Greetings and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Many customs, practices and superstitions are
connected with this day and its patron. They include wearing green, attending
parades and eating corn beef and cabbage just to name a few.
Other than Hanukkah or Christmas, what is you favorite
holiday and what custom, tradition or ritual associated with the celebration do
you like the most?
I guess besides Christmas, my favorite holiday would be Easter. We go to church as a family. We also usually go to my uncle's house to eat dinner, and then we watch my cousins do an Easter Egg Hunt. My uncle tries to get me to participate, but I usually don't. When we get home I sometimes do an egg hunt for my sister, mom, and dad. I usually hide money. I love Easter and my favorite tradition is going to church with my family to remember what the holiday is truly about.
Even though I am 20 years old, I still enjoy going Easter hunting and watching some of my younger family members grow up each year. Also the food is quite delightful.
I totally agree with you, I believe growing up that was probably the most fun, the easter egg hunt. Every year we would do it at a different relatives house so we couldn't remember the hiding places. Sometimes they even used boiled eggs :D We would typically go to church that morning and then have the festivities and dinner afterwards, I think this holiday is probably one of the ones where it's really not about the gifts, it's more about the fellowship and I truly appreciate that.
I would say that Thanksgiving is a favorite of mine. It is nice to get together with family, some that I may have not seen in a while. It is a laid back, long weekend. I like the fact that we can all get together without the pressure (or expectation) of bringing gifts: it is all about family. The tradition of Thanksgiving is having a big meal. Who wouldn't like that? All the food you could want, you're expected to eat a lot of it . . . and it's O.K.! Any other time of the year, if you eat all day, stuffing yourself, people would wonder what's wrong with you. Yeah, I like Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorites as well! It is a day completely about family. When everyone is together there is a feeling of wholeness and you get the chance to catch up with everyone and gain insight into their lives at the time. Food is always plentiful and conversations go on for hours. It's such a comforting day.
Courtney R.97 This is a hard choice because I am a huge fan of Thanksgiving...the family and the food, nothing like it! But, one holiday I do enjoy a lot is Halloween. I love to dress up, so it's the one day a year it's acceptable, and sometimes I go all out. I also have a six year old daughter, so I enjoy taking her out trick or treating, and engaging in all the fall festivities that come with Halloween. We visit pumpkin patches which will usually have a hay ride or petting zoo, enjoy cider, caramel apples and boiled peanuts, then decorate our pumpkins! Halloween is also my loves birthday, so that makes the day that much more special. We celebrate the holiday for fun, as an American made tradition, we do not participate in any kind of rituals or share beliefs or what the holiday can mean to some people, such as the witchcraft aspect.
Halloween originated from a Christian background and although the meaning of it has been warped it is traditionally a day to remember and honor the dead. People say that it can be a night in which the afterlife and this life are most connected and I think that is true because people dress up as ghosts and other sorts of monsters which is meant to represent the dead. I think that Halloween is a great enjoyable time for many to not only honor or mourn the dead but turn a new leaf and celebrate those who have passed. That's awesome that your love's birthday is on this day and I'm sure that is why you are biased to this being your favorite holiday. I picked this as my favorite holiday solely because it is my second favorite holiday to Christmas which is my favorite time of the year by far.
I was torn to I love Thanksgiving to. I enjoy Halloween to. I enjoy watching all of the Halloween movies that come on TV. My favorites would be "Hocus Pocus" and "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown." I do not trick or treat anymore thought. I usually spend the night at home with may family we have little treats and watch Halloween shows. I also love Halloween because it is a sign of fall. I love all that comes with fall. We usually go to fall festivals (my mom loves them). We also celebrate the holiday for fun, and nothing more.
Darian P.(90) I love thanksgiving. mainly because of the turkey and collard greens. Just being around family and food. after eating me and my family always sit around the table and tell stories. Thanksgiving is better than Christmas because your not expecting anything expect the food to be good.
Chris W. (97) My favorite holiday besides Christmas is Halloween. Many people have long forgotten about the meaning of Halloween which is to remember and honor the dead and the other realms of life. It is a night where it is a tradition to dress up in crazy costumes and is supposed to symbolize the dead. I think its a great holiday where people are able to get out of the social normal and have fun celebrating life and those who have passed.
Michele Smith (96) I've never looked at it that way before. Halloween is also my favorite holiday, and I have always loved it for the costumes alone. But remembering the dead is now another aspect I will love. =)
-Actually- Halloween stems to fruition in modern times after coming from All Hallow's Eve, which was the Evening of All Hallow's Day (Saint's Day) that celebrated the the lives of the dead. While Hallow's Day is a Christian holiday (as well as the basis for Mexico's Day of the Dead), all it really is is one of Christianity's attempts to convert those of others faith through-out history.
The original basis of Halloween comes all the way from Samhain, a pagan Gaelic holiday that celebrates the Harvest season and beginning of the 'darker half' of the year (winter!). It's said that during this time is when Spirits and Fey creatures can enter our world. :)
Sarah M 97 I love the New Year’s Eve. During this period of time, people make new resolution about the coming year. There is always the spirit of oneness during this period. You get to have your family and friends around you which makes the whole celebration unique.
The New Year traditions that some of us take part in are interesting. Eating black-eyed peas (with a penny somewhere inside) and collard greens with the idea that they will bring luck and money are things I wonder about. The feeling that a new year will bring better opportunities, more rewarding experiences, or even a fresh start is both appealing and sad (sad due to the fact that life wasn't very good the previous year. But I do enjoy it when family and friends are able to gather and share in the start of something new.
Madeline C. 97 My favorite holiday is The 4th of July. Besides Halloween, it was the only holiday where both of my families would come together. Nothing special, just sit around and play cards, make fun of each other, and barbeque. There's always a good story to tell at the end of the day which makes every year special to me.
In a strictly traditional sense, I love Independence Day. And while it is a great time to hang out with family, it has gotten so over-commercialized that it has lost all meaning. But then I suppose that is what has happened to a lot of our holidays.
Hi Chris Morgan 97 All of our holidays have been completely commercialized. Unless you come from a strict traditional family then celebrating a commercialized holiday is as good as you're going to get. Z
Oh yes 4th of July is a good holiday! I had totally forgotten about that one. That one is always fun times with the family with everyone cooking out by the pool, a good baseball game in the yard, and the firework and marshmallows at dark.
Michele Smith (96) My favorite Holiday is Halloween. I love getting dressed up in fun costumes, not the scandalous kind, the fun kind. It's like being someone else for a whole night. Last year I made my own costume and went as a Minion. Being a red head, I'd like to go as Poison Ivy one year. Of course, again, I would have make my own costume. The kind that you buy are far too revealing for my taste.
Hi Michele Smith 96 My family and I just celebrated Halloween for the first time. I never liked the kids getting candy from strangers but we gave it a try and they loved it. I have a 10, 6, and 2 year old and it was pure entertainment. My ten year old was a witch, my six year old was Iron Man and my two year old was a bumble bee. We will definitely be making this a fun tradition from here on out. Z
Ann L. 97 For me being a Catholic, I will definitely say Eastern. In my home country it's actually a very important holiday that it is celebrated in four days ( Good Friday, Easter weekend and Easter Monday) all national holidays. It is time when we get to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and to honor Him at this time. Our families get to get together this time of the year every year to celebrate. I love the fact that my children get to do the egg hunt which they love so much as well as learning the meaning of Easter.
Robert C. 88 in response to Ann L. 97 It is very interesting to hear how your culture celebrates Easter. Here in the United States people don’t take it that seriously, I know I don’t, for me it is just a normal Sunday with a few more people than usual in church. So it is really cool to hear how you celebrate it.
Chelsea N.90 Ann L.97 I agree with you. Easter is one of my most memorable holidays. My aunt and uncle have a lake house at lake Sinclair and we always go there for Easter. Usually, Easter is the one day out of the year where everyone goes to church on Sunday. For my family, it's the opposite. We go to church year round, but on Easter Sunday we usually skip out and head to the lake. My cousins and I would always go on the best egg hunts of our lives. My aunt and uncle would hide eggs that were filled with lots of mulah. By the end of the hunt, we each would end up with at least $50. The older I've gotten, the better Easter has gotten. Even the egg hunts still happen, even though us kids are older. Nothing beats an Easter Sunday on a beautiful lake with the sunshine and spending it with family making memories.
Zereana C. 97 Of course Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Its full of family and yummy food and once you eat for the first time and wait a couple of hours, you go back for more! Thanksgiving is a day I wear my drawstring pants or elastic waisted pants because I know there will be lots of eating and dancing and I need all the room I can get. Although I do not agree with how Thanksgiving came about, I do love gathering around with my family and friends and enjoying the moment.
A. Sheffield My favorite holiday is the 4th of July. I love the weather and that time of year is special to me. I have always gone to family reunions for the 4th. The reunion is in Louisiana which is out in the country and where I am most comfortable. Also, who doesn't love fireworks. They never cease to amaze me. In conclusion, that is when me and my fiancé started dating 3 years ago and that is the day we are getting married this year. The 4th of July has just become a special date to me and it always will be.
