Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Viva la fiesta!

Over the last two weekends our area has held a variety of widely acclaimed festivals that drew visitors from near and far. In Atlanta we had the Dogwood, Arab and Big Shanty Festivals. Within a few hours drive South Pittsburg, TN and Vidalia, GA held award winning Cornbread and Vidalia Onion Festivals, respectively. The Georgia Renaissance Festival opened last week and continues until June in Fairburn, GA.

1) Other than pure profit for vendors, why are these events organized and attended?

2) What is your favorite fair or festival?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Roll with the Times

In the Culture chapter we discussed how items and events carry different meanings over time and place. During my youth in City of Atlanta schools, to have your house “rolled” with toilet paper thrown into the trees and shrubs outside indicated your status as a target and had a negative connotation at best. Being rolled meant you had been targeted out of spite, revenge or pure high school meanness.

Fast forward to present day in Roswell, GA, and for some rolling takes on an entirely different meaning. During Roswell High School’s senior wars a colleague of mine had her house rolled. I expressed my condolences and she advised me that it was a great thing in her household. Her son was ecstatic as the rolling was symbolic of his being liked and acknowledged by the “in” crowd. He didn’t even want to clean it up because he was so proud to have been rolled.

How would you feel to wake up and find that your house and property had been rolled?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is it live or is it Memorex?

A ten year trend indicates real life is more entertaining than sitcoms, dramas and the like. If you were going to be on a reality show; which one would it be and why?
Feel free to invent a new one.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sprıng Break

Sprıng Break has taken on quıte a bad reputatıon ın some parts of the US.

What are yours plans for Sprıng Break?