Monday, March 24, 2014

Tattoos and the Body as Material Culture

Greetings!  Follow the link below for the blog question of the week.  If the link doesn't work. Copy it and paste it directly in your URL.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Cultural Celebrations

Greetings and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!  Many customs, practices and superstitions are connected with this day and its patron. They include wearing green, attending parades and eating corn beef and cabbage just to name a few. 

Other than Hanukkah or Christmas, what is you favorite holiday and what custom, tradition or ritual associated with the celebration do you like the most?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Soc Fest 2014

Greetings! Namaste! Chao! Saludos! Merhaba! Howdy!

What did you find most interesting about Soc Fest? Was it the display or story of a classmate, or was it information you discovered about yourself and your culture as you worked on the project?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Forever Young

A billionaire in the Bahamas has been taking stem cell therapy and is showing signs of reversing the aging process. He wants to invest in research for further use of stem cell therapy.

Here are the questions of the week. Please answer BOTH question.
1. Would you want to reverse aging for yourself? 
2. What are some SOCIETAL issues that might arise if masses of people were able to reverse the aging process?
Here is a link to more on the story: