Along with excitement, the Super Bowl brings with it a host of other sociological concepts. Statisticians report of attendance, ticket prices, player performance, commercial costs, viewer ratings and more. Friends and families gather for food, drink, camaraderie and friendly competition. Gamblers get in on the action. Violence rears its head in the stadium stands, in city streets after the game and in domiciles across the fruited plain. Marketers and media moguls place more hype on this than any other sporting event in the year.
Some watch for the game, some watch for the commercials, some watch for the Half Time show and some don’t watch at all.
Use this blog to give your two cents worth on the Super Bowl be it good, bad or indifferent.
I personally am very excited about the Super Bowl! I'm a fan of Drew Brees so I'll be rooting for the Saints. The party I'm suppose to be going to is about half and half for each team so it should be fun, if I go. I may be in Kentucky picking up a truck sooo if that's the case I'm sure we will find somewhere to watch the game..
ReplyDeleteAs far as the Super Bowl in general, I think it's ridiculous how much tickets are to actually go to the game. And even if I didn't like football I would still watch for the commercials.
Ashley Lawson
Unfortunately, this year's football season has been a bit of a drag; I was interested in the Pro Bowl over the the Super Bowl. Both of my team picks were smashed by the Saints; however, the Saints are not talented moreso than either of them. The Saints lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers who did not even rank up high enough to be a wild card. The Vikings clearly had more talent and should have taken the championship and Super Bowl titles. Yes, they did have 5 turnovers and made a few mistakes. Even with all of the foul-ups, Minnesota was on top the entire game. Any opposing team has no excuse to allow such a close game with the mistakes made during the championship game. Had the Vikings kicked a field goal, won the coin toss in overtime, or had Brett Farve not thrown a running pass and run the ball for at least 15 extra yards Minnesota would have taken the game. All that can be said is at least the Colts took out the Jets; I hope Peyton Manning rains down hellfire upon the Saints and sends them running dumbfounded with their tails between their legs. Colts all the way Baby!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I agree with Ashley Lawson; from a video pro, graphics, and marketing standpoint, the commercials are interesting.
My family really enjoys the super bowl, Im just not a fan. I like how it brings them together i've just never liked sports. But i just enjoy hearing my grandama scream at the tv as im sitting outside listening to my aunts and uncles complain about all the money they just lost from betting against each other. I think super bowl is a good way to bring people together, like i said i've truely never sat down and watched a game. so i don't really have an opinion on the sport itself.
ReplyDeletecheyenne meatyard
I love the super bowl just because i normally follow pro and college football as close and as often as i can. I enjoy football for many reasons. It is an amazing contact sport and it is entertainment. Not to mention the half time shows are fun to watch and the commercials are hilarious! I dont know what likfe would be like with out football. Since i was little i was brought to superbowl parties. When i got older i started going ot them on my own. I dont think ill ever miss one.
ReplyDeletestephanie Smithwick
Kerri Bertram(online)
ReplyDeleteWell, I'd have to say the only reason I even know anything about whats going on with the Super Bowl is because of my boyfriend talking about it. I have no interest for professional football. However, I have always watched for the commercials. They are typically absolutely hilarious! So I'll be watching this year but I really don't have an opinion on who should win or anything that goes along with the teams.
American sporting events are modern day versions of Roman gladiator matches. Combatants of above average strength and courage engage in physical battles that test the mastery of their skills and their ability to triumph in the harshest of conditions. All the while their loyal and sometimes ruthless fanbase cheers them on to victory, subconsciously engaging in vicariuos idolatry. The only difference in the NFL and ancient Rome is that the losing team in the Super Bowl gets to return home to mega mansions, exotic sports cars, and seven figure bank accounts.
ReplyDeleteKeith Hendershot
I am more of a college football fan. About half of my family are graduates from the University of Florida (GO GATORS!) so I am a fan of the Gator Nation. I don't really get into the NFL football hype......I am way more interested in the half time show performances and for sure tune in to see the commercials. If I would have to pick a favorite to win I would go with The Saints all because I remeber watching Reggie Bush play college ball. I would have much more enjoyment watching the game if lets say Percy Harvin was playing but that isnt the case. So I will get together with friends and watch the game but not really excited about it one way or another. Probably more excited to eat some good appetizer type foods and just chat with my girlfriends while our husbands are watching the game.
