Monday, July 7, 2014

Newspaper and the "N" Word

Albeit a positive editorial about the president, New York’s West View News ran a headline using the N word.

             Do you think the N word should be used in printed media? Please state why or why not.

Click the link below for more on the story:


  1. Erin H. 67
    No, I do not think the N word should be used in printed media. If the wrong person says that word, people get extremely offended by people using it. The N word, should not be used at all. Not everyone is "allowed" to say it, so why should the newsletters?

  2. This word should not be used in any context, whether, it be in print or spoken. The thing that disturbs me most is how loosely the "N" word is spoken in rap or just everyday talk by black people. I feel this word is a digrace and shows a derogatory deamenor. It makes those that use it appear to be uneductated. Alan H-67

  3. No I do not think that the N word should be used in the media or anywhere for that matter. It is sad how loosely it is used today. It is a horrible word and it makes people out to be uneducated and nasty. If only a certain few are allowed to say it and it be okay than I think nobody should be able to. If any word is to be used make it to were everyone can say it not just a few.

  4. I seldom use the "N" word and think it should never be used as a slurr or term of endearment. However it is acceptable in a certain context such as quoting someone.


  5. Amanda P. 67

    I believe that the "N" word is considered socially taboo and the print media should refrain from using it in their material. There are plenty of better nouns that could be used to describe (oxymoron?) president Obama. It is respectful to avoid the word as it most often elicits feelings of anger from people who read or hear it.

  6. I definately agree that no is the answer, the word should be abolish for many reasons:
    it shows hate, class, disrespect, how sad the world is that we live in, cruelty, and lots more. When this word is used it is in a strong context that decrade the group or person tended to. some of us strive off making others feel inferior so they can in return look superior. I say its a mind game. Love is the answer.

    Samantha P. 67

  7. Marcus A. 67
    Any man that defiles the name of An American president like that on a newspaper should be fired. It is sad that we live in a country with such diversity and we have to listen to some pissed off man make generalized views about a man that he has probably never had a conversation with and thinks he can sum him up by one word. that man needs to be fired asap.

    1. I checked out the article and was supprised to discover that the it was actually in deffense of the President. The author choose that ttle because he wanted to be provocative. He was not calling the President the "N" word.


    2. I response to Marcus A,

      I agree with your statement. To get into the office of presidency is a hard thing for a black man, but he got there. If even for this reason alone he should be respected, so you are rite, he should be fired to make an example for the others who wants to disrespect our president whenever they feel like it.

      Samantha P.67

  8. Adunola S. 67

    The"N" word should not be used in the printed media.In my culture the word sound abusive and rude so it shouldn't be used at all.Some people make use of this word as a form of greeting with their friends.The use of this word is not official,it is mostly used by gangstas and people of low esteem. The use of this word for the president of united state"Obama" is bad,it means hatred and discrimination.

  9. Adunola S.67. In response to Victoria Forsman
    Yes,the word N has been used loosely.Those that use the word are definitely seen as uneducated.It can't be use in the office as form of greeting or in a any place of work so it is really nasty.

  10. I think from the media's point of view the answer is yes because it definitely makes the article national news which i'm assuming was the point. Shocking news makes good news. On a personal level, I would never use that word because i try to be loving. But I also find it interesting that there's so much social upheaval over an older white man using the N word, but when a young African American rapper uses the same word no one blinks an eye. Is that not a prejudice in it's self?
    Katelin S 67

    1. Katelin
      I think you are absolutely correct. It was the authors purpose. He gained a lot more attention writing something that would gain so much attention. Additionally, as it was stated in the comments from the newspaper, this was actually a Pro Obama article, so he wanted to rally the supporters and those who fall victim to the wordage. There was a larger purpose, and I think the writer was actually very clever in his presentation, though wordage was offensive, he got the attention he desired.

  11. Jennifer D. 73

    I do not think that "the N word" should be used in media of any sort or in non media situations for that matter. I agree with everyone on here that has mentioned that people seem ignorant and uneducated when using that word or even that phrase. I have spent the last 30 minutes looking for the perfect video clip to accompany my post but I can not find it anywhere. It was either on the Colbert Report or Jon Stewart, but he talks about how stupid it is using the phrase "the N word" because by saying "the N word" you are just making people think the ACTUAL N word in their heads. The media doesn't want to say it so they are just making you say it in your head, which in turn is just as bad as just saying it in the first place. Hilarious clip, I will post it on here if i can find it later!

  12. James M. 67
    The “N” word should not be used in printed media, because the word itself invokes racism. It is not a word that can be used in a positive context, and therefore should not be printed by whites, blacks, or any other race of journalists. Mr. Collier’s use of the word shows a lack of judgment, as well as a lack of journalistic integrity. The fact that he used such a shocking word in his headline comes off as a little desperate for readers, and it only sparks racial division. The word is a grim reminder of a past that most Americans would like to put behind them. And since we have a two term black president, it seems like there is no place for a word like that in printed media. That being said, I support Mr. Collier’s first amendment right to free press, although I do not support his lack in judgment.

