As you may know, professional golfer, Tiger Woods, offered a public apology for his recent actions this weekend. A complete transcript of his statement can be found at the link below.
Most people agree Tiger owes an apology to his wife. Some believe he also owes one to fans, the sport and to his sponsors.
Tiger’s statement certainly can have a psychological and emotional impact on his well being. It will no doubt be of use as he re-enters the world of golf and seeks to gain corporate sponsorship in the future.
You and I are among the average citizens, to whom, along with the people in the sports industry, Tiger directed his comments. What’s your take on this situation?
Ashton Showalter (Online) Post:
ReplyDeleteThe Tiger Wood's scandal had no impact on me. On the news and television there have always stories of influential (and lesser influential) people cheating on one another. This kind of news has lost it's shock value to me. It is not my place to judge people's lack of fedility. I do believe that Tiger took the right approach to the matter, because there are people who look up to him as a role model. I think he actually might have been too apologetic. What's been done is one, and it should have always been just a private matter between him and his wife. Just goes to show one how fame excess can wreek havoc on people's lives. His cheating has nothing to do with what he is famous and looked up to for: golfing. It is not like he was a spokesperson for an organization involving fidelity. People make mistakes, and he will not be able to forgiv himself if we do not.
Tiger woods cheating on his wife has nothing to do with me. I quite franqly dont care. But i do believe that he owes an apology to his wife and to the people that look up to him. I also believe that it should of been a matter kept between him and his wife. Important people cheating on ones spouse, or doing something that the world thinks ain't right i could careless about, because it is happening too often in this world.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Smithwick
Gossip: This is a prime example of people's unquenchable thirst for gossip and slander. Publicity is not all that it's cracked up to be; it may shatter ones' reputation for a subject completely irrelevant to one's occupation. In this case, the paparazzi and press have had a field day in attempts to feed the vampiric masses that once idolized Tiger yet now make an about face in an instant to drain him of his dignity. Their mores are often contradicting of their own actions; anyone who revels in anothers grief or enjoys poking their noses in anothers faults seems to be lacking in mores of some form and probably throws stones in glass houses often. One's private life is theirs and theirs alone; to convict someone(especially publicly)is counterproductive in the correction of ones values as the conviction comes from secondary groups. This scenario could present a bias in that Tiger is not necessarily remorseful in the action itself or the marital rammifications of his actions, but rather he could be fearful of public and monetary consequences: he loses fans, sponsorships, contracts, etc.. In my opinion, people should not meddle in others affairs. I do not care about celebrities faults, only their praises(these are uplifting and harmless). Everyone makes mistakes; the way that one learns from their follies(i.e. the causation for deviation) determines their growth and preventative methods against recurrence. So, does Tiger owe us an apology? Absolutely not; we were not involved. Does Tiger owe his wife an apology? That is for him to discern at his own discretion. With his "public unveiling," now the real question for concern is: why is he apologetic?
ReplyDeleteBlah Blah Blah. Besides the fact that I don't have a very long attention span for things that don't really interest me, I just really don't care about this situation. I think I read the first 5 pharagraphs, then the one about Elin hitting him, and the one about core values, and I read maybe a few words after that. Yeah, what he did was completely wrong. And thats great that now he understands that he can't live my different rules just because of the fame he has gained through his accomplishments. People act like he's the only person who has ever done something like this; like it doesn't happen every day. And while it may have a bigger impact because of all the people he influences, this is something that should stay between him and Elin; because when it comes down to it her accepting his apology is the only one that matters if he values his family more than his fame now. Everyone else's opinion is just going to get in the way of them being able to work things out.
ReplyDelete-Ashley Lawson
I think this situation goes to show that no one is perfect, even those who we think might be. We are all human beings, regardless of money, fame, and social location. His apology was sincere, and I wish the best for him and his family. We are not defined by the poor decisions that we make, rather by the way we respond to them. Matt 7:3 "Before you attempt to remove the grain of sawdust from your neighbor's eye, remove the board that is in your own."
