What did you find most interesting about Soc Fest? Was it the display or story of a classmate, or was it information you discovered about yourself and your culture as you worked on the project?
TB 96 At Soc Fest I found all the displays the most interesting. They were all unique and told different stories of different people. I enjoyed all the colors put into them like the Mardi Gras display. I also loved the country culture set up with homemade boiled peanuts. The most interesting one that i saw was a display of natural healing remedies and healing stones. It was interesting how I could connect some of my culture to others. Though their culture may not be the center of my culture and beliefs I was able to understand how they live that culture since I shared a small part of it. We share a lot more cultural ways than people actually realize and brings a feeling of being connected to one another.
In response to TB 96 The social fest is going to be a memorable day because we don't often go around telling one about our culture values and norms. The country culture was captivating to my eyes and the explanation of the helping remedies and healing stone sound like magic, and all I could say was wow!!!!
I missed out on getting to go around all the classrooms and hallway but that's very interesting with the stones. I would have loved to seen that especially since I love cultural things of that such and I have seen some of the salt rock lamps that are suppose to help heal people at stores. Would love to talk to someone who deals with those types of things.
What I found most interesting at Soc Fest was the fact that we have such a variety of cultures and backgrounds represented at our school. I enjoyed the display on Syrian culture, as well as the one about Costa Rica. Some of the displays cleared up misconceptions that I had of a culture, while others served to offer additional perspectives on a particular culture. When I learned of this assignment, I figured it would be difficult to represent my cultural background: ordinary, run-of-the-mill white dude. But the difficult part ended up trying to stay on track with one or two main points. While thinking about the project, really thinking about it, I realized that I have a multi-cultural background, am part of many sub-cultures, as well as a couple of counter-cultures. So this project opened my eyes in a few different ways and I am glad to have been involved in it. And kudos to all of the great displays!
Madeline C. in response to Chris M. Hi Chris! I also had a tough time trying to stay on track after I started this project. I believe it was the project on Costa Rica that served the sweet plantains, which is something every restaurant should serve! I went to a Cuban restaurant the next day just so I could get some more. Not only was Soc Fest interesting, but it gave me some great new additions to my diet!
Chelsea N.90 Chris M.97 I totally agree with you! It was so inspiring to see all of those amazing cultures integrated into just a few small rooms. It most definitely opened my eyes to cultures and subcultures that I never even knew existed. I was intrigued by all of the fascinating foods and valuables people brought to represent themselves as well as others. It even opened my eyes to getting involved and trying new things. Going into the sociology fest, I really didn't know what to expect. However, many people went over and beyond with their projects which captured my attention with their detail and hard work. I was over all very impressed. I wasn't expecting the projects to be so and intriquet and definitely was not expecting there to be that many. I am so glad that I went and the fest brought to my attention a whole new world in addition to my own. It showed me that even in such a small town, my world is bigger than I thought.
Actually, the display was the most interesting thing during the social fest. The display helped to tell stories of different tradition and cultural values, and as well as other live stories. The display give an insight of how cultural is still important and every little thing in culture represent something. The most important thing of the display is that it helped erased those doubt and concept that one feel toward other cultural and tradition. Though it was a little tough in representing our culture and explaining some cultural values of things that other see around them, but it was fun and worthy.
Luis M.97 What I like the most about the Soc Fest is was variety of cultures together in one place. I enjoyed learning about all of them, but definitely my favorite one was the about the hearing impairment. I didn't know that deaf people could enjoy music like we do. that was very interesting for me, when I came home I googled it because I wanted to learn more about that community. The only thing I didn't enjoy was seen too much food and not been able to try all of them. I definitely enjoy the time I was there. Another project that I thought it was very interesting was the one about Kenya. I was unaware of how bad AIDS were in that country.
Luis, Great point about the food! There were so many different types of food, and the smells were so incredible. There was no way I could sample everything and that's really a shame.
Michele Smith (96) I showed up kind of late and didn't get to try anything but boiled peanuts. And I missed the one about the hearing impaired... I will have to look up this stuff about them enjoying music also. This is totally news to me. A couple of years ago I went to Passion in Atlanta and found out about the AIDS epidemic there. It's very very tragic.
Madeline C. 97 I loved seeing all the different cultures, and even better, tasting their food! I was surprised at how many different cultures and subcultures were represented at the Soc Fest. Literally cultures from all over the world were represented in a couple different classrooms. I loved seeing the beautiful clothing from places in Africa. I loved the rice and sweet plantains from different places in Latin America. I loved all of the "American" subcultures like basketball or rugby or even beauty pageants. Some of the subcultures were something I have never been interested in, but thanks to Soc Fest, I would like to get involved. Overall, I had a fantastic time putting my project together and seeing all the others.
Heather P. 97 in response to Madeline C. 97 Hi Madeline! I really enjoyed Soc Fest as well! It was so neat see all the different displays and cultures in person. Many cultures have only been read in books or seen on television. It was neat being able to experience them first hand. Unfortunately, I didn't get there until 4, and many people started leaving. I was able to try some delicious homemade salsa and Syrian coconut cake! It was a great experience!
I loved getting to look at all the displays. A lot of people had really interesting backgrounds. I also really liked getting to see how many people had a culture similar to mine. I hate that I didn't get to see more projects or even get to set mine out because of the nasty weather... And thanks to the chick who brought the boiled peanuts, they were awesome!
Salome N 97 I enjoyed event so much and nothing I disliked. It was interesting and I learnt a lot about what different cultures believe and how this role play role in their loves. I was also paying attention on what different cultures have in similar and I found that m rice is common every where although have a different ways of cooking. In short the event was fantastic and I enjoy different types of food.
Sarah m 97 I absolutely agree with you. There was nothing to dislike about the whole event. All presentation where on point. I never expected such large number of people. the whole event was interesting and i would love to attend it again.
Chelsea N.90 Honestly, I found it very interesting that although we live in the south, there are so many cultures that derive in the heart of Georgia. Atlanta is a big city and many different people of backgrounds and cultures have come here in the hopes of new opportunity or simply because of the beautiful landscape Georgia has to offer. It surprised me to find out more about my culture of being born and raised in Georgia. I found out some things that I never knew about famous people who were born here or even some things about Georgia's history and its meaning such as the Georgia peach and the state animal- the possum. Beyond, just the culture shock of so many different people and beliefs, all apart of such a small school system, there were many incredible stories as well. Each table was a story of its own, but one story really stood out to me about a little girl who lives her dream of doing pageants even though a terrible disease- mitochondria, has taken over her life. I was inspired by the whole event. I learned so much more than I thought that I would and I am so glad that I was a part of it.
Sarah M 97 I enjoyed the cultural diversity of Soc Fest. For me what I found interesting was all the culture around me in soc fest! It helped me learn more about people and their culture I would have never expected my classmates to be so different than of my own understanding. However with soc fest i was able to learn more about them even people from other sociology classes. My favorite part of it was meeting new people with different backgrounds and also the food i took everything i could every culture has its own different foods. . Learning more about people different from us makes us worldlier. Being able to connect through food and certain holidays and such makes great connections to help bring people closer together. I also got to learn more about my family's history in doing this project. I enjoyed it and would do it again.
Courtney R.97 Responding to Sarah M.97 It was really cool how with all the different cultural representations combined, there was a sense of unity and openness. It opens your eyes and mind to worlds we aren't familiar with, yet are so close to. We go to school and work with all kinds of people from so many different cultures and yet in most ways we are all the same. It's nice to be reminded of that from time to time.
