray from the word of god. I was just thinking about the people who attend church reguarly and are already strong believers. At times its hard to
remember the world isnt just black and white, theres color all over. I agree with you though this will cause a greater strain on how non-believers view churches, in their minds they wont even want to give faith a second shot because they will be afraid something like this will end up happening to them. It is sad that scandals and things that just make catholic churches look bad are usually the stories on the front page of the paper, but yet you hardly hear about the good in the world anymore.
I agree with Ashley F. that our leaders are to be held accountable for their actions. They should be held to a higher standard, no days they should be held to sometype of standard. This act if found to be true should not only hold prison time but financial reprocussions that should be swift. This man should never be in the religion business nor should have reason to have access to it. This man should only no religion through the prisons church.
ReplyDeleteLeQuise C. (online)
ReplyDeleteIn response to everyone that is commenting, I think what we have to first remember is that "organized religion" is a man made concept it has nothing to do with the word of God. God is concerned not with your religion but your relationship with Him. There is nothing wrong with a Pastor or Bishop having nice things, because if the truth to be told, would you really follow a Pastor or Bishop with a old beat up car, living in a shack, always got a "poor mouth" and then turn around and preach to you that God will provide? Chances are no. You would rather follow someone who has put God's words and principles into action,and to see that God's word is true that He will provide. If we get anything out of this Eddie Long story is that we all should take a look at our relationship with God and make sure that it is all that it should be. This scandal shouldn't make non-believers or believers turn away from God or faith, it should make us sit and wonder what we as believers and non-believers can do to make sure that scandals like this don't happen, if we spend more time with God to work on our relationship and ask Him how we can make others stay the course and not be tempted when temptation is present. For there to be so many believers out there, it shouldn't be so many scandals out there for us to be involved in. Stop talking about it,and start doing something to stop them.
Natashia F. Online
ReplyDeleteIn the past few years I can remember countless allegations being made against religious leaders in our country. As sad as it is to admit, it's not hard for me to believe that this is happening again. I believe with each related case, premature judgement becomes more and more common upon "men of God". I think we would all agree the thought nicer of our countries religious examples as a trustworthy, christian men as opposed to potential registered sex offenders. This day in time, I can not allow myself to teach my children that all religious forerunners can be trusted. It's disgusting that today the words "molestor" and "pedophile" go hand in hand with the title "Minister" or "Priest". I, myself, am guilty of making subconcious & somewhat involuntary judgement and mentally placing a slandered title on well-known Priests and Ministers. However, we are all human, and we must remember that these are allegations. Each accused person should be considered innocent until proven otherwise. Our country needs prayer...
Natashia F. Online
I don't believe that this case is related at all to what Bishop Long owns, but what example he has set as a "God-fearing, Christian LEADER". Whether he is a selfish millionaire or a modest poor man, it proves nothing. Regardless of his possessions, this man is facing some really harsh allegations.
Nathan F.
ReplyDeleteSuch accusations are nothing new. I don't think this will effect much of anything. With enough publicity, the said minister will likely be removed from his position, but without proof, little more would be done.
Donnie F.
ReplyDeleteEddie Long will surely catch much turmoil and difficult times due to the sexual allegations against him ; But then again, that is and has also been the case for any influential leader of any sort that has had or has sexual or corrupt allegations brought against them. Just in recent years, there have been much more than a handful of sexual allegations or corruption charges brought to public attention. Whether it is a political figure, an influential leader, a school teacher, a religious figure, or sometimes law enforcement, every time an allegation is brought to public attention, the same outcome seems to be reached: Corruption and secrecy are part of life as we know it today and has pretty much always been that way throughout history.
The perception of the catholic church, and others, is not really going to be deeply affected by this situation. And if it is, it will surely be nothing but negative perception seeing as it has happened many times before. It just seems to me that it may only be a matter of time before the people that have continuously watched these corrupt events take place stand up and say that enough is enough and it is time to take the action necessary to solve the problem at hand instead of letting it happen again... And again, and again, and again...
I feel in the case of Eddie Long, there should be prove of the action before even the allegations. I feel as if things are blown out of propotion at this poin. However, there must be justine in this situation and many more to come. There should be ways to prevent such future actions in our society.
ReplyDeleteI feel in the case of Eddie Long, there should be prove of the action before even the allegations. I feel as if things are blown out of propotion at this poin. However, there must be justine in this situation and many more to come. There should be ways to prevent such future actions in our society
ReplyDeleteMargaret F Online
ReplyDeleteAt the present time these are allegations, seeing as everyone was of consentual age this is something that needs to be dealt with privately. Also this will just make it harder for individuals to confide in their priest, pastor or clergy due to the fear of being vulnerable and being taken advantage of mentally.