ReplyDeleteKeith Hendershot
I really do not feel that Tiger has to apologize to any of us. What he did should have stayed between himself and Elin. Sure people look up to him…just like people look up to other sports figures. But nobody is perfect and I think that is the message he is trying to send out to the kids that look up to him. He messed up in his personal life. He is trying to make amends. It really shouldn’t be anybodys business except his familys. The reporters that are out stalking him and his family should be ashamed of themselves. It isn’t like he went out and killed someone or went out and got a DUI and got in a car wreck. Then I would understand if people looked down on him. But he cheated on his wife. Even though we see it as wrong this was his personal decision and it should stay between him and his wife…..he shouldn’t have to apologize to the whole world for the sleeping with those slutty girls. And lets face it if it wasn’t for those girls running out and telling the press this wouldn’t have been that big of a story. And lets talk about those chicks for one minute. Sleeping with Tiger and getting paid because he is famous. What a bunch of sluts. They knew he was married…they knew he had a family….but they have no morals no sense of worth. They got paid to have sex with a sports figure. They got their 10 minutes of fame. Again this is a situation that should stay between Tiger and his family. Let him make amends to them. Not to us the public. Him sleeping with these girls and cheating on his wife is not going to effect the way he plays golf. It really is none of our business. I wish him the best of luck. I hope his wife one day will be able to forgive him and be at peace with this situation. Nobody in the world is perfect. We all make mistakes no matter how much money we have…whom we are married too….if we are famous…we all make mistakes.
ReplyDeleteI just think it is sad how most celebrates or profesional atheletes have nothing better to do then sleep around and brake their marriage vowels. I guess they are very bored. If he wanted to sleep around he should have never married because no one deserves that kind of treatment. I feel bad for his wife and the kid. I think he is sick and delusional. It does not matter who you are, no one needs that kind of treatment. Also, I believe that this should have not been all over the news as it was..it is a private matter between him and his wife. It is almost as if the media has nothing better to do. I think his wife should leave him and find someone who does love her and wants to be with her only. I could not trust him ever again and it will be very hard to believe what he says. His wife did deserve an apology but I would think it would not change anything because he will never change.
ReplyDeleteNatalya W.
Really I dont think its anyones business. Its between him, his wife and family. He shouldnt have to make a public apology. Why should it offend anyone and be blown out of proportion in the media. In my opinion its and idiotic thing for the community/media to blab about.
ReplyDeleteTiffany jordan onine--Think that his apopoly should have been both publiv snf privste. The onyl resason i think thats such a big deal is because he is a prefessin golfer and is looked up to. Therefore is think requires a apologize beacuse he was avertising for different sonsors that he no longer has because of it.
ReplyDeleteI think that tiger woods shoud apologize to his famly in person because he directly hurt them. I would have to be so embarrassed and that would be even more embarrassing for me to go.
Millions of people do this everyday but for celebrities its looked at much diffeent that the rest of the word.
Tiffany Jordan-online reply-i completely agree with you. I speak on both sides but things like this happen everyday with no press consference that follows. Again its something for media to talk about
ReplyDeletehonestly could care less about this. everyones human and we all make mistakes. they make a big deal about this because hes famous and a role model? well pick a different person to look up to if this bothers you so much. theres plenty of great people to look up to rather than a golf player...
ReplyDeletenick h
Kerri Bertram(online)
ReplyDeleteAll that this is is a load of gossip! Tiger Wood's apology was not necessary and seemed to me as though he didn't even write it. I believe the only reason he made this apology was to try and save his image. It is ridiculous that all of this has made so much impact in our media recently. Every time I turn on the tv it's all that I see. Any of the things that happened in his PERSONAL life, should stay a part of his personal life. He should only have to apologize to his wife, Elin. All of the public apology shouldn't have to happen.. He doesn't deserve to have come down on this hard. He is human and people do make mistakes. Unfortunately for him and his family, his have been blown way out of proportion.
Kerri Bertram (online) In response to Nick H:
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more with what you are saying! It's not like Tiger Woods is the only person in the world, which is what the media is making it seem like.