Madeline C. in response to A. Sheffield I also have made some fantastic memories with The 4th of July. Maybe more so than on Christmas or Thanksgiving. I can't imagine enjoying the weather in July in Louisiana; I was born and raised in Michigan and thrive off of cold! But let me say congratulations on your upcoming marriage! I love a happy ending-- or beginning I should say.
KatelynN97: I love Halloween. I enjoy the atmosphere of the whole month of October. Its when the weather starts to stay consistently cold (Although every year is different when we are talking about the weather in Ga.) and the trees lose their leaves. There is just something so natural about the spooky, what is death, traditions. Like our ancestors and their ancestors have pondered the same question every year when nature goes into hibernation.
KatelynN97 in response to ZereanaC97: Its funny how we usually forget that our holidays aren't celebrated globally! I'm glad you enjoyed Halloween! My family usually celebrates it during the whole month of October (sometimes even mid-September if the weather is getting cool earlier).
J. Wright reply to Katelyn N97. This is true, I found myself over in Taiwan for Thanksgiving and they do not celebrate this holiday, so we get a chance to show them how Thanksgiving is done. We have a great time and a lot of fun. I was happy that they do celebrate Christmas and New Years over there and we get to experience those two holiday their style. What a blast.
Nick Hall 96 I think i would have to pick Halloween as my favorite holiday. Its a month that bring back so many memories of childhood. Memories of spending time with friends and family during the late nights, and most importantly all the candy that could be had when trick or treating.
Halloween is my favorite holiday. I always dress up for Halloween and even when I got too old to trick or treat, I would take my little sister or pass out candy. This past year I started working at a night club and for Halloween we got to decorate the whole bar and dress up for work. I also celebrate Halloween cause it's my boyfriends birthday so we have presents and cake every Halloween.
Janetta C(96) One of my favorite holidays is Easter. We go to church to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We decorate Easter eggs and hunt eggs and have a big meal and spend the day together. Everything is blooming and the weather is beautiful.
KelseyB. 96 My favorite holiday is Christmas because its a time of giving and receiving. the tradition in my family is that my brothers and sisters sleep in the basement and wait for my mom to unlock the door we always get up early and bang on the door till they open it.
M.Inman 96 Besides Christmas, my favorite holiday would have to be Halloween. Although I'm not little anymore, I still enjoy the idea of everyone dressing up as someone they're not. It's fun seeing everyone's costume ideas. Weather they're spooky, or funny, it's always interesting. I also love carving pumpkins with my family. We always make it a fun time. My dad and brother always pick out all the seeds from the pumpkins and we bake them afterwards. Another thing I love about Halloween is getting together with friends to watch scary movies. it's always a good time.
AR97 My favorite holiday would have to be Thanksgiving. I have a huge family and it is the only time I get to see them all. My family ranges from French to black and Mexican so our dishes aren't the normal turkey and grave type of thing. It's amazing to see everybody come together in one kitchen and create things that their ancestors taught them. I'm always extremely full at the end so that adds to the live of this holiday too.
Robert C. 88 My favorite holiday would have to be Thanksgiving. It is usually the start of a crazy time of year but it is a lot of fun. I mostly enjoy the food, I usually end up going to several different places that week and always end up gaining like ten pounds. It is nice to see family and friends that I have not seen in a while. Depending on where I end up I usually end up watching the day’s football games with my Grandpa and Uncles, even though football truly bores me or if I’m at my other Grandma’s house I end up helping to cook and get things ready for the party. Either way it is usually a lot of fun to get together with people I don’t see that often. I wouldn’t say that I have any type of special traditions, just mostly the normal stuff, the turkey, the football, the overeating, and the family gatherings. It is a pretty nice day.
Megan Evans 96 My favorite holiday would be Halloween. The temperature is starting to cool and the leaves are changing colors. The scenery alone is beautiful but then everyone decorates their houses. Getting dressed up as some one or something else is really fun. Then at night everyone gets together and walks around to receive sweet treats. The pranksters can get away with with tricks and its all in good nature. My favorite part is going to the haunted houses then sitting around a camp fire trading candy. The air is filled with magic
That is always a good time of year, I enjoy scaring the parents of the young kids as they go to get their candy and the parents wait at the stairs when here comes the crazy man wearing a masking starting a chainsaw and running toward you. Last year I scared 13 people with one man running leaving his wife and 4 year old kid at the top of the stairs as hes 3 miles down the road.
Next to Christmas my favorite holiday would have to be the 4th of July and celebrating it with my family. I love shooting fireworks off and its one of the few chances to do it in GA and it being legal for the national holiday. I also love going up to the lake in Acworth to join in the festivity they have at the beach and seeing my family there while watching the fireworks they shoot off light up the sky and crack the silence with their booming noise that shakes the ground.
Ever since the legal drinking age in Muchen, Germany. I have attended many Oktoberfest's. Now don't think that I just go over there and drink beer the whole time guys (which I do hehe), however, there are a lot of other things to do at Oktoberfest. Each year I dress up in the Bavarian costume, which is basically a top hat with cropped overalls and knee socks. Silly yes, but it is a tradition that has been carried in Germany for quite some time now and I will continue the trend each and ever single year. Also at the festival there are many games, rides, events and much more.
J. Wright 90 reply to Brandon Martin. I too have enjoyed Oktoberfest in Germany and its a lot of fun. A group of us from the base would go and get a hotel room and just party, eat and drink. Those were the "good old days". Miss Germany but not the winters.
Meredith J. 96 Other than Christmas, my favorite holiday is St. Patrick's Day. My dad's side of the family is Irish, so we always eat corned beef and cabbage and listen to Celtic music. Ever since I went to Ireland my junior year of high school for a St. Patrick's day parade I have always loved celebrating St. Patrick's Day.
William H.90 I do agree with you Meredith, in that I have a scotch Irish background. I very much enjoy St.Patty's day and it is a fun holiday where my family normally goes out to dinner together.
William H.90 My favorite holiday outside of Christmas is by far Thanksgiving. We all get together and go to church and typically eat a big meal as a family. We remind ourselves at this point in the year that family is incredibly important and that spending time together is needed with the ones that we do not see on a regular basis.
Ann L. 97 in response to Akeyla Rawles Besides Easter, Thanksgiving is one of my interesting holiday and just like You, we normally do cook different dishes. I was enrolled in an American institution in Africa before I came here and had a week off for the Thanksgiving, but then we had to attend a Thanksgiving event on the Thanksgiving day which I did not because I thought it was not important for me. Anyone who did not attend was fined a hundred dollars which of course put me into trouble with my parents. This was such a big deal that when I came here, Thanksgiving was the first holiday that I wanted to learn about. I love the big meals, families coming together, the black Friday shopping that follow and the spirit people have for the holidays. It is a respected and amazing culture.
I would have to say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. The family get together and even my family from Nassau Bahama come and stay a couple of days and its so much fun. Cooking and experiencing new foods we often invited someone from church to go over also, but mainly we just enjoy each other company and then head out for a friendly game of bowling with a big cash pot for the team that scores the highest points. Its a time for giving thanks for the people and things that you have and not worrying about the things you don't. J. Wright 90
Chelsea N.90 My favorite holiday would have to be the fourth of July. I have so many memories swimming at the lake, riding the golf-cart, riding the mini-bike, eating lots of food and shooting off fireworks just when the lightening bugs start to come out. There is something so mystical about sitting under a starry sky with the glimmer of the lake as massive fireworks are being shot off over head. I wouldn't want to spend my fourth of July with anyone else but my family. The memories I have of this every year are priceless. I wouldn't trade them for anything. The memories I have are so vivid, I can even remember the first Fourth of July that I water-skied. I hope to make memories like these with my future children so their favorite holiday will be the Fourth of July too. I have to admit, I love this Holiday more than I do Christmas. Not because Christmas isn't great...Because it is! But it's because there is so much love that goes on around the fourth of July for my family that it makes this holiday hard to beat. Christmas is about giving and spending time with family, the fourth of July is just like that minus the cold weather!
My favorite holiday is July 4th. Not only is it a wonderful celebration of our country history but it is a fun holiday. Fireworks, grill outs, beach parties, food, fun and music! The weather is mostly fantastic and there is a good attitude in the air! Especially in the south there is a great time at the lake with beer and guns. I just love the summer holiday.
Tiffany W, 96 Besides Christmas my favorite holiday would have to be Halloween! I absolutely love getting the kids dressed up to go trick or treating and I love to decorate for this holiday! I also love being able to go to haunted houses with my husband.
Jarrett Morris 96 My favorite would be Thanksgiving because it is a time for family and friends to come together and officially catch up/ be together for an amazing meal or day. People sometimes forget how important family is and having a day to be with them is perfect for a break from work and school. Also you get to stuff your face with delicious food and watch football and sleep. That's always a plus!