Margaret F-online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Nathan F
I have to agree with you. These allegations if not him then someone else. Which means unless there is some hard proof it will be his word against theirs and everything goes on as usual.
Kayleigh P.
ReplyDeleteI believe the allegations against Bishop Eddie Long will have a negative impact on a lot of people. People need to understand that he is only human and we all make mistakes. He himself is just a messenger of God and not God himself. The actions that Eddie Long decided to make should not effect the way people look at the church and their religious leaders because he is just one man. The things that he has done should not go unpunished, his position as a bishop should in my opinion be removed because yes everyone makes mistakes but the mistakes he has made should not be acceptable in the church. Religious leaders have their own life and cannot be perfect, yet if you take a position such as his, you know the rules and like all rules they should not be broken.
Courtenay Seay -online
ReplyDeleteIn response to LeQuise C
You said,
"I think what we have to first remember is that "organized religion" is a man made concept it has nothing to do with the word of God. God is concerned not with your religion but your relationship with Him."
Thank you. I just wanted to say that is the most true statement in this entire thread.
Peggy A:online
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately this story has been played out for centuries. It is nothing new. The script, the cast of characters -- has been rehearsed time and again. The only thing that has changed is the names and faces of the characters. However, the supporting casts of characters never seem to change. Among these are: deception, corruption, power, and conflict. These are all characters that every man and woman will eventually wrestle with in life. Although, some are called to a greater moral superiority of ones character compared with another; and along with that, the consequences become even greater. This is yet another saga in humanities repertoire of church-related scandals. Will the church along with its priests, pastors, and rabbi survive this latest scrutiny? There is no doubt that it will, because religion will last as long as humanity continues to exist.
Peggy A:online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Katie H.
I concur with this response of being a believer regardless of the circumstances. From the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation man has consistently fallen short of God's expectations;and yet, He still remains faithful. Having a strong faith is not merely being able to put your trust in man but to passionately put your trust in the Savior of man.
Brian F. Online
ReplyDeleteIn Response To Natashia F.
I believe the majority of people in general make subconcious judegements upon people as they see them. It's obvious that there are no exceptions to this, Priest, Ministers, and Pastors included. True enough every individual is indeed innocent until proven guilty and each specific case or allegation has it's own circumstances that can range from a disgruntled church member to the little kid who was inappropriately touched, non the less it puts a premature thought in our minds as each alligation is brought to the light! Innocent or not, the thought is there and will forever follow someone in the eyes of the public, as our minds will always wonder, what REALLY happened? Something like this will continue to happen and taint religions and peoples name and job titles. We have to accept it for what it is,it being these sitautions that are aoccuring with ministers and so forth, and move forward and never steer away from our individual belief because of someone elses desires and sins!
Beth M-Online
ReplyDeleteWith our nation being so desensitized by such headliners, the shock value that it should project has become almost expected in some sick weird since. I think it has nothing to do with the fact that someone claims to be a minister, pastor, or priest. The world is full of charlatans. I think the individual impact we feel from "news" such as this, is a clear reminder how cruel the world can be and how we really don't know the person that lives or works beside us.
Beth M-Online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Chelsea-Online
I totally agree with your blog, it's only "news worthy" for about 3 weeks until there is a possible plea deal or trial. As I said, we are becoming such a desensitized nation.
Brian B
ReplyDeleteI don't think that opinions will change much. I mean, some people already have formed their opinions towards priests and what they are doing. So this may just serve to confirm certain people's opinions.
Jessica C.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't think that people will think any different of other ministers or preachers or any people of that kind. I think that they will only think differently, but by being naive forgive him. They will go on with their lives thinking that others that have his job are not like him. Although there has been many others to come along and do just as he has done. Example George Rekers - "anit-gay" activist caught with a young boy, Tony Alamo - child pornography, and so many others are just like him. Its a disgrace that this are the people leading are communities.
Madeline Cook
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I really haven't followed this story too closely but from what I have read the story surrounding Bishop Long is yet another example of how someone high up in their religious community is taking their position and exploiting for the betterment of themselves. Although Bishop Long has not convicted of the crimes against him I find it hard to believe that these young men would put themselves in the public eye to be embarrassed and ridiculed if there wasn't more to this story.
As a society we have lead to believe that men of the cloth are righteous, honest individuals who would never do anything to offend Almighty God, but unfortunately in today's society this kind of situation happens everyeday. One minute the accused and the next minute all is forgotten once a bigger story comes around.
Because of this mentally, I don't feel that situations like this wil change because often there are ignored anyway.
