Monday, February 10, 2014

Campus Carry

The legislation to allow for firearms to be carried on Georgia college campuses has been revived. The new concept is to change the language so that is no longer illegal for eligible parties to carry firearms on a college campus.

What is your position on the idea to allow college students to carry firearms on campus?

Here is the bill:


  1. I feel this is a bad ideal. You have immature thinkers out there and I would like to include the trigger happy ones, the scary ones, and the bullies who think they have the right. The best thing to do is to add more security on the campuses. The colleges need to stop acting as though they don't have money to have adequate security for their students or faculty. There are so many other things they can do like adding cameras around the grounds, may be cheaper, then you can have someone monitoring at all times. there should be no students carrying any type of weapon. What I do feel though women need to carry Taser for there protection and they do sell them ladies.

    1. Many women carry tasers and pepper spray these days which is ideal. Now I know a few students who shouldn't have even a butter knife in their hand but think about maybe teachers having weapons. Many school shootings are happening within the hallways or classrooms. So may taking an approach to teachers having the weapons and not the students.

    2. Lucy k.84
      I agree with you totally,most of the shooters are turning out to be immature and irresponsible,let there be an addition of more security on the campuses.Why can't the society use their money on developmental issues than having luxurious guns.

    3. Now that I think about it...maybe you two are write. When I got towards the end of my statement, I really had to step back and place myself into that setting. Would I really be ok with this? I'm all for limited government but you never know what is going on in someone's mind...stress, life problems, and anything else can be pretty serious.. IDK maybe a lesser form of self defense..besides a gun. Now I'm torn .....

    4. Michael L. 97

      The issue about that sort of thinking is this; Notice how it says "eligible parties" - they don't give weapon permits out like candy ANYWHERE. You have to go through background checks and buy a license, not to mention that _it must be visible_. If you try to conceal a weapon without a concealed weapons permit and are caught? You go to jail. Period. Even if you have a permit to carry one visibly.

      To get a concealed weapons permit requires numerous checks, a background check, full registration, as well as roughly 200$ the last time I took a look at it.

  2. Callie G. 64
    Personally I highly dislike the idea of this new bill. I have not grown up around guns what so ever, therefor I think of them as being very dangerous. This of people with anger issue or problems in some way. A lot of people I would say act before thinking. If one of the people with anger issues can now carry his gun onto campus and he gets mad, there is more of a chance for his to pull his gun out without thinking and cooling off. I'm not saying this is something a majority of people will do, but it can be a huge deal. Guns do not make me feel safe rather I am more scared or nervous. Guns always have the chance of misfiring. I do not want to be in caught of that line of fire if that would occur around me!

    1. Michele Smith (96)
      I can see what you're saying about being afraid of guns. I have been around them my whole life. My dad instilled in me how important gun safety is. But to take your scenario, nothing is stopping that same person from bring a gun into the class. ANYONE can walk into schools these days to shoot whomever they dislike. I want to be someone that can hold my own in that situation. I don't want to be the victim of someone with issues. I want to be the girl that made it out alive because she is smart with her firearm. Also, I would suggest going to a gun range and learning about guns. They're nothing to be feared. I fear people more than I fear guns. Knowing gun safety and actually firing a gun in a controlled setting would help you feel better about them. =)

    2. I understand your fear and agree it is spooky to have this but, it also holds for the greater good if things go wrong and someone starts shooting up the school. If a man walked into the school and starts shooting people would it not be better that students carry and can protect the public from this man before multiply people are killed before the cops are able to stop him. This is how I look at this.

    3. Sarah m 97

      I completely agree with you. such an act will increase or develop fear in the minds of people and people would become conscious of their environment. This is a bad bill for me

  3. Yes Ma'am I agree 110% with the above statement. Campuses should install metal detectors at the main doors with officers there to monitor like they do at the court houses and who's to say our fellow students are not as important as any judge or higher ranking official. Women very well should be allowed to carry Tasers.
    But I end with this whether passed our not passed those from rather though places will always carry some form of concealed weapon.
    Darian Peters(90)

    1. @ Priscilla Darian Peters(90)

    2. Chris M. 97 in response to Darian P. 90:

      You suggest metal detectors as one method of security on campus. Where exactly would these be placed? Yes, there have been violent acts within the schools and dorms, but more often, violence occurs on the grounds or in the surrounding areas of the campus. What benefit would it be to feel safe while indoors, but worried for your safety walking form one building to another, especially if it is a late class?

  4. Michele Smith (96)
    I think we should carry guns. I keep a gun in my car. I'm not licensed to carry right now, but if I were I would want to carry it in school. With all these school shootings happening I want to be able to defend myself. I don't want to be helpless in that situation. I respect others on their opposing view point, but if someone comes into shoot up my class. I'd like to know that I did everything in my power to save my life and the life of my fellow classmates. I also think that mental stability should be looked into. Everyone shouldn't be aloud, but those of us who use weapons to defend rather than harm deserve that right.

    1. Chris G. 95
      I agree with you. I rather be prepared just in case. You don't want to get caught with your pants down. I don't carry one because i'm not licensed but as soon as i am i will. I would want to feel like i can protect myself and others around me the best i can.

    2. I definitely agree. I don't necessarily think that everyone should carry a gun, but those who have gone through the process of registering and getting a gun license should be able to carry it on campus. It makes sense to give innocent people a way to protect themselves.

    3. The thing your missing is that in the college setting all the shootings are outside on the campuses, not in the class rooms. the shootings that happen inside the schools are elementary, middle and high were there is no type of security except for one officer and the teachers.

  5. Sophia P. (96)
    I don't like this idea. Studies have shown that people trained to use guns won't actually be able to help in a situation such as a shooter coming to a school with malicious intent. The police, military, etc. go through incredible amounts of specialized training to be able to react in that type of situation, and the average person who has been trained in basic gun safety won't be able to offer the same type of protection. Even if they have had similar training, they don't have ongoing practice like the professionals do. Police are emphatic that this will not actually protect people, and could instead result in more injuries and deaths in the case of a shooting. Personally, I don't want someone who isn't specifically trained "protecting" me. If we are concerned with the safety of our citizens, we need to be more proactive, rather than taking a reactive approach.