At our Soc Fest, I found the thing that was most interesting was that in SOME way, most, not all but most of our culture or traditions related in a way. In some way, we all could relate to each other. It allowed me to open my eyes to different culture, and how others felt about their way of life or their families and it was cool. Some people are very prideful of their culture, and some people grew up and created their own culture. I found that to be a beautiful thing, learning yourself and learning something that can make you say "hey, this is something I want to be apart of my life and my family's life forever." So overall, I enjoyed myself at the Fest and would love to visit other cultural things here in Altanta. It also makes me want to travel more :).
Hello Phonecia, Your cultural display of Trinidad and Tobego was awesome and so was your curry chicken. My son loved it a lot and wanted to come for seconds. There are many similarities between my hispanic culture and yours which wasn't too surprising to me. Your video of Carnival was pretty cool too.
Ann L. 97 What most interested me was how many cultures were represented and also how each of the culture represents someone's cultural values. it also strike me how cultures can be familiar. A Grenada students had a food representation that was made same way with same spices just different names used as we do in my country (Kenya). I think it was just amazing especially to know every piece of representation had a cultural believe behind it. I loved the music, attires and the different food.
Ann L. 97 in response to Madeline C. 97 Hey Madeline! Yes I do agree with you every single of the event was awesome. you also mentioned the subcultures which I must were great. l learned so much out of the Soc Feast and it's definitely something that I would always want to be engaged in.
M. Inman 97 I really liked how everyone came together at Soc fest and how everyone's culture was out to see. It was cool to see how elaborate some people's displays were and I enjoyed looking at all of them and tasting all the food. I liked how the one about Irish had Irish music playing. The music really drew attention to her project.
Lucy k.84 It was an amazing day especially the way we interracted,everybody was ready to share .The art work displayed was amazing and original ,from it you would really tell of how people are creative especially the one presented from Syria and Haiti.I can't forget the food which was alot and delicious,i didn't eat dinner in my house!!
I didn't get to see those displays but I'm sure they were awesome! I think it's really cool how everyone was so unique but still so similar. I found a lot of myself in a lot of the displays. And yeah.. the food was totally awesome!
Courtney R.97 I enjoyed walking around and checking out everyone's displays, reading up on the history of the items they chose to bring. There were so many representations of different cultures, it was nice to have a peak in to each one. I would have to say that checking out the other projects was more interesting than putting my own project together. I had a hard time pin pointing my culture and finding something to represent it. Overall it was a good experience, although I wish I had known kids were permitted, because I would have brought my daughter along to enjoy and experience as well.
Callie G. 64 I agree with you here. I did enjoy very much so getting to go around and visiting with others about their cultures. Everyone is so unique and it really was neat to get to be a part of such a great experience.
I think that Soc. Fest was very interesting. It is hard to pin it down to one thing, but if I did it would be all of the displays. You can tell that everyone worked really hard on them. I did hear a lot of interesting stories. One that stuck out is the one I heard from a fellow classmate about the difference between Easter in America and Easter in Jamaica. I also really liked that I got to do some research on my culture. I went to visit my great uncle Steve, and he was telling me a lot about my culture that I didn't know. I knew that my grandfather played instruments, but I did not know that his parents did. I found out a lot about my culture, and I am glad that I got to.
Chris W. 97 I also agree that the displays were by far my favorite thing about the Soc fest. It was a chance for people to put their culture's on display and talk to others about their cultures. I met some very interesting people and think that the Soc fest and all the displays were a success.
I think that it was and amazing day as well. I did like how everyone was ready to share. We got to learn about so many cultures and what makes us a ll unique. I loved seeing the creativity as well. I really enjoyed getting to see everyone's project, and how creative they were. I really enjoyed this project! I got to learn new stuff about my own culture which was exciting.
Janetta C (96) I enjoyed soc. Fest, and seeing all the different cultures and subcultures that people have. There was a variety of different foods that I enjoyed sampling, probably would not of ever had a chance to try in my everyday life. It is amazing how many different cultures are around me that I new nothing about, so I enjoyed learning about them.
J. Wright reply to Janetta 96. This is true, to see the many different (transplants) that call Georgia their home, even through some are from far away places that has a history of its own was totally great. I would like to say thank you to all who brought just a small portion of their culture out to share with us, it was awesome.
Chris W. 97 I had a good time at the Soc fest. It was good to not only get a better understanding of other culture's but to also get to experience some of them. I had a lot of good food from other cultures and even some good beverages. It was good to be able to show some of the cultures I am involved in because I honestly don't think much about them on a daily basis. The Soc Fest was overall a success for me and other's I made a few friends and some people that I could relate to.
Robert C. in response to Chris W. 97 You are certainly right about the food. I tried many different foods that I had never even heard of before. Some of them were very good, others would take some getting used to, but it was cool to be able to see what others eat on a regular basis.
Robert C. 88 The most interesting part for me was the wide range of different cultures. I had expected most everybody’s culture to be rather similar. But on the contrary there was an eclectic mixture of different types of cultures from all over the world. Such as the woman beside me who featured Cajun food, vibrant clothing, and exotic dancing as a part of her presentation. Or the woman on the other side, who represented a Native American culture. She featured a wide variety of different stones and clothing. She spoke about the many different types of ceremonies that she performs that help to calm or heal people. It was all wonderfully interesting, I learned a lot about different cultures. And I realized that a great many different cultures coexist here in the same area. I could not find one project that was similar to my own, which was surprising because I had expected most of us would have been a part of similar cultures. But I was certainly proven wrong.
Veronica E. 97 in response to Robert C. 88 I agree with you, not really getting out much you just seem to think we all share the same culture. But that is entirely wrong. We have so many different cultures submerged in our state. It really is interesting.
Heather P. 97 I found many things interesting at Soc Fest! The displays, cultures, and people were very fascinating. Talking with others, and seeing how different cultures contribute to society was a great experience. Most of the cultures shared the same love for family as I do. It was really interesting to see a culture that seems so different from mine mirror the same values. I was disappointed I didn't get to see as many as I would have liked to see, so maybe next year I will come just to experience it fully. I also enjoyed looking deep into my own way of life while working on my project. There are so many important representations that I wanted to share, but being forced to examine the most important allowed me to appreciate my upbringing and life experiences.
There were so many interesting things to see at the soc fest! i did loved all the colors about each culture, how each had different backgrounds, and the displacement. I did enjoy and also was happy to shared my culture along with others. I also enjoyed all the different culture foods. It did taste good!!
J. Wright reply to Isabella 96. I totally agree with you on the different foods that people brought out. They were different from what I have had and would try again if ever the opportunity present itself.
Megan Evans 96 Soc fest was a lot of fun. It was cool seeing every thing that people brought in. All the different ways people took the assignment. Some were really informational while others were just fun. My favorite project wasn't on one particular culture but an act and how different cultures do it.
A Murphy 96 I was most interested in the visual displays. Some were above and beyond my expectations and really gave me insight into cultures I had never been exposed to. I think it was alot of fun. I wish I couldve had more time to really read all of the projects.