ReplyDeleteSuzie C. (online) I like the spectacle surrounding the Super Bowl; as a uniquely American social custom I think it unites us all on Super Bowl Sunday, even if only for that day. Our society is normally too focused on “work” functions so I love a holiday that everyone, every religion, every background can join and be a part of. My daughter is in college this year in New Orleans so I’m very excited to hear how the city is going extra crazy as game day draws near. She tells me that the French Quarter has been crowded ever since the Saints made it to the finals and that if you live in New Orleans, it is practically mandatory to wear Saints shirts, hats, or sweatshirts. I love the excitement of the game and always look forward to the half time show as well as the great commercials. It’s always sad when it’s over though, because you have to wait another year for football!
ReplyDeleteSuzie C. (online) in reply to Keith Hendershot: Keith, you have a very dry sense of humor that is really funny. I love the savage use of words and metaphors. At least I think you were making fun of the spectacle by comparing it to gladiator matches… because most gladiators were unfree people such as condemned criminals, prisoners of war and slaves forced to do battle. While some of them survived and became heroes, they certainly did not have the options our college-educated athletes have when they sign up for pro-ball and all the rewards the NFL offers.
ReplyDeleteI have 2 words: who cares?
ReplyDeleteThe super bowl.. idk what to really say about it. Im my opinion college ball is the only thing worth watching. If I wanted to watch overpaid men man-handling each other id go rent some gay porn. Be pretty f____ gross, but more interesting. lol. But in the end the super bowl is nothing more than a multi-million dollar waste of time. Go help some poor people...
Nick H.
To be sincere i have never watched super bowl. I'm a fan of Marathon races, and football. However,i think social stratification plays a very major role in this case.
ReplyDeletesalome s.
Greetings! This is one of the best and most forthright discussions thus far. Keep it up!
I LOVE FOOTBALL! It is the greatest contact sport known to man (in my opinion). I am a fan of the Atlanta Falcons, so I'm a bit upset that their performance this season didn't get them a spot in the playoffs, and a chance at the Superbowl, but I enjoy watching football regardless of the teams playing. I enjoy the Superbowl especially because it brings families and friends together, it is made more fun to watch because of the special commercials and good food all around, and the Half-time show is always a spectacle to see. I can't wait for this Sunday!
ReplyDeleteAs for Nick H.'s comment, I can appreciate the last five words, "go help some poor people." I think that the millions of dollars they spend for this showy display would be better served helping others. But since greed rules, that'll never happen. So, since it's here to enjoy, I'll enjoy it while I'm here!
Candice A. Online
I have to admit that I watch it for the commercials most of the time. But if one of my teams (Vikings or Patriots) are playing, then I watch all of it. I do think that the Vikings should have been the ones going to the Super Bowl because they have been playing so hard. I was also upset when the Patriots were out so soon. The commercials are the best during the Super Bowl and that is one way to get more people involved. People get together and buy lots of food so everyone banks on this.
ReplyDeleteNatalya W.
In response to Nick H.:
ReplyDeleteI have to say that your opinion is very strong. I'd have to agree with what you are saying about college football being more worthwhile to watch. However, its interesting that you feel so strongly about it being a waste of time and money. The Super Bowl has been going on for some time now. What's caused you to feel like this? I do really appreciate the comment on helping the poor.
Kerri Bertram (online)
Craig Z.
ReplyDeleteThe last time I watched a Super Bowl is when the Tampa Bay Buccaneers won their first championship by defeating the Oakland Raiders. This year I definitely plan watch the game because I hope to see the New Orleans Saints win it for the first time. I love seeing underdogs win against teams that are expected to win. That is the thrill for me when watching a Super Bowl otherwise I probably wouldn't watch it. Go Saints!