Lindsey Miller:soc1101 Tues/thurs 6-8
ReplyDeletei think that people need to realize there is a bad egg in every bunch. and that it doesnt have anything to do with the church. every person is different and will act differently.
Andrew W. Tues/Thurs 6pm
ReplyDeleteObviously this will have a negative impact on the church. Pastors and ministers are supposed to be role models, and they are running around getting in trouble for serious things. The perception of ministers, pastors, and priests will forever be skewed because of implications like Eddie Long’s. The church itself may not be at fault, but its reputation will suffer a blow.
Lauren G. Online
ReplyDeleteWe are all people, and people do mess up. Although, I do think that pastors, priests, etc. should be an example to their church. Not to say they wont do wrong in which they are capable of it, because hey are human. But I do think that pastors should lead a good example. If people have a positive example in their lives, they will most likely want to live like that person. Now granted, pastors, priests, etc. are NOT God. They are called by God, to lead an example of righteousness. I agree with Andrew W. that this situation will have a negative impact on the church. As Christians, we are called to "Be in the world, but not of it." We are all called to live our lives like Christ would want us too. And therefore, if we do things that are bad, the world will see us no different.
To reply to Andrew W. I agree with him on the impact of the church because of this. Because of Eddie Long's mistake the church's reputation will sadly suffer a big blow.
Steven Thompson-Online
ReplyDeleteI believe this will not have a negative impact on the views of the Catholic church but just on himself. Just because there is one mistake made by a certain person doesn't mean this is a mistake made by everyone. Priests and Ministers are suppose to be role models, but we are all human and thats why are sins can be forgiven.
Steven Thompson- Online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Leslie G.
I myself go to church and believe that it will only affect the people that know him as a person that had built trust with him. The people that don't know him will forget about this event within a few weeks. It takes years to build trust but it takes a minute to break it.
Anita D. Online
ReplyDeleteI am a church goer and I dont go for the pastor's sake but to hear the word of god. However I have close friends and family who don't go as frequent, and now believes what goes for one goes for all. I've heard some of them say that they feel all the priest and pastors are scandalous. So with the position that Long holds that impacts the church goers in many different ways. This could either draw you closer to god or just push you away from the church.
Anita Douglas Online
ReplyDeletein response to Steven Thompson
I do agree with you Steven. Pastors are human which means they will make mistakes to. However they are also suppose to keep in mind that they should be leading by example. Even if it was done and was a mistake fess up to it and not lie. However not everyone would see this as something that just he is doing as a pastor..but people are also finding faults in other pastors.Like I said in my post this will either strengthen your faith or push you away from the church.
i feel wether he did or did not do these action, the way we look at ppl with power such as eddie long should be checked but not to 4get it isnt the first time aperson has been accused of such ations especially a pastor
ReplyDeletei think this scandal will have a negative impact on the perception of ministers or rather "men of God" . it gives the non christians an opportunity to mock christianity and point fingers at what christians do wrong. long has put himself in a tight position because first, he is a very known minister and people look upto him for spiritual or rather religious guidance so it absolutely does not stand well that he gets into a scandal of any kind. secondly its a homosexual scandal. christianity or rather the bible is against homosexuality and for example the people of sodm and gomorrah were destroyed because of such behavior. and third, its is still unclear whether there is atonement for homosexuality,so its leaves people wondering whether he is going to hell or what??
ReplyDeletethis puts alot of pressure on the christian community and other ministers, because people look upto them, and this case, they ask their ministers for answers...like TD jakes says..."what do you say? there is nothing to say."
as believers the bible says that you are not judge but in a situation like this its hard not to, especially considering the fact that he is being accused of molestation etc. its hard not especially for those who have children.
this issue is very mind boggling and even myself i dont know where to stand and i consider myself a believer, therefore what of the unbeliever??
Angela R.
ReplyDeleteThe Catholic church is largely criticized for situations such as this already. I have heard people tell jokes about Catholic priests raping little boys many times and I've even watched television shows that were making fun of such situations. It's quite sad that our society labels a whole group of people because of the faults of a few, but that's the reality of it. I'm not exactly sure what allegations were brought upon this particular priest, but it doesn't surprise me at all that it was widely known about. Things like this happen more than we know in our society, but it seems like people enjoy ostracizing certain groups. They just need something to talk about.
Maureen O. online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Linsey Miller.
I completely agree with you, we are all diferent and act in our own different ways.
Ashley T.
ReplyDeleteI do not think that there will be that much of a negative impact on ministers, pastors, and priests. What Bishop Eddie Long did is something that happens every day; people are just more surprised when it is a leader of people. I do not agree with what he did and I am sure many people do not either, but because he made bad choices not all leaders do. There are many ministers, pastors, and priests that are faithful and are good leaders for people to look up to.