Zereana C. 97 I thoroughly enjoyed the Soc Fest because of all the diversity that was displayed. There were many people there very knowledgable and enthusiastic about showcasing their culture which I especially loved because my children were there. My six year old is very inquisitive and asked a lot of questions. In his six year old mind, this event helped him understand that we are all different yet we are still friends and nice to each other. I personally love learning about different cultures especially the food. We enjoyed food from Nigeria and the Caribbean and some good old American food too. Z
I really enjoyed the Soc Fest because I really got to see how many different cultures they really are. For me staying close to home and going to school I just mainly see this one culture. I enjoyed how different some were and also how similar some were also. Most everyone showed you beyond depth of what the culture was really like. And I enjoyed the food also.
Callie G. 64 I enjoyed Soc Fest very much so! I loved getting to go room to room and view everyone's projects they had brought. I learned a lot about about my culture and others as well. It was very neat to learn about cultures I am usually not around or know really nothing about. For me personally the neatest thing was All the information I learned about my family while doing this project.
Luis M. 97. I agree 100% with you, I loved everyone's idea and the way everybody presented their culture. I hope we can do it again. The most important thing for me was meeting Mr. Laporte
Jarrett Morris 96 The thing I found most interesting about Soc Fest were all the different displays. There were a lot of people who participated and it was cool seeing everyone's cultures. They ranged from religion, background, hobbies, sports, and even modern things like music and art. It was a fun activity to learn a little more about everyone and how people represent themselves differently. While doing this project I did learn more about my culture as well as others. I mainly liked the survey because it allowed me to ask questions to the people I was most interested in and get to know just a little more from their point of view. Overall it was an awesome experience!
I too liked the survey. Having to ask questions rather than just looking at their displays and reading what they had written sometimes got you a better insight at who they are and where they came from.
Kimberly S. 90 I did not get to attend Soc Fest, but if I had I would have brought a softball because it has been a huge part of my life since I was 4 years old, and continues to be a part of it. My grandmother was Japanese, so I am 25% Japanese. I have a traditional Japanese fan that I would have brought because it represents that part of my culture. I also have a tattoo that I would have brought a picture of that shows who I am.
I too also would have brought a hockey stick that has been passed down from my grandfather who was a hockey player in Toronto for a short period of his life.
It was hard to pin-point just one of the displays because to me they were all very interesting to see,taste and have people of different cultures explain their to me. I think soc fest is a wonderful time to show the world around us a little bit of who we are and where we come from and the pride that we feel when people ask question about our culture. I had a wonderful time with meeting many of the on-line students and also talking with my own class mate outside of the classroom, J. Wright90
I was unfortunately unable to attend the Soc Fest; however, I was going to bring in some interesting things. I have a family recipe that has been handed down from many generations through my mother and my fathers family. It is a "Dirt pie" recipe, don't worry it isn't actually dirt but rather a pudding with oreos, chocolate pudding, cream cheese and whipped cream.
Fatmata D.90 I had a lot of fun at the Soc Fest despite the heavy rain. My display of the African culture was nice.walking around the fest I enjoyed the boiled peanuts that the country culture had. because I make boiled peanut a lot at home another table that I like was the Mardi Gras and how she sent up the table to the point where I could get the feel of all the parts of New Orleans. Plus I am a food junky so the jambalaya was extremely good. Even though I been living in Georgia for half my life I did not know our state insect was a bee. now that explains a lot why during the summer there are a lot of them.
The thing I found most interesting about Soc Fest was how diverse everyone was. I was expecting most people to write about their culture and bring in things to symbolize that; however, a lot of people were more into their subculture instead of that of their upbringing. I liked that even in a conservative state such as Georgia, so many people had interests that were "out of the norm." I did my project on my childhood upbringing. I guess I never really realized how much of an influence it had on my life until I started thinking about what I would bring. A real eye opener on both accounts.
The interesting things about Soc Fest was that everyone's culture is so very different. My twin sister did a project on Country Western background and it is so fascinating to see the people in our family who were into music. I also found out a lot of interesting facts about my families military history. Soc Fest was very interesting and I loved seeing a little piece of everyone's background.
Chris G. 95 The thing that I enjoyed the most was just how diverse everything was. There were so many people from so many different walks of life and that just interested me a lot. I leaned a lot from all the people there and I tried foods that I would never try normally. Soc Fest was just something different to me all together. It was something that I have never experienced before.
Cherish S 97 In response to Tiffany W 97 I could not agree more. It was fun learning everyone's part in history. I think it is neat what you did for your project. I did my families military background.
I enjoyed the room I was in everyone was so different there was a huge range of cultures throughout the room and I learned a lot from them. I also love trying out the different cultural foods that everyone brought in to share. My favorite was the jambalaya that Judy had made. I do say that my only regret was that I was unable to make it around to the other classrooms to see what other cultures were displayed.
W.Harvey90 Although I did not go to soc fest due to my job, the experience I am sure was fantastic. I have had a good time doing my research project on Emile Durkheim. I am writing a paper on him for my project and will furthermore do my best to contribute to our class discussions.
Valrika L., 90 I found that the different background that everyone has was very interesting about SocFest. I loved the fact I found someone who knits just like me. It's hard to find someone around your age group who knits, because they all thing it's for grandmothers. In addition, the displays where so beautiful and had a lot of detail that it felt I knew the person and where they came from or what they do. Also look at the many projects made me realize how some cultures have similarity. SocFest overall was a wonderful experience.
I agree and wish I could have seen your presentation. i probably did see it because there were so many different cultures to look at it was very nice. Many cultures alo get you to see what you have in common so in reality cultures might not all be different, but for some way end up the same reality.
Like most of the posts on this blog, I personally enjoyed the diversity of it all. I was mainly confined to my area and was not able to really get a good glimpse of everyone's different backgrounds, but I am glad that these types of projects are put together because it's a smooth transition for others to genuinely want to learn and accept other people for who they are. People have their opinions and stereotypes that are learned from anything but hands on experience, and this Fest provided a way for that to happen. I am sure certain people took an interest in cultures they thought they would never open up to.
William C Wade. 90 I was unable to make it to soc fest due to scheduling. What I would of brought was a collection of baseball cards that i have been collecting for years. I currently have 579 hundred cards in my collection. I value my collection for many with the most important one being because I inherited many of them from my grandfather before he passed away. In the future i plan on continuing collecting baseball cards.
Simone S. 97 William I think that is really cool that you have a piece of you grandfather. It must be nice to have a reminder of him that you also get to build on and pass on to the next generation.
William C Wade. 90 in response to Jarrett Morris 96 I am happy to hear that you had a good time while at soc fest. Unfortunately i was not able to make it, but i can see how interesting it was by some of the things you stated.
Andrew F 90 I unfortunately was unable to attend the Soc Fest this year, because of work issues. I would have brought some of my projects, because they are basically my culture. I make things like waterfalls, and fountains for decoration or for terrariums. I am really sorry I missed my friend and her daughter's beauty pageant display.