    1. Chris M. in response to Sophia P. 96:

      I would like to have a link so I can review the studies you reference. I have not heard that information before. I also wonder if it factors in the idea that someone who wants to commit violence would prefer a "soft" target (one in which nobody is armed) to one that is more protected.

    2. Simone S. 97
      I agree with you Sophia. If everyone has a gun how will officers be able to do their jobs while feeling safe and without interference. With a gun what is stopping anyone from being the hero and making the situation worst.

    3. Callie G. 64
      I agree with this statement a lot! People panic very easy these days and under any panic such as a school shooting no one could act in a calm manner. I believe if everyone had a gun on their hip with this new bill it would cause more shootings than there already are.

    4. Just this weekend a police officer in Euharlee, who had years of training, panicked and shot a teen who had a BB gun square in the chest killing him while serving a warrant for the teen's father at the house. This just shows us that regardless of who you are or how much training you have, in a high stress, intense moment anyone can make a mistake and go from hero to murderer. However, I will always support my 2nd Amendment right. But with anything else you have to use common sense and know there's a time and place for everything and know when and where to keep your mouth shut about your person belongings.

  6. Now a days you turn on the television and watch the news to only here about how a gunman walked into a school and killed someone or multiple people. I think that passing this law will help protect the public from such threats since anyone with a brain wouldn't want to go into a class room holding a gun when half the students there are armed. Now there is one thing I believe needs to be done to carry on campus and that is to take a few test and what not to ensure your stable about having a gun in a school. That way it will prevent someone who has anger issues from having a gun and pulling it out in rage to get back at someone. Another thing that would be great is to have an officer there to check all students whom carry to make sure they are allowed to carry at campus by checking their id and a carry card.

  7. Jarrett Morris (96)

    I am going to weigh into this topic by just opening up with the comment that so far from all that I have read from the posts above is that so far males agree and females disagree. Now I know this will not be the conclusion by the end oft his blog and I am not trying to be sexist, but let me give you an example. Campuses have on average around 10 campus police officers, give or take a few, if something really did happen do you feel safe knowing they are five minutes away or the fact that someone in your class has a firearm to protect everyone in the room or at least try. If the student or teacher went through the trouble of getting the necessary permits to carry it then I am pretty sure they know how to shoot, which should be a skill every needs to know. Anyway I don't see any problem with teachers or students being able to bare arms on campuses. Its in our second amendment they just limited it o certain areas and government buildings is a place you aren't allowed to so I say let people have their right to bare arms on campus. Just like on above posts if someone crazy came in and started to shoot they are going to do it regardless, not because the bill to carry on campuses got passed. Also if a student gets in a verbal disagreement with someone and they are legally carrying a firearm they should know the strict laws on brandishing the firearm illegally, but if the chance they did then other students carrying or the campus police should step in because you just witnessed a felony and at that point anyone can detain them. so overall my opinion is let it get passed it has more pros than cons. Maybe it will help stop school shootings!!!

  8. Chris G. 95
    I feel that students who are licensed and want to carry their guns should be able to. With all of the recent school shootings i understand why some people may feel safer with their guns. I don't think that it is the guns that are dangerous but the people that use them. You can never tell whether someone has bad intentions. People who are licensed to carry could seem normal to everyone but could also have a really evil core. Honestly this bill is kind of like a double edged sword in a way.

    1. J.Wright reply to Chris G. 95 I understand what you are saying, but bill they want passed will allow college students to be able to carry guns. If you heard about all the robbery and assaults on these campuses you would understand why they feel they need this law because the laws on the books right now has not done anything to stop these criminal from attacking these students.I also agree that this bill is like a double edged sword, but everyone should have the right to protect themselves at all times and not to be a victim over and over again because students can't walk for their dorms to class or from dinner back to the dorm without being target for their cellphones or laptops.

  9. Bates, Clayton
    I think it is a fantastic idea. An armed society is a polite one. There should be rigorous background checks and what not to but if I was a bad guy wanting to shoot up a bunch of people I wouldn't go to a place that I knew to be gun friendly. When was the last time you heard of a mass shooting at a police station? The majority of these attacks happen in "Gun Free" zones. I wonder why that is? The classroom environment is no different then a restaurant full of people. No one expects to fight a fire but they have a fire extinguisher... id say don't be the victim. Carry a firearm to be prepared for the even that you need to defend your life. I should be afforded the right to do so at school such as I do when I go out to eat.

    1. Luis M.97
      There is a big deference between school and a restaurant, I understand they need the fire extinguisher because they have commercial stoves working all day long. I also agree that we should be prepare just in case a bad guy gets in and start shooting at every one. But what about people getting in small arguments getting really mad and them shooting at the other and accidentally hitting somebody else?

  10. I feel that it should be passed, because a lot of the crimes that taking place on campuses isn't happening in the class rooms but on the campuses grounds when walking from class back to the dorm. Even with increased police present the criminals know that these students are easy targets because they have the I-phones, the tablets, laptops that they know that they can take from them. If the criminal know that these students now has the law that says" that I can carry a gun and I will protect myself from you and your attacks" they will think twice before they attack again. On hand the other hand this will open up a whole new wave of stand your ground debates and lead to new laws.
    Wright 90

  11. William C wade 90.
    I believe that guns shouldn't be aloud on any campus within the united states. why would any one even need a gun while on campus, students are not going to war their going to class to receive an education. We already have a problems with guns in the united states, and with students coming to school and shooting anybody they see. If this bill is passed i can see a increase in murders within the the united states. People will then become use to seeing guns any were, which will soon lead to people thinking that its OK to use them any time they come across an altercation.