Suzie C. (online) I read the speech and just feel normal sympathy for him; as I would any person going through times of trouble. Who among us has not done something wrong at one time or another? The difference being his personal problems are being played out on a world stage due to the media fixating on this as some matter of national importance. I know he is in the public eye and therefore supposedly has no right to privacy but after a point it’s like “Okay, the guy is human, he cheated on his wife, move on to something else. Does this really matter in the big scheme of things?” I would like to say however, that I am proud of him for bothering to read a speech apologizing to everyone he feels he has disappointed…he didn’t have to do that since the apologies he had to make were to his wife and family…the fact that he had the courage to say he was sorry says something about his character. He knows kids look up to him and feels bad that he fell off that pedestal. By apologizing though, parents of kids who idolize him can talk to their kids about how everyone is human and how everyone makes mistakes, and that it is how you deal with your mistakes that determine the kind of person you are. This can be a life lesson for all those kids who look up to him.
ReplyDeleteSuzie C. (online) in response to Keith Story: I could not agree with you more; the person he owes an apology to is his wife and family. While I was proud of him for finally giving some sort of explanation so that his fans and the kids that look up to him could make some sense of the media circus that has gone on for months now, at one point I felt embarrassed for him that he felt he had to keep apologizing to strangers in such a personal way. Even this shows how much celebrity takes from a person. Our society rewards celebrity as far as money and fame but time after time we have also seen how celebrity corrupts and destroys some people. As in Elvis, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, etc. Proof that everything comes at a price.
ReplyDeleteThere are people in this world who for some reason want to judge everyone else, but seem to think they are free from judgment. Ashley Lawson makes a good point, and I quote, "People act like he's the only person who has ever done something like this, like it doesn't happen every day." Thousands, and probably millions of people every day cheat on their spouses. They turn their backs in an instant when you get caught trying to pretend they would never do such a thing. In a sense I can understand why, I mean, it's not like they're going to face their wives after watching this situation play out and admit their wrongdoing too.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the apology Tiger Woods made. It had to be humiliating, but not as humiliating as being the wife of a public figure with 15+ mistresses. I still appreciate the public apology he submitted in regards to his family, friends, and colleagues. They deserved to have this kind of apology submitted. I actually felt like it was a stupid idea at first, I almost didn't watch it. I don't think it would have mattered at all if I didn't watch it, but I am glad I did for the fact that he said some things, especially about his wife, that needed to be cleared up and I appreciated that he took the time to make sure he did that.
Candice A. Online
I really don't care if Tiger cheated on his wife. He should not have to make a public apology. The only person who he should appologize to is his wife and children. I think the only reason why he apologized publicly is to appease his sponsors. His sponsors don't want someon with a tainted image promoting their products. I do think Tiger is stupid for calling the woman he cheated with and saying his name on the voicemail. She should all ready know who you are. That's what really messed him up. I think that is the problem with most men. They do not know how to cheat. Men are very disrespectful and sloppy when they cheat. If a woman cheats 9 times out of 10 a man will not know.
ReplyDeleteRashida Matthias online
In response to Ashley Lawson...I know right! People act like he is the first one to cheat. Most of all the sponsors and the people in the media have cheated at one time or another in their life. Well, I guess if there is someone out there who is willing to watch this kind of stuff, the media will keep on playing it.
ReplyDeleteRashida Matthias online
Ashton Showalter's (Online)response to Stephanie Smithwick's post:
ReplyDeleteI agree about how these kind of scandals are heard of too often in life. It's sad, but you're right-it is a matter between him and his wife. He golfs. He doesn't need to explain to any of the public about his own business. Lol.
Kamilla McNac
ReplyDeleteI feel that it is his personal business and he should handle it as such. No one is made perfect so dont expect everything to be right from a person no matter rich or poor. It may be true that the children in the centers or scholarship fund are let down because this is actually a role model. but if you see your role model getting punished for his wrong doings then most likely you will not repeat the act. I say to Tiger>>>> If you love her do what it takes to gain her trust again and do not make the same mistake twice and if you do not love her then go on with your life and get back in the game because childsupport and alimony is a B*T**!!!!!!
I have to agree with Victoria-Blair. Tiger Woods owes no one but his wife the apology.
ReplyDeleteTiger Woods used his wealth and fame to have sex, he got caught. I also have to state, that he was an idiot. Why he thought that he could sleep with anyone and that was not going to reach the media, and those women were not going to go to the media and get their fame and fortune is stupid. The women who slept with Woods are sluts, no self esteem and selfish. They had sex with a married man and helped destroy a family to make money and these women actually think they are owed an apology because the chose to be whores with a married celebrity. Gloria Allred is idiot and a hack. Here the thing, affairs destroy families and marriages. I dont care what people say that stay together, the "unconditional love" is lost forever, you may forgive, but you will never forget and you will never look at that person the same ever again. As for the women involved, what can you say, its simpy disgusting.