I was unable to attend soc fest. But if I had attended I would have brought my entire stage set up. I am a local giging guitar player who is working with Burnt Hickory Baptist Church and the Paul Hand Band. In addition to that I occasionally busk around town and am going on a small European tour in July. Naturally I have a very large stage setup. This includes:
GUITARS Les Paul Custom Custom Stratocaster Martin DX1KAE AMPLIFIERS Fender Deluxe 112 Plus Bugera V5 Handmade Carvin Cabinet FX PEDALS Fulltone Full Drive 2 MOSFET Driver Ernie Ball Volume Jr. Fulltone OCD Overdrive Danelectro Chorus Rouge Analog Delay Korg Pitchblack Tuner Boss RC-3 Looper
Aside from my gear I would bring some assorted pieces of rock'n'roll memorabilia and some old records. Musicians share an inner culture of their own and I want to share that. Whenever I get into a conversation with a musician around my friends they just tone out because the have no idea what were talking about. Between the loud music, late nights, and general party atmosphere, It is one of the most interesting sub cultures to be a part of.
Austin T. 96 I unfortunately did not get to attend Soc. Fest but if I had I would have brought work boots because ever since I was a little child I wore boots because I worked a lot on our family tobacco farm and I helped my dad with construction projects around our house. Also, I would have brought fried chicken since it is a classic southern dish and I'm from the South. Finally, I would have brought a photo album to show how my brother and I grew up and how we spent are days as children.
Amanda B. 96 I was not able to attend Social Fest this year, but I would of set up the little mini both as an Irish Theme, since I'm part Irish. Since St. Patrick's Day is coming up I would have dressed up in all green, have Irish music in the background which would be their Uilleann Pipes. If people wanted to eat it, I would also have baked and made green clover cupcakes.
I thought that Soc Fest was an amazing event to get to be acquainted with other cultures which really opened my eyes up to what the world and different cultures consist of and I enjoyed that. It was nice seeing how much I have in common with other cultures also and how they were brought up with the same values; it was very refreshing.
man sounds like it was very exciting to interact with new people and learn about different aspect of cultures, I would have loved to be apart of such a great event in society. I am glad for all the people that did get to go and experience something out of their normal.
Salome N 97 in response to Lucy k 84 I agree with you that everything was good and people were very creative and excited as they represent their culture. I enjoyed interacting with people from different cultures too. I do wish we can have such a wonderful time again.
KatelynN97: I enjoyed making my project! I have a lot of pride in my Cajun heritage and I enjoyed telling everyone about it. I also enjoyed looking at everyone's posters.
KatelynN97 in response to Adu Ohanu 97: I really enjoyed experiencing other people's cultures too! it made me want to travel the world more. The food was my favorite part. I should have gotten Zerena's recipe!
Simone S. 97 I think soc. fest was very interesting. I found it nice to see others interest and how they interpreted the project. Many chose to share the activities that were important in their lives rather then a belief. or ritual. I based my project on my family beliefs.
Unfortunately I managed to get myself to Soc fest horribly late, as per my usual... But in the short time I actually did get to step away from the booth I had set up I found a number of the panels fairly interesting. Admittedly I gravitated toward some of the more "nerdy" booths, but hey that's part of my culture. ;)
As a whole I enjoyed it, and got to show off a good portion of the nerdiness I usually keep to the secluded corners of the world. =P I also came out with a surprisingly positive reception to it, with numerous people saying they'd never played but were interested in trying - and with others who had no idea what it was. But hey, I got to walk a cute girl to her car out of it? Cheers!
I found the students in room 208 had some fascinating material to share. It was nice to see that other people's cultures are truly a part of their day to day routines and not just a moment in history. I was exceptionally found of a gentleman who was invested in adoption and fostering children. I love to hear stories that make a difference in the lives of others.
Kevon P, 90 I would first like to start of stating that I enjoyed the Soc Fest. I interviewed Judy Wright as she had her Cajun Creole on display. Not only was this a display, but it also included some of her personal life and stories. I was able to connect on a deeper level with Judy, simply due to the fact that I do as well have family that lives within the same proximity. It was a great experience to interview this woman.
AR97 I did not attend SocFest but I planned on showing off the LGBT community. I made cupcakes (which are now demolished by my brothers). The cupcakes had a rainbow design made from the mix and a rainbow taffy piece on top of the icing. I planned on bringing the flag theat represents the community and reciting a poem written and recited at a spoken word night. The poem was very powerful and written by one of my dearest friends speaking on the power behind pride.
Marganette PL 90 Social Fest was a pleasant event; Everything about it was good. All the displays were interesting in their own way. I felt like I was traveled the world in two hours. I had a very good time meeting with people of all kind of different backgrounds, and learn a little bit of their culture.
Logan C. 64. I was unable to attend Soc Fest. However, if I was able to go I would have brought pictures of my bike and my drum set. I would have brought some accessory items for each of those activities, and pictures/videos of the trails I ride.
Shanah E. 97 I think that the most interesting part of Social Fest to me was getting to see things about other cultures that I would otherwise never get a chance to see. I will never get a chance to go to Zimbabwe, Kenya, Mexico, or Venezuela, but because of this event I got to learn a lot about these places and the people who come from there.
If I would have attended the social fest I would have demonstrated, how my family celebrated our Christmas together. It was a tradition to have all my family at my home. I really wish I could have seen all the different types of art and cultures other are involved in.
Tiffany W, 96 I loved the Sociology Fest! I loved learning about so many different cultures I knew a thing about and I loved most that so many people were interested in my Kentucky culture.
As I walked through soc fest, I realized just how many different cultures there were in this one country. I really enjoyed also venturing into my own culture. This gave me the chance to really talk to the rest of my family about things I never knew about. I also loved the way everyone was willing to share their life with others, even if they weren't from a different country, they still had a different life style. It was beautiful to see all the work others put into this project. Soc fest was awesome!
Isabel 96 I couldn't attend soc fest for work reasons. As i was reading everyone's comments it looks like i missed on a lot. People form different cultures and it would have been fun to be part of it. I worked on mine and as I was working on it I learned and realized thing that I haven't notice before. Too bad I couldn't go and present it.
soc fest was amazing. the whole event was mesmerizing. i brought my family along and we walked all through the exhibits and learned from everyone. the food was awesome and everybody had a great time
Savannah T I thought the whole thing was amazing, I didn't get to stay long because I had to work last minute, but I walked in an saw everyone dressed up and it felt so awesome. I tried the food that some people had brought in and it was delicious and I just saw how much time and effort people had put into it and it was really amazing.
TB 96
ReplyDeleteAt Soc Fest I found all the displays the most interesting. They were all unique and told different stories of different people. I enjoyed all the colors put into them like the Mardi Gras display. I also loved the country culture set up with homemade boiled peanuts. The most interesting one that i saw was a display of natural healing remedies and healing stones. It was interesting how I could connect some of my culture to others. Though their culture may not be the center of my culture and beliefs I was able to understand how they live that culture since I shared a small part of it. We share a lot more cultural ways than people actually realize and brings a feeling of being connected to one another.
In response to TB 96
DeleteThe social fest is going to be a memorable day because we don't often go around telling one about our culture values and norms. The country culture was captivating to my eyes and the explanation of the helping remedies and healing stone sound like magic, and all I could say was wow!!!!
I missed out on getting to go around all the classrooms and hallway but that's very interesting with the stones. I would have loved to seen that especially since I love cultural things of that such and I have seen some of the salt rock lamps that are suppose to help heal people at stores. Would love to talk to someone who deals with those types of things.
DeleteMichael L. 97
DeleteMan, I wish I had gotten there earlier... I've always been curious about things like healing stones and other sorts. It definitely sounds pretty cool!