  12. Chris M. 97

    I think that allowing students and faculty to carry firearms on campus is a great idea if coupled with a school-approved training/safety program. We have heard of school shootings (VA Tech, for example) and we have heard the stories of students attending Georgia Tech and Georgia State University being robbed. I believe that if the bad guys knew that students could carry and had the training to back it up, they would think twice about attacking them.
    There are those that think that allowing students to carry is not a reasonable solution to any of the violence that may affect a college campus. I think those people need to wake up from their hopes and dreams of a perfect world and realize that sometimes you may need to fight for the world you want.

    1. This is my reply to Chris M.97. I totally agree with your comment. These students at the above colleges has try to let the law and law enforcement protect them from these crimes and nothing has worked. These students are afraid and the parents are afraid for the childrens at these colleges also. I'm not saying just hand them a gun, but with extensive training in fireman and more safety program I think it would deter these criminal from thinking that theses students are easy targets because now they won't be.

  13. Luis M. 97
    I personally think is a horrible idea. If I'm free to express my opinion I think some people are crazy enough without a gun, don't mention they can be carrying one in school. Definitely disagree with this idea.
    some people have the nastiest attitude and this could be the way to promote more murderers. I wish this subject was not even a thought. I can definitely say that if I see other students carrying a gun in campus I will get me one just in case I have to protect my self from one of them.

  14. Tara B. 96
    I am all for people having their rights to carry guns for hunting and protection. I believe that students in more high crime rate areas like in Atlanta ex. Georgia State or Georgia Tech should be allowed to carry guns but should be licensed and approved by the school. I am honestly kind of torn on how to answer this because in one way I feel like this could promote gun violence at school or make it easier for someone to bring a gun to school illegally. On the other hand, you are starting to see all these school shootings happening and I feel like there needs to be more protection. Elementary through high school kids should not be allowed to ever have guns on campus, I believe teachers should be allowed to with background checks and approval of coarse. On the college level though I believe that students should be given that right because they are more independent and on their own and people will steal laptops, cell phones, break into cars, and break into dorm rooms. Students carrying guns without a license or school permission should have heavy consequences.

    1. Chelsea N.90
      Tara B. 96 I find it interesting that you say that students need to be able to protect themselves from having something stolen. If someone steals something, does shooting them with a gun make it justified? I agree that guns can be a wonderful asset to protection in case of a dangerous situation, but technically you cannot shoot someone from stealing your things. Especially, if they did not cause you any physical harm. This would cause mass chaos in the school and ultimately not for the greater good. All control would be lost.

  15. KelseyB. 96
    I think people should not be allowed to carry firearms on campus. Because we have already had shootings in schools before and to allow this then it opens a window for people to pssiblaby to snap and open fire on a school or campus. I understand people want them for protection but there are other alternitives for protection.

  16. Chelsea N.90 I feel like it is the right of every person to be able to defend themselves and by doing so are permissible to carry a gun. However, many times guns are used more often than not for harm than for the better good. Public and school shootings have become more and more common. The only reason why someone would need a gun in a school is to protect themselves in case of another school shooting or dangerous situation of some sort. I think in the long run allowing students to carry gun on campus would cause more problems than it would to solve them. Ultimately, no one can carry a gun everywhere. A lot of public places such as the Philips Arena and The Fox Theater do not allow weapons, so why should schools? The chances of something bad happening there is just as much as something bad happening at a college.

    1. Kevon P, 90
      Chelsea, I highly agree with you when you say this may in fact do more harm then good. Just because someone has permit to carry a fire arm, it doesn't mean they should have it

  17. Ashley M 90
    At first hearing this sounded a little scary because I know a bunch of people I wouldn't want to have a gun! But after seriously thinking about it, the things that make this scary aren't just secluded to college campuses. If they are allowed to carry else where, then I don't see a problem. Also, if a student has malicious intent the law is not going to prevent them from carrying it out. I have never experienced a need to have a gun but I would hate it if the need arises and I have no protection. So all in all I agree with the decision to carry on campus.

  18. Janetta C. 96
    I think college students and college employees should be allowed to carry a firearm on college campuses. One reason I feel this way is the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right of individuals to keep and bear arms. If we make it where the law abiddening citizens can not carry a gun and be able to protect themselves and others. This will make it where only the bad people have guns and continue to commit crimes like school shootings. I can understand both sides of this arguement about carrying guns. But I feel like if the criminals or school shooters know that more people are armed and ready to defend themselves, they would think twice before attacking them. Even if a college campus has security guards or police is called to a college shooting it takes several minutes or longer to them to get there and in the mean time more people have been shot. I do not feel like the general public should be able to purchase assult rifles, these should be only for the military, nobody needs a gun that shoots lots of rounds.

  19. Chris Waibel .97
    I think it is a good idea. there are so many crazy people out there going on mass murders and killing people at schools. As Americans we should have our right to bear arms for protection. A gun is only a tool or an instrument used for killing people but the gun by its self doesn't kill anyone. Killers with guns kill people, and there are many other weapons a killer could use to kill. This being said with all the violence in and out of schools people should have a right to protect themselves. there are also a lot of people who carry firearms on their person who do not have concealed weapons permits. If a killer wants to get a hold of a gun and kill someone I highly doubt that some gun law is going to stop them from doing so, they are already breaking the law. Maybe this law will save some lives when the next crazy person stumbles on to campus with illegal firearms. Its easy for a killer to kill someone who doesn't have a weapon, so I think that it is only fair to let people bear arms to protect themselves in those violent situations. Not to mention that it goes back the bill of rights that our fore fathers framed our country upon.

  20. C Waibel 97. in response to Ashley M. 90
    I agree with what you said about the law not being able to stop a violent person from malicious behavior. If someone wants to go into a school and kill someone they wont do it because of this new bill. If someone is in a mind track to murder I'm sure not breaking the law is the last thing on their mind. It makes it easier to allow firearms on campus for protection when looked at in that light.