I do not think Tiger’s apology was sincere. I feel he only apologized to save his own reputation and because he got caught. Yes, people cheat all the time, but cheating with one woman is quite different than cheating a dozen times. It shows he had no regard for his wife’s feelings or her health. I am glad that he apologized for his behavior, although it has nothing to do with me personally, because the people that look up to him might be influenced by these events. But the biggest apology is owed to his wife and family. I also think it is strange that when something like this happens most of us blame the other woman/women. Tiger should have respected his wife enough to ignore their advances, or if he made them, not to do so. These women should have respected the sanctity of marriage enough not to make them/turn them down.
ReplyDeleteAlthough this situation has no impact on me whatsoever, my take on it in general is that he is full of it. He has always been quick to make comments on other athletes involved in scandals in the past (such as Michael Vick), but when it came to him owning up to his, he did nothing for too long. I think that the apology would've been taken better had he done it immediately. I also think that it was too scripted. Someone wrote it out for him to read. I think he deserved to lose his endorsements just because he was an idiot. You know that these companies expect you to be a role model. He took a chance by sleeping with all of those women and now he is going to have to deal with the consequences of his actions. I don't think he is sorry for what he did, just for getting caught.
ReplyDeleteJacqueline Williams - Online
In response to Kamilla McNac:
ReplyDeleteI agree that it is essentially a personal issue and he should handle it as such. However, I believe that the reason it is not going to be handled that way is because he is worried about getting back to his sponsorships which equals money. If he were smart, he would stay out of the public eye and work on his relationship. He obviously isn't that smart. And I don't believe that he'll ever really be able to get back to what he had with his wife. She'll never completely trust him again.
Jacqueline Williams - Online
Megan Payne (Online)
ReplyDeleteAlthough I think it's pathetic that famous people can cheat on their spouses and the rules of marriage do not apply to them. The scandals that happen with movie stars ddo not affect me because it happens what? once a week...It's nothing new Tiger just got caught up in Hollywood...like pretty much every movie star.
Antoryeal Nunley...."ONLINE"..I am in agreement with Stephanie Smithwick,Tiger Woods affairs have nothing to do with me or my family. Yes, I agree also that the only person he owes anything to would be his wife and kids. They are the ones who are greatly impacted by this. The media really upsets me when they making it out to be something he owes the world he dont owe them nothing. He became the star he is because he was good at what he do.He didnt ask for the fame and fortune the media gave it to him. Once he recoops he will be back out there on the course doing what he love and guess what he will get those endorsement back. Why,because he is not the only star or person in government that has had an affair. No, i am not saying what he done is right by no means I am only saying he dont owe the public anything only to his wife and kids. Tiger is human and a man like any other man. Like Stephanine said this is happening everyday all day.
ReplyDeleteAntoryeal Nunley"ONLINE"
Okay, I really do not know what Tiger Woods is talking about when he apologizes to families and their children that have been let down by him. I do not follow golfing and when I was in school it wasn't that popular, I do not know anyone that golf’s and none of my family members have anything to do with it. He should have already made an apology to his sponsors and fans but to insinuate that he is really that big is ridiculous. He owes his wife an apology and using his fame and money as the reason for being unfaithful is unacceptable. I think he will be lucky to find a sponsor after this incident. Now when it comes to his children being followed by the paparazzi, that can be a dangerous thing, and I don't blame him one bit for wanting to protect his kids, but to be honest he brought this on all of them. Everyone who was affected will now be thrust into the spotlight by the media. If he really wanted to protect his family, he would have never engaged in such activities.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kamilla McNac. Woods should apologize to the students with scholarships that look up to him, and also if he is serious about trying to correct the mistakes that he made, then he should get on with it. Yes, nobody is perfect, but you control what you do and if he wouldn't have got caught he would probably still be out there sleeping with whoever he pleased.