    As for the article itself, Mr. Collier could not be more wrong. The voters of Virginia’s 7th district chose David Brat over Eric Cantor because they thought a professor of economics could do a better job than a life-long politician, not because they hate having a black president. The fact is, if someone disagrees with President Obama they are somehow labeled a bigot or an Uncle Tom. If one really wants to see bigotry, look no further than Mr. Collier’s article. In the final line of his article, Mr. Collier states, “And one of the results of the Brat victory is that we are unlikely to see another black candidate for president for some time to come; the risks are too great for major political parties to take.” Well, Mr. Collier I ask you this, what about Herman Cain or Dr. Ben Carson, or are they not black enough for you?

    1. Greetings! Thanks for this well articulated post.

  13. I believe for the Author to use the "N" word in the title of his editorial he must be a selfish and inconsiderate man. I would not support any individual whom uses such an oppressive and malicious word to bring attention to a cause, however I do believe that it is the authors right as an American citizen to express his unjust opinions without persecution from the law to forever insure that those who have justified concerns will always have a free and open platform to express themselves.

  14. Absolutely not! I don't think it should be used in any context, whether it's by a black, white or a hispanic person. The "N" word is a derogatory word that is associated with slavery and usually provokes a negative emotional response. I don't care who you are in my opinion it should never be used.

  15. Mara 60
    I know that in America we are supposed to have freedom of speech but there are things that are totally inappropriate. I do not think that the N word should be used and in writing is a permanent thing. To say the N word is very hurtful and unacceptable.

  16. In regards to this particular article, I think the author was attempting to make national headlines. This paper circulates around 20,000 copies daily. New York Post stated it's actually a pro Obama piece, according to Colllier," Far right voters hate Obama because he's black". The same paper ran an opposing piece just below this article stating, "This headline offends me." We are divided in the political arena and race is typically the scapegoat in which the "far righters " can be accused of using. Then the opposes can look like the victims ... and it serves it's purpose. The pro Obama piece actually serves it purpose. I realize the wordage was not profoundly perfect, but there is freedom of speech, and do I think Collier exercised good judgment in his wordage? Absolutely not, but he accomplished his method of weirdness anyway by gaining the attention he wanted.

    1. Greetings! I agree with you and others. Unfortunately, the weak attempt for publicity worked.
      I confess I used it as our classes is just discussing race.

  17. The word has caused so much grief and is associated with hate in such a way that it shouldn't be used. It doesn't matter what the article is about, a better word could have been used. The fact that the word breeds ignorance and hate is enough not to say it, let alone print it. I wonder if offending however many people was worth trying to get readers attention.

  18. Luisa W. 60

    So over this already. HELL NO, it should NOT be used in printed media, out of respect for the men, women and children who have negative associations with the word, whom have sacrificed their honor, dignity, self-respect and lives to have this word and words like it cast down and permanently removed from the fibers of this society! It is not that "we" (Blacks) aren't over it because "we" (Blacks) are but, I stand firm when I say, "we" (Blacks) are dealing with the results of racism/slavery/bigotry and so on and so forth. The least WE (Americans) can do is have some honor and not print the freaking word in the Media. :(

    1. Greetings! Thanks for the passionate response.

  19. A. Smithers 60
    I think that there is a certain level of tact you should use if you are writing a column. To me the "N" word means "a foolish person" and there is only two people I have referenced that to and they are both white. But if you are using it to be hateful and publicly humiliate someone I am not cool with that!

  20. Everyone is supposed to have freedom of speech, It does not really matter about the article but the thing is it was inappropriate though he accomplished his way of gaining attention he wanted from the nation. It can never be used in Contexts so nobody should use it anywhere. Mr.Collier did not do anything bad. People thought professor of economics was better than a polltican. The thing is president Obama is black and whites did not like him from the beginning so they hope never to have a black president again in future.

  21. Reply to Donna H
    Everyone is supposed to have freedom of speech. It does not really matter about the article but the thing is it was inappropriate though he accomplished his way of gaining attention he wanted from the nation. It can never be used in Contexts so nobody should use it anywhere. Mr. Collier did not do anything bad. People thought professor of economics was better than a polltican. The thing is president Obama is black and whites did not like him from the beginning so they hope never to have a black president again in future.

  22. Reply to Mara 60
    Everyone is supposed to have freedom of speech. It does not really matter about the article but the thing is it was inappropriate though he accomplished his way of gaining attention he wanted from the nation. It can never be used in Contexts so nobody should use it anywhere. Mr. Collier did not do any thing bad. People thought professor of economics was better than a polltican. The thing is president Obama is black and whites did not like him from the beginning so they hope never to have a black president again in future.

    1. Greetings! Thanks for the post. You failed to include your name. Please add a new post indicating this was you for grading.
      Tom L

  23. Tyler R. 67

    Personally, I think the "N" word ordeal is bullshit. If you're really going to get your feelings hurt over it, then there's something bad wrong with you. It seems to be the only "racial slur" that anyone gives a crap about. I don't see what the big deal is, or why it's so different than any other word. Publish it.

  24. Joseph garland

    i think the n word should not be used in any context

  25. I think the actual "N" word shouldn't be used in a formal context, I've seen the word negros used in other context but never the actual "N" word. Either way I don't think the "N" word shouldn't be used at all no matter what race you are.

  26. People are trying to eliminate that word and putting it in print does not help the situation.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.