  21. M. Inman 96
    I do not agree with students being able to carry fire arms on campus. Even with a license. I think that this sounds very dangerous. There are school shootings that happen all the time, and I know that me personally would not feel safe if other students were aloud to have guns on campus. You never know someone's temperament. You never know what someone's breaking point is. You could say something to offend someone, and if that person has a gun, things could get out of hand very easily. I also think that some people that own guns do not know how to use them properly, and it just would not be safe to allow a bunch of students on a school campus with guns.

  22. Me personally, as a military service member and a student I do feel we have the right to protect ourselves, but as a student I do not see it necessary to carry a weapon on a campus. You have to think about how others may feel. Outside of being in uniform, I am comfortable having a weapon in my home and maybe in my car, but I am not so much with the idea of just having it out around EVERYONE. Anyone can be around at any given time and try to harm the public but I believe that is for assigned parties, i.e Police and members of the Armed Forces in uniform at the time being to take care of. We have too many incidents going on now where young people, not even the older ones, these are students my age, opening fire any and every where, and let something piss someone off at school maybe about their tuition or classes, and they have a permit, will they just open fire on everyone? These are things we have to think about and consider when allowing these things to happen. Rights are there, yes I understand but morality has been slipping away from our America. The places that USED to be safe and you would be happy to be at, are no longer that.

  23. Sarah M 97

    Personally, I think such an idea is very dangerous. How could such an act like that be passed? If student are allowed the right to carry gun or any other arm in school premises, there would be high rate of killings. There are a lot of people out there that don’t know how to handle or act maturely when it comes to conflict. They get easily angered and what they think next to do is to pull out a gun and kill. Personally, I would be more conscious of my environment in school and I think majority of people would also be conscious of that too. Allowing such act will take away people’s freedom in school environment which is not supposed to be like that.

  24. Ann L.97
    I think it's not only a bad move, but also dangerous. I think institutions can offer other alternatives like have more police campus or have the students carry pepper spray with them instead of carrying guns. Imagine if there was a shoot out and everybody happens to open their guns. I belief there will be more casualties because people will be just shooting without direction. Lets first get the training and be treated for mentally illness because to me it seems every time someone uses their guns to wound others, it turns out that they are mentally ill. Studies have shown we (Americans) lose more lives everyday compared to other countries that these weapons are not allowed. Lets leave these guns to high authorities and say no to guns in schools. It causes more harm than safety.

  25. Ann L.97 in response to Sara M.97
    I truly agree with you Sara. If we can not be able to use these weapons out there, as it has proven to be, I don't think it's going to work in schools. Someone will take another's life just because they are pissed off with them. So, yes lets not allow these guns in schools .

  26. Robert C. 88
    I believe that allowing students to carry weapons on school grounds shortsighted way of dealing with a serious problem that permeates American society. There is a serious violence problem throughout American culture, it is easy to see in the news, in movies, and on television. Every week it seems as if there is a new mass shooting on some campus throughout the country, these are tragic events that deeply sadden us as a nation. Some feel the solution to this problem is to simply arm everyone, after all if everyone has a gun who is going to try to shoot people? While it is true that guns can help protect people from violent criminals, this in reality does not mean that everyone should be armed, or that guns should be allowed in all public places. In-fact, I know I am in the extreme minority here, I think that no one should be allowed to have access to weapons. I say that if you restrict access to firearms in a complete and serious manner then you would most likely see a dramatic drop in violent crimes involving firearms, especially mass shootings. For example, the man who killed the 22 kindergarteners in New Town Connecticut used a gun that was legally purchased by his mother. Think if she had not been allowed to purchase that gun, those children might still be alive. It is ridicules that I, as an eighteen year old high school student, can go and legally buy a semi-automatic rifle and take it to a mall or a school and kill several people. Think, if there was no access what so ever to firearms, it would be much more difficult to one, obtain them, and two, use them to kill people. This would help to cut down one the large amount of massacres that happen every year. I mean have you ever heard of a mass stabbing? Now I know that many would argue that this is a violation of the 2nd amendment, but think about it, what guns were when the 2nd amendment was written? They were large single shot rifles. You could only get about one shot off per minute. Compare that with the type of guns that are sold freely today, rifles that car shoot 30 bullets in less than 30 seconds, much more accurately and much more lethally than muskets ever could. So ask yourself, does the second amendment still stand as a practical law with today’s new technology?
    Is Gun control a perfect solution? No. Would there still be violence? Yes. Would criminals still maybe find a way to get guns? Yes, but it would be much more difficult, if not nearly impossible. Now I realize that I kind of got off subject, but I had to make the argument, because in reality, in this culture of violence that is fueled by access to unlimited amounts of fire arms, it is hard to make a case against allowing people to carry guns to school in order to protect themselves. It makes since in this culture, to carry a gun to protect yourself. Yet I say we need to change this environment instead of accepting it. Instead of adding fuel to the fire by having everyone carry guns, lets instead try and change the culture around us, by getting rid of the very thing that is being used to kill so many of u

    1. Oops, it is supposed to say of us at the end not of u. It didn't all copy.

  27. Simone S. 97
    I do believe the revision has good intentions. No one wants to believe that their civil rights are being taken from them. But at the same time I think that the law to get a gun license is too slack. A lot of people that have bad intentions have gun license that pretty much give them permission to carryout their crimes. So if getting a license became stricter then maybe the colleges revision would work better.