Chris G. 95 My favorite holiday hands down is Christmas. Not because of the presents but because of all of the family time. I don't ask for anything anymore because the family time is all i need. I also enjoy all of the decorations and especially the Christmas music that everyone plays around the holidays.
Salome N 97 My favorite holiday is independence day, because it helps me know more about past and how the life was before independence. I like watching movies and leading books about independence and this tells me that for us to be the way we are now it costed somebody sweat,struggle, blood and also life.This makes me to be very careful and serious with life,so that i can be able to maintain what our great parents achieved. I also like fire works and parades in honor of this day.
Salome N in response to William H 90 I also like thanksgiving because it is the only time i get to meet and spend time with family members who i don't meet regularly.I also like sharing about progression of life and learn new ideas from different people.I do enjoy different types of food and jokes.
Salome N in response to William H 90 I also like thanksgiving day because is the time family gather together and eat together. Apart from this i get to talk to different people and learn new ideas about life.I also enjoy jokes and stories about our childhood what we used to do.
Fatmata D 90 Beside christmas i really dont have another favorite hoilday.Well i mean if you want to count summer then i guess summer is my favorite hoildat.Even though it is really not true hoilday. the reason i like summer is because i dont have to wake up early and its not cold outside. i do not like the cold weather at all, also going out with friends to like water parks or six flags is always a fun to do in the summer.
Christmas is my favorite holiday. Is the time when my whole family gets together to spend some quality time together. We celebrate Christmas eve, eat dinner that time and we open presents at midnight. Here in my house we don't do crazy amounts of decorations. my mother does. Christmas is also a depressive time because a lot of people don't have to opportunity to provide a very good night for their kids that night. Around that day i always feel sad like I'm missing something.
Outside of Christmas, I wanna say that Thanksgiving is my most favorite, it gives me a reason to just pig out and eat all of the goodies that I don't have on a regular basis. Lately I have been cooking dinner by myself so it's not as fun. I would say that next to Thanksgiving, would be Easter, it's typically a beautiful day, a reason for the family to go to church together since that's something we don't do on a regular and a nice dinner after. As you can tell I love holidays that end with food. I think that the 4th of July is probably equal to Easter, it's always such a fun evening and patriotic. I love patriotism.
Veronica E. 97 in response to Phonecia P. I agree with you outside of Christmas my favorite holiday would be Thanksgiving. This is another time that the whole family comes together and we get to spend quality time together. It also gives me an excuse to eat anything I want the whole day even if I regret the next day. Its a time to show everyone what all you have to be thankful for.
Veronica E. 97 I think Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love the fact we get to celebrate the birth of Jesus and be able to teach the meaning to our children. I also love to be able to see the look on everyone's face when they open the gifts we are able to give them. I also love waking up on Christmas morning and seeing my children's faces as they open the gifts that "Santa" brought them. But not only is it about the gifts it is about just being able to be with all of your family.
in response to Veronica E. 97 I love that fact that Christmas is the month of giving and receiving. Through Christmas, kids get to the important of sharing. Christmas itself bring the feeling of love and the spirit to share those love. Another interesting factor is that it is the month we believe our Lord and Savior was born, and we use that month to honor him.
My favorites holidays is Thanks Giving. Thanks giving bring family together. I like the fact that thanks giving is mostly base on family socialization in giving thanks to the lord for all he had done and continue to do for everyone. My favorite part of thanks giving is getting to see relatives that you haven't been able to see because of basic schedule and activities but over all, the food :)
Ada Ohanu Online 97 in Response to Darrell Bleetan
I agree this holiday is very good when it comes to actually taking time to spend with the family. The food is always awesome, but knowing that your loved ones are around sharing the same joy with you just brings you, me and other people joy all around.
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. This is the day that we come together as a big happy family and celebrate the ending of my birthday week. My birthday is November 20, so all my major birthday my mother loves to throw a big thanksgiving dinner. The gust list is usually my church family an other close friends. They boys will go outside and play football, while some girls play or we set up the table and aid my mother with the cooking. The old male sit inside watching football on TV. Right before the food is ready everyone goes wash up and dress formal. We sing happy birthday to me and give a thanksgiving/birthday prayer then we dig in. Due to my culture we have Haitian and American food out on the table. When everyone finish eating we dance, play games, and drink liquor will its all time to go to sleep to get ready for Black Friday.
Cherish S. 97 Besides Christmas my favorite holiday would have to be Easter. I grew up in a loving Christian family and Easter means a lot to us. You never forget the true meaning of Easter. I love watching my younger cousins participate in an Easter egg hunt and spending time with the family. Our faith is strong and this is a great holiday to spend with each other.
Cherish S. 97 in response to Valrika L. 90 Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I think it is cool how your mom makes a big party out of Thanksgiving to also celebrate your birthday. I love spending family time and what better holiday than Thanksgiving.
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because of the togetherness it brings. My family and I all get to settle down and enjoy each other's presence, which doesn't happen often. Now that we're all getting older, getting married, and having kids, we don't have the time to spend oftern but Thanksgiving is our time. Traditionally, my mom, sister, and I will all spend the night before cooking and talking. Then the next day we wake up super early to watch the parade and eat pie for breakfast. Around 12, we'll have an early dinner and go around the table and tell which each of us is thankful for. It's the season of giving thanks and I love it.
I love eating pie for breakfast! That's our day after thanksgiving tradition. I also really enjoy spending the whole day in the kitchen the day before with the family.
I love that your favorite holiday is tied to your religion. For a lot of people in this country, I noticed religion is now being taken out of holidays these days and are more for just making money. It sounds like it's more than just a reason to be off from work for you. That's great! Easter egg hunts are a bonus, so fun! :)
Shannon P. 90 Every holiday has the same benefits generally; time off work and with family, food (everyone's favorite thing in life), and various rituals. It seems the government implements a new holiday each year, so much that it seems we are celebrating something every month now. I won't complain; It's nice to celebrate things and have something to look forward to. My favorite holiday is New Years. It is one of (the?) only holidays the whole world celebrates together, and that feeling of collective excitement is adrenaline. I love being in a loud, crowded room pressed against the bodies of those that mean the most to me, dancing and laughing and pretending to understand what each other is talking about over the noise. Counting down the last ten seconds of the year and promising each other that this year will be better than the last is cliche and often an empty speech, but feeling that kind of positivity and excitement is rare and a very very good feeling. New Years Eve is also one of the only nights you can turn on the news and the only reports being displayed are happy ones; Cameras panned in on kissing couples in love, bands playing big cities in the middle of the streets that are usually overwhelmed with traffic and swearing taxi drivers, and elaborate firework shows starting in Australia and working their way west every hour. Everything on New Years Eve represents happiness and love, even if only a temporary illusion. New Years Day is not a disappointment either; Spending family time talking and drinking and listening to music in the kitchen while homemade food cooks is one of those simple, cherished memories that I'll keep the rest of my life.
Shannon P. 90 To Tiffany W. 97. Aging is sad thing; seeing you and your siblings grow up and start living your own lives away from each other and your parents is a hard, unavoidable part of life. Holidays become the only days that we can relive what we used to have and spend the family time we used to take for granted. At least now we know how valuable these times are and how to truly appreciate them.
I actually really enjoy halloween for some reason. Alot of people actually try to associate it with the devil holiday, but I do not believe that is true. I actually was born two days before and for some reason I believe that makes me to have a crazy candy rush while I was growing up. I believe that this is just wholesome fun for the night and for kids at a young age to gain some type of independence.
Heather P.97 This is a difficult question to answer being that I enjoy all traditions my family shares on special days of the year. It is really hard for me to pinpoint one in particular. I really enjoy Thanksgiving, because I am able to get together with family that I do not usually see much over the year. We all pitch in by bringing a dish or two, and stuffing our bellies full! This has also been somewhat of a hassle, because I am from a divorced family as well as my husband. I have always had to run to 4 different houses to celebrate, so I am always hurried and pressed for time. In addition to Thanksgiving, I really enjoy Halloween! I love helping my children dress up in their preferred character before filling up their bags with candy. The joy and excitement on their faces is such a thrill!
Lucy k.84. Christmas is my favorite holiday.As a christian it helps me to reflect on God's wonderful gifts to the mankind and to be appreciative.I try to make sure that i have my own gift to the less fortunate and i get time to pray for their needs too.From my original home,families come together and they try to discuss matters concerning them positive or negative.Families also get time to share delicious meals and drinks,so it's a happy moment for us.Our fovorite meal is roasted goat meat and a traditional liqour called "Muratina".It's also a time when children get new clothes and shoes and adult too, so we all get renewed and feel fresh to start a new year come January
William C. Wade 90 I will have to say that I enjoy thanksgiving more then any other Holiday. Like Christmas ,thanksgiving is about giving rather than receiving. I enjoy being a blessing to others and helping people in need. For thanksgiving my family will come together and spend time with each other. We will show appreciation to one another by brings food and small gifts. the day before thanks giving we will all play Games,watch t.v, cook, and debate on who's turn its to run to the store. This tradition has been going on for generations in my family, and will continue for future generations to come.