Chris M. 97
ReplyDeleteWhat I found most interesting at Soc Fest was the fact that we have such a variety of cultures and backgrounds represented at our school. I enjoyed the display on Syrian culture, as well as the one about Costa Rica. Some of the displays cleared up misconceptions that I had of a culture, while others served to offer additional perspectives on a particular culture.
When I learned of this assignment, I figured it would be difficult to represent my cultural background: ordinary, run-of-the-mill white dude. But the difficult part ended up trying to stay on track with one or two main points. While thinking about the project, really thinking about it, I realized that I have a multi-cultural background, am part of many sub-cultures, as well as a couple of counter-cultures.
So this project opened my eyes in a few different ways and I am glad to have been involved in it.
And kudos to all of the great displays!
Madeline C. in response to Chris M.
DeleteHi Chris! I also had a tough time trying to stay on track after I started this project. I believe it was the project on Costa Rica that served the sweet plantains, which is something every restaurant should serve! I went to a Cuban restaurant the next day just so I could get some more. Not only was Soc Fest interesting, but it gave me some great new additions to my diet!
Chelsea N.90
DeleteChris M.97 I totally agree with you! It was so inspiring to see all of those amazing cultures integrated into just a few small rooms. It most definitely opened my eyes to cultures and subcultures that I never even knew existed. I was intrigued by all of the fascinating foods and valuables people brought to represent themselves as well as others. It even opened my eyes to getting involved and trying new things. Going into the sociology fest, I really didn't know what to expect. However, many people went over and beyond with their projects which captured my attention with their detail and hard work. I was over all very impressed. I wasn't expecting the projects to be so and intriquet and definitely was not expecting there to be that many. I am so glad that I went and the fest brought to my attention a whole new world in addition to my own. It showed me that even in such a small town, my world is bigger than I thought.
D. Bleetan 96
ReplyDeleteActually, the display was the most interesting thing during the social fest. The display helped to tell stories of different tradition and cultural values, and as well as other live stories. The display give an insight of how cultural is still important and every little thing in culture represent something. The most important thing of the display is that it helped erased those doubt and concept that one feel toward other cultural and tradition. Though it was a little tough in representing our culture and explaining some cultural values of things that other see around them, but it was fun and worthy.
Luis M.97
ReplyDeleteWhat I like the most about the Soc Fest is was variety of cultures together in one place. I enjoyed learning about all of them, but definitely my favorite one was the about the hearing impairment. I didn't know that deaf people could enjoy music like we do. that was very interesting for me, when I came home I googled it because I wanted to learn more about that community. The only thing I didn't enjoy was seen too much food and not been able to try all of them. I definitely enjoy the time I was there. Another project that I thought it was very interesting was the one about Kenya. I was unaware of how bad AIDS were in that country.
Chris M. 97 in response to Luis M. 97:
Great point about the food! There were so many different types of food, and the smells were so incredible. There was no way I could sample everything and that's really a shame.
Michele Smith (96)
DeleteI showed up kind of late and didn't get to try anything but boiled peanuts. And I missed the one about the hearing impaired... I will have to look up this stuff about them enjoying music also. This is totally news to me. A couple of years ago I went to Passion in Atlanta and found out about the AIDS epidemic there. It's very very tragic.
Madeline C. 97
ReplyDeleteI loved seeing all the different cultures, and even better, tasting their food! I was surprised at how many different cultures and subcultures were represented at the Soc Fest. Literally cultures from all over the world were represented in a couple different classrooms. I loved seeing the beautiful clothing from places in Africa. I loved the rice and sweet plantains from different places in Latin America. I loved all of the "American" subcultures like basketball or rugby or even beauty pageants. Some of the subcultures were something I have never been interested in, but thanks to Soc Fest, I would like to get involved. Overall, I had a fantastic time putting my project together and seeing all the others.
Heather P. 97 in response to Madeline C. 97
DeleteHi Madeline! I really enjoyed Soc Fest as well! It was so neat see all the different displays and cultures in person. Many cultures have only been read in books or seen on television. It was neat being able to experience them first hand. Unfortunately, I didn't get there until 4, and many people started leaving. I was able to try some delicious homemade salsa and Syrian coconut cake! It was a great experience!
I loved getting to look at all the displays. A lot of people had really interesting backgrounds. I also really liked getting to see how many people had a culture similar to mine. I hate that I didn't get to see more projects or even get to set mine out because of the nasty weather... And thanks to the chick who brought the boiled peanuts, they were awesome!
ReplyDeleteMichele Smith (96)
DeleteSorry, I forgot to put my name!
Salome N 97
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed event so much and nothing I disliked. It was interesting and I learnt a lot about what different cultures believe and how this role play role in their loves. I was also paying attention on what different cultures have in similar and I found that m rice is common every where although have a different ways of cooking. In short the event was fantastic and I enjoy different types of food.
Sarah m 97
DeleteI absolutely agree with you. There was nothing to dislike about the whole event. All presentation where on point. I never expected such large number of people. the whole event was interesting and i would love to attend it again.
Chelsea N.90 Honestly, I found it very interesting that although we live in the south, there are so many cultures that derive in the heart of Georgia. Atlanta is a big city and many different people of backgrounds and cultures have come here in the hopes of new opportunity or simply because of the beautiful landscape Georgia has to offer. It surprised me to find out more about my culture of being born and raised in Georgia. I found out some things that I never knew about famous people who were born here or even some things about Georgia's history and its meaning such as the Georgia peach and the state animal- the possum. Beyond, just the culture shock of so many different people and beliefs, all apart of such a small school system, there were many incredible stories as well. Each table was a story of its own, but one story really stood out to me about a little girl who lives her dream of doing pageants even though a terrible disease- mitochondria, has taken over her life. I was inspired by the whole event. I learned so much more than I thought that I would and I am so glad that I was a part of it.
ReplyDeleteSarah M 97
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the cultural diversity of Soc Fest. For me what I found interesting was all the culture around me in soc fest! It helped me learn more about people and their culture I would have never expected my classmates to be so different than of my own understanding. However with soc fest i was able to learn more about them even people from other sociology classes. My favorite part of it was meeting new people with different backgrounds and also the food i took everything i could every culture has its own different foods. . Learning more about people different from us makes us worldlier. Being able to connect through food and certain holidays and such makes great connections to help bring people closer together. I also got to learn more about my family's history in doing this project. I enjoyed it and would do it again.
Courtney R.97 Responding to Sarah M.97
DeleteIt was really cool how with all the different cultural representations combined, there was a sense of unity and openness. It opens your eyes and mind to worlds we aren't familiar with, yet are so close to. We go to school and work with all kinds of people from so many different cultures and yet in most ways we are all the same. It's nice to be reminded of that from time to time.
At our Soc Fest, I found the thing that was most interesting was that in SOME way, most, not all but most of our culture or traditions related in a way. In some way, we all could relate to each other. It allowed me to open my eyes to different culture, and how others felt about their way of life or their families and it was cool. Some people are very prideful of their culture, and some people grew up and created their own culture. I found that to be a beautiful thing, learning yourself and learning something that can make you say "hey, this is something I want to be apart of my life and my family's life forever." So overall, I enjoyed myself at the Fest and would love to visit other cultural things here in Altanta. It also makes me want to travel more :).
ReplyDeleteHello Phonecia,
DeleteYour cultural display of Trinidad and Tobego was awesome and so was your curry chicken. My son loved it a lot and wanted to come for seconds. There are many similarities between my hispanic culture and yours which wasn't too surprising to me. Your video of Carnival was pretty cool too.