  28. shantal acevedo 40796

    First off, i agree with being allowed to carry on campus. I own a concealed carry license. These students that are worried about school shootings because "something pissed them off"? Ok, out of all the publicized school shootings or other mass shootings, what percentage of those shooting were students WITH a CC? What percentage were just individuals WITH a CC? Where is the proof that, people who have the privilege of a CC, are all of a sudden loose cannons who will open fire because of school complications? Every individual that i know who has a CC takes that privilege very seriously. Hopefully it will never happen, but if i was ever put in a position of a school shooting, i would want my chance to defend myself instead of be an unarmed walking target. I dont feel comfortable walking out to my car, being female, without my pistol after classes. In fact, i dont feel comfortable not having it. I think it should be strictly enforced. If the school so chooses, run another background check and make mandatory check ins for those students who choose to carry so that there is record of who has a firearm on campus. I would also make sure that every student who chooses to carry knows how to operate a firearm. There will always be cons to this topic, but the pros far outweigh those cons.

  29. I agree with the idea of allowing conceal carry on campus. It provides a safer environment for everyone. Sure you have crazy people and trigger happy people out there but how many do you think there are? There's not enough to cause alarm. Especially if you yourself are packing heat. We've had all these incidences on school campuses and everyone seems to wonder why. I can tell you why, its due to the fact that its an easy target. Noone is going to go shoot up an area that they know will cause a firefight. There going to go places that they know noone will be able to protect themselves. Places with low security, where even the security there cant carry a real firearm. IE: Schools, Parks, Movie Theaters, Navy Yard, etc.. All these gun free zones we call "safe" areas. Are the places that possess the most potential to becoming a terrifying incident.

  30. Marganette PL 90
    Giving college students the right to carry firearms on campus will be a good and bad idea at the same time. The good part is that they will be able to protect themselves against criminals, but will they really be able to do so. Criminals do not come around without plans. They may be planing for months before they act. Students who have firearms won't carry them at all time otherwise they would be like police officers all over the place. The main reason why I don't like the idea is because some students are crazy and irresponsible they may pull their arm for no reason. I believe that it will be better to protect the students instead of letting them do the job on their own to avoid massive shouting and end up with more devastating events.

    1. Heather P. 97 in response to Marganette PL 90. I too have mixed feelings concerning college students carrying guns on campus. It is a very debatable issue, and I'm not sure there is a right answer either way. Being able to protect yourself and others is a great concept, but the irresponsibility is not. In my opinion, the issue is a catch 22.

  31. HCantrell96

    I think those who are permitted to carry firearms in other areas should be allowed to carry them on school campus. I understand that by outlawing firearms all together is supposed to make schools a safer place, however in the eyes of many it makes it that much more vulnerable. There is a reason that states who allow firearms have a lower crime rate than states who do not. Someone who is looking to start something is not typically going to pick a place where he or she knows that the person sitting or standing across from them has the same weapon they do. It would be like someone walking into a police station and trying to rob the place... it just doesn't happen unless this person is not in their right state of mind. I feel that whether guns are allowed on campus or not, the threat comes with those who have intentions of harming others regardless of the law.

  32. William C Wade 90. In response to Robert C .80
    I agree, if the government were to just restrict guns in general then we wouldn't even have to waste our time on wondering if its OK to allow guns on school campuses. students go to school for one reason, and that is to receive an education to better them self.

  33. Tiffany W. 96
    I believe if you are permitted to carry a gun anywhere else then you should be allowed to carry a gun on campus. Much more goes on on College campuses than we are led to believe and having a gun to protect yourself is important. If someone wants to carry a gun on campus and shoot someone they are going to do it regardless of the law.

  34. Salome N 97
    I would like to oppose with this bill that says,college students to be allowed to carry guns in school.My reason been that some of students might be drug abusers and when they are allowed to carry guns in classes they can cause many deaths because they will be acting according to what drugs direct them to do.Also i see it as a threat to instructors because some students might not want to work hard although,they want to pass exams,i think they will be using this guns to threaten or shoot the instructors claiming they made them fail.I think the best way to make sure everybody is safe is by having many security policies fully armed ,who will be walking around the school compound and near classes all the time to make sure everything is okay.

  35. Cassie S. 97

    I think that college students should be allowed to carry firearms at school. It could not only save the life of the college student, but also the life of the lives of other students. I think that there would need to be guidelines to ensure the safety of the other students. You here news all the time on school shootings, and if we allowed students to carry firearms it could help out. We need to be able to defend ourselves, and not give all the power to the person carrying the firearm. I think that carrying firearms would help. Being able to carry firearms would not only help against people with firearms, but it would also help with other attacks. I think that college students should be allowed to carry firearms.

    1. Hi Cassie S. 97
      Are you not worried about the unintended accidents that would come with this theory or maybe what would happen if a student has a problem with the Prof. or a bad breakup. Now being able to defend yourself quickly in the event that something crazy happens sounds great in theory. Just not sure how safe that would be. Good argument.

    2. Lucy k.84
      Let nobody else but the college police carry the guns and protect everybody .Therefore unintended accidents will not occur neither the need of self protection.

  36. Cassie S. in response to Tiffany W. 96

    I totally agree with you. If we are allowed to carry guns anywhere, we should also be allowed to carry them on college campus. I also agree when you say that a lot more happens on college campus than people want to be. If you are allowed to carry a gun, it could help protect you from being abducted for instance. We should all feel safe. We have the right to feel safe. It is also true if someone wants to carry a gun on campus to shoot someone, that they will do it no matter what anyone says. We need to be allowed to defend ourselves.

  37. Salome N 97 in response to Michele Smith 96
    I agree with you that having gun in school is one way of protection,but having it locked in your car means that you are still not secured enough because you don't know the person who will start shooting whether will be among of you in class, or he will walk in class and start shooting without you been alert.I think it will be to late to go back to the car and get the weapon in such situation.

  38. Zereana C. 97
    Some laws that are put in place are just not common sense. This makes just as much sense to me as making it legal for a 16 year old to drive. There is so much room for error with this concept it boggles my mind. Now of course I don't have the correct numbers with this but I do know young people thrive on emotion and not on sound decision practices. Giving college kids the ability to carry a firearm I think will lead to more unnecessary deaths and injuries.