The Super Bowl is such prodigious event. Though it may event bring family and friends together even if they all don't watch football the event itself becomes lost in all of the extra commotion. The Super Bowl is just an example of how competitive the market is for companys buying commercial slots for millions of dollars. In which makes the Super Bowl more of a popularity contest than a game. I would rather just watch the Super Bowl without the long ads and halftime show.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Nick H.
ReplyDeleteYou have a very strong opinion of your dislike for the super bowl. However when you say it is a multi million dollar waste I would have to disagree with you. The superbowl is being played in Miami and it is going to bring in millions of dollars for the state of Florida which we all know has been hit really hard by this recession. Hotels are booked, people are out spending money shopping, they are out eating therefore the resteraunt industry will be booming down there for this weekend. So yes a lot of money is spent on the super bowl but it is also generating a lot of money for a state that really needs it.
I really dont have any side of the superbowl, either good or bad. I usually attend a party and just enjoy being with friends and family. I look forward to the commericals every year, they are usually the best commerical. I find that people usually wind uop talking about them for a while. As far as the price of actually going and purchasing a ticket it's riducouls. colleen hester-onl;ine
ReplyDeletelarmar singh response from colleen hester.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you in that I would rather be watching the football game at home in front of big screen tv. I would never pay that much money for a ticket.
Gates (Online) Personally I like the NFL. It is truely an American sport, created and dominated in the USA, unlike basketball which is full of want-a-be thugs and gangsta's. Football is the eternal struggle of dominance between two opposing teams. The Super Bowl is the essence of the Roman Coliseum with the best of the best of the gladiators battling for the title of the supremacy. It keeps the American Mob entertained while the federal government continues to strive to take anyway more of the freedoms we take for granted. As far as the media hipe surrounding it, capitalism at its best.
ReplyDeleteThis post is in reply to Victoria, Victoria, I really think you can appreicate this as a Florida Gator Fan. It optimizes the level of education at University of Florida, enjoy
I usually enjoy watching the super bowl every year with my family and friends. However, this is the first year I'm not super excited to watch the game. The commercials are great, the half time is usually good, and the game could be good or bad and ultimatly decided by the refs. they can call a one sided game if they want (which happened a few years back). So for me, this is the first year that the super bowl game is just ... "eh"
ReplyDeleteJasmine Maxwell
I really do not care about the Super Bowl. Sometimes I might watch the half time show if there is someone of interest for me. The commercials are interesting and funny to me if I happen to catch them while I'm walking past the TV to the kitchen. I'm more interested in the food at the Super Bowl parties than the gam itself. If I had to pick a team that I would want to win it would be the Saints. I'm rooting for Louisiana because of the tough time that they have had. Hopefully if they win it will bring more positive things to that state. Something like the Super Bowl that would kind of stimulate the economy is always a positive. All in all, even though I don't care much for watching the Super Bowl, or any kind of football for that matter, more power to those who do. May the Saints win!
ReplyDeleteRashida Matthias online
In response to Craig Z. That goes to show everyone how much I know about football. I thought it was called the Louisianna Saints. Now I know that is the New Orleans Saints. Well, at least I know Reggie Bush is on the team, right? That's only because I watch keeping up with the Kardashians.
ReplyDeleteRashida Matthias online
Kamilla McNac
ReplyDeleteThe sport is great!!!! I love to see guys get together and rough each other up. Now that is entertainment!!!You all wouldn't believe me when I say my mother went and bought a new dining room set and living room set for the superbowl. She says she can't have her friends over and her furniture looks a mess. If you ask me there was nothing wrong with the furniture she had. But I guess that leads to my comment >>>>People spend lots of money for this one day event for what??? To most likely sit back and watch the team you are going for loose. It is not like they will give you a cut of there pay for going out of your way to make sure you have the best SUPERBOWL PARTY in town. So I say just sit in front of your TV and enjoy a chilli dog and potatoe chips believe me you will enjoy it alot better knowing that you bdide not spend too much and you'll stiil get to see YOUR TEAM LOOSE!!!!!