Ann L. 97
ReplyDeleteWhat most interested me was how many cultures were represented and also how each of the culture represents someone's cultural values. it also strike me how cultures can be familiar. A Grenada students had a food representation that was made same way with same spices just different names used as we do in my country (Kenya). I think it was just amazing especially to know every piece of representation had a cultural believe behind it. I loved the music, attires and the different food.
Ann L. 97 in response to Madeline C. 97
ReplyDeleteHey Madeline! Yes I do agree with you every single of the event was awesome. you also mentioned the subcultures which I must were great. l learned so much out of the Soc Feast and it's definitely something that I would always want to be engaged in.
M. Inman 97
ReplyDeleteI really liked how everyone came together at Soc fest and how everyone's culture was out to see. It was cool to see how elaborate some people's displays were and I enjoyed looking at all of them and tasting all the food. I liked how the one about Irish had Irish music playing. The music really drew attention to her project.
Lucy k.84
ReplyDeleteIt was an amazing day especially the way we interracted,everybody was ready to share .The art work displayed was amazing and original ,from it you would really tell of how people are creative especially the one presented from Syria and Haiti.I can't forget the food which was alot and delicious,i didn't eat dinner in my house!!
I didn't get to see those displays but I'm sure they were awesome! I think it's really cool how everyone was so unique but still so similar. I found a lot of myself in a lot of the displays. And yeah.. the food was totally awesome!
DeleteCourtney R.97
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed walking around and checking out everyone's displays, reading up on the history of the items they chose to bring. There were so many representations of different cultures, it was nice to have a peak in to each one. I would have to say that checking out the other projects was more interesting than putting my own project together. I had a hard time pin pointing my culture and finding something to represent it. Overall it was a good experience, although I wish I had known kids were permitted, because I would have brought my daughter along to enjoy and experience as well.
Callie G. 64
DeleteI agree with you here. I did enjoy very much so getting to go around and visiting with others about their cultures. Everyone is so unique and it really was neat to get to be a part of such a great experience.
Cassie S. 97
ReplyDeleteI think that Soc. Fest was very interesting. It is hard to pin it down to one thing, but if I did it would be all of the displays. You can tell that everyone worked really hard on them. I did hear a lot of interesting stories. One that stuck out is the one I heard from a fellow classmate about the difference between Easter in America and Easter in Jamaica. I also really liked that I got to do some research on my culture. I went to visit my great uncle Steve, and he was telling me a lot about my culture that I didn't know. I knew that my grandfather played instruments, but I did not know that his parents did. I found out a lot about my culture, and I am glad that I got to.
Chris W. 97
DeleteI also agree that the displays were by far my favorite thing about the Soc fest. It was a chance for people to put their culture's on display and talk to others about their cultures. I met some very interesting people and think that the Soc fest and all the displays were a success.
Chris G. 95
DeleteI agree all of the displays were very interesting. It was like one big family
Cassie S. 97 in response to Lucy K. 84.
ReplyDeleteI think that it was and amazing day as well. I did like how everyone was ready to share. We got to learn about so many cultures and what makes us a ll unique. I loved seeing the creativity as well. I really enjoyed getting to see everyone's project, and how creative they were. I really enjoyed this project! I got to learn new stuff about my own culture which was exciting.
Janetta C (96)
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed soc. Fest, and seeing all the different cultures and subcultures that people have. There was a variety of different foods that I enjoyed sampling, probably would not of ever had a chance to try in my everyday life. It is amazing how many different cultures are around me that I new nothing about, so I enjoyed learning about them.
J. Wright reply to Janetta 96. This is true, to see the many different (transplants) that call Georgia their home, even through some are from far away places that has a history of its own was totally great. I would like to say thank you to all who brought just a small portion of their culture out to share with us, it was awesome.
DeleteChris W. 97
ReplyDeleteI had a good time at the Soc fest. It was good to not only get a better understanding of other culture's but to also get to experience some of them. I had a lot of good food from other cultures and even some good beverages. It was good to be able to show some of the cultures I am involved in because I honestly don't think much about them on a daily basis. The Soc Fest was overall a success for me and other's I made a few friends and some people that I could relate to.
Robert C. in response to Chris W. 97
DeleteYou are certainly right about the food. I tried many different foods that I had never even heard of before. Some of them were very good, others would take some getting used to, but it was cool to be able to see what others eat on a regular basis.
Robert C. 88
ReplyDeleteThe most interesting part for me was the wide range of different cultures. I had expected most everybody’s culture to be rather similar. But on the contrary there was an eclectic mixture of different types of cultures from all over the world. Such as the woman beside me who featured Cajun food, vibrant clothing, and exotic dancing as a part of her presentation. Or the woman on the other side, who represented a Native American culture. She featured a wide variety of different stones and clothing. She spoke about the many different types of ceremonies that she performs that help to calm or heal people. It was all wonderfully interesting, I learned a lot about different cultures. And I realized that a great many different cultures coexist here in the same area. I could not find one project that was similar to my own, which was surprising because I had expected most of us would have been a part of similar cultures. But I was certainly proven wrong.
Veronica E. 97 in response to Robert C. 88
DeleteI agree with you, not really getting out much you just seem to think we all share the same culture. But that is entirely wrong. We have so many different cultures submerged in our state. It really is interesting.
Heather P. 97
ReplyDeleteI found many things interesting at Soc Fest! The displays, cultures, and people were very fascinating. Talking with others, and seeing how different cultures contribute to society was a great experience. Most of the cultures shared the same love for family as I do. It was really interesting to see a culture that seems so different from mine mirror the same values. I was disappointed I didn't get to see as many as I would have liked to see, so maybe next year I will come just to experience it fully. I also enjoyed looking deep into my own way of life while working on my project. There are so many important representations that I wanted to share, but being forced to examine the most important allowed me to appreciate my upbringing and life experiences.
There were so many interesting things to see at the soc fest! i did loved all the colors about each culture, how each had different backgrounds, and the displacement. I did enjoy and also was happy to shared my culture along with others. I also enjoyed all the different culture foods. It did taste good!!
ReplyDeleteJ. Wright reply to Isabella 96. I totally agree with you on the different foods that people brought out. They were different from what I have had and would try again if ever the opportunity present itself.
DeleteMegan Evans 96
ReplyDeleteSoc fest was a lot of fun. It was cool seeing every thing that people brought in. All the different ways people took the assignment. Some were really informational while others were just fun. My favorite project wasn't on one particular culture but an act and how different cultures do it.
A Murphy 96 I was most interested in the visual displays. Some were above and beyond my expectations and really gave me insight into cultures I had never been exposed to. I think it was alot of fun. I wish I couldve had more time to really read all of the projects.
ReplyDeleteZereana C. 97
ReplyDeleteI thoroughly enjoyed the Soc Fest because of all the diversity that was displayed. There were many people there very knowledgable and enthusiastic about showcasing their culture which I especially loved because my children were there. My six year old is very inquisitive and asked a lot of questions. In his six year old mind, this event helped him understand that we are all different yet we are still friends and nice to each other. I personally love learning about different cultures especially the food. We enjoyed food from Nigeria and the Caribbean and some good old American food too.