ReplyDeleteHe did nothing directly to me, and honestly I feel sorry for his entire family for having this aired to everyone in the world. I do not need an apology from him, but some people might. People look up to celebrity families I guess as role models so may be he disappointed those people. I didn't watch the press conference but I just saw it as a waste of breathe on his part. People are still going to hound him about this everyday and call him awful names. Adultery is awful and it breaks families apart, but a lower to middle class normal family would not have to apologize like he did to the entire world. We would either go on with our lives behind closed doors, or go on Jerry Springer or Maury.
ReplyDeleteCheyenne M
I think he is apologizing, again, not so much for us, but for his sponsors, and his own reputation. His endorsement money that he gets from contracts through his sponsors is more money than a human can ever spend. I also think his apology was to try to clean his reputation a little bit and make it a sincere apology so people would "accept" him again. This really does not pertain to me, first off because I do not like golf, and secondly because so many people do the same thing yet because Tiger is the best at golf, a huge public event was made out of his personal, private life. I think the whole incident should have not been so highly publicized then maybe his apology did not have to happen. I think Tiger will get all his endorsements, and fans back, as well as his reputation cleaned, but it will take some time. I am also pretty sure he will come back and win plenty more tournaments and shut up anyone who said otherwise. Just because he cheated on his wife does not mean he will become a bad golfer. Eventually Tiger will be right back at where he was, but without a wife, and this whole problem will go away.
ReplyDeleteAnother idea is maybe he is truly sorry, and if his wife will not speak to him then he had to have a press conference just so that she could hear that he was sorry. Maybe he realized what he did was wrong, but none of us can see what was going on in their marriage, or personal life, so the apology can mean all sorts of different things.
-Tyler Stevens
I'd definitely agree with Mr. Keith Story on this one. I don't much care to hear about celebrity gossip, much less when it involves Tiger's sex life whatever that may involve. His apology was strictly to own up to what he did to try and clear his name to begin to get people's trust back. I definitely believe he owes a big apology to his wife for what he did but not a public one. I guess he did it again in hopes of clearing his name but marital matters are best left to be worked out amongst the conjoined couple in private. As for the celebrity press, I wish they would get a life of their own instead of trying to make money and big controversy over others. This makes for a more traumatic experience for Tiger's children then it had to be. It puts them in the negative lime light when they had nothing to do with the matter but just trying to be normal kids. They have enough drama in their lives just being the children of a celebrity. I personally believe Tiger made that long sincere apology strictly to save his career, gain back his fans, reputation, and lets not forget, most important his endorsements and sponsors. But I also do not know Tiger personally therefore I do not know for sure. Anyways, this matter is just something for the people in our TV to talk about for a week or so until it fades in the shadows of another celebrity controversy. Some underaged girl wanted a swing at his golf club and he hit a hole in one, no one else's business. End of story.
ReplyDeleteColleen Hester-online
ReplyDeleteI really doesnt matter to me how Tiger Woods cheated on his wife.Just another famous person with lots of money thinking they can get away with it. I am glad he got caught, it just shows he is just like any other person.I really feel sorry for his wife and kids and the embarrassment it has caused.
Colleen Hester-online comment on stephanie smithwick.
ReplyDeleteI agree soesnt have any thing to do with me, but feel sorry for wife and kids. He does owe them an apology.
I feel Tiger does not own the world an apology; however I do not follow golf, so maybe that’s why. It is good that he held the press conference to stand up for the accusations made towards Elin. What he said about many of the questions the press has is true; it is between him and his wife, not the world. Yes Tiger is in the spot light because he is famous, but if he was sitting in the sociology class, would he have received all the press?? No, because people feel it’s none of their business what goes on in someone’s personal life, there for why do we worry about what celebrity’s life styles are? If he were holding a political office, I would understand the need for a public apology, because he would then be representing the nation in some way shape or form, and it would show a weakness in our government; if one can’t resist temptation, why could we trust them to represent us? Tiger does not represent our government in any way shape or form, so people should leave him and his entire family alone and allow them to work on their family issues. We all have enough of our own problems, don’t add someone’s you don’t even know to the list as well!