Ashton Showalter (ONLINE)
ReplyDeleteI am not a big football fan or any other sports fan for that matter. The only thing that remotely intrests me about the Superbowl are the commercials and possibly the half time performing artist if he or she is a good performer to me. My father has always loved it, but I never caught on to it. I will get a little excited if his team wins just beacuse I like to see him happy. I know my father's friends and him do a pool to bet on which team will win or lose and that there is money involved. I've never asked how much. Football is a nice, healthy sport to watch, but I'm not into it.
Response to Cheyenne Meatyard's post:
ReplyDeleteI feel you on the indifference part, and it is hilarious to hear people around you get into the game. Your grandma sounds like she would act like my father watching the game! lol!
Response to Cheyenne Meatyard's post by Ashton Showalter
ReplyDeleteIn our family, the Superbowl Sunday is a great day. We get together with friends and family. We cook, eat, drink and are all around merry. Both of my sons, who play football themselves, love it. It is a time for us to have fun, get excited and share a great time with each other. While I do know that there are bad things that go along with this time of year (i.e., fights, drunkenness, gambling, even vandalism), I think overall it is a positive thing. How can something that is so exciting be a bad thing?
ReplyDeleteOn top of that, this year is especially exciting for me since I’m a Colts fan. The Colts had to beat my husband’s team to get to this point and that makes it even sweeter! It is a friendly rivalry between us, but a rivalry nonetheless. I wish there was nothing bad that would happen tonight, unfortunately there are bad things no matter what we do. It is inevitable so we just have to take the good with the bad.
Jacqueline Williams - Online
In response to Kamilla McNac:
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about having a good time sitting at home watching the game on TV, but I would like to actually attend a game live just once. It is a huge amount of money and not possible for me right now, but it would be great fun to experience that thrill once in my life. That is likely what most people do. I feel that way about everything I do. There are some things that I have done that I will never do again, but I like to be able to say that I got to do it.
Jacqueline Williams - Online
Antoryeal Nunley"Online".....I am really not a big football fan.But I do like to see the people that's hype all about it and to see which commercials are going to be rated the best,also to see how the half time show will be. Even though I don't know much about the game. I don't mind attending the Super Bowl party just for the fellowship of just enjoying other peoples company or being with your significant other acting like you know whats going on,lol! Even though you have the people that think the media too much into this sport, but if you think of it it's the only time the whole world come together to watch this sports and it's not out anger and bitterness towards one another but just for the love of the game. Wether you like it or not. So to me just watch the game for the laughs and good time.
ReplyDeleteAntoryeal Nunley"ONLINE"
Okay, I had no problem whatsoever with sports, not a big fan and could care less but have no problem hanging out while others get into it. But I work at Ingles as a cashier and this past Saturday was total hell. I officially do not like the super bowl. We were so busy from ten in the morning til' after I left at four. I have never lifted so many thirty packs of beer. There were a lot of people that were rushing and wanting to get home so that made it worse. I never really have watched the super bowl, but I might watch the half-time show just to see how it goes. I do think its funny to see everyone get revved up about it though. To me it is just a game, but to others its a very big deal. One of my customers came in and said he had one thousand dollars on the colts winning and I was shocked that people were willing to take such risks.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Nick H., I agree that there is too much money put into the super bowl. People could use that money to donate to a food pantry or to help out the homeless. As many commercials that come on during the super bowl something could be done for some organization like another Haiti Relief Fund. Or put towards the next natural disaster we have, because the way things have been going we all know there will be another disaster somewhere.
ReplyDeleteDana Cook On-line
ReplyDeleteI personnally am indifferent regarding the Super Bowl. I am glad that it does exist for those who enjoy it. The Super Bowl is an event, that people can and do gather together and enjoy themselves. Football is as American as apple pie. It is an American icon that has existed for years and will continue to do so for years to come. For people like myself that has no interest in it, we can always turn the channel.