William C. Wade 90 In response to D.Bleetan 96 I Agree thanksgiving brings family together, and give thanks to God for all he has done. I Also like that it is really a family based holiday, and you can spend time with family members you have not seen in years.
Simone S. 97 I am not big on holidays but if I had to pick one to celebrate it would be Thanks Giving. I love the different and foods and family gathering that occurs during this holiday. Also other then Black Friday afterwards it's one of the least commercialized holiday. With Thanks Giving simpler is better because people get to remember that simple family things can make you the happiest.
My favorite holiday will be Thanksgiving because all family comes together to celebrate and enjoy some good quality time with everyone. All the foods and family gathering makes it so special.
My favourite holiday would probably have to be Halloween. I've always found the sort dark and mystery surrounding it all to be extremely interesting, not to mention all the really cool costumes (and c'mon, the hot ones too). Another thing that sort of ties me to my interest in Halloween is going through the Gothic phase during highschool, the phase has stuck with me through life which means I highly doubt my love for Halloween will fall away anytime soon, haha!
Marganette PL 90 I know if my kids were asked to answer this question, they both would say at loud Thanksgiving because they were born in the US, and they like the foods and family reunion. But me, since I am from Haiti, my favorite holiday is New years because like the Americans who have turkey on Thanksgiving, Haitians have calabaza squash soup for breakfast on New Years, and I like it very much. I remember when I was a kid, not only my mom make a big pot so that everyone can have plenty but she also shared with all her siblings and vice versa. We always have fun together; drinking soup and wishing each other happy New Year and all the best. Some Haitians drink that soup on January first they think it is for New Years or they don't even know why. This is a celebration of independence. During colonization, the slaves could not eat that squash for it is so good; it was prohibited otherwise they would be punish by the French colon. On January first 1804 which is their independence day they were all gather together to drink the soup as prove of their freedom, and it become a tradition that last for more than two hundred years.
Shinika B-T.(96) I love all holidays, but I have to say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. My mother always made a big deal out of thanksgiving dinner and how the family should always come together at this time of the year as a family to praise and give thanks for all that was present and still to come. My mother cooked a variety of different foods to feed a family of fifty, All sides of the family would come over to my mothers house to eat. The joy and laughter that my mother brought to the holiday was unspeakable, but we loved it and because of that, I follow the same tradition today with my family and I hope my family follows the tradition for years to come.
HCantrell96 I would have to say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. This is the first holiday that cranks up the entire holiday season and it's the first time that we get the amazing food. I also really enjoy getting to spend time with family that I do not get to see on a regular basis and give thanks for all we are blessed with.
My favorite holiday is Halloween. The only ritiual I do is buying a costume for my daughter and myself and taking her trick or treating. I would like to go to a legit Haunted House one day.
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. My mom, dad, and me go up to Boone North Carolina and stay a few days and visit. On thanksgiving day we eat at the Daniel Boone Inn. It has always been a unique tradition for my fmily I would say, considering most families have a huge dinner with the entie family. I love how we celebrate it in North Carolina, because that is where my family is from.
Logan C. 64 Thanksgiving hands down. I love the food, the atmosphere, the family. I get to see my baby cousins and they show me what they have learned, this past year I got to hold my new infant cousin as well! I get to see the progress my cousin has made in his physical self improvement, listen to my aunt and uncle sing. Hear crazy stories from my grandparents lives. So I would have to say that family is the tradition that I love about the holiday. Sure it's not a technical 'tradition' that goes along with the holiday, but it's our tradition. Which is what matters.
Amanda096, I like Thanksgiving as the best holiday because all of my family gets together at my fiance step dad house. My fiance brother gets up early Thanksgiving Day to start to cook the turkey for everyone, then he comes down with him and his wife while the rest of the family helps cooks the rest of the food. This Thanksgiving will be extra special because by the time it comes around my niece will be ones years old. We also share stories about what happened earlier in the year, and how everyone's work is going. That is part of our tradition every year.
Kimberly S. 90 Any holiday is fun, but my favorite is the fourth of July. Every year my older brother and I go to Daytona with a group of friends for fireworks on the beach and some drinks. It's become a tradition the past couple of years. A lot of people like the holidays that families come together at, but my family is so close. We see each other several times a week, so it is a nice get away every year for me and my brother.
Dustin S. 90 Halloween is definitely my favorite holiday of the year. My favorite genre of movies is by far horror so the endless stream of horror movies around the month of October is always a plus for me. Besides that however, I like the idea of kids dressing up and walking around socializing with other kids they may or may not know too well. Not to mention the many opportunities to score loads of candy is fun for anyone!
Ashley M 96 My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. This is usually one of the only days that my entire family comes together in one place. My dad smokes one turkey and fries the other, mom and my aunts make the sides and everyone else bring desserts. We all sit around the tables talking and laughing. After we eat we usually play a game or watch the kids playing/dancing. It is really laid back and one of the happiest days of the year.
I would have the say the next best holiday that I would enjoy would be Thanksgiving. It is another day for family to get together and just give thanks for having each other around, know that you have friends and family to talk to when things get rough or enjoy those special occasions. I love to cook and watch my family enjoy the lavish spread that I have set in front of them.
My favorite holiday is Forth of July simply because every year I get to celebrate the amazing summer with my family. All the bbq and music is amazing. We all go to the beach in Mobile Alabama and watch the fireworks bursting all around the bay. It is seriously the best holiday of the year for me!
Kevon P. 90 Casey I realize that we not only enjoy the same holiday, but we enjoy it for the same reasons. The BBQ and family is always a must on this particular holiday
Andrew F 90 My favorite holiday would most definitely be Halloween. Halloween has always been fun even since I was a kid. I mean on what holiday do you get to dress up as your favorite character with only minimal judgment? Last year I walked into walmart as a container of ketchup, while I was definitely given weird looks, it was nothing compared to what it would have been like any other day.
Kevon P. 90 My favorite holiday excluding Christmas, would probably have to be the 4th of July. The holiday falls directly in the middle of BBQ season and involves many friends and family. This has always been a great holiday for my family and I and will continue to be
Austin T. 96 My favorite holiday would probably be Thanksgiving. There is always a lot of food to eat and its a time to just sit down with your family and spend time together. All the kids in my family are growing up and we are moving away and getting jobs so Thanksgiving is just a time for us to come together and catch up with each other and enjoy really good food.
My favorite holiday would be Independence day. I love everything about it. Even though we don't have any particular traditions, there's usually camping involved and I really enjoy seeing everything decorated in red, white and blue. In a time when everyone has a different opinion about politics, it's really fun to see everyone agreeing on the fact that we love our country.
My favorite holiday is Easter. I loved hunting eggs as a child. It was so much fun especially at my granpas house. He would hid dollar bills in each egg and in the hidden prize egg two twenties. Now that I am grown up physically, but still mentally childish, i love just putting plain eggs out there and hiding eggs in spots that no one can find and not putting anything in them.
Isabel 96 I would have to say that is Christmas it is the only time of the year that my whole family can get together and spend time together. We usually spend Christmas in Mexico since my grandma lives over their and that is the only time of the year we can all fly over and visit her.
i personally like new years. i like hearing people new years resolution so i can hold them to it by jan 3 most of them have forgotten about it and reversed to their previous ways. i like the gathering of family but more interested in the fake goals people set for themslves
Savannah T I personally like Halloween, I know a lot of people who don't celebrate or dress up for Halloween because they have beliefs of the holiday other than receiving candy. But I just like that you have one day wear you can dress as silly as you want and no one can really judge you because they look equally as funny.
I would have to say that my next favorite holiday, after Christmas, is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of the few days that everyone comes together to eat and enjoy the company of others without expecting anything in return. There is always an over abundance of food and desserts, and the weather this time of year is perfect for a family softball game. It's always fun to watch the different generations interact, as we now have 5.
Cassie S. 97
ReplyDeleteI guess besides Christmas, my favorite holiday would be Easter. We go to church as a family. We also usually go to my uncle's house to eat dinner, and then we watch my cousins do an Easter Egg Hunt. My uncle tries to get me to participate, but I usually don't. When we get home I sometimes do an egg hunt for my sister, mom, and dad. I usually hide money. I love Easter and my favorite tradition is going to church with my family to remember what the holiday is truly about.
Even though I am 20 years old, I still enjoy going Easter hunting and watching some of my younger family members grow up each year. Also the food is quite delightful.
DeleteI totally agree with you, I believe growing up that was probably the most fun, the easter egg hunt. Every year we would do it at a different relatives house so we couldn't remember the hiding places. Sometimes they even used boiled eggs :D We would typically go to church that morning and then have the festivities and dinner afterwards, I think this holiday is probably one of the ones where it's really not about the gifts, it's more about the fellowship and I truly appreciate that.