I really enjoyed the Soc Fest because I really got to see how many different cultures they really are. For me staying close to home and going to school I just mainly see this one culture. I enjoyed how different some were and also how similar some were also. Most everyone showed you beyond depth of what the culture was really like. And I enjoyed the food also.
ReplyDeleteCallie G. 64
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed Soc Fest very much so! I loved getting to go room to room and view everyone's projects they had brought. I learned a lot about about my culture and others as well. It was very neat to learn about cultures I am usually not around or know really nothing about. For me personally the neatest thing was All the information I learned about my family while doing this project.
Luis M. 97.
DeleteI agree 100% with you, I loved everyone's idea and the way everybody presented their culture. I hope we can do it again.
The most important thing for me was meeting Mr. Laporte
Jarrett Morris 96
ReplyDeleteThe thing I found most interesting about Soc Fest were all the different displays. There were a lot of people who participated and it was cool seeing everyone's cultures. They ranged from religion, background, hobbies, sports, and even modern things like music and art. It was a fun activity to learn a little more about everyone and how people represent themselves differently. While doing this project I did learn more about my culture as well as others. I mainly liked the survey because it allowed me to ask questions to the people I was most interested in and get to know just a little more from their point of view. Overall it was an awesome experience!
Fatmata D 90
DeleteI agree it was nice going room to room looking at these projects.my favorite part was learning bout the different regions.
Chris G. 95
DeleteIt was fun going room to room talking and interacting with many different types of people.
I too liked the survey. Having to ask questions rather than just looking at their displays and reading what they had written sometimes got you a better insight at who they are and where they came from.
DeleteKimberly S. 90
ReplyDeleteI did not get to attend Soc Fest, but if I had I would have brought a softball because it has been a huge part of my life since I was 4 years old, and continues to be a part of it. My grandmother was Japanese, so I am 25% Japanese. I have a traditional Japanese fan that I would have brought because it represents that part of my culture. I also have a tattoo that I would have brought a picture of that shows who I am.
I too also would have brought a hockey stick that has been passed down from my grandfather who was a hockey player in Toronto for a short period of his life.
DeleteIt was hard to pin-point just one of the displays because to me they were all very interesting to see,taste and have people of different cultures explain their to me. I think soc fest is a wonderful time to show the world around us a little bit of who we are and where we come from and the pride that we feel when people ask question about our culture. I had a wonderful time with meeting many of the on-line students and also talking with my own class mate outside of the classroom,
ReplyDeleteJ. Wright90
I was unfortunately unable to attend the Soc Fest; however, I was going to bring in some interesting things. I have a family recipe that has been handed down from many generations through my mother and my fathers family. It is a "Dirt pie" recipe, don't worry it isn't actually dirt but rather a pudding with oreos, chocolate pudding, cream cheese and whipped cream.
ReplyDeleteFatmata D.90
ReplyDeleteI had a lot of fun at the Soc Fest despite the heavy rain. My display of the African culture was nice.walking around the fest I enjoyed the boiled peanuts that the country culture had. because I make boiled peanut a lot at home another table that I like was the Mardi Gras and how she sent up the table to the point where I could get the feel of all the parts of New Orleans. Plus I am a food junky so the jambalaya was extremely good. Even though I been living in Georgia for half my life I did not know our state insect was a bee. now that explains a lot why during the summer there are a lot of them.
The thing I found most interesting about Soc Fest was how diverse everyone was. I was expecting most people to write about their culture and bring in things to symbolize that; however, a lot of people were more into their subculture instead of that of their upbringing. I liked that even in a conservative state such as Georgia, so many people had interests that were "out of the norm." I did my project on my childhood upbringing. I guess I never really realized how much of an influence it had on my life until I started thinking about what I would bring. A real eye opener on both accounts.
ReplyDeleteCherish S 97
ReplyDeleteThe interesting things about Soc Fest was that everyone's culture is so very different. My twin sister did a project on Country Western background and it is so fascinating to see the people in our family who were into music. I also found out a lot of interesting facts about my families military history. Soc Fest was very interesting and I loved seeing a little piece of everyone's background.
Chris G. 95
ReplyDeleteThe thing that I enjoyed the most was just how diverse everything was. There were so many people from so many different walks of life and that just interested me a lot. I leaned a lot from all the people there and I tried foods that I would never try normally. Soc Fest was just something different to me all together. It was something that I have never experienced before.
Cherish S 97 In response to Tiffany W 97 I could not agree more. It was fun learning everyone's part in history. I think it is neat what you did for your project. I did my families military background.
ReplyDeleteW.Harvey 90.
DeleteI would have enjoyed the experience if I had the opportunity. But I do agree that it is fun to learn about different cultures and peoples backgrounds.
I enjoyed the room I was in everyone was so different there was a huge range of cultures throughout the room and I learned a lot from them. I also love trying out the different cultural foods that everyone brought in to share. My favorite was the jambalaya that Judy had made. I do say that my only regret was that I was unable to make it around to the other classrooms to see what other cultures were displayed.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I did not go to soc fest due to my job, the experience I am sure was fantastic. I have had a good time doing my research project on Emile Durkheim. I am writing a paper on him for my project and will furthermore do my best to contribute to our class discussions.
Hey Will. You might wanna check your email. Mr.Laporte said top talk about what you would have brought if you had attended
DeleteValrika L., 90
ReplyDeleteI found that the different background that everyone has was very interesting about SocFest. I loved the fact I found someone who knits just like me. It's hard to find someone around your age group who knits, because they all thing it's for grandmothers. In addition, the displays where so beautiful and had a lot of detail that it felt I knew the person and where they came from or what they do. Also look at the many projects made me realize how some cultures have similarity. SocFest overall was a wonderful experience.
Ada Ohanu Online 97 in response to Valrika L 90
DeleteI agree and wish I could have seen your presentation. i probably did see it because there were so many different cultures to look at it was very nice. Many cultures alo get you to see what you have in common so in reality cultures might not all be different, but for some way end up the same reality.
Shantal Acevedo- 40796
ReplyDeleteLike most of the posts on this blog, I personally enjoyed the diversity of it all. I was mainly confined to my area and was not able to really get a good glimpse of everyone's different backgrounds, but I am glad that these types of projects are put together because it's a smooth transition for others to genuinely want to learn and accept other people for who they are. People have their opinions and stereotypes that are learned from anything but hands on experience, and this Fest provided a way for that to happen. I am sure certain people took an interest in cultures they thought they would never open up to.
William C Wade. 90
ReplyDeleteI was unable to make it to soc fest due to scheduling. What I would of brought was a collection of baseball cards that i have been collecting for years. I currently have 579 hundred cards in my collection. I value my collection for many with the most important one being because I inherited many of them from my grandfather before he passed away. In the future i plan on continuing collecting baseball cards.
Simone S. 97
DeleteWilliam I think that is really cool that you have a piece of you grandfather. It must be nice to have a reminder of him that you also get to build on and pass on to the next generation.
William C Wade. 90 in response to Jarrett Morris 96
ReplyDeleteI am happy to hear that you had a good time while at soc fest. Unfortunately i was not able to make it, but i can see how interesting it was by some of the things you stated.
Andrew F 90
ReplyDeleteI unfortunately was unable to attend the Soc Fest this year, because of work issues. I would have brought some of my projects, because they are basically my culture. I make things like waterfalls, and fountains for decoration or for terrariums. I am really sorry I missed my friend and her daughter's beauty pageant display.