ReplyDelete~Jasmine Maxwell
I feel Tiger does not own the world an apology; however I do not follow golf, so maybe that’s why. It is good that he held the press conference to stand up for the accusations made towards Elin. What he said about many of the questions the press has is true; it is between him and his wife, not the world. Yes Tiger is in the spot light because he is famous, but if he was sitting in the sociology class, would he have received all the press?? No, because people feel it’s none of their business what goes on in someone’s personal life, there for why do we worry about what celebrity’s life styles are? If he were holding a political office, I would understand the need for a public apology, because he would then be representing the nation in some way shape or form, and it would show a weakness in our government; if one can’t resist temptation, why could we trust them to represent us? Tiger does not represent our government in any way shape or form, so people should leave him and his entire family alone and allow them to work on their family issues. We all have enough of our own problems, don’t add someone’s you don’t even know to the list as well!
ReplyDelete~Jasmine Maxwell
Jami Phelps:
ReplyDeleteI respect what Tiger Woods was trying to do and he did it very professionally. But I can only wonder, did he himself write this? and does he sincerely mean it? I mean he had an entirely separate life that no one knew about. can we really trust what he is saying? I think some people truly can change and become new people. But he is doing all of this so fast, if you have been doing this for years, it's hard to reverse all of that and that whole lifestyle in a few months? So I feel Tiger did say meaningful things, but at the same time I don't know if I can trust his word.
I personaly think that it's his personal life and the world doesn't need to be a part of it. That apology should of only been to his wife and family because thats who it affected the most.If this happend to the average Joe no one would care except for his family, so why are people making such a big deal? He isn't the first or the last man to do something like this.
ReplyDelete-Radwa Hassan
Woods does not owe anyone but his family an apology. People who look up to these celebrities/athletes sometime place them on a pedestal as if they are perfect. since he did go public with his apology he should have answered questions from reporters to clear up any grey areas with what and how he went about cheating with other women.
ReplyDeleteCraig Z.
ReplyDeleteTiger Woods deserves to deal with this on his own terms without everyone speculating about it. Its his personal life and everyone should stay out of it. Its between his family and him. Besides people cheat everyday and they don't get the whole world looking at them. So why should he. Celebrities get way too much attention. Its sad.
Dana Cook - Online
ReplyDeleteI think that Tiger Woods does not owe the public an apology. He owes his sponsors, his wife, and children the apology. As well as the women who participated in these affairs. He is not a marter he is a sports star. Honestly, what did anyone expect. He is a young man with a lot of money and fame. No matter how he conducts his personal life, as long as he was not breaking the law, he should be entitled to his privacy.
Dana Cook - Online
ReplyDeleteIn resonse to Ashley Lawson. I can not agree with you more. The affair, the apology was not even news worthy. TV producers need to check themself regarding what is news worthy.
The Tiger Woods scandal was blown up way to much. Yes he cheated on his wife but who cares.. Its his life and his marriage and by the media exploding it like the way they did made it only worse. He does owe and apology but only to his wife and family for putting them through all of this. I find it crazy that when one supposed mistress come out to light one follows right after the other. It almost makes it unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Craig Z.
ReplyDeleteYes, Its his personal life and whether or not he cheated his wife and family are the only ones who have a say in it. Every one else should just stay put and not give their two cents about it.
I agree its sad to see where the media has its focus on and to see that apparently they don't have anything better to put on a cover of a magazine or on a news headline than an affair.
I believe it's wrong for anyone to cheat on their spouse but also to be put on the spot and called out on this personal matter between him and his family in font of the whole World. It sucks that he's under the media's thumb but if it took that for him to get caught than it's also a good thing. I think Tiger Woods is a talented athlete and I'm sure after this affair some golf tournaments will accept his entry while others won't and i think that's fair.
ReplyDeleteHannah McAlpine
ReplyDeleteI agree that he owes an apology to his wife. And I'm sure that what he did upset many of his fans. However, I don't care about Tiger Woods and I don't care about golf. I understand that celebrities have to watch what they do more than the average person, and I completely disagree with infidelity, I think its wrong and degrading to the person who is cheating, but if this were just a normal person cheating on their spouse, no one would blow up about it. America focuses too much on celebrities and their dang drama!
ReplyDeletei agree that tiger owed his wife a apology but to me it is no concern of the people and we as the people dont need an apology because he's done nothing to us personally,hes only human and people make mistakes all the time so just keep it moving.
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