DeleteChris M. 97
ReplyDeleteI would say that Thanksgiving is a favorite of mine. It is nice to get together with family, some that I may have not seen in a while. It is a laid back, long weekend. I like the fact that we can all get together without the pressure (or expectation) of bringing gifts: it is all about family. The tradition of Thanksgiving is having a big meal. Who wouldn't like that? All the food you could want, you're expected to eat a lot of it . . . and it's O.K.! Any other time of the year, if you eat all day, stuffing yourself, people would wonder what's wrong with you.
Yeah, I like Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorites as well! It is a day completely about family. When everyone is together there is a feeling of wholeness and you get the chance to catch up with everyone and gain insight into their lives at the time. Food is always plentiful and conversations go on for hours. It's such a comforting day.
DeleteCourtney R.97
ReplyDeleteThis is a hard choice because I am a huge fan of Thanksgiving...the family and the food, nothing like it! But, one holiday I do enjoy a lot is Halloween. I love to dress up, so it's the one day a year it's acceptable, and sometimes I go all out. I also have a six year old daughter, so I enjoy taking her out trick or treating, and engaging in all the fall festivities that come with Halloween. We visit pumpkin patches which will usually have a hay ride or petting zoo, enjoy cider, caramel apples and boiled peanuts, then decorate our pumpkins! Halloween is also my loves birthday, so that makes the day that much more special. We celebrate the holiday for fun, as an American made tradition, we do not participate in any kind of rituals or share beliefs or what the holiday can mean to some people, such as the witchcraft aspect.
Halloween originated from a Christian background and although the meaning of it has been warped it is traditionally a day to remember and honor the dead. People say that it can be a night in which the afterlife and this life are most connected and I think that is true because people dress up as ghosts and other sorts of monsters which is meant to represent the dead. I think that Halloween is a great enjoyable time for many to not only honor or mourn the dead but turn a new leaf and celebrate those who have passed. That's awesome that your love's birthday is on this day and I'm sure that is why you are biased to this being your favorite holiday. I picked this as my favorite holiday solely because it is my second favorite holiday to Christmas which is my favorite time of the year by far.
DeleteCassie S. in response to Courtney Richardson 97.
ReplyDeleteI was torn to I love Thanksgiving to. I enjoy Halloween to. I enjoy watching all of the Halloween movies that come on TV. My favorites would be "Hocus Pocus" and "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown." I do not trick or treat anymore thought. I usually spend the night at home with may family we have little treats and watch Halloween shows. I also love Halloween because it is a sign of fall. I love all that comes with fall. We usually go to fall festivals (my mom loves them). We also celebrate the holiday for fun, and nothing more.
Darian P.(90)
ReplyDeleteI love thanksgiving. mainly because of the turkey and collard greens. Just being around family and food. after eating me and my family always sit around the table and tell stories. Thanksgiving is better than Christmas because your not expecting anything expect the food to be good.
Sarah M 97
DeleteI also love the thanksgiving. The festival is all about family and friends including good foods.
I agree, Thanksgiving is my favorite. I think it's because it's the only holiday that's only about family and not candy or gifts.
DeleteChris W. (97)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday besides Christmas is Halloween. Many people have long forgotten about the meaning of Halloween which is to remember and honor the dead and the other realms of life. It is a night where it is a tradition to dress up in crazy costumes and is supposed to symbolize the dead. I think its a great holiday where people are able to get out of the social normal and have fun celebrating life and those who have passed.
Michele Smith (96)
DeleteI've never looked at it that way before. Halloween is also my favorite holiday, and I have always loved it for the costumes alone. But remembering the dead is now another aspect I will love. =)
Michael D. Lee 97
Delete-Actually- Halloween stems to fruition in modern times after coming from All Hallow's Eve, which was the Evening of All Hallow's Day (Saint's Day) that celebrated the the lives of the dead. While Hallow's Day is a Christian holiday (as well as the basis for Mexico's Day of the Dead), all it really is is one of Christianity's attempts to convert those of others faith through-out history.
The original basis of Halloween comes all the way from Samhain, a pagan Gaelic holiday that celebrates the Harvest season and beginning of the 'darker half' of the year (winter!). It's said that during this time is when Spirits and Fey creatures can enter our world. :)
Sarah M 97
ReplyDeleteI love the New Year’s Eve. During this period of time, people make new resolution about the coming year. There is always the spirit of oneness during this period. You get to have your family and friends around you which makes the whole celebration unique.
Chris M. 97 in response to Sarah M. 97:
DeleteThe New Year traditions that some of us take part in are interesting. Eating black-eyed peas (with a penny somewhere inside) and collard greens with the idea that they will bring luck and money are things I wonder about. The feeling that a new year will bring better opportunities, more rewarding experiences, or even a fresh start is both appealing and sad (sad due to the fact that life wasn't very good the previous year. But I do enjoy it when family and friends are able to gather and share in the start of something new.
Madeline C. 97
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is The 4th of July. Besides Halloween, it was the only holiday where both of my families would come together. Nothing special, just sit around and play cards, make fun of each other, and barbeque. There's always a good story to tell at the end of the day which makes every year special to me.
Chris M. 97 in response to Madeline C. 97:
DeleteIn a strictly traditional sense, I love Independence Day. And while it is a great time to hang out with family, it has gotten so over-commercialized that it has lost all meaning. But then I suppose that is what has happened to a lot of our holidays.
Hi Chris Morgan 97
DeleteAll of our holidays have been completely commercialized. Unless you come from a strict traditional family then celebrating a commercialized holiday is as good as you're going to get. Z
Oh yes 4th of July is a good holiday! I had totally forgotten about that one. That one is always fun times with the family with everyone cooking out by the pool, a good baseball game in the yard, and the firework and marshmallows at dark.
DeleteMichele Smith (96)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Holiday is Halloween. I love getting dressed up in fun costumes, not the scandalous kind, the fun kind. It's like being someone else for a whole night. Last year I made my own costume and went as a Minion. Being a red head, I'd like to go as Poison Ivy one year. Of course, again, I would have make my own costume. The kind that you buy are far too revealing for my taste.
Hi Michele Smith 96
DeleteMy family and I just celebrated Halloween for the first time. I never liked the kids getting candy from strangers but we gave it a try and they loved it. I have a 10, 6, and 2 year old and it was pure entertainment. My ten year old was a witch, my six year old was Iron Man and my two year old was a bumble bee. We will definitely be making this a fun tradition from here on out. Z
Ann L. 97
ReplyDeleteFor me being a Catholic, I will definitely say Eastern. In my home country it's actually a very important holiday that it is celebrated in four days ( Good Friday, Easter weekend and Easter Monday) all national holidays. It is time when we get to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and to honor Him at this time. Our families get to get together this time of the year every year to celebrate. I love the fact that my children get to do the egg hunt which they love so much as well as learning the meaning of Easter.
Robert C. 88 in response to Ann L. 97
DeleteIt is very interesting to hear how your culture celebrates Easter. Here in the United States people don’t take it that seriously, I know I don’t, for me it is just a normal Sunday with a few more people than usual in church. So it is really cool to hear how you celebrate it.
Chelsea N.90
DeleteAnn L.97 I agree with you. Easter is one of my most memorable holidays. My aunt and uncle have a lake house at lake Sinclair and we always go there for Easter. Usually, Easter is the one day out of the year where everyone goes to church on Sunday. For my family, it's the opposite. We go to church year round, but on Easter Sunday we usually skip out and head to the lake. My cousins and I would always go on the best egg hunts of our lives. My aunt and uncle would hide eggs that were filled with lots of mulah. By the end of the hunt, we each would end up with at least $50. The older I've gotten, the better Easter has gotten. Even the egg hunts still happen, even though us kids are older. Nothing beats an Easter Sunday on a beautiful lake with the sunshine and spending it with family making memories.
Zereana C. 97
ReplyDeleteOf course Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Its full of family and yummy food and once you eat for the first time and wait a couple of hours, you go back for more! Thanksgiving is a day I wear my drawstring pants or elastic waisted pants because I know there will be lots of eating and dancing and I need all the room I can get. Although I do not agree with how Thanksgiving came about, I do love gathering around with my family and friends and enjoying the moment.
A. Sheffield
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is the 4th of July. I love the weather and that time of year is special to me. I have always gone to family reunions for the 4th. The reunion is in Louisiana which is out in the country and where I am most comfortable. Also, who doesn't love fireworks. They never cease to amaze me. In conclusion, that is when me and my fiancé started dating 3 years ago and that is the day we are getting married this year. The 4th of July has just become a special date to me and it always will be.
Madeline C. in response to A. Sheffield
DeleteI also have made some fantastic memories with The 4th of July. Maybe more so than on Christmas or Thanksgiving. I can't imagine enjoying the weather in July in Louisiana; I was born and raised in Michigan and thrive off of cold! But let me say congratulations on your upcoming marriage! I love a happy ending-- or beginning I should say.