    1. Madeline C 97 in response to Zereana C.
      Hi there! Even though I am for this bill, I have to tell you that I share the same fears as you do. It is true that adolescents are more prone to emotional outbursts but imagine if you were planning on shooting your teacher because they gave you an F on your final. You would definitely think twice if you knew that your teacher and your fellow students were also carrying firearms and knew how to use them. In a perfect world, we wouldn't have the need for such drastic means of protection, but unfortunately, that is not the case.

    2. Ada Ohanu Online 97 in response to Zereanna Calloway

      I agree with you totally. Letting college students carry firearms is just leading to more death. I just believe we should get a petition to have more security. Also, that teachers and other authorities should not over look people's actions, attitudes and behaviors. If they see something that is not right most likely chances are that is is not going right. Prevention can lead to safety.

  39. Madeline C. 97
    As ex military I have to say that this is fantastic. The kind of people that come to school with a gun on their hip do it to protect themselves and others. A person who wants to come to a school and just start shooting is certainly not going to follow laws that say you can't bring guns to school. I believe that many of the tragedies we have seen over the years could have been avoided or lessened had teachers been allowed, or even mandated, to carry weapons on school property. We don't need to spend extra money on more security in schools when we have plenty of civilians willing to protect each other.

  40. Meredith J. 96
    I personally think this is somewhat a good idea. I am kinda on the borderline of the yes/no side on this. I live within the city limits of Kennesaw so we have to have a gun in our household. After hearing about all of the shootings in colleges, I feel that some people should probably not be able to carry guns. I do also feel that they could be available to protect people. I believe that it should be only a select few students that should be able to carry guns. Some college students are very immature still. It is very hard for me on this subject to decide if it should be a yes or a no.

  41. Heather P. 97. What an interesting topic this week! After heavy consideration, I am still somewhat on the fence when it comes to this question. Never having been around guns or trained in using gives me an uneasy feeling; however, I would be more comfortable knowing a competent and educated individual was allowed to carry a gun on college campuses. It seems that many people who carry guns are either authority figures or people who are invested in protecting themselves. "Random shooters" usually have bad intentions from the start, and will not let a simple legislative act stand in their way of causing harm to innocent people. Being controversial and highly debatable, this topic gives many different perspectives on carrying a gun. In the end, I think I learn more towards supporting this bill despite my personal uncertainties.

    1. Courtney R.97 in response to Heather P.97
      I am on the fence with this one as well. I think that no matter what the law is, crazy is crazy. The ability of students and teachers to carry however allows someone to potentially stop a psychotic rampage if necessary. On the other hand, not everyone should have possession of a firearm due to maturity and proper training. I think it should be harder to obtain a registered firearm to try and weed out the obviously unfit.

  42. Ada Ohanu Online 97

    I believe that college students should not be able to carry firearms because the way our society is today, it would be very dangerous. With the way our would has built up with so much gang violence and so much peer pressure it would be just like death walking towards you. The way our modern world is today it is like a popularity contest. For some reason instead of life being about what you achieved, its also determined by social class and whether you are poor or rich and its pressuring to people's lives. Only police officers of the school should carry guns. I feel that in conclusion to my statement that students with no guns equals more lives saved.

  43. Cherish S. 97 I personally do not think it is a good idea for college students to be able to carry firearms to school. I know school shootings will happen regardless but I think it will make them happen more allowing students to carry a firearm. I personally hate guns and do not like being around them at all. If I was sitting in a classroom with a student who had a gun I would not be able to concentrate on the class because of seeing the gun.

    1. Veronica E. 97 in response to Cherish S. 97
      They only way that I would agree with having guns would be to see if the person was responsible enough to have one. I know that they are people in the world that could get around it either way but still it might help. I think some of the shootings that have happened could have been helped with teachers having guns. They could have just took ahold and tried to kill the shooter. But I would only want people with experience to have them.

  44. Cherish S. 97 in response to Ada Ohanu Online 97
    I could not agree more with you. I personally hate guns and the only ones allowed to carry guns should be officers. They are trained how to use them properly and are here to protect us. I get nervous when someone other than an officer has a gun.

  45. Logan C. 64
    I think that allowing students to carry a gun is a great idea. I can see no problems with students, who have a permit to carry a gun that is legally issued by the government, should be allowed to carry. I would feel much safer with a gun on my hip, and knowing that there are other students who have a sidearm who know how to use it. It also cuts down the danger of a campus exponentially. Most criminals are not going to be brave enough to go into a location that they know has weapons. Shootings happening at police stations and military bases are rare, although they do happen. I will also capitalize on a point many users here have already made. A criminal isn't going to bother getting a license to carry or be stopped by a 'No guns on campus' sign. However, I do believe that anyone who wants to carry a gun on a school has to pass safety tests and show that they know how to use a weapon. I don't think that any old student should be able to bring a weapon to class. There has to be regulations.

  46. A. Sheffield 96
    I personally am not familiar with a gun so I would definitely need training on how to shoot etc. I think there are two ways to think about this. One, knowing that some people have a gun is a scary thought. If anyone was so come and try to rob me they have a gun and are "allowed to". Two, people may be less likely to commit a crime because they might think the person has a gun as well. I don't understand why you would need a gun when you go to school or anywhere else, but I am not against it. Honestly if the bill passed and it was legal to carry a weapon I would get my license to carry one. My biggest question to the whole thing is why guns, why not Tasers??

  47. D. Bleetan.96
    I fully disagree with the idea. It is a nice idea but doing that will create more danger for students, faculty and visitor.There are unavoidable risks when it comes to handling guns, and putting guns on a college campus in places like residence halls, where security is not always a student’s top priority, can be potentially harmful to others.Accidental gunfire and theft of a gun by someone who may not have proper gun training are just two possible risks of students maintaining their right to self-defense.

  48. AmandaB96 Yes I think it should be a good idea for a college student to carry a firearm on campus but you have to be of age, have a gun permit, you should go to a gun safely class to know how to use the gun properly, go to a firing range classes, and understand the laws of caring the use of a fire arm properly. Many students go to night classes and they do not have proper security so in this case if a student feels threatened with his or her life they should be able use it.