Dana Cook - Online
ReplyDeleteIn response to Ashley Larwence, I am glad you are so excited about the Super Bowel. Your enthusiasm is contagious. It is appearent through your blog you are a hugh Saints' Fan. In response to your blog - Go Saints!!!
Both me and my family enjoy watching the super bowl every year. We usually go to one of their friends houses to watch it. This is something we've been doing since I was little. Usually at these super bowl parties their will be food along with friends or relatives and I enjoy myself. I think its fun and really I see no problem in enjoying the activities surrounding it. If you dont like it dont watch it.
ReplyDeleteI have never been a big football or really any kind of sports fan, besides Hockey, buit even I feel the rush of the super bowl, this weekend in particular at work. I never knew so many people buy TVs for the super bowl and then return them right after, to me it seems to be an abuse of the system but theres always some holes. As far as the violence it ignites people always cling to something, whether it be religion, patriotism, or a sports team and of those I feel that the latter is the lesser evil.
ReplyDeleteWoooooo Saints!!
ReplyDeleteI really just wanted to say that I think the Doritos commercials were the best this year.
Ashley L
I think that the Super Bowl is a postive way for people to gather with each other and have fun.It's their choice to make a big deal about it or ignore it.I dont think that there is anything wrong with it.Every country has it's thing and the Super Bowl is America's thing.
ReplyDelete-Radwa Hassan
The Super Bowl is just another gathering where men and man-like women can come together and act barbaric, but that's just like any other great old American past-time haha jk. I like the Super Bowl because it gives us another social gathering to attend and have great shared memories. It's positive because anyone and everyone can attend and get hipped even if they have no idea what's going on or which way you run to score. It gives us something to look forward to other than our daily boring routines. I personally watch because I love the commercials and tailgating!!! GO SAINTS!!!!
ReplyDeleteTiffany Jordan online-I personally do not watch football at all. I think that the superbowl is just another reason to make money and for people to have an excuse to get drunk. Of course billions of dollars are spent on commericials alone, not to mention the halftime show as well. I guess if you watch football it is a big deal of course but for others its just to watch the commerical or half time. To each his own i just think just like other events today it is just something to make money off of and an excuse to party and drink.
ReplyDeleteTiffany jordan online response to Radwa hassan--i completely agree with you . To each his own if you celebrate good for you if not then its obviously not your thing.
ReplyDeleteJami Phelps:
ReplyDeleteThe superbowl is the most watched show alll year. I think it's awesome for a lot of reasons! I love football and funny commercials so i enjoy it personally. It leaves oppourtunity for American producers and football stars to succeed! The commercials are hilarious and there is just something about big men smashing into each other that thrills me and gets me hyped up.So in conclusion, I think the superbowl is good
During football season The Super Bowl is definitely the most watched program in the U.S. I watch for the game but i know others such as, my mom and younger sisters who don't take as much interest in the sport but in commercials played. I watched The Super Bowl with some friends who were die hard Colts and Manning fans,so me being the only Saints fan amongst them definitely started rivalry trash talkin. Even though this was the case i feel like half the fun was bickering amongst one another about the players,which team had better plays and predicting the end of each quarter.Point being,I think the Super Bowl is a good thing because it's an opportunity for friends and family to gather together and spend time with one another.
ReplyDeleteMy family enjoys football and as every year i'll most likely be watching it. Football is not my all time favorite sport but I enjoy watching my family betting against each other and having a good time. Its a day we can all get together and have some friendly competition. I find it crazy to see how much each ticket is worth and how people go to great lengths to get there. Like I said before its not my all time favorite so I won't don't have that problem, I can simply watch it at home and enjoy it just as much.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Craig Z.
ReplyDeleteI agree.. I am really rooting for the Saints. Its about time they won and after all of the tragedy that happen awhile back I think that New Orleans deserves bringing the trophy home. & its always a good game when the underdog has made it so far.
Hannah McAlpine
ReplyDeleteThe only football I care about now that I graduated high school is Alabama college football. I don't keep up with the professional league. But I have to admit, there are some pretty good commercials. I think its the only thing that comes on TV where the commercials are more important than the actual program.