KatelynN97: I love Halloween. I enjoy the atmosphere of the whole month of October. Its when the weather starts to stay consistently cold (Although every year is different when we are talking about the weather in Ga.) and the trees lose their leaves. There is just something so natural about the spooky, what is death, traditions. Like our ancestors and their ancestors have pondered the same question every year when nature goes into hibernation.
ReplyDeleteKatelynN97 in response to ZereanaC97: Its funny how we usually forget that our holidays aren't celebrated globally! I'm glad you enjoyed Halloween! My family usually celebrates it during the whole month of October (sometimes even mid-September if the weather is getting cool earlier).
ReplyDeleteJ. Wright reply to Katelyn N97. This is true, I found myself over in Taiwan for Thanksgiving and they do not celebrate this holiday, so we get a chance to show them how Thanksgiving is done. We have a great time and a lot of fun. I was happy that they do celebrate Christmas and New Years over there and we get to experience those two holiday their style. What a blast.
DeleteNick Hall 96
ReplyDeleteI think i would have to pick Halloween as my favorite holiday. Its a month that bring back so many memories of childhood. Memories of spending time with friends and family during the late nights, and most importantly all the candy that could be had when trick or treating.
Tara Boswell 96
ReplyDeleteHalloween is my favorite holiday. I always dress up for Halloween and even when I got too old to trick or treat, I would take my little sister or pass out candy. This past year I started working at a night club and for Halloween we got to decorate the whole bar and dress up for work. I also celebrate Halloween cause it's my boyfriends birthday so we have presents and cake every Halloween.
Janetta C(96)
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite holidays is Easter. We go to church to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We decorate Easter eggs and hunt eggs and have a big meal and spend the day together. Everything is blooming and the weather is beautiful.
I love easter as well. I love that everybody gets dressed up to look their best on easter sunday, then let the kids roam in fields looking for eggs.
DeleteKelseyB. 96
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is Christmas because its a time of giving and receiving. the tradition in my family is that my brothers and sisters sleep in the basement and wait for my mom to unlock the door we always get up early and bang on the door till they open it.
Greetings! Please give a holiday other than Christmas. Thanks, Tom
DeleteM.Inman 96
ReplyDeleteBesides Christmas, my favorite holiday would have to be Halloween. Although I'm not little anymore, I still enjoy the idea of everyone dressing up as someone they're not. It's fun seeing everyone's costume ideas. Weather they're spooky, or funny, it's always interesting. I also love carving pumpkins with my family. We always make it a fun time. My dad and brother always pick out all the seeds from the pumpkins and we bake them afterwards. Another thing I love about Halloween is getting together with friends to watch scary movies. it's always a good time.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday would have to be Thanksgiving. I have a huge family and it is the only time I get to see them all. My family ranges from French to black and Mexican so our dishes aren't the normal turkey and grave type of thing. It's amazing to see everybody come together in one kitchen and create things that their ancestors taught them. I'm always extremely full at the end so that adds to the live of this holiday too.
Robert C. 88
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday would have to be Thanksgiving. It is usually the start of a crazy time of year but it is a lot of fun. I mostly enjoy the food, I usually end up going to several different places that week and always end up gaining like ten pounds. It is nice to see family and friends that I have not seen in a while. Depending on where I end up I usually end up watching the day’s football games with my Grandpa and Uncles, even though football truly bores me or if I’m at my other Grandma’s house I end up helping to cook and get things ready for the party. Either way it is usually a lot of fun to get together with people I don’t see that often. I wouldn’t say that I have any type of special traditions, just mostly the normal stuff, the turkey, the football, the overeating, and the family gatherings. It is a pretty nice day.
Megan Evans 96
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday would be Halloween. The temperature is starting to cool and the leaves are changing colors. The scenery alone is beautiful but then everyone decorates their houses. Getting dressed up as some one or something else is really fun. Then at night everyone gets together and walks around to receive sweet treats. The pranksters can get away with with tricks and its all in good nature. My favorite part is going to the haunted houses then sitting around a camp fire trading candy. The air is filled with magic
That is always a good time of year, I enjoy scaring the parents of the young kids as they go to get their candy and the parents wait at the stairs when here comes the crazy man wearing a masking starting a chainsaw and running toward you. Last year I scared 13 people with one man running leaving his wife and 4 year old kid at the top of the stairs as hes 3 miles down the road.
DeleteNext to Christmas my favorite holiday would have to be the 4th of July and celebrating it with my family. I love shooting fireworks off and its one of the few chances to do it in GA and it being legal for the national holiday. I also love going up to the lake in Acworth to join in the festivity they have at the beach and seeing my family there while watching the fireworks they shoot off light up the sky and crack the silence with their booming noise that shakes the ground.
ReplyDeleteEver since the legal drinking age in Muchen, Germany. I have attended many Oktoberfest's. Now don't think that I just go over there and drink beer the whole time guys (which I do hehe), however, there are a lot of other things to do at Oktoberfest. Each year I dress up in the Bavarian costume, which is basically a top hat with cropped overalls and knee socks. Silly yes, but it is a tradition that has been carried in Germany for quite some time now and I will continue the trend each and ever single year. Also at the festival there are many games, rides, events and much more.
ReplyDeleteJ. Wright 90 reply to Brandon Martin. I too have enjoyed Oktoberfest in Germany and its a lot of fun. A group of us from the base would go and get a hotel room and just party, eat and drink. Those were the "good old days". Miss Germany but not the winters.
DeleteMeredith J. 96
ReplyDeleteOther than Christmas, my favorite holiday is St. Patrick's Day. My dad's side of the family is Irish, so we always eat corned beef and cabbage and listen to Celtic music. Ever since I went to Ireland my junior year of high school for a St. Patrick's day parade I have always loved celebrating St. Patrick's Day.
William H.90
DeleteI do agree with you Meredith, in that I have a scotch Irish background. I very much enjoy St.Patty's day and it is a fun holiday where my family normally goes out to dinner together.
William H.90
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday outside of Christmas is by far Thanksgiving. We all get together and go to church and typically eat a big meal as a family. We remind ourselves at this point in the year that family is incredibly important and that spending time together is needed with the ones that we do not see on a regular basis.
Ann L. 97 in response to Akeyla Rawles
ReplyDeleteBesides Easter, Thanksgiving is one of my interesting holiday and just like You, we normally do cook different dishes. I was enrolled in an American institution in Africa before I came here and had a week off for the Thanksgiving, but then we had to attend a Thanksgiving event on the Thanksgiving day which I did not because I thought it was not important for me. Anyone who did not attend was fined a hundred dollars which of course put me into trouble with my parents. This was such a big deal that when I came here, Thanksgiving was the first holiday that I wanted to learn about. I love the big meals, families coming together, the black Friday shopping that follow and the spirit people have for the holidays. It is a respected and amazing culture.
I would have to say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. The family get together and even my family from Nassau Bahama come and stay a couple of days and its so much fun. Cooking and experiencing new foods we often invited someone from church to go over also, but mainly we just enjoy each other company and then head out for a friendly game of bowling with a big cash pot for the team that scores the highest points. Its a time for giving thanks for the people and things that you have and not worrying about the things you don't.
ReplyDeleteJ. Wright 90
Chelsea N.90 My favorite holiday would have to be the fourth of July. I have so many memories swimming at the lake, riding the golf-cart, riding the mini-bike, eating lots of food and shooting off fireworks just when the lightening bugs start to come out. There is something so mystical about sitting under a starry sky with the glimmer of the lake as massive fireworks are being shot off over head. I wouldn't want to spend my fourth of July with anyone else but my family. The memories I have of this every year are priceless. I wouldn't trade them for anything. The memories I have are so vivid, I can even remember the first Fourth of July that I water-skied. I hope to make memories like these with my future children so their favorite holiday will be the Fourth of July too. I have to admit, I love this Holiday more than I do Christmas. Not because Christmas isn't great...Because it is! But it's because there is so much love that goes on around the fourth of July for my family that it makes this holiday hard to beat. Christmas is about giving and spending time with family, the fourth of July is just like that minus the cold weather!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is July 4th. Not only is it a wonderful celebration of our country history but it is a fun holiday. Fireworks, grill outs, beach parties, food, fun and music! The weather is mostly fantastic and there is a good attitude in the air! Especially in the south there is a great time at the lake with beer and guns. I just love the summer holiday.
ReplyDeleteTiffany W, 96
ReplyDeleteBesides Christmas my favorite holiday would have to be Halloween! I absolutely love getting the kids dressed up to go trick or treating and I love to decorate for this holiday! I also love being able to go to haunted houses with my husband.
Jarrett Morris 96
ReplyDeleteMy favorite would be Thanksgiving because it is a time for family and friends to come together and officially catch up/ be together for an amazing meal or day. People sometimes forget how important family is and having a day to be with them is perfect for a break from work and school. Also you get to stuff your face with delicious food and watch football and sleep. That's always a plus!