    1. In response to Tiffany W. 96
      You make a good point and I do respect your opinion but for the measure of safety of innocent lives, I disagree with your idea. First of all, not every students in college here is a US citizen and most of them are not use to the kind of environment where people are carrying arm. Another thing is that is that there are more unavoidable risks when it comes to handling guns, and putting guns on a college campus in places like residence halls, where security is not always a student’s top priority, can be potentially harmful to others

  49. Veronica E. 97
    I think this could be a very good idea. They should be able to carry them with a permit and experience. Although, I think it should me more difficult in acquiring a permit. I don't think we need to be putting guns in the hands of mentally ill people. So if they were ways in detecting this then yes, I think it should be legal. People need ways in protecting themselves. Especially, with all these school shootings happening in the world today.

  50. This is an awesome thing to start doing. I know at least around the metro or the City of Atlanta that students are allowed to carry firearms. Georgia State being one of those school that I would strongly suggest many students to carry a firearm on campus due to the location. Now for other places such as Georgia Southern or UGA for instance may not necessarily need weapons to protect themselves; however, this still could prevent anything from happening. Also today we are facing many school shooting happening on campuses around the nation. Many of these shootings could have been prevented. Us Americans are always protecting ourselves and others.

  51. Austin T. 96

    I do not believe that it is a bad idea because people have the right to defend themselves in whatever way they choose. Just because people are allowed to carry a firearm on a campus does not mean suddenly school shootings are going to sky rocket. If someone wants to shoot up a school they are going to do it whether or not they are allowed to carry a firearm on campus. At least if they pass this bill and someone decides to shoot up a school there will be more people that are capable to stop the attacker before he/she kills more people. Also, just because they pass this bill it does not mean the next day every student and their mother are going to show up to class with a gun holstered. People just here the word gun a freak out like its the end of the world. In my opinion I rather be surrounded by 100 immature students with guns than no one with a gun but the school cop who is on his lunch break at Dunkin Donuts when someone decides to come shoot up the school.

  52. Shinika B-T. 96

    I think this could be a great Idea if the right stipulations are put in place to protect the unarmed and the innocent people. Human beings should be able to protect themselves in any way form or fashion for the right reasons. We cannot predict who will shoot up a school, movie theater, church etc... All we can do is be proactive in how we respond to the calls. If we put the right parameters in place prior to passing the law we should hopefully prevent senseless crimes from happening!!

  53. Courtney R.97
    I think the law should be passed. As I said in a comment earlier, crazy is crazy and psychos will be psycho. I do think that it should be harder to obtain a gun and permit because of the difference in peoples maturity and experience with the weapon, but it should be an option for every fit citizen to have the right to carry, where ever. If a shooter came into my classroom, it would be nice for that person to be eliminated immediately.

  54. Lucy k.84
    Having grown up from an environment where guns are regarded as the most dangerous and most illegal weapons i wound not support the passing of the law.I would prefer the campus police to be the only one carrying the weapon and they should be placed at the entrances and exits only,somebody like me will not be comfortable meeting with them all over the campus and any time of the day.For the rest of the staff and students,inspection should be done as they are entering the campus to make sure that the campus is free of guns,that way no shooting will ever take place in the campus.

  55. Kevon P, 90
    I feel that there are two sides to this argument. This argument will of course has its pros and cons. I think college students should in fact be able to carry fire arms on campuses, due to all the recent horrific events that have occurred at grade schools and even college campuses. Although I do agree to this to a certain extent, students should be fully evaluated in terms of background checks and require a permit to carry these fire arms. Allowing these weapons on campus could be a possible threat to the safety of others if placed in the wrong hands.

  56. Megan Evans 96
    I support this bill as long as their are rules and regulations to it. Having something to protect yourself will make a bad guy think twice about victimizing someone. The chance of getting shot always makes somone think twice. As long as the gun holder carries a resanable gun and passes tests and standards to be safe. If you are on campus with a fire arm I think they could make a rule about the type of holster or container used to keep the gun so that it is safer and strict rules on the use of when to use or bring out the weapon.

  57. I don't have a problem with students being able to carry a gun on campus. If someone bad really wanted to do something with a gun, they would find a way to get it by any means necessary. We should all have a right to protect ourselves against whatever. Would I carry one? I don't know about that. I will admit it would make me a bit uneasy sitting next to someone with a shotgun in their holster while trying to take an exam, but it's their right as determined by the 2nd amendment.

  58. Michael L. 97

    Personally I see no issues with allowing students to carry weapons on campus - although it would be much preferred to see faculty carry them. A lot of people here seem to be concerned that it will allow "trigger happy" students the ability to have firearms and endanger the lives of their fellow students, in reality it merely gives a larger majority of the student base a chance to defend themselves if there is an assaulting gunman.

    The "bad guys" are going to get a weapon into their hands one way or another. This may seem like it makes it easier for them, but all it does is give a chance to fight back.

    1. Shannon P. 90
      @Michael L. 7. I think it should be a requirement that before a student is allowed to carry a weapon, they must pass a background check and prove that they have an understanding of weapon safety. You are right in saying that criminals will always find a way to get firearms and allowing students to carry guns on campus is allowing students to protect themselves. Though these ideas may seem non-traditional, we have to adapt to the changing world around us.

  59. I don't think students should own guns on campus. Even though someone may think as a defense upon him/her self, he or she has the right to own gun. True, people have the right to protect themselves from others but having a gun on campus should be banned because if student has to bring a gun on campus, then what are the duties of campus police officers. That is why there are available campus officers found on every college campus to protect and defend students and staff but not students taking things in their own hands.

  60. Isabel 40796
    I really don't care if it is allow to carry guns to school or not. Some people feel protected with one, I think on campus it is not necessary since we have campus police on campus to protect us. They are there for us when we need them.