Tammy C 90
DeleteWe missed you too. I would like to see some of your waterfalls. I know they are awesome.
That would have been really cool to see. I would have loved to see your fountain works.
DeleteI was unable to attend soc fest. But if I had attended I would have brought my entire stage set up. I am a local giging guitar player who is working with Burnt Hickory Baptist Church and the Paul Hand Band. In addition to that I occasionally busk around town and am going on a small European tour in July. Naturally I have a very large stage setup. This includes:
Les Paul Custom
Custom Stratocaster
Martin DX1KAE
Fender Deluxe 112 Plus
Bugera V5
Handmade Carvin Cabinet
Fulltone Full Drive 2 MOSFET Driver
Ernie Ball Volume Jr.
Fulltone OCD Overdrive
Danelectro Chorus
Rouge Analog Delay
Korg Pitchblack Tuner
Boss RC-3 Looper
Aside from my gear I would bring some assorted pieces of rock'n'roll memorabilia and some old records. Musicians share an inner culture of their own and I want to share that. Whenever I get into a conversation with a musician around my friends they just tone out because the have no idea what were talking about. Between the loud music, late nights, and general party atmosphere, It is one of the most interesting sub cultures to be a part of.
My fiancée and I just recently started attending BHBC a few months back. He is also a guitar player, as he has about 5 different ones, amps, foot-pedals and all. Would have loved to have seen your set up...sorry you missed it.
DeleteAustin T. 96
ReplyDeleteI unfortunately did not get to attend Soc. Fest but if I had I would have brought work boots because ever since I was a little child I wore boots because I worked a lot on our family tobacco farm and I helped my dad with construction projects around our house. Also, I would have brought fried chicken since it is a classic southern dish and I'm from the South. Finally, I would have brought a photo album to show how my brother and I grew up and how we spent are days as children.
Amanda B. 96 I was not able to attend Social Fest this year, but I would of set up the little mini both as an Irish Theme, since I'm part Irish. Since St. Patrick's Day is coming up I would have dressed up in all green, have Irish music in the background which would be their Uilleann Pipes. If people wanted to eat it, I would also have baked and made green clover cupcakes.
ReplyDeleteTammy C 90
ReplyDeleteSorry I forgot to put my name up above.
Ada Ohanu Online 97
ReplyDeleteI thought that Soc Fest was an amazing event to get to be acquainted with other cultures which really opened my eyes up to what the world and different cultures consist of and I enjoyed that. It was nice seeing how much I have in common with other cultures also and how they were brought up with the same values; it was very refreshing.
ReplyDeleteman sounds like it was very exciting to interact with new people and learn about different aspect of cultures, I would have loved to be apart of such a great event in society. I am glad for all the people that did get to go and experience something out of their normal.
Salome N 97 in response to Lucy k 84
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that everything was good and people were very creative and excited as they represent their culture. I enjoyed interacting with people from different cultures too. I do wish we can have such a wonderful time again.
KatelynN97: I enjoyed making my project! I have a lot of pride in my Cajun heritage and I enjoyed telling everyone about it. I also enjoyed looking at everyone's posters.
ReplyDeleteKatelynN97 in response to Adu Ohanu 97: I really enjoyed experiencing other people's cultures too! it made me want to travel the world more. The food was my favorite part. I should have gotten Zerena's recipe!
ReplyDeleteSimone S. 97
ReplyDeleteI think soc. fest was very interesting. I found it nice to see others interest and how they interpreted the project. Many chose to share the activities that were important in their lives rather then a belief. or ritual. I based my project on my family beliefs.
Michael L. 97
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I managed to get myself to Soc fest horribly late, as per my usual... But in the short time I actually did get to step away from the booth I had set up I found a number of the panels fairly interesting. Admittedly I gravitated toward some of the more "nerdy" booths, but hey that's part of my culture. ;)
As a whole I enjoyed it, and got to show off a good portion of the nerdiness I usually keep to the secluded corners of the world. =P I also came out with a surprisingly positive reception to it, with numerous people saying they'd never played but were interested in trying - and with others who had no idea what it was. But hey, I got to walk a cute girl to her car out of it? Cheers!
ReplyDeleteI found the students in room 208 had some fascinating material to share. It was nice to see that other people's cultures are truly a part of their day to day routines and not just a moment in history. I was exceptionally found of a gentleman who was invested in adoption and fostering children. I love to hear stories that make a difference in the lives of others.
Kevon P, 90
ReplyDeleteI would first like to start of stating that I enjoyed the Soc Fest. I interviewed Judy Wright as she had her Cajun Creole on display. Not only was this a display, but it also included some of her personal life and stories. I was able to connect on a deeper level with Judy, simply due to the fact that I do as well have family that lives within the same proximity. It was a great experience to interview this woman.
ReplyDeleteI did not attend SocFest but I planned on showing off the LGBT community. I made cupcakes (which are now demolished by my brothers). The cupcakes had a rainbow design made from the mix and a rainbow taffy piece on top of the icing. I planned on bringing the flag theat represents the community and reciting a poem written and recited at a spoken word night. The poem was very powerful and written by one of my dearest friends speaking on the power behind pride.
Marganette PL 90
ReplyDeleteSocial Fest was a pleasant event; Everything about it was good. All the displays were interesting in their own way. I felt like I was traveled the world in two hours. I had a very good time meeting with people of all kind of different backgrounds, and learn a little bit of their culture.
Logan C. 64.
ReplyDeleteI was unable to attend Soc Fest. However, if I was able to go I would have brought pictures of my bike and my drum set. I would have brought some accessory items for each of those activities, and pictures/videos of the trails I ride.
Shanah E. 97
ReplyDeleteI think that the most interesting part of Social Fest to me was getting to see things about other cultures that I would otherwise never get a chance to see. I will never get a chance to go to Zimbabwe, Kenya, Mexico, or Venezuela, but because of this event I got to learn a lot about these places and the people who come from there.
If I would have attended the social fest I would have demonstrated, how my family celebrated our Christmas together. It was a tradition to have all my family at my home. I really wish I could have seen all the different types of art and cultures other are involved in.
ReplyDeleteTiffany W, 96
ReplyDeleteI loved the Sociology Fest! I loved learning about so many different cultures I knew a thing about and I loved most that so many people were interested in my Kentucky culture.
As I walked through soc fest, I realized just how many different cultures there were in this one country. I really enjoyed also venturing into my own culture. This gave me the chance to really talk to the rest of my family about things I never knew about. I also loved the way everyone was willing to share their life with others, even if they weren't from a different country, they still had a different life style. It was beautiful to see all the work others put into this project. Soc fest was awesome!
ReplyDeleteIsabel 96
ReplyDeleteI couldn't attend soc fest for work reasons. As i was reading everyone's comments it looks like i missed on a lot. People form different cultures and it would have been fun to be part of it. I worked on mine and as I was working on it I learned and realized thing that I haven't notice before. Too bad I couldn't go and present it.
soc fest was amazing. the whole event was mesmerizing. i brought my family along and we walked all through the exhibits and learned from everyone. the food was awesome and everybody had a great time
ReplyDeleteSavannah T
ReplyDeleteI thought the whole thing was amazing, I didn't get to stay long because I had to work last minute, but I walked in an saw everyone dressed up and it felt so awesome. I tried the food that some people had brought in and it was delicious and I just saw how much time and effort people had put into it and it was really amazing.