Chris G. 95
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday hands down is Christmas. Not because of the presents but because of all of the family time. I don't ask for anything anymore because the family time is all i need. I also enjoy all of the decorations and especially the Christmas music that everyone plays around the holidays.
Salome N 97
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is independence day, because it helps me know more about past and how the life was before independence. I like watching movies and leading books about independence and this tells me that for us to be the way we are now it costed somebody sweat,struggle, blood and also life.This makes me to be very careful and serious with life,so that i can be able to maintain what our great parents achieved. I also like fire works and parades in honor of this day.
Salome N in response to William H 90
ReplyDeleteI also like thanksgiving because it is the only time i get to meet and spend time with family members who i don't meet regularly.I also like sharing about progression of life and learn new ideas from different people.I do enjoy different types of food and jokes.
Salome N in response to William H 90
I also like thanksgiving day because is the time family gather together and eat together. Apart from this i get to talk to different people and learn new ideas about life.I also enjoy jokes and stories about our childhood what we used to do.
Fatmata D 90
ReplyDeleteBeside christmas i really dont have another favorite hoilday.Well i mean if you want to count summer then i guess summer is my favorite hoildat.Even though it is really not true hoilday. the reason i like summer is because i dont have to wake up early and its not cold outside. i do not like the cold weather at all, also going out with friends to like water parks or six flags is always a fun to do in the summer.
Luis M. 97
ReplyDeleteChristmas is my favorite holiday. Is the time when my whole family gets together to spend some quality time together. We celebrate Christmas eve, eat dinner that time and we open presents at midnight. Here in my house we don't do crazy amounts of decorations. my mother does. Christmas is also a depressive time because a lot of people don't have to opportunity to provide a very good night for their kids that night. Around that day i always feel sad like I'm missing something.
Outside of Christmas, I wanna say that Thanksgiving is my most favorite, it gives me a reason to just pig out and eat all of the goodies that I don't have on a regular basis. Lately I have been cooking dinner by myself so it's not as fun. I would say that next to Thanksgiving, would be Easter, it's typically a beautiful day, a reason for the family to go to church together since that's something we don't do on a regular and a nice dinner after. As you can tell I love holidays that end with food. I think that the 4th of July is probably equal to Easter, it's always such a fun evening and patriotic. I love patriotism.
ReplyDeleteVeronica E. 97 in response to Phonecia P.
DeleteI agree with you outside of Christmas my favorite holiday would be Thanksgiving. This is another time that the whole family comes together and we get to spend quality time together. It also gives me an excuse to eat anything I want the whole day even if I regret the next day. Its a time to show everyone what all you have to be thankful for.
Veronica E. 97
ReplyDeleteI think Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love the fact we get to celebrate the birth of Jesus and be able to teach the meaning to our children. I also love to be able to see the look on everyone's face when they open the gifts we are able to give them. I also love waking up on Christmas morning and seeing my children's faces as they open the gifts that "Santa" brought them. But not only is it about the gifts it is about just being able to be with all of your family.
in response to Veronica E. 97
DeleteI love that fact that Christmas is the month of giving and receiving. Through Christmas, kids get to the important of sharing. Christmas itself bring the feeling of love and the spirit to share those love. Another interesting factor is that it is the month we believe our Lord and Savior was born, and we use that month to honor him.
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ReplyDeleteD.Bleetan 96
ReplyDeleteMy favorites holidays is Thanks Giving. Thanks giving bring family together. I like the fact that thanks giving is mostly base on family socialization in giving thanks to the lord for all he had done and continue to do for everyone. My favorite part of thanks giving is getting to see relatives that you haven't been able to see because of basic schedule and activities but over all, the food :)
Ada Ohanu Online 97 in Response to Darrell Bleetan
DeleteI agree this holiday is very good when it comes to actually taking time to spend with the family. The food is always awesome, but knowing that your loved ones are around sharing the same joy with you just brings you, me and other people joy all around.
Valrika L. 90,
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. This is the day that we come together as a big happy family and celebrate the ending of my birthday week. My birthday is November 20, so all my major birthday my mother loves to throw a big thanksgiving dinner. The gust list is usually my church family an other close friends. They boys will go outside and play football, while some girls play or we set up the table and aid my mother with the cooking. The old male sit inside watching football on TV. Right before the food is ready everyone goes wash up and dress formal. We sing happy birthday to me and give a thanksgiving/birthday prayer then we dig in. Due to my culture we have Haitian and American food out on the table. When everyone finish eating we dance, play games, and drink liquor will its all time to go to sleep to get ready for Black Friday.
Cherish S. 97 Besides Christmas my favorite holiday would have to be Easter. I grew up in a loving Christian family and Easter means a lot to us. You never forget the true meaning of Easter. I love watching my younger cousins participate in an Easter egg hunt and spending time with the family. Our faith is strong and this is a great holiday to spend with each other.
ReplyDeleteCherish S. 97 in response to Valrika L. 90 Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I think it is cool how your mom makes a big party out of Thanksgiving to also celebrate your birthday. I love spending family time and what better holiday than Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because of the togetherness it brings. My family and I all get to settle down and enjoy each other's presence, which doesn't happen often. Now that we're all getting older, getting married, and having kids, we don't have the time to spend oftern but Thanksgiving is our time. Traditionally, my mom, sister, and I will all spend the night before cooking and talking. Then the next day we wake up super early to watch the parade and eat pie for breakfast. Around 12, we'll have an early dinner and go around the table and tell which each of us is thankful for. It's the season of giving thanks and I love it.
ReplyDeleteI love eating pie for breakfast! That's our day after thanksgiving tradition. I also really enjoy spending the whole day in the kitchen the day before with the family.
DeleteIn response to ANN L.
ReplyDeleteI love that your favorite holiday is tied to your religion. For a lot of people in this country, I noticed religion is now being taken out of holidays these days and are more for just making money. It sounds like it's more than just a reason to be off from work for you. That's great! Easter egg hunts are a bonus, so fun! :)
Shannon P. 90
ReplyDeleteEvery holiday has the same benefits generally; time off work and with family, food (everyone's favorite thing in life), and various rituals. It seems the government implements a new holiday each year, so much that it seems we are celebrating something every month now. I won't complain; It's nice to celebrate things and have something to look forward to. My favorite holiday is New Years. It is one of (the?) only holidays the whole world celebrates together, and that feeling of collective excitement is adrenaline. I love being in a loud, crowded room pressed against the bodies of those that mean the most to me, dancing and laughing and pretending to understand what each other is talking about over the noise. Counting down the last ten seconds of the year and promising each other that this year will be better than the last is cliche and often an empty speech, but feeling that kind of positivity and excitement is rare and a very very good feeling. New Years Eve is also one of the only nights you can turn on the news and the only reports being displayed are happy ones; Cameras panned in on kissing couples in love, bands playing big cities in the middle of the streets that are usually overwhelmed with traffic and swearing taxi drivers, and elaborate firework shows starting in Australia and working their way west every hour. Everything on New Years Eve represents happiness and love, even if only a temporary illusion. New Years Day is not a disappointment either; Spending family time talking and drinking and listening to music in the kitchen while homemade food cooks is one of those simple, cherished memories that I'll keep the rest of my life.
Shannon P. 90
ReplyDeleteTo Tiffany W. 97. Aging is sad thing; seeing you and your siblings grow up and start living your own lives away from each other and your parents is a hard, unavoidable part of life. Holidays become the only days that we can relive what we used to have and spend the family time we used to take for granted. At least now we know how valuable these times are and how to truly appreciate them.
Ada Ohanu Online 97
ReplyDeleteI actually really enjoy halloween for some reason. Alot of people actually try to associate it with the devil holiday, but I do not believe that is true. I actually was born two days before and for some reason I believe that makes me to have a crazy candy rush while I was growing up. I believe that this is just wholesome fun for the night and for kids at a young age to gain some type of independence.
Heather P.97 This is a difficult question to answer being that I enjoy all traditions my family shares on special days of the year. It is really hard for me to pinpoint one in particular. I really enjoy Thanksgiving, because I am able to get together with family that I do not usually see much over the year. We all pitch in by bringing a dish or two, and stuffing our bellies full! This has also been somewhat of a hassle, because I am from a divorced family as well as my husband. I have always had to run to 4 different houses to celebrate, so I am always hurried and pressed for time. In addition to Thanksgiving, I really enjoy Halloween! I love helping my children dress up in their preferred character before filling up their bags with candy. The joy and excitement on their faces is such a thrill!
ReplyDeleteLucy k.84.