  61. Personally I am all for it. If someone is legally allowed to own a gun, they should be able to carry it in any public place. The main reason I think it's important to have them on college campuses in particular is because there have been so many shootings on campuses (such as Virginia Tech). I am of the belief that if someone had been allowed to have a gun on some of those campuses, the shootings would have had fewer fatalities all together.

  62. After taking the time to quickly skim over the bill. I would have to say that I am in favor of it. I'm certain that many of you probably disagree with me, because after all haven't studies proven that we Americans are much more likely to die of gun violence. Then people in countries with stricter gun control. Yes it is true if you cherry pick a few countries out that have stricter gun control. Their are a few of them which have lower deaths associated with guns and guns violence than the US. But correlation by no means is causation for an example, Switzerland has almost no control over firearms. And has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the world. But almost no gun violence. And Brazil having some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world consistently has one of the most astronomically high rates of gun violence. I would venture to say, that gun-laws have almost nothing to do with gun violence. If anything at least in my opinion. Gun violence has to do with population density poverty rates and laws that create gang activity such as the prohibition of substances. The reality is going laws only take guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens trying to protect themselves not criminals.

  63. This is the most difficult of topics. On one hand I'd say it was a great idea so everyone would be protected. But on another, that outbreak we were scared of from the beginning would now surround us. Now, it would not just be that one kid who brought in the gun that e would worry about, it would now be everyone in the school we would worry about. I think it is still a terrible idea. we should have more assigned guards, than anything.

  64. I agree fully with this bill. The way I view it is that we have to level the playing field. Some of you may think me crazy but I could just as easily kill the person next to me with my bare hands or my pocket knife (which is allowed on campus) as I could with a gun. The difference is with a gun I have an advantage over those without a gun. Everyone can carry a knife or learn to properly fight. So the playing field is level. This bill is essentially leveling the playing field with guns. If everyone carries a gun then we will be able to better defend our schools and our selves. Everyone must be aware and ready to face the dangers that arise.

    1. William.H 90
      I absolutely agree with you and the bill, People need to be able to protect themselves and with this bill being passed, people can do this legally. Also you are right if everyone was able to carry then the playing field is equal so you have a good chance to fight for your survival.

  65. William.H 90
    I feel that being allowed to carry firearms on campus would be a good thing for college security. Gun's would actually save more lives that not actually having them because people could help one another, if they were in a situation that would require it. Danger on campus could come at anytime, anywhere, and college security may not be able to help during the time of an incident. Therefore, someone could take the matters into their own hands on solve these pressured issues when they occur.

  66. Andrew F. 90
    I really have doubts about letting the students carry firearms on campus. People are crazy, we do not need that type of threat. The people who want carry fireams, probably are carry them on campus anyway. WHen you have a gun, you are tempted to use it. Now I do understand, that campuses can be very dangerous places. I also understand that alot of campus police forces, may not be equipped to handle these types of situations in a timely manner. However, I do no think students carrying guns will help the situation.

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  69. Shannon P. 90
    Although there seems to be a majority opinion that the world is an unsafe place, I'm still optimistic in my belief that there are more people in the world who do good than bad. We hear all the time stories on the news and other sources of media that make us cautious and even fearful in our daily lives. We hear about men breaking into homes, theft, rape and murder. The good things, which happen more often than the bad, often stay underneath the radar and because of this, we don't hear about the generous couple who donates money to the charity every month, the man who rescued a child from a burning building, or the person who picks up the tab for the woman he stands behind in line, with two kids who can't afford all her groceries. Or even smaller things that we all see daily. Because of this uneven ratio, the benefits of legalizing the possession of firearms on campus far outweigh the risk. Students (who have a clean background and a basic knowledge of weapon safety) would be given a means of personal safety and the 'bad guys' would be more likely to second guess committing crime.

  70. Robert C. 88 in response to Sara M. 97
    I agree with you Sara, it could be very dangerous to allow people to begin to carry weapons in schools. After all what is to stop them from using them to end an argument.

  71. Valrika L.90
    As a student of Chattahoochee as well as a citizen of Georgia I feel uneasy upon the idea. I'd rule against the idea of students possessing firearms on campus for many reasons. The first three things that come to mind are dominance, fear and terror. In my eyes there include countless trigger happy individuals whom would cause a panic at any given moment, the scary ones, and students whom believe themselves the right over anything including the weak. I'd suggest the best conclusion be to add more security on the campuses. No type of firearms should not be allowed on campus unless in the hands of the law

  72. They're too many "psycho's" in our schools today for that to happen. people would be on the edge of their seats in fear of the person sitting next to them. its a horrible idea. students should not bring firearms to school because students are in school to learn not show off their guns. let school be a sanctuary of knowledge and let those other irrelevant things stay out.

  73. Tammy C 90
    I have mixed feelings on this topic. I will just say i am terrified of guns period but this day and time women especially need to be protected. I also believe that certain individuals should not have access to a gun. There are some crazy people out there in this world that would not hesitate to pull out a gun and start shooting just because things are not going their way. As far as guns on campus, I do not feel guns on campus should be allowed. I for one would be extremely uncomfortable and nervous not knowing who had guns in their possession. Like I said I have mixed feelings on this.

  74. This is a very bad idea. Even good intentions can become bad with the right trigger. This just leads to instead of a fight ending in 6 day suspension to 6 feet under. I can not reiterate enough of how bad this would be. The best solution is more security on campuses or have some Teachers with permits and experience in gun handling have them only.

  75. Dustin S. 90
    I am in favor of this bill. I believe that more regulations on anything causes more people to take part in them no matter what they are. For example, during the prohibition, more people took part in bootlegging or drinking in general because it gave the thrill of breaking the law and it decreased after it became legal again. I am not saying that this bill can be enacted without faults, because there will always be people who take advantage of the laws, however, I believe the positive results outweigh the negative with this bill.