ReplyDeleteChristmas is my favorite holiday.As a christian it helps me to reflect on God's wonderful gifts to the mankind and to be appreciative.I try to make sure that i have my own gift to the less fortunate and i get time to pray for their needs too.From my original home,families come together and they try to discuss matters concerning them positive or negative.Families also get time to share delicious meals and drinks,so it's a happy moment for us.Our fovorite meal is roasted goat meat and a traditional liqour called "Muratina".It's also a time when children get new clothes and shoes and adult too, so we all get renewed and feel fresh to start a new year come January
Simone S. 97
DeleteIt is nice to hear people still celebrate Christmas is the right way. It sounds like a nice time of year for your family.
William C. Wade 90
ReplyDeleteI will have to say that I enjoy thanksgiving more then any other Holiday. Like Christmas ,thanksgiving is about giving rather than receiving. I enjoy being a blessing to others and helping people in need. For thanksgiving my family will come together and spend time with each other. We will show appreciation to one another by brings food and small gifts. the day before thanks giving we will all play Games,watch t.v, cook, and debate on who's turn its to run to the store. This tradition has been going on for generations in my family, and will continue for future generations to come.
William C. Wade 90 In response to D.Bleetan 96
ReplyDeleteI Agree thanksgiving brings family together, and give thanks to God for all he has done. I Also like that it is really a family based holiday, and you can spend time with family members you have not seen in years.
Simone S. 97
ReplyDeleteI am not big on holidays but if I had to pick one to celebrate it would be Thanks Giving. I love the different and foods and family gathering that occurs during this holiday. Also other then Black Friday afterwards it's one of the least commercialized holiday. With Thanks Giving simpler is better because people get to remember that simple family things can make you the happiest.
My favorite holiday will be Thanksgiving because all family comes together to celebrate and enjoy some good quality time with everyone. All the foods and family gathering makes it so special.
ReplyDeleteMichael D Lee. 97
ReplyDeleteMy favourite holiday would probably have to be Halloween. I've always found the sort dark and mystery surrounding it all to be extremely interesting, not to mention all the really cool costumes (and c'mon, the hot ones too). Another thing that sort of ties me to my interest in Halloween is going through the Gothic phase during highschool, the phase has stuck with me through life which means I highly doubt my love for Halloween will fall away anytime soon, haha!
Marganette PL 90
ReplyDeleteI know if my kids were asked to answer this question, they both would say at loud Thanksgiving because they were born in the US, and they like the foods and family reunion. But me, since I am from Haiti, my favorite holiday is New years because like the Americans who have turkey on Thanksgiving, Haitians have calabaza squash soup for breakfast on New Years, and I like it very much. I remember when I was a kid, not only my mom make a big pot so that everyone can have plenty but she also shared with all her siblings and vice versa. We always have fun together; drinking soup and wishing each other happy New Year and all the best. Some Haitians drink that soup on January first they think it is for New Years or they don't even know why. This is a celebration of independence. During colonization, the slaves could not eat that squash for it is so good; it was prohibited otherwise they would be punish by the French colon. On January first 1804 which is their independence day they were all gather together to drink the soup as prove of their freedom, and it become a tradition that last for more than two hundred years.
Shinika B-T.(96)
ReplyDeleteI love all holidays, but I have to say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. My mother always made a big deal out of thanksgiving dinner and how the family should always come together at this time of the year as a family to praise and give thanks for all that was present and still to come. My mother cooked a variety of different foods to feed a family of fifty, All sides of the family would come over to my mothers house to eat. The joy and laughter that my mother brought to the holiday was unspeakable, but we loved it and because of that, I follow the same tradition today with my family and I hope my family follows the tradition for years to come.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. This is the first holiday that cranks up the entire holiday season and it's the first time that we get the amazing food. I also really enjoy getting to spend time with family that I do not get to see on a regular basis and give thanks for all we are blessed with.
shantal acevedo 40796
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is Halloween. The only ritiual I do is buying a costume for my daughter and myself and taking her trick or treating. I would like to go to a legit Haunted House one day.
Callie G. 64.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. My mom, dad, and me go up to Boone North Carolina and stay a few days and visit. On thanksgiving day we eat at the Daniel Boone Inn. It has always been a unique tradition for my fmily I would say, considering most families have a huge dinner with the entie family. I love how we celebrate it in North Carolina, because that is where my family is from.
Logan C. 64
ReplyDeleteThanksgiving hands down. I love the food, the atmosphere, the family. I get to see my baby cousins and they show me what they have learned, this past year I got to hold my new infant cousin as well! I get to see the progress my cousin has made in his physical self improvement, listen to my aunt and uncle sing. Hear crazy stories from my grandparents lives. So I would have to say that family is the tradition that I love about the holiday. Sure it's not a technical 'tradition' that goes along with the holiday, but it's our tradition. Which is what matters.
Amanda096, I like Thanksgiving as the best holiday because all of my family gets together at my fiance step dad house. My fiance brother gets up early Thanksgiving Day to start to cook the turkey for everyone, then he comes down with him and his wife while the rest of the family helps cooks the rest of the food. This Thanksgiving will be extra special because by the time it comes around my niece will be ones years old. We also share stories about what happened earlier in the year, and how everyone's work is going. That is part of our tradition every year.
ReplyDeleteKimberly S. 90
ReplyDeleteAny holiday is fun, but my favorite is the fourth of July. Every year my older brother and I go to Daytona with a group of friends for fireworks on the beach and some drinks. It's become a tradition the past couple of years. A lot of people like the holidays that families come together at, but my family is so close. We see each other several times a week, so it is a nice get away every year for me and my brother.
Dustin S. 90
ReplyDeleteHalloween is definitely my favorite holiday of the year. My favorite genre of movies is by far horror so the endless stream of horror movies around the month of October is always a plus for me. Besides that however, I like the idea of kids dressing up and walking around socializing with other kids they may or may not know too well. Not to mention the many opportunities to score loads of candy is fun for anyone!
Ashley M 96
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. This is usually one of the only days that my entire family comes together in one place. My dad smokes one turkey and fries the other, mom and my aunts make the sides and everyone else bring desserts. We all sit around the tables talking and laughing. After we eat we usually play a game or watch the kids playing/dancing. It is really laid back and one of the happiest days of the year.
I would have the say the next best holiday that I would enjoy would be Thanksgiving. It is another day for family to get together and just give thanks for having each other around, know that you have friends and family to talk to when things get rough or enjoy those special occasions. I love to cook and watch my family enjoy the lavish spread that I have set in front of them.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is Forth of July simply because every year I get to celebrate the amazing summer with my family. All the bbq and music is amazing. We all go to the beach in Mobile Alabama and watch the fireworks bursting all around the bay. It is seriously the best holiday of the year for me!
ReplyDeleteKevon P. 90
DeleteCasey I realize that we not only enjoy the same holiday, but we enjoy it for the same reasons. The BBQ and family is always a must on this particular holiday
Andrew F 90
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday would most definitely be Halloween. Halloween has always been fun even since I was a kid. I mean on what holiday do you get to dress up as your favorite character with only minimal judgment? Last year I walked into walmart as a container of ketchup, while I was definitely given weird looks, it was nothing compared to what it would have been like any other day.
Kevon P. 90
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday excluding Christmas, would probably have to be the 4th of July. The holiday falls directly in the middle of BBQ season and involves many friends and family. This has always been a great holiday for my family and I and will continue to be
Austin T. 96
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday would probably be Thanksgiving. There is always a lot of food to eat and its a time to just sit down with your family and spend time together. All the kids in my family are growing up and we are moving away and getting jobs so Thanksgiving is just a time for us to come together and catch up with each other and enjoy really good food.
My favorite holiday would be Independence day. I love everything about it. Even though we don't have any particular traditions, there's usually camping involved and I really enjoy seeing everything decorated in red, white and blue. In a time when everyone has a different opinion about politics, it's really fun to see everyone agreeing on the fact that we love our country.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday is Easter. I loved hunting eggs as a child. It was so much fun especially at my granpas house. He would hid dollar bills in each egg and in the hidden prize egg two twenties. Now that I am grown up physically, but still mentally childish, i love just putting plain eggs out there and hiding eggs in spots that no one can find and not putting anything in them.
ReplyDeleteIsabel 96
ReplyDeleteI would have to say that is Christmas it is the only time of the year that my whole family can get together and spend time together. We usually spend Christmas in Mexico since my grandma lives over their and that is the only time of the year we can all fly over and visit her.
i personally like new years. i like hearing people new years resolution so i can hold them to it by jan 3 most of them have forgotten about it and reversed to their previous ways. i like the gathering of family but more interested in the fake goals people set for themslves
ReplyDeleteSavannah T
ReplyDeleteI personally like Halloween, I know a lot of people who don't celebrate or dress up for Halloween because they have beliefs of the holiday other than receiving candy. But I just like that you have one day wear you can dress as silly as you want and no one can really judge you because they look equally as funny.
I would have to say that my next favorite holiday, after Christmas, is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of the few days that everyone comes together to eat and enjoy the company of others without expecting anything in return. There is always an over abundance of food and desserts, and the weather this time of year is perfect for a family softball game. It's always fun to watch the different generations interact, as we now